• Anonymous

    Very nice! I love it when everything just comes togeter perfectly too!!

  • Ellie

    What a cute and creative card! I love coming to your blog to see the wonderful cards and inspirations you have!

  • Jane R

    Happy Valentine’s Day! We love Monkey Bread, except we call it Pull Aparts and have made it for years. When my grown children are in residence, they always ask for it. Yummy!!

  • dini

    My 4YO was looking over my shoulder when this popped up, and she said, “HOW cute is THAT?!” So great. (I love it too!)

  • Katie

    I love that card and I LOVE Monkey Bread!! We have it at the Holidays too!!

  • Anonymous

    this is just too cute !!!!
    I hope this is for someone special or maybe a contest! OMG this is just too cute!!! ! WOW a lot of cutting! OMG CUTE!!! I LOVE IT!!!

  • Janet

    Oh my! What a sweet card. Enjoy your night w the DH. We had a snow day here, so a quiet night at home with an easy, but red dinner (meatball sandwiches) followed by chocolate cake. Can’t wait for the pic and recipe of monkey bread!

  • Dawn C.

    poYUM-O!! This card makes you want some candy for sure! Love it!

    We get to do our BIG celebration this Sunday…Chinese New Year:) My hubby is Chinese so this is always extra fun for our kids as well! It also happens to be our Gracie’s 3rd bday…who can ask for a better Vday than that??:)))

  • StampinFrenzy

    Monkey Bread?!?! Sounds delicious! I spoiled my hubby with a dozen homemade chocolate dipped berries this morning along with a new Tommy Bahama shirt. Have a great night! Details in the morning….just on the M&M&M. 😉

  • Linda Bien

    ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!! I’m slowly but surely getting my embellishment stash to the point they need their own drawer!!! I get those creative urges in the middle of the night and HAVE TO WAKE UP and go make it right away; however, sometimes mine turn out good and sometimes the thought far surpasses the end result (bummer)!! This one of your really paid off.

  • shelley davis

    Great card Taylor! I love it. You are so talented. Love the money bread too. It’s a hip pleaser!
    Happy V-day.

  • stefanie

    Totally adorable! Just perfect for today!


  • tgrdina

    I LOVE THIS CARD!!! It is so sweet (no pun intended!) and so beautiful! Awesome. I love it.

  • Jen

    Taylor I love how that card came together. So sweet! Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • Susan Liles (susiestampalot)

    What a cute card–makes you wish there were more sweet shops these days with the fun red and white striped canopy! We are having a low-key evening as well. Putting the kids to bed early and we are going to stay up late and watch The Notebook and then make homemade milkshakes-yummo!!

  • Heidi

    This card is too cute! Hope you enjoy your 3 M’s! They all sounds fabulous! Gotta love the monkey bread!

  • scoopy

    So cute – LOVE the sweet shop! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • Winnie

    Have a GREAT Valentine’s day! You continue to be a great source of inspiration for my new found craft!



  • Allison

    Oooooo…I would love to see your recipe for monkey bread (and to think I was coming here to see your card [very nice, BTW}). I bought all the ingredients I needed for this last night…would it be wrong to make it even with DH out of town? Could I eat a whole monkey bread myself? (Of course I could!)

  • Dotty

    Adorable card! Happy Valentine’s Day! Oh, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Monkey Bread! 🙂

  • emily

    That is DARLING!! And yes, I feel the same way when I use something I’ve had for a while.

    No idea what I’m doing today besides running around! Oh well! Hahahahaa!

  • Anonymous

    It is certainly one sweet card! You did a fabulous job tying in all the special details!

    Our Valentine’s day plans went from a special dinner out at our favorite restaurant to me making a huge pot of homemade soup (named appropriately for Valentine’s Day…”Red Soup”)! We are in the middle of a wonderful New England Snow Storm!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


  • Anonymous

    What an absolutely adorable card!!! So creative!!!

    Have a wonderful M&M&M Valentines with your honey!!! 🙂

    My hubby surprised me with a beautiful turquoise necklace when I awoke this a.m.! What a surprise!!! Chocolate and ? for him.
    Debbie aka: DeborahLynneS

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