• Holly AKA KopyKat

    This is so super cute, love the fabulous design

  • Natalie

    Absolutely the SWEETEST!! Love the design and this is such a fun KI Kit and stamp set!

  • Wanda G (stampcat)

    SUCH a great kit this month and I love your card!!! XO

  • Jennifer Shults

    This is so fun! I love that little frame you made with the heart paper!

  • Amy C

    Love the fun way you have used the mustache and doily on your card. A perfect Valentine's card for someone you love.

    Thanks so much for the cupcake delivery. They were wonderful!! ♥

  • Joan Ervin

    This is absolutely adorable, Taylor…I looove the mustache and bow tie…sooo clever…and the inside looks awesome!!!! Love this stamp set!!!

  • Tracy

    L*O*V*E how you made this look like a gent with his stache and bow tie!!!!

  • StephanieKraft

    Super sweet, both inside and out! Love the open frame and the darling bow tie!

  • Cassie

    This set is wonderful, and I'm sure to go to it again and again, Taylor! I'm giggling at your little bowtie for your mustache. . .hehe too cute! 😀

  • Monika/Buzsy

    Such a sweet stamp set Taylor. Love the matching dies. That m'stache is fabulous on the pretty doily! BTW! Thank you for the cupcakes! Only you could think of those! They are perfect!

  • Tosha

    I wanted a basketball so bad…I waited and waited. Finally Christmas arrived and there it was. I quickly ran out side and bounced it on the pavement to have it hit the pointed y in our fence…spsssss went the ball. Telling my age now…when I tell the kids that story now days they ask me why I did not take it back to Wal-Mart, well first off we did not do that sort of thing and second no Wal-Mart, boy were those the days.

  • Iris

    a bicycle when I was 7 years old

  • Rebecca Ednie

    This question isn't too fair to those of us who don't celebrate Christmas you know. But since I'm adaptable, I'll talk to you about my best gift ever. That has to be my first baby. I love all my kids the same of course but my first was the most amazing. I have several serious health issues and thought that these issues along with the strong medications I take would prevent me from getting pregnant, make it dangerous or deform the baby. So when I finally was cleared to have a baby, it was the greatest gift of my life.

  • Denise ~ Paper Ponderings

    A yarn octopus making kit…only memorable because I thought it was easy bake oven mixes and I was SO surprised. And I loved making the octopus too!

  • Donna Whitten

    What a great release! All of my Christmas gifts have been great. I really can't pick one over the other.

  • Ann

    Okay, it's weird, but when I was 10 years old, I got a watch from my aunt. My sister also got a watch, and for the first month, we synchronized our watches every day!

    It's a favorite, because I am a time-oriented person, and I've worn a watch ever since. I guess watches will be a relic of the past with the younger generations with cell phones at the ready, but I will always love to wear a watch!

  • Amy Kolling

    I had a belated Cheistmas gift 11 years ago……my son! Fab new release!!!

  • Marcia Prater

    I love the preview parties and all the great ideas your group shares with us.

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a quilt that my mother made me the year before she died.

  • Shannon Baker

    I cannot recall my age, but definitely grade school-ish, but one year I got a Lego set to end all Lego sets. The picture on the box showed the cutest little house complete with door, windows, trees and flowers. I don't think I stopped building that day until my beautiful house was done. I will never forget that Lego set. Thanks for the memory! Love, love, love the new release coming our way!

  • Jill Norwood

    There have been so many memorable gifts over the years….my most recent memorable gift was a Cannon camera my husband bought me for Christmas so that I could take beautiful pictures! He has given me some of the most thoughtful gifts through the years up until his death from cancer in 2012. I treasure the memories of the years we shared together. They are my most cherished gift now – for love never ends!

    An incredible release! 🙂

  • Becky Ronkowski

    I received "Cheerful Tearful" (a baby doll all in pink) from my mom and dad. It was my last doll. I still have her!

  • Purrfect Paper Creations

    What great projects this week Taylor! One of my favorite Christmas presents was when my daughter said that I make cards for everyone else, so for Christmas she made me a package of cards! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    Chris L.

  • Sherry P

    A big box of handmade Barbie clothes when I was 8 years old! My aunt made them for me and I still have most of them!!! It is one of the few gifts I remember so well!

  • Angela Coroy

    Thanks for the chance to win! My most memorable Christmas present was a little stuffed dog named Cream puff. All the way up until Christmas, my brother and I would try to guess what was in the package. Cream Puff was shaped like a pair of balled up socks. So….we thought the package was a pair of balled up socks that our mom was trying to trick us with. Cream Puff became one of my favorite childhood toys and definitely one of the most memorable Christmas presents.

  • Nancy

    Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway. I have a list of stamps I have been wanting to order.

  • Crafty Math Chick

    Sorry I missed the release party Taylor (I was my birthday and hubby had a surprise for me or I would have been there!). My most memorable Christmas present was a little gold elephant charm holding a pearl ball in its trunk – purchased for me by someone who really couldn't afford it because they knew I loved elephants. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Lisa's Creative Niche

    A necklace with my sons birthstone when he had to save up for it

  • Kathy

    My most memorable Christmas gift was when I was about 8 and reach a Barbie make-up case. It had eye shadowed, lip gloss and blush. I thought I would rock now that I had make-up.

  • Linda Monroe

    I love all the new stamps and dies. My most memorable Christmas gift was a small sailboat (sunfish) for my sister and I when I was 10 years old.

  • Christine

    Great release! My most memorable Christmas gift, was about 10 years ago, my husband who is not into giving jewelry or gifts bought me a Movado watch. I had asked for a watch that I could wear everyday, I did not even know he knew what a Movado was!

  • Kathy D

    My most memorable Christmas gift was my very own set of family car keys the year I got my driver's license.

  • Evelyn

    I think it was the year my father-in-law was laid off his job so m in-laws made all their gifts that year. He made each of his children a crèche, and to this day, it is one of the first Christmas decorations that go up. It is just beautiful.

  • Laura Turcotte

    Awesome releases this month! My most memorable?? hmmm…I think it would be when the hubs gave me a beautiful necklace and bracelet set..it is beautiful…This was almost 15 years ago, and it is still around my neck. Unfortunately I lost the bracelet, but that necklace is still there!

  • Debbie McNamee

    I love Christmas! My most memorable one is when I was 6 or 7
    My Mom made handmade Barbie clothes for my Sister and I. She made brides, prom dresses, Nurse and Stewardess outfits, knitted dresses, pajamas and robes, it was truly wonderful! And of course clothes for Ken too. I am so lucky that I still have some of these beautiful clothes! My Mom and Grandma left us a legacy of crafting for which we are thankful. Love your stamps!

  • Su Brown

    I always love the excitement of Christmas -especially as seen through children's eyes – truly magical. We have a lot of folk stay @ our place over Christmas who are part of our Christmas family-they come from many nationalities & one family in particular bring their own children as well as their foster children so we try to make Christmas really special for them all.
    For me personally one Christmas, my husband decided to do something special. He got a friend to build me an adirondack chair which he placed in our garden under a weeping elm. Because I get so busy with everyone, he wanted to give me a place of rest & peace so I could think about the real meaning of Christmas. That chair has served me well. Su (from NZ)

  • Michelle

    I remember a blue bike I got when I was 7. My parents had just divorced & I remember the bike making me very happy! I rode it for hours that day 🙂

  • Myrna Sweet

    i love your new dies and stamps. On Pinterest I repinned a number of tags and cards

  • Cindy Hogan Berquist

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a wreath made by my class of third graders in 2000. A lovely mom took her time to get my students handprints, pictures, and holiday greetings for me. Then she made the handprints into a wonderful wreath. It is the first decoration that I hang for the season. Reminds me to remember the real reason for the season!

  • KathyPro

    My most memorable Christmas present was from my husband. We were looking at childhood pictures and came across one of me on Santa's lap. I told him I remember that I had asked Santa for a hula hoop but didn't receive one. On Christmas morning, front and center of the tree was a hula hoop from Santa with a note saying "sorry it's 25 years late." That meant more than anything else that was under that tree!

  • Amanda Kowalker

    How funny! I can't think of my most memorable gift received, but the first thing to come to mind was my most memorable gift I've given and that was to my then boyfriend (now husband) a modged podged treasure box of pictures of us together. This was my first attempt at paper crafting. Ever! I've come a long way baby! 😉

  • Janis

    One of my most memorable Christmas gifts was a stuffed toy Siamese cat that I named Siamesey. Loved that cat!
    <3 J

  • Amrita

    My husband proposed on Christmas Eve. My engagement ring is the most memorable gift!

  • Makalah

    I turned 1 month on Christmas Eve for my first Christmas, and my mom's best friend gave me a brown teddy bear. I have pictures of me holding the teddy bear as a baby, and it was my favorite of all my animals or dolls. The person was like a second mom to me, but passed away a few years ago, so I plan to give the bear to my kids someday. I love it. 🙂

  • Kim Swenson

    My Cabbage Patch kid back in the 80's. Her name was Adrianna Marie. I was so excited. A friend went for my mom since she was working and it was quite a fight for the doll. My daughter has her now.

  • Kelly Braund

    Great projects & new releases! Mine would have to be when I was little getting my 2 Cabbage patch dolls the same Xmas. I wanted one so badly that my Mom & Grandparents were both fighting all the other crazy parents to get me one and they ended up both finding one the same day (this was before cell phones! 🙂
    The best thing is that they looked exactly alike except one was a girl and one a boy- so I got twins!

  • Sher harder

    I cried when, after my husband trash talked about Apple for YEARS, he bought me my first iPhone 2 Christmases ago!

  • Alanna

    The year my husband gave me my first cricut was amazing.

  • Kimberly S

    The most memorable Christmas gift I received was a glittered snowflake ornament that my son made. It still hangs on our tree each year. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    My most memorable Christmas gift was the year that my husband went all out to decorate the house and yard for Christmas. Looked like a winter wonderland.

  • lanagram

    Just love all your items. Such wonderful ideas.

  • Emily

    One Christmas my mom bought me and my sisters a individual basket and filled it with stuff. Mine was a reading basket since I love to read. It had 3 or 4 books in it, some comfy warm socks, some hot chocolate mix, and some candy bars. It was very thoughtful and I loved it!!

  • Message Keeper

    My most memorable Christmas gift I ever received is a pair of shoes that I been wanting for so much from my darling hubby!

  • Josh Budreau

    So many wonderful Christmas memories to choose from! One of my favorites it the year I received a Baby Alive doll. I'm sure that year my mom (and Santa) got tired of hearing how much I wanted one! What a fantastic release Taylor, lots of great new products!

  • rhonda

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a portable record player when I was about 12 years old. It was all my sister and I wanted. We kept looking at all the packages under the tree, but none were the right size. Christmas morning, we opened our gifts and it was not there. There was only one package left and it was for our mom. Dad went to get the package and then handed it to us. IT WAS OUR RECORD PLAYER!!! We were so excited and Dad was so happy he was able to keep the surprise for us. We nearly wore the record player out.

  • Cara

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a small charm for my necklace, from my father, that said "Daddy's Little Girl". Meant the world to me.

  • marg0006

    The present that made me most excited was my Cricut machine, given to me by my awesome daughter almost 3 yrs. ago.

    marg0006 at Verizon dot net

  • momof5sons

    The first year we dated the man who is now my husband was in school and couldn't afford much. He gave me the sweetest kitten, the first of many cats (and later dogs) we would adopt over the years. I was startled, then delighted to see her tiny head pop out of that box!

  • Jenny Seda

    The most memorable Christmas present I remember receiving was a Type writer. Given to me by Santa lol ((my parents))….

  • Cynthia Clark

    My most memorable Christmas is when I was 6 or 7 I got a kitchen set with stove, fridge and sink, all three were different colors. I knew then there was no Santa because he would have gotten the colors right. LOL

  • phyllis zimmerman

    My best Christmas present ever was a Hello Friends doll with seasonal clothes. Looked at her for years and was very surprised when I got her for Christmas.

  • JessicaK

    So many holiday memories, but one that sticks out is my freshman year in college. I was too far away to go home, so I spent the time getting to know new extended family in the area.

  • Cindy C

    Anything that my kids make for me is memorable. My tree is adorned with all their homemade ornaments & it always makes me smile!

  • Janet Christensen

    Barbie clothes my grandma made. She was an incredible seamstress.

  • wendy

    Wow I have so many memories of my children at Christmas but for myself I would have to say it was my furbaby Asia…she was just 8 weeks old and weighed 1 pound, now 5 years later she weighs 4 1/2 pounds and is my sweetheart

  • Miriam Prantner

    A dollhouse. Especially because it was one that had to be assembled and in a really large box, which my mom wrapped most of, but not the bottom of….and I got up early to shake gifts with my brother and figured it out. 😉

  • Lisa Noland

    I don't have any memorable gifts, just memories….I cherish all the Christmas memories with my grandparents and now with my own grandchildren….that's what it's all about! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Love all the new holiday goodies! I really like the snowflake cutting plate and the Mix N Match bows. I am super excited to get some new stamps and dies in my hot little fingers! Thanks for giveaway!
    Lisa N

  • Luardon

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a spending it with my family and my niece's first Christmas just looking at her little face when the firecrackers started at midnight was priceless. Every time I think about it it puts a smile on my face 🙂

  • emma sleppy

    My engagement ring…. we just celebrated our 26th anniversary!

  • Judy Freme

    My first microwave the year I was pregnant with my first baby (now 36)

  • dreamer

    when my girls were very young,
    they gave me a hair brush, for christmas made out of steel, the one you would use on an animal for fleas they had put all there pocket money together for this brought tears to my eyes, if you know what I mean.

  • okanogangirl

    Great releases! Thanks for the inspriation.

    My most memorable Christmas gift would be my first dSLR.


  • frommycraftroom

    I have 3 December babies, my 3 girls are born on the 2nd, 3rd and 7th of December – different years of course. My son is January. I love every Christmas morning – it is the only morning of the year that I am up before my hubby watching the children open their presents and hunt through their Santa sacks.

  • kreativeimagination

    My most memorable gift was a handcrafted winter scene with a snowman by my son. He did it in his classroom so it was a surprise. syeda

  • Kelley

    Can't believe I missed the party again!

    Best Christmas gift? Hands down, our Christmas Eve miracle granddaughter. We didn't know if she would survive or not. She will be five this year and loves to work on 'projects' in Gramma's craft room. She learned about dies this summer and always want to cut something. And stamp. And color. And glue. You get the idea.

  • Karen H

    I'm so excited about all of the TE releases this month!! I got a bicycle in the 2nd grade and that was all that I had wished for!!

  • TomB

    My super dad key chain my daughter's first Christmas gift to me . She bought it at the secret Santa at school. She was so happy she picked it out all by herself. She is now 29 years old . I have yet to receive a more treasured gift. I still use it to this day.

  • Jennifer

    My most memorable Christmas was 5 years ago when I found out I was pregnant. I found out about 3 days before Christmas and surprised my husband with the new Christmas morning.

  • Julie Learned

    My most memorable Christmas gift was having my sister come home for a visit from California to Wisconsin where we grew up to spend the holidays! It was great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Anonymous

    My camera was my most memorable. Absolutely love it!!! Kids grow up so fast and i love to capture those moments! – Amanda. (Mandabeth55@yahoo.com)

  • Melissa Sibert

    I really like several of the new items from this month's release. My most memorable Christmas would have to be all the ones with my children. I love watching them open presents, but more importantly, I love their excitement all December long.

  • Candy

    A couple of years ago my husband gave me an anniversary band. It was a complete surprise!

  • Mel

    Moving to Singapore last year from Australia

  • Laraine R

    It's my family! This year we will have our 1st grand baby! So this year will be extra special! Love all the new stamps & dies! Great release!

  • Terri (blindstamper)

    My doll house. It was 2 stories with wallpapered walls and carpeted floors, and an attic that opened up…plus filled with furniture. My grandpa and dad made it.

  • Mrs. GraceWorks

    I remember getting a nurse's kit as a little girl – I was SO excited. We usually got gifts that were practical rather than fun, so this was a wonderful treat and I'd really, really wanted it. We were at a larger family gathering when I got it and I was asked to get something for someone. When I stood up, I stepped backwards and stepped on the nurse's kit and broke the box. I was heartbroken. I played with that kit –taped up with masking tape — for years!!


  • Begel

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a Betsy Wetsie doll. I played with her for several years. Oh the memories!

  • Sheila

    Giving my mom refinished kitchen chairs. My siblings and I secretly had some family antique chairs refinished. My mom's facial expression made my Christmas.


  • suzie

    The most memorable Christmas Gift I received was taking my new baby daughter home right before Christmas in a red and white stocking made by the hospital auxiliary ladies in 1975! This has been the only Christmas I have had everything done by December 1st!! All I had to do was enjoy precious gift!!

  • Shelly A.

    A stuffed poodle that was also a radio. The nose actually turned the radio on and off. This was in about 1968. Thank you. Shelly Argumedo

  • Tina

    My most memorable Christmas gift was when my Dad had been in Las Vegas with friends and won some extra money. That year he gave my two sisters and I $100.00 bills wrapped in a small box. We were in shock!

  • eagessner

    My favorite gift? My mom (Santa) gave me a picnic basket with constructions paper, glue, scissors, crayons, and even glitter and a big roll of cotton from the drug store! I was in heaven. 50 years later I still have the basket in the attic. A too sweet memory and a great gift idea if you have a crafty kid. I just found these dies and stamps. They arelovely

  • Kathy JH

    Great release tonight – love those sacks! I have received many great gifts but I have to say that the best gift was the one my kids and I gave to my hubby – a new guitar. I will always remember the look on his face – pure joy. He has played it almost ever night since receiving it several years ago.

  • Betty

    When I was 8, my daddy died of cancer….10 days before Christmas and 3 weeks before my 9th birthday. But, before he had gone into the hospital for the last time, he bought transistor radios for my brother and me! That was a hard Christmas, obviously, but those hand-picked presents from Daddy were the best.

  • CardsbyJo

    I was 21 and my younger sister made me a Huge Raggedy Ann doll because I always wanted one. It was a complete surprise and I loved it!

  • Janet Dowell

    My daughter was born on Christmas Eve , 16 years ago!! All the gifts I've received have paled in comparison!!!

  • Angelica Chambers

    I have received some pretty special gifts over the years but the one that I will always cherish is the one ny son bought me when he was 6. He had saved up his own money without me realizing and my best girl friend and I went shopping on Black Friday with her parents and sister/brother-in-law and sister's boys. Its a riot. They do this every year and make lists and split up at different stores and try to help each other. Well, I let my son go with her sister and the boys so he could be around the kids. He bought me an Angel tree topper with his own money because he said I didn't have one and since my name is Angel, I need one. He was so cute and so excited to have me open it that I finally gave in and opened it on Christmas Eve. Remembering how proud he was and his little voice still tears me up. That sweet sneaky thoughtful boy of mine! He is 19 now but I still have that Angel he bought me. I will cherish it always.

  • creationsbyyaritza

    My most memorable Xmas present was a rocking chair my husband got me while I was pregnant with my daughter. So comfy and so beautiful.

  • Jo Sinclair

    My son ! He was born on December 21st and we were able to come home from the hospital on Christmas morning. He grew up too fast (like children do) and is serving in Afghanistan. He promised me will be home in time for Christmas this year…can`t wait to see him again.

  • Natalie

    I've had so many memorable ones it's hard to decide on just one! Since we have grandchildren now, the past 6 years have been memorable, just to watch the joy in their eyes when they open their gifts.

  • Dimabe

    A paper mache piggy bank from my older brother many, many years ago!

  • Susan

    one year my husband and son (then 4 or 5) went and got my Christmas present. it was a BIG secret and Ryan was very excited about it. so to play along, I quizzed him trying to find out what it was. I asked silly questions like whether I would need to feed it and if it was bigger than a breadbox. he grinned and told me he couldn't tell me and that it was a secret. everything was fine until I asked him what color it was. oh no! before anyone knew it Ryan said it was "watch colored." he instantly started crying. it was horrible!
    now we laugh about it and whenever anyone asks about a secret or surprise we always tell them it's "watch colored."
    thanks for the great new dies & stamps!

  • Meg A.

    A baseball glove. It was blue, which would be so bush league now, but I loved it because my parents finally figured out I really, truly did wanted "boy stuff" and not "girl stuff." I'm in my early 50s now and still play on various sports teams. (And I've done some "girl stuff" like marry and have four kids, too. ;))
    Meg A.

  • Mary Ann Spencer

    a lovely handmade craft gift from my son!

  • Jules

    My most memorable Christmas gift was nothing you can buy, it's my family and the last Christmas we shared together a few weeks before my father passed away. It's what will always be the greatest gift.

  • Karen

    My parents gave me a pedestal mirror for Christmas the year I turned 13. It's an antique & kind of looks like something that would be in an Alice in wonderland movie. I love it & still have it. I use it everyday when I'm getting ready for the day!

  • ann marie

    My most memorable Christmas was thefirst Christmas my husband spent with me and my two children before we got married. He made sure everything was perfect and special. I love all the new releases to night

  • Heather B

    Hmmmm, most memorable. Probably the year I got my Cabbage Patch Kid. Mid-80's when they were VERY popular!! Beautiful new products, thank you for the chance to win.

  • Jamie

    Last year my husband surprizes me with a 3 stone anniversary ring:).

  • April

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a Mrs. Beasley doll. I still have her and it as many, many moons ago!

  • arlsmom aka Lynda

    Fabulous release!!! My most memorable Christmas gift has got to be handmade ornaments for the tree by my girls. Each year the glue and the glitter/beads fall off a little more and we try and repair them…the best priceless gift a mom could ask for…the gooey ornaments of love… thank you for the chance to win!

  • Paula Touhey

    My most memorable gift was a beautiful canvas portrait I received of my children.

  • Sue G.

    Most memorable Christmas gift was a dump truck santa gave me when I was about 7! My parents said it was because I played with my brother so much in the dirt santa thought I would want it. From then on I became a "girly" girl just to be sure he never made that mistake again!!

  • Stephanie

    One of my most memorable Christmas moments was a couple years ago. Hubby bought me and our 2 girls all one of the Angels form the open heart collection at Kay Jewelers and actually mailed it to our one daughter so we could all open them on Christmas morning via the phone and told us that we were all his angels.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite Christmas gift was my Kenner's Easy Bake Oven which I got for Christmas when I was 6 years old. Oh the joy of making my own cakes ( with a lightbulb to cook them! 🙂

    Deborah Forbes

  • Helen Westberry

    I loved all the new dies and stamps. My list is long. 🙂

    My memorable Christmas gift was getting a my design studio toy when I was a child. You could use it to design outfits and it is what I say opened up my creativity gene. My memorable Christmas gift as an adult was my engagement ring that my fiance got me the year before my mom passed away. I was so happy that she got to see it.

  • Kristie Wilson

    My most memorable Christmas gift was my first Cabbage Patch doll when I was 5 🙂

    Loving the new products!! Great Christmas and fall stamps.

  • Carol

    Oh my! My dad took us three kids with him to Nevada on a business trip. We stayed at the persons home. The teens got assigned chores. They made us do them and hit us if we laughed or giggled. Hated Nevada people for years. When we got home, my mom had the tree all decorated. So happy to be home and that tree said so much about our mom loving us. Each year, we would unwrap a special package contains Barbie, Madge and Ken. We would look then re wrap. It was our Christmas tradition. My parents got that set in like 1963. Totally special and anticipated each year

  • Kathy DeVries

    Handmade blanket box from my parents made by a family friend!

  • Veronica Z

    This release is so much fun!

    My most memorable gift was a Russ polar bear that I saw Christmas Eve, and magically appeared under the tree the next morning. I still have it.

  • Anonymous

    Most memorable? First baby boy in December 1989!
    Julie Carlisle

  • joni Londo

    What a wonderful release tonight!I have so many of your dies and stamps and I love them all,look forward to shopping tomorrow.Your shipping is so fast!

  • Amyd

    An engagement ring:) Nice products in the release tonight!

  • Kathy H.

    A jewelry box. Thanks for another great preview.

  • KarenR

    My most memorable gift was my first green bike and the note from Santa telling me where it was. I can still see that note in my memory. I was six at the time. It took me later in life to realize my Mom wrote that note, as she always made her "a's" like typewriter, now keyboard, "a's".

  • SabineV

    The most memorable Christmas gift I received was actually last year. After a very stressful and emotional day, my 7 month old crawled for the first time. It was definitely the most memorable Xmas for me!

  • Anonymous

    My most memorable Christmas gift received has to be my engagement ring. Remember that like it was yesterday. —Paula H.

  • Lori

    Absolutely WICKED release this month, Taylor!!! My most memorable Christmas gift was my gorgeous diamond/white gold earrings/necklace set my HUBBY had designed for me 🙂 xoxoxo

  • queenleader

    A friend of mine made me a tree on canvas. Every day in December you would put a ornament on it. On the 25 yiu would put a star on the tree. I had a picture of my son on it. She gave this to me the first Christmas after I lost my son.

  • Agnes D

    First I'd like to say that I loved all the new products.

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a trip to Disney with my family when I was young.

  • Maria F.

    The most memorable gift that I have ever received is the birth of my son 3 days after Christmas!

  • Alice I.

    The most memorable gift I received for Christmas was my baby girl (who is 26 now!). Although I have received many wonderful gift since, she is still by far my favorite gift!

  • Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom

    When my sons were 16 & 17 they went to the mall and took their picture with Santa and framed it. It was a total surprise to me.

  • Lori Kobular

    My most memorable Christmas Gift was when my husband bought me a Snowbabies Figurine with two little girls building a snowman together and that was to represent our two daughters!! And I loved seeing all the new items at the Preview Party!!

  • Renee

    The one that brought me to tears was a Janome MC 11000 SE…got it 3 years ago and use it daily and I love it! All my family & friends are happy to get monogram towels, aprons, and other items that I embroidered with it……or so they say…haha


    Candy Fashion Doll was my most memorable gift. Thanks Mom.

  • Anonymous

    Taylor. Such a wonderful job with the Christmas loot. Love it all. Thanks for doing this. —Paula H.

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