Sep 16, 2008
Where have I been?
Where have I been? Well… Jon and I took a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico over the weekend! We left on Friday and returned on Monday morning. It was so nice to switch off the BlackBerry and relax in the sun. I didn’t even use a computer for 2 whole days! lol. This was our first cruise and there are so many things that made my jaw drop… first, the ship is HUGE…funny how they look much smaller in the movies! Second, there’s food ALL the time! There’s always some buffet serving snacks, ice cream, pizza, every food you could ever want. Now I understand why people say you always come back at least 5 pounds heavier! Another new thing for us was the Muster Drill. They make you put on your life jackets and then they parade everyone into a hot room where you’re stuffed like sardines for about 20 minutes. Sounds fun, huh? Not the best part of the trip, but
we did get a cute picture in the life jackets. We docked in Ensenada on Saturday and took a tour to La Bufadora. La Bufadora is the second-largest blowhole in the world. A blowhole is created by an underwater cave in the rocks. The air and ocean water are drawn into an underwater cave and then the trapped air forces
the water up between the rocks with a loud noise. The water can shoot up as high as 80 ft. every 30 seconds. It was a fun sight to see! Oh… and I can’t forget to mention our cruising buddies! We went on the cruise with JulieAnn and her fiance Robert and JulieAnn’s parents. Jules and I took this picture on the top deck after one of the evening dinners. The evening dinners were soooo good! There was all kinds of yummy things to choose from… like scallops (which
I wasn’t brave enough to try!), and steak, and risotto, and this scrumptious coconut cake for dessert. And no dishes to clean up afterwards! I wanna go back tomorrow! So that was our weekend and that’s the reason I have nothing creative to show you today. I’ll be back tomorrow though! In the meantime, check out some of the creations from the cupcake challenge over the weekend! I enjoyed seeing so many of you using your new TE stamps! You all are so clever! This Halloween card that Jackie created really caught my eye! Fortunately for us, Jackie has agreed to be the Featured Cupcake Sampler for the sketch challenge this Friday! Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you all have a wonderful day!