• MargeryC

    My favorite dog is a labradoodle.

  • jan metcalf

    Pit bull, I have never had a more intelligent, loving and loyal companion! Absolutely adore our rescue dog!

  • TracyM #6773

    WHAT FUN!!!
    Growing up on a dairy farm, this girl was surrounded by woof woofs and moo moos!!!
    MacIntyre was one of our most beloved working dogs, a Border Collie, a breed that remains a favourite 🙂

  • annheidel

    ACK! If Cows Could Talk! Love the new addition to the series. I don’t have a favorite dog breed as I’m not much of an animal person. My daughter loves corgis and labs. She’s been begging for a dog lately. 🙂

  • Michelle Laulu

    I honestly cannot pick one favorite breed of dog. I grew up with several different dogs, each with their own breed or mix of breeds. I love all dogs!

  • Deeann Siler

    My favorite is the Maltese because they are so loving. ????

  • susan hatfield

    My favorite dog is a golden retriever! We had one for 17 years and they are such wonderful family pets! Your new products are really going to be fun!

  • Wahnita Hammond

    My favorite breed of dog is Golden Retriever……..I had when as a child and he was the most affectionate and protective dog ever. He had a keen sense of my feelings and he was so protective, that he would run along side of a pregnant neighbor to make sure she always made it home safely. Awesome cards with the new release!!!

  • Tosha

    Truly I’m a cat lover but my favorite type of dogs have always been the Mutts. What fun! The If Cow Could Talk stamp set is super fun.

  • vickie tharp

    My favorite breed is the English Bulldog. No breed could be so ugly and cute at the same time. Their antics and personalities cannot be matched by any other breed.

  • Tracy

    My favorite breed of dog is a golden retriever.

  • Sheila H

    My favorite breed of dog is a German shepherd.

  • Janet Cobb

    My favorite breed is “rescued”! My little rescue is basset/beagle and her name is Gabby.

  • Joan

    My chocolate lab, Maddie, of course!!! I can hardly wait to use the stamp. It’s perfect!

  • Janet Zeppa

    My favourite breed of dog is my daughter’s dog Gabby who is a mix of who knows what…lol!

  • Kathleen

    My favorite is 0ur little Shiz-tu, Molly.

  • Jean Bullock

    Scotty Dogs. The black ones. The white ones are cool too.

  • Pam Young

    My favorite dog breed is an English Labrador and a cocker spaniel!! Love all the sneak peaks!!

  • Theresa Farrell

    My favorite dog breed are maltese and shiz-tu/poodle. His name is Marley. I love the cow faces!

  • Gina

    My favorite is chocolate lab but we have a great little dog Sadie who someone just set out when she was a pup by the side of the road. She is a basset mix.

  • Teddra

    My favorite is my Shar-Pei’s, but French Bulldogs are high on the list!

  • Lin Brandyberry

    We’ve had only 1 dog as a married couple – Brandy was a yellow lab mix. So I’ll choose a yellow lab as my favorite breed. He was sweet and a real character, too – I miss him!

  • Talitha

    I actually have 2 favorite dog breeds: Wiemaraner and Cocker Spaniel.

  • Janet Ingraham

    No doubt Miniature Australian Shepherds. I have two. They are just as smart and agile and loving as the standard size but more easily carried in my car and living in my house. Love my poochies.

  • KT Fit Kitty

    I love Chihuahua!

  • Sam Burnett

    Well, I can see my credit card is going to be in trouble with this release…so far I want everything!

    My favorite dog iwithout any doubt is the dachsund…stubborn little guys they are but … so cute and such “people” dogs!!! But any dog is a good dog!!!!

  • michelle sullivan

    Awesome cards everyone! I don’t have any pet sympathy stamps so I’ll most definitely be getting these along with a few other sets! LOL I love all dogs but I’d say at the moment the Boston Terrier! Our sweet boy Loki is 3 and we love him to pieces!

  • Lori

    My favorites are goldendoodles. I happen to have one that’s pretty awesome!

  • Eva Wierzbinski

    Cute cards! My favorite dog breed is NO breed, just a mutt. I grew up with a dog that was mixed Boxer and German Shepard and he was the best pet!!!!

  • Gilda (McStamper)

    Hard question. But if I have to choose just 1 – golden retriever.

  • Phyllis Freese

    Great cards today. My favorite breed is a small terrier. They are smart and great company.

  • Jackie J

    My favorite breed is our pup-pup Zoe’s breed, the West Highland Terrier.
    Thanks for a chance to win some of your fabulous products!

  • Colleen

    Cute cards! My favorite dog is probably just a mutt, no specific breed. I think I like medium sized dogs.

  • Beth K

    This is a very hard question to answer since we always go to the shelter and get a mixed breed dog! Our favorite mix is a chow/german shepherd mix because they are intelligent with a little bit of an attitude as they take what we ask them to do under advisement!

  • Jennifer

    Such great cards! My favorite breed is a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.

  • Rose Huddleson

    The release looks wonderful! I have always been a dog lover, from sweet “mutts” at the pound to energetic breeds! With four boys, we have thoroughly enjoyed having boxers!

  • Liz mcallister

    My fav dog… Gracie, our mini lab doodle

  • Jmatis

    Although I think a lot of dogs are cute, my favorite is the one that belongs to someone else????. Love all the possibilities with the cow faces and green acres.

  • Becca Yahrling

    I think a Husky is just so pretty so I will pick that breed as my favorite.
    Your cards are super adorable!

  • Isabel Z

    I love the sweet face of a shitz zu:-)

  • Lynne Jardine

    Hahaha I love the new cow set!
    My favourite breed has to be my little West Highland Terrier 🙂 We got her from a rescue centre over 10 years ago and it definitely was our lucky day … as well as hers – she’s spoiled rotten!

  • Kari

    Yorkie-Poo! I have two…Zoey and Shae! Love, love, love!!!

  • Laraine R

    Fabulous cards! My favorite breeds are bishon & dashound.

  • Colleen Howell

    Cockers are my favorite, I have 2 and 1 jack Russell. Love the cards

  • lisa808

    My favorite breed is Jack Russell — besides being cute, they are incredibly intelligent!

  • Rebecca Ednie

    I absolutely love Bernese Mountain dogs. They look like stuffed animals and the puppies are the cutest!

  • Cindi Hickey

    Australian Shepherd! My Aussie was named Boomer (short for Boomerang). She was so smart! I taught her to whisper, sing Christmas songs and cheer for my favorite basketball team, the Jayhawks. We had a lot of fun together and I still miss her. ????

  • Julie L

    Love the “If Cows Could Talk” combo!

    My favorite breed of dog – my Mountain Cur! They are great hunters and incredibly loyal!

  • Helen Gullett

    My all time favorite dog is Golden Retrievers.

  • Sue A

    Greyhounds are my favorite (retired racers make awesome pets!), but I have a soft spot for any rescued pup.

  • Shona Chambers

    I have two Golden Retrievers who I love to death, they are so wonderful dogs, always friendly, loving and loyal. However I am also obsessed with French Bulldogs. They are the cutest wee things, especially as puppies. But please keep this quiet, I don’t want Bella and Oscar to know…..

  • Tami French

    That is a hard one. I guess I will say a dalmation as you rarely see them and they are unusual

  • Gloria

    It is a toss up between German shepards and Siberian huskies. I also like pit bulls. I know people who have them, and they are affectionate and loving dogs. They get a bum rap. However, I adore cats!

  • LindaM

    Love everything you have shown today. My favorite breed would be a bishon,
    since I have two right now, but I actually love all types of breeds of dogs even the good old mutt!

  • Barbara T

    Like many others I grew up owning dogs and I have four now. My favorite are small breeds. The one that has stake claim to me is Yorkie Bichon cross breed.

  • Princess Judy

    The cow set is a must have! Oh Mooooo gawd! Gotta have it.

    As for favorite breed of dog, hands down it is A CAT! Although I do admit to owning many, many dog stamps. They are well behaved stamps, which is what I appreciate in a dog.

  • Jean Marmo

    We have been blessed to have had over 8 dogs in our lifetime but the Golden Retrievers have captured our hearts! Our last one just died in November 10 days before his 15th birthday. Still looking for him when I come in the door.

  • Carla Hundley

    Dogs are just
    wonderful and
    I like them all,
    but I love my
    Carla from Utah

  • Jennifer Story

    I grew up with and will always have a soft spot for border collies.

  • Iris Esther López

    Great pet stamps. Very inspiring cards. I don’t have a favorite breed because I love mutts. Have four of them each one with different looks and personality. Love them all to pieces.

  • LC

    Such sweet and fun stamp sets! My favorite dog breed is probably a Lab, but if I were to add a dog to my family, it would be a rescue with a sweet temperament.

  • sarah

    My favorite dog of all time is a Great Pyranees. But, my current favorite is my Chorkie mutts. Love the build a dog house and dog acessories (but I think my dogs have way more toys and stuff I think).

  • Karen B.

    So happy to see a pet sympathy set. Fantastic examples and products today! My favorite breed is the labrador!

  • Louise W

    My favorite dog is the mini dachshund. So adorable and sweet! I had a wire hair one that looked like a terrier. Sadly, he passed away last year but he lived to be 18! Miss that little guy!

  • Ruth Dupchen

    I like the pugs.

  • Mary-Anne V.

    Great animal cards. I love many dogs and funny this same question was asked by my son this morning. I do like Golden Retrievers but I also like smaller dogs like Miniature Goldendoodles.


    Love the pet cards

  • Evelyn

    Yorkshire Terrier. We lost our sweet Colin a year ago, and I still feel so sad. He was an amazing dog, and I love the breed.

  • Carey Nusbaum

    What a cute card! I love the new release! My favorite dog breed is a Brittany Spaniel.

  • Marlyn Rojas

    Dogs! I’m a dog lover! I love all breeds. Currently I have one from the streets, Loli, she´s adorable and super loyal!

  • Mutzy Mia

    What a hard question this is because when you have had a great dog that’s what your answer becomes. Had a beagle growing up and then we had a Siberian Husky mix when our children were growing up. Love golden retrievers and black labs though have never owned them. I think my most favorite was our Siberian Husky…she was the runt of the litter so only grew to 40 lbs. but lived 17 glorious years with us.

  • juanita

    I don’t really have a “favorite”. We have had several breeds of Heeler, Australian, Texas, etc, so I guess that would be my favorite.

  • Janet

    Cute cards! Love all the different faces.???? I would have to say my favorite breed is black lab-ours had such a fun loving disposition.

  • Janet Sisk

    I love Beagles! We had several when I was growing up. Thanks for bringing up good memories for me. 😀

  • Beverly Perdue

    I love all the pet stamp sets and dies. I have a dachshund/beagle mix now, but my favorite dog is a cocker spaniel. I do have a lab and 2 corgie granddogs.

  • Jackie Adair

    How fun it would be to see my name picked on my anniversary! Even if not picked, I look forward to tommorrow and all your new fun things!!

  • Andrea1702

    So cute! Love the card with the paw prints. My favorite breed is West Highland White Terrier.

  • Sheri D

    I have a part Shih Tzu and part Maltese who is my heart. My husband got her for me 7 1/2 years ago and when I lost my dh, she was by my side all the way and has never left me yet. We are best friends and I know she understands everything I say to her. We both grieved the loss of Bill and still do but we manage to get along ok most days.

    I LOVE the new dog set although it would be better is you had a stamp that looked like my Lucy!

  • Linda

    Love the new dies & stamps. My favorite dog breed… the collie…

  • Phyllis

    I love all breeds and mixes of dogs but two hold a special place in my heart, the English Mastiff and the German Shepherd. Ours were the very best of friends and brought nothing but joy to our lives.

  • Deanna Morgan

    I had lots of mixed “who knew” dogs as a child living on the farm. Of course, the one who bit me is the only one I really remember. Then in married life we’ve had two Norwegian Elkhounds, and two cockapoos. Loved them all, but the cockapoos win out because they shed so little compared to the raging hair production of the Elkhounds.

  • Sharon D.

    Oh my! So many adorable products! How do you pick just one breed of dog? We had the sweetest miniature schnauzer when I was growing up, so I would have to start there. She came home for a “visit” and never went back. She was part of our family for a long time.

  • Susan Lang

    My favorite breed of dog is MINE! Whatever I have! Ginger is half Maltese and half Shih Tzu. The Maltese is her beauty and the Shih Tzu is her brains. Love the dog stamps!

  • Jennifer T

    I absolutely adore labs, they are just the sweetest breed and so full of energy!

  • Vivian C.

    Today’s sneak peek is filled with so many wonderful things! I’ve always had mixed breed dogs, so my favorite breed is mutt. We have a bassetdoodle, who is full of personality. Dogs add so much love to your life.

  • Tona

    Such a great release.
    My favorite dog breed is the golden retriever.

  • Yoshiko Glenn

    My favorite breed of dog is the mixed breed. They bring the best of their heritage in their cuteness, gentleness, and loyalty. My boys have two mixed-breed dogs, a Chihuahua mix and a long-haired dachshund mix, and they exemplify all of the traits mentioned above. By the way, animal stamps, especially related to dogs, are my favorites. Great release!

  • Traci Davis

    Adorable Dog stamp sets! My favorite breed is Boston Terrier because I have the cutest, sweetest one ever!

  • D.Ann C

    What udderly moovelous puns! Terrific comfort sentiments, too!
    I’m more of a cat person, tho I love PUPPIES. That said, I think Afghan Hounds are strikingly beautiful!

  • Karen Maphis

    Boxers! I’ve had two of them. No sweeter dog exists in my mind. Care & Comfort is a great set for saying you understand the loss of a pet dog. Max? What can I say? My dog’s name is Max and he is 13 years old now.

  • Michele K. Henderson

    I LOVE doggie themed dies! My favorite breed is a Siberian Husky!
    Take care!

  • Elise Smith

    There are so many cute things to see today! I love “If Cows Could Talk” and “Care and Comfort-Pets”. I had Cocker Spaniels all throughout my childhood and my parents still have one. So Cockers have a special place in my heart. My husband and I have rescued two Basset Hounds, Duke and Daisy. They are the sweetest, happiest, and most loving dogs I have ever been around. So Bassets are my current favorite breed. Please rescue your pets, you won’t regret it! There are so many in shelters that need a loving home.

  • Anne Marie

    Love the new dog stamps and farm set. My wishlist gets longer and longer! My favorite breed is the American Cocker Spaniel. We have five furry kid cockers — all parti-colors…Trixie, Dixie, Pixie, Jinxie and Rexie! They send lots of cards and really could use some cocker spaniel stamps!

  • Teresa Doyle

    OH MY WORD, what adorable cards and new products! I absolutely LOVE the Build a Barn die set and Green Acres set.
    I would have to go with a Collie as my fav. breed as back in the day MOST farms had a Collie dog on it. Just seems fitting!

  • Carri Daugherty

    I love the dog set.
    I have 2 catahoula leopard dogs, they are the best dogs I have ever had. So lovey ad sweet, with a LOT of energy!

  • sharla~

    If Cows Could Talk……love it!!! I had a husky/collie mix when I was a kid and loved that dog, as far as a favorite, I like Shiba Inu!

  • Kelly matz

    FAvorite dog is Samoyed! I already have the Green Acres Stamp set that I got at your store 2 weeks ago—now I just need the die set!! Can’t wait for tomorrow!!!! :):)

  • Kim Hall

    Well I have two Labrador Retrievers 🙂 I LOVE the new pet stamps. I will be ordering for sure!

  • Christine Kiehl

    That tractor is the cutest ever! So unique! My favorite breed of dog would have to be Golden Retriever. They have the kindest of dispositions and are great with children.

  • Arianna Barbara

    Awww!!!! These cards are so cute!!!! Love these new sets!!! My favourite dog breed is The Newfoundland! <3

  • karenajo

    Love these new critter stamps and dies. I have sent pet sympathy cards and these would be great. My favorite breed of dog is Lhasa Apso – our best dog ever was one named ‘Wicket’.

  • LizD

    Black lab has always been our favorite dog. Duke loved the farm and all our kids. The farm scenes are the cutest cards put a dog and a cow in them and I have a our farm

  • Julia L

    My favorite dog breed is the Standard Schnauzer. I have two of them, one named Gable who is 7 years old and another named Luna who is 2 years old. I show both of them in conformation and Gable has done a lot of obedience work and loves to hike. I am going to be focusing on obedience work soon with Luna to hopefully earn her some titles. My second favorite breed is the Miniature Schnauzer, we have one named Henry who is 9 years old.

  • Linsey

    That’s easy! My favorite dog breed is a Beagle, hands down!!! Beagles are the BEST!!! And I love all doggies and all animals!!

  • Christine Dring

    Such adorable cards! Love the cow stamp with it’s interchangeable faces! LOL! My favorite dog breed is the Golden Retriever. Yes, I have a Golden, so I’m biased. ☺ Thanks for the chance to win some awesome goodies!

  • Sue D

    Cute cards. I like cocker spaniels.

  • Chris L

    So cute! My lovable dog growing up was just a mutt, but she was the best. I also love beagles and labs!

  • Angie VC

    We have a boxer/lab mix…best dog ever! We always rescue and get the best pets!

  • Teresa Mikalouski

    Omg this release is adorable! My favorite breed is St Bernard. But I would never live anywhere to gave enough room. I love all dogs though!

  • Maye M.L.

    These critters are stinking cute, want them all. Love dogs, and if my hubby and I can ever get one, we would get an Australian shepherd. Meanwhile, we are happy to play with some of our friends doggies, and with Roscoe making cards for them. Cheers

  • Cece

    Right now I am taking care of my fuzzy grandson. I have always wanted a german shepherd it was my dad’s favorite, but I have no real favorite. Thanks for another great peek.

  • Chris R. from Iowa

    I agree new dog stamps, yeah! I am owned by a gorgeous basset hound who turned two last week. I guess I truly don’t have a favorite breed but I prefer mid size to the bigger sized dogs. Not so much little fru-fru ones. Ted (Tactical Explosive Device- no paper was safe around him when he was a puppy) the basset hound’s BFF (best furry friend) is the neighbor’s Burmese Mountain Dog. Unfortunately they will be moving in a month so we need to make cards to keep in touch. Loving all the new sneak peeks!

  • Denise Bryant

    Beautiful samples!
    My daughter has a Golden Retriever, so I’ll pick that as my favorite breed of dog!

  • Amy Cooley

    Our family doesn’t have a dog, but I think Basset Hounds and Weiner Dogs sure look cute!

  • ionabunny

    Oh my, that cow!!!! I thought your card was cute then I saw the stamp set with all those different eye nose combinations. ROFL. Cow with mustache! Gotta have. And green acres. What a fun set. Love, love this release. My favourite dog is a husky. Hugz

  • Sherry

    Its hard to pick a favorite. I’ve worked with animal rescues for several years. I don’t have a dog of my own but fostered some and loved them all. Golden Retrievers, black labs, puggles would be some of the dogs on the top of my list (just to name a few). I love the latest sneak peaks!

  • Lisa K

    It is hard to have a favorite breed of dog. I would have to say that I loved the Pembroke Welsh Corgi that we owned. He was so funny when he slept with his paws up in the air. Currently we have a mixed breed and she fits our life quite well. Love these stamps and dies. Losing a pet is difficult and sympathy cards are something that I send several of, it seems. Having a set just for this purpose would be wonderful.

  • Kristina CraftyPaws

    OMGEE these could not have come at a better time. My sister just had to take her sweet mini poodle of 14 years to her final resting place yesterday. I went with her, and it was a day filled with tears, fond memories, and so much heartache. My favorite breeds (yes, I can’t just pick one) are mini poodles (like my Biscuit) and Havanese (like my Bandito). Thank you for these wonderful new releases for us dog lovers everywhere.
    Big tight hugs, Kristina

  • Nancy D

    My favorite breed is golden retriever, so Max the dog is perfect! Love the care and comfort set too.

  • barb macaskill

    Total awesomeness today!!! My favorite dog breed is Black Lab! We have had a couple and they are the smartest dogs I have ever had. Show them something once and they catch on and are ready to move on to another lesson! They are also excellent with children and that is so important to me because our 4 year old granddaughter lives with us and is growing up with our lab, Aussie! They are the best of buddies and stick together all day and night!

  • Linda Carson

    The care and comfort sentiments makes me want to cry! It’s just the thought of losing a pet. My favorite breed is the rat terrier. They are really smart dogs.

  • Veda Barner

    My favorite breed of dog is ones with fur and good hearts. I love the all, but I own a Springer Spaniel and an English Cocker Spaniel, and they own my heart. Love the new sets!

  • Jen Petersen

    These new sets are so fun! Great cards! My favorite breed is a yellow Lab!

  • Brandi R

    Oh dear! LOVE the doggie and oh those farm animals! Great and fun release!!!

    Favorite dog breed? That’s like asking which is your favorite child 😀 I don’t really have a favorite. I love them all for different reasons. If I must pick just one, I would have to go with mixed. You get a little bit of of more than 1 LOL. ♥♥

  • Michelle Nutter

    My favorite breed of dog-beagle, cocker spaniel, yorkie. My favorite pet-any dog! The dog stamp goes on the must buy list!

    • Michelle Nutter

      I forgot to add-we’ve had beagles for over 28 years now, and they are so awesome. But the Yorkie I inherited from my Mom is so darn cute-and has the heart of a lion. He actually got through the old fence and was chasing the neightbors Mastiff! New fence the next week!

  • Kathy M

    Love Beagles! and I collect cows so the cow set is perfect!

  • Jen W.

    Yay for new dog stamps and that cow set is hilarious!

    I’m with Julie S – best dog breed of all is a mutt. If forced to pick a pure breed though I love Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Dobermans. Bull breeds are also awesome (American Pitbull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers).

  • Sabrina Radican

    These cards are so adorable!!! My favorite breed I actually have three. Bull Mastiff, German Shorthair, and a Lab Yellow or Black!!!

  • Carrie Winkelman

    I am a dog lover – but the lab is my favorite (especially the chocolate labs!!). They are so loving and playful! I love Max – and can’t wait to craft with him!!

  • Lynn T.

    Without a doubt, the Poodle. Runner up, the Lab. So you can be assured these are great pet sets from my perspective. Love all the new June Release products!!

  • CAROLYN Clabaugh

    My favorite breed is a yellow Lab……and your Max stamp is a great match! It goes on my list.

  • Julie S

    Serious cuteness overload! LOVE all the new sets! Favorite breed: mutt 🙂

  • Dolly

    Favorite breed- Boxer 😀

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