• Jean

    Cruises aren’t for me as I am not a happy bunny on water – six hours whale watching off Monterey was my longest – but you look as though you are having a wonderful time.
    Missing out on scallops though – shame on you – they are absolutely wonderful!

    Love your cards and your recipes are great – have even bought a set of cup measures so that I can bake them – we normally deal in pounds and ounces in the UK.

  • Debra

    You have been the best resource for fun things to do in Southern CA! So helpful to a newcomer! Everything from tasty restaurants to baseball games, and I’m loving it! Now, I’ll have to check on the cruise; been a few years since I’ve been on one, so maybe it’s just the thing.
    Congrats and great success with your new line of stamps, too!

  • Melissa

    OMG! I just got off of that ship Friday morning! I am glad you had a good time. It is a big ship….I haven’t unpacked yet, I keep hoping someone will tell me to get back on and go again! There was a lady who needed two more cruises to get to the next level and so she stayed on for your cruise and the cruise this week. I wish that could have been me!

  • Monika/Buzsy

    Great pictures! I am glad you enjoyed your weekend trip. We love cruising… DH thinks it’s the best. :o)

  • Michelle

    We visited La Bufadora when I was a kid. My brother and I drove my mom crazy calling each other La Bufadora! We thought it was the funniest word ever! LOL!

    I’m glad you enjoyed your trip.

  • StamperSharon

    So glad you got to get away, Taylor — very well deserved! Looks like Royal Caribbean, maybe? We love cruising!

  • Kerry D-C

    OOOh! I LOVE cruises! I am glad that you had a fun time on your first one!

  • Latrice

    Cruises are so fun aren’t they!! Looks like you had fun! Love he picture and you and Jon. CUTE!! Talk to you soon.

  • jana

    Sounds like you had a great trip! Good for you!

  • jen del muro

    i well deserved vacation my friend! sounds like you had a great time!! hugs-jd

  • Lori

    Hi Taylor!!!! Looks like you had a great weekend!!! You look so happy in the pics!! We went on our first cruise last October and will be going on our second over Thanksgiving this year. I must confess, I am totally hooked!!! Are you too?

  • Charmaine (CharmWarm)

    Sounds like an awesome weekend, Taylor! ๐Ÿ™‚ LOVE Jackie’s card. . .just adorable!

  • Alexis

    Looks like someone had a great weekend!!
    My husband and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon 10 yrs ago and we love it!! He esp. loved having food available 24 hrs. We even tried to stick to our workouts….doing a stair climber while looking out at the ocean wasn’t not fun..talk about motion sickness. Then we got to watch Titanic during a trpoical storm at sea!!! That was fun too! ๐Ÿ˜‰ We can’t wait to go on another cruise…it will probably be Disney cruise with the kids!
    Glad to hear you had a great weekend!

  • Donna

    yea for you! looks like y'all had a great time – you & JulieAnn look so great (love those dress up nights) & agree about the food, wow! luckily on the cruise I went on, I only gained 1 lb – I walked everywhere, never too the elevator & even exercised a few times but of course that was a week-long cruise. You went to relax!

  • Laura

    YAY! Glad you had an awesome time. Aren’t cruises the BEST! The one that Jim and I went on this past May was with Royal Caribbean as well. Oh yeah, and those Muster Drills are just sooooo much fun…LOL!!!!

  • Rhonda

    Awesome card Taylor! Although this is not your normal style I really like how it turned out. Very cool!
    I am glad to hear that kitty is up and about a little more now, hopefully he will be feeling 100% very soon.
    Earthquake!!!! No thank you. Although way down here in Georgia we have had a couple of very very small ones but enough to shake the bed. That is about all I want to feel. I am glad that there were not injuries.

  • cheryl

    You should make yourself some sort of certificate for surviving your first earthquake!! I think I felt a small tremor in Buenoes Aires when I was on vacation there in 1979, but that’s the closest I’ve come. I hope your kitty makes a full recovery. The ‘gothic’ card is stunning…love the green.

  • Susan Stringfellow

    As a kitty lover and having gone thru a few older kitties with issues recently, I have to send hugs your way. I hope he continues to improve and I have to add that keeping his weight up is SUPER important. Even if you have to encourage eating.

    Love the card, of course I am a bit biased, hee hee, but I think the colors are fantastic. I haven’t seen these images in those colors before and its really striking.

  • Anonymous

    Beautiful card. Glad you made it through the earthquake o.k. and that there were no serious injuries.

  • Stephanie

    An earthquake??? Nick and I need to start watching the news! We never find out these things! Haha! I am glad to hear you are ok. I have never experienced one either so I would have been freaking out! I hope that everything turns out well with your kitty. Your card is really neat too! I would say this card is more Emo than Gothic! Haha! I know all about this since the kids in our youth group are into the whole emo thing! ๐Ÿ˜€


  • Maria Gurnsey

    How scary!!! This card is amazing though. At least something good came from the earthquake!!

  • veronica

    love your layout. the patterned paper is great!

  • Pamela Smerker

    this card is gorgeous Taylor.
    Glad you made it through the earthquake experience. not sure that i ever want to experience that.

  • Deborah

    Gorgeous card! Good to hear Kitty is up and about! I have been rocking and rolling here in southern California since 1963! They don’t bother me much, but being in a high rise would not be pleasant to be sure! When I lived up in Malibu, all of the horses ears would perk up moments before the quake hit! They could feel and sense it. Better a quake than a tornado I always say! You are a Callie gal now Taylor! Deb

  • Ashley Bowen

    OMGosh, Taylor! That is so scary!! I pray you never have to go through that again!! Wow!! Well, I still love your card! heheh! Hugs, Ash~

  • Rita

    Glad that you did not get hurt. I was visiting LA and Vegas when “it” hit back in 1994. Love your art work.

  • Whimsey

    Congrats…for surviving; I’m okay to go through life and never experience an earthquake! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Glad your kitty is doing better too!

    I can’t believe Jon said “gothic”; that made me laugh!!

  • Missy

    I hope things get better with your kitty.
    Also, the earthquake. I am all the way up in Antelope Valley and felt it. It has been forever since I have felt one. I am a So Cal native but haven’t lived here in a while until last year.
    Also, I love the card, so cute.

  • Paper doll

    Pretty card. You get used to the earthquakes, after a few more you will just continue to do what ever it was you were doing.

    My aunt is a total drama queen and as a melt down always. She has lived here in Cali all her life.

  • PaperCutting Kind of Day

    So love the green and black on the card! Great look! I experienced that earthquake too and yes, it was WEIRD!

  • diane mcvey

    My kitties are like my babies…I totally understand your worry! I hope he feels better really soon. I’m so sorry he’s not “up to snuff!”
    Hugs to Morris, and glad you made it thru the earthquake ok…that HAS to be scary!!!

  • Donna

    I didn’t realize before yesterday you were an earthquake virgin! I’m sure you have experienced more than that, just didn’t feel them. Because CA has hundreds of little ones every day (I may be off from the # though) I just know it’s a lOT! I experienced the ’89 Bay Area earthquake on Oct 17 (it was 7.1 I think! that was a BAD one) glad to know your kitty is ok I hope he continues to improve!

  • Elizabeth

    Taylor ~ Glad to know your first earthquake wasn’t to traumatic for you. I live in Alaska and we have them all the time. I don’t care for them either. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like the card alot. Especially the polka dots layered together. Also, glad to hear kitty is feeling a bit better. I have 3 old girls myself. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Ester

    I’m so glad to hear that it was nothing very serious with your kitty. I hope he gets over his flu quickly.

    I can’t even imagine the earth moving. Although winds,rain and hail from tornados(I’m from TX)can be pretty scary.

    Nice Card!!!

  • Catherine

    Taylor, this card is stunning.. love, love, love it. I live in CA also still cannot get used too with “EARTHSHAKES”.

  • Heather

    i know another lady who experienced that earthquake. So scary! I am glad you are ok, and still thinking about your little kitty :(. Hoe the meds work quickly. I like your card .. alot! It isn’t really Gothic to me .. if it is it is Gothic / romantic ๐Ÿ™‚ It looks lacy and pretty! I love the black on green!

  • Rachel

    The epicenter was 5 miles from my house! My mom said our house looked like it was on the ocean!!!

  • Brit Swiderski

    Oh dear- and earthquake! It’s good to know that everyone’s safe and sound. I love that card! Thanks for sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚

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