Jul 19, 2007
Leaving on a jet plane…
I’m leaving for Chicago CHA in just a few minutes (YAY!!!) and wanted to take a couple seconds to give you an update.
First, thank you to those of you who snatched up my leftovers from the garage sale!! They are all gone! If I received your payment before today, your sets have shipped. If I have not received your payment yet, I will ship your sets when I return on the 24th.
Second, thank you to those of you who ordered sticky tape!! I have finalized the order and I will begin shipping when I return from CHA on the 24th. Please see this post for payment instructions. If I haven’t received your payment when I return, I will send out reminders.
Third, I will have limited access to the internet and my emails (Oh the horror!!) while I’m at CHA. I will be updating my blog with pictures, stories, etc., but I may not be able to respond to emails until I return.
I think that’s it! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I’ll take lots of pics to share!