• Gloria Niepoky

    I send about 2 cards a month on average. Of course many more than that Christmas time. I’m sending a special thank you card to my ophthalmologist for performing excellent eye surgery on my right eye this past month. I wonder how many doctors get thank you cards for outstanding work from appreciative patients?

  • LisaAnne Lauer

    I make & mail a lot of cards. I mail an average of 10 a month. We have lots of family & friends & they love my cards. That stamp set would come in handy & everyone would get a kick out of the fact that I am decorating the envelopes now!!!

  • Susan S

    Beautiful stamps. Most months I do not mail anything but come Christmas time….

  • F. Andre

    Such great products in this release. I’ll have to brush up my colouring skills to make my envelopes this stunning. Some month nothing is mailed and the holidays see a flurry of post office activity. Great cards and envelopes.


    I can average anywhere from 8-12 cards a month, with November being the most, aside from Christmas cards I mail!

  • Angela W

    I would say I typically mail between 2-5 cards a month, depending on birthdays or other special occasions.

  • Chris L

    This month has so many cute ideas! As to number of cards–I don’t think I send enough,but I am trying to fix that–sent out three in October, and hoping for more in November!

  • Vivian C.

    A lot of my cards are hand delivered. How many are mailed depends on how many birthdays, anniversaries, or if the is a holiday that month. I probably average 3 a month that go in the mail.

  • Margery C

    I’m bad. I make lots of cards but only mail 3-10 a month depending on the month. I try to give them to friends in person then I get to see their expression when they open it.

  • Rebecca Ednie

    I mail lots of things other than cards! In total about 10-15 envelopes get mailed per month.

  • Ruth Dupchen

    Since I have pen pals, stamp friends, stamp clubs and a large family. I send out between 35 to 45 envelopes a month. The count changes each month because I reply to each person as they sent me a card or letter. I enjoy stamping and I stamp almost everyday.

  • Ginny

    I send out between 3-5 cards a month. Love the sneak peeks!

  • Lynn T

    I average sending about 6-8 cards per month, mostly birthdays and thank yous. Love the new November Release products!

  • Janet Ingraham

    I would say I send about 5 cards a month.

  • Lin Brandyberry

    Your designers really made the envelope elements shine – so many fun ideas! I’d guess on average, I sent out 4 or 5 cards each month, mostly for birthdays…..

  • Marsha Reed

    You do realize that I want everything, right? 🙂 I send out between 5 to 10 cards a month with some months being more.

  • gailanne

    I send probably 2 or 3 cards a month…until December, when it’s more like 35 – 40.

  • Phi

    I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t sent many at all. I tend to hand them out. However I did sent out 2 last month 🙂 I really should make more of an effort to send them.

  • Pami Baillie Ballington

    I mail 15-20 cards per month (of course more in December).

  • Beverly Perdue

    Love the snail mail set! I usually mail 1 or 2 a month.

  • Nancy M.

    I send at least five cards a month. Lots more during the holidays.

  • Carol

    if it’s a holiday month . . . 20 or more; hmmm . . . that’s most months . . .

  • lisascreativeniche

    These are so adorable… and I’m sort of embarrassed to answer only about 1 or 2 a month, 🙁 But I tend to hand more out than mail them so hopefully that counts!

  • Barb R

    I send a few a month and never as many as I intend to send out!! Just wish I had more time but I just love making cards…it is such great therapy!!! The envelope decorating is amazing and adore “snail mail”!!!

  • Sharon Gullikson

    If you don’t count Christmas cards, I probably mail out 3 cards per month. I LOVE THE KITTY POSTAGE STAMP, and the SNAIL

  • Debbie Babb

    It depends on the month. Usually at least 2 or 3 but July and December are a lot more! July is a hig birthday month for us!

  • Debra Davis

    I usually mail about 6-8 month but in months with holidays more like 20

  • Amy McCue

    It all depends upon how many birthdays in the month. Usually 4-5 a month.

  • Colleen Hagge

    By the end of 2017, I will have sent 178 cards which averages 14.8 cards per month! I obviously make more cards during holiday months. And each of my 3 grandchildren have to have different cards.

  • Marlyn Rojas

    Some months I don’t mail any, for Christmas about 5 or 6.

  • Laraine Randall

    Love it all again today! I mail on average 5-10 cards a month. Except for December it is alot more!


    I send out about 10 in an ordinary month. I love making cards and sending them. Our stamp club members are now making cards for a low-income apt. In our area. They all love getting them.

  • Gramma Dee

    On average I send out 4 or 5 cards per month for birthdays and anniversaries. My “normal” Christmas card mail out is about 75. This year ( what was I thinking???) I signed up for a holiday card exchange with over 130 names on it, so I guess my number of cards will be 200+ this year!

  • JuliaP

    This month’s release has just blown me away. Can’t wait to shop tomorrow! I normally send about 2-3 cards a month.

  • Jean marmo

    I mail probably 12 – 15 cards a month. These tend to be thank you cards. Love all of these sneaks. Congrats!!

  • justMarie

    I mail 2-5 cards a month

  • Phyllis Freese

    I mail between 5 – 10 cards in a normal month and around 25+ in December.

  • Marjorie Dumontier

    Not so many, between five to ten.

  • Anne Sturgeon

    The snail mail set is adorable. I usually include stickers on my envelopes, this would be so fun… Depending on the month, about 3-5 cards a month. If the month has a holiday in it, 5-10. I seem to have lots of summer birthdays in my family so those months I might add a couple of cards. Lots of goodies in this release….

  • LC Lamothe

    Wow! Loving the new release products! The number of cards I send per month varies. I love sending happy mail so I do it as often as I can.

  • Liz

    Love the snail mail and envelope liner set. I usually send about 5 cards a month except for Christmas, Thanksgiving and Valentines. I always add some decoration to the envelopes! The cuter the better, and your’s are darling!

  • Marisela Delgado

    I LOVE beautiful envelopes. That is one of the BEST parts of sending a card. Because I have been injured, I make and send cards when I can. Somtimes I mail 2-3.

  • Isabel Z

    I mail at least 15 cards a month and would do more if I had some extra time. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the amazing envelopes that were created.

  • Emily Henry

    I mail at least 30 cards a month. As I get older, I find that more and more friends are needing a note of cheer and I am happy to oblige.

  • Stephanie McKnight

    BTW, I mail 5 to 8 cards per month, and many more on Christmas!

  • Stephanie McKnight

    Creating cards and mailing them to loved ones is my passion, for many years! I also love to decorate the envelope! This is a fabulous kit to help me do this. This is a WOW and necessary kit! Thank you for this opportunity to win!!

  • Leanne S

    Love the snail mail set & the inspiration projects. I don’t mail often but make a lot & send my daughter for her use.

  • Lynn Gauthier

    Love how you embellished the envelopes!!! Awesome cards too!!!
    I mail between 3-8 a month!

  • Michele G

    It depends on the month Holidays are about 20. The others depends on each month. 🙂

  • Teresa Godines

    Usually I make a couple a month but around Christmas and Valentines day I make hundreds for various card drives.

  • Mary Holshouser

    Maybe 2 or 3 a month – except for December.
    Then I probably mail about 20-30.
    Love the mailing address pieces.
    Need to start decorating my
    thanks for sharing.

  • pam nablo

    Not to many depends on the month December lots

  • Sabrina Radican

    I love this release!! It depends on the month. on average about 20 to 30. Around the Holidays a lot more.

  • Michele F

    I’ll be the first to admit that I do NOT send enough! We need to bring back ‘pen pals!’ ladies! The number I mail is WAY disproportionate to the number I create! but at Christmas I make up for it!
    How about you, Taylor? BTW I LOve the toffee envelopes!

  • Sharon D.

    Not including holidays I mail 2-3 cards per month but also hand deliver 3-4 per month. Loving the sneak peaks and looking forward to more!

  • Susan Weida

    Depends on the month and if there are holidays. I send out 22 holiday cards. Other than holidays I probably send 5 in average. Loving Snail Mail! I like putting a little something extra on the envelopes!

  • Beth Holt

    This is an adorable idea! Gosh – I hardly ever mail any cards. I still make them and give them away more than anything. I do like to decorate my envelopes though.

  • Cindy G

    The number of cards I mail per month varies — from 0 to 10, excluding December. Also, I deliver (in person) as many cards as I mail. Wow, I really love this release!

  • Teresa A Mikalouski

    Varies on the month and the number of birthdays! Birthdays are my favorite things to make cards for. I also belong to a group that sends out cards to sick children. Usually assigned to 3 to 5 kids. Usually dress up the envelope with stickers but I like the stamps.Especially for Christmas!

  • Gilda (McStamper)

    Around 5, many more for Christmas. Love this release. The decorated envelopes are fabulous.

  • Evelyn

    Depends on the month! Some months I mail 6 or more but others maybe 1 or 2 depending on how many birthdays.

  • Cheri Nugent

    I probably mail 10-15 cards a month. Some months more and some less depending on birthdays and often times sympathy or get well cards! Of course December is Christmas cards and I mail close to 100! Fingers crossed on winning something! ????


    I probably send out 6-10 cards a month. Rarely do I decorate the envelopes though. I’m lucky to get the cards done, sorry.
    Love the idea though. Such cute ideas

  • Karen

    What adorable snail mail stamps and the envelope liner is genius! I generally mail an average of 4 cards a month. My grandchildren live several states away and love to get snail mail from their Mimi.

  • Jane Rakonczay

    I love to send cards to family and friends and it usually amounts to 5-10 a month. It depends on Birthdays in the month also. I love your new snail mail set and would love to win it. Thanks.

  • Mary

    I send 4 cards out every month. But if it’s someones birthday, anniversary etc… then I mail out more then 4. Smile BIG! 🙂

    Mary from NH

  • Helen A Dix

    I usually send out about 8 a month, depending. I usually always send out a card, even if it’s just a “hi!” card, every time I sit down to pay bills. It gives me a smile at the end of a chore and hopefully sends a smile to someone picking bills out of their mailbox!!

  • Mutzy Mia

    Love the new snail mail set! I usually send approx. 5 cards per month and they vary between hand delivery and mailed. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Julia D.

    What fun new products! I LOVE decorating my envelopes. I probably only send out a couple cards a month but I sell my cards so I like to think about all of my cards that others send out. Thank you for the chance to win!

  • Linda Petersen

    I like to hand deliver cards if at all possible, but I usually mail one or two every month.

  • Eva Wierzbinski

    Depending on the month, about 2-3 cards. Love the new die cuts!

  • Becca Yahrling

    I usually hand deliver my cards, so not too many are mailed (except at Christmas). I am
    blessed to have my whole family living close by and we get together for birthdays and holidays.
    But I always decorate my envelopes, too, so this cute snail mail set is just adorable.

  • Juanita

    Hi, love the snail mail stamps!! Love to decorate the outside of my envelopes, large or small, even manila envelopes! I probably sent out at least 10-12 cards a month, plus even more on the holidays, I absolutely love making cards and having friends and family call me and tell how much they liked them. I come from a large family and have plenty of brothers, sisters, nieces, nephew and other to send them to, it makes me happy.

  • Kirsty Vittetoe

    I love dressing up my envelopes, very fun products!
    I sent about 1-3 cards every month excluding Christmas, December is a big month, I sent early 50-60 cards each year!!!!

  • Barbara Baldwin

    I send out at least 5 cards a month. Working two jobs doesn’t give a lot of time to make cards. Of course, I send many more during holidays . I am lost king forward to decorating my envelopes. I really like the envelope inserts.

  • Martha Acord

    I mail between 10 and 20 a month between birthdays and anniversaries. If there is a holiday in that month, add 35 to that number. I love making cards, so I don’t mind having to make lots!!

  • Barbara Tennigkeit

    I rarely mail cards except for Christmas. I hand deliver my cards to co-workers, friends and family

  • Rita

    Not enough! I need to get better about it! It is my goal for next year to get more organized and send out cards to spread a bit of joy for no reason other than to put a smile on someone’s face!

  • Amy Cooley

    I don’t mail very many cards in a month. I give out more cards than I mail.

  • Bobbie

    I just mailed 15 cards for Halloween. Will to the same for Thanksgiving, Christmas and all months with holidays in them (Valentines, Easter, July 4th). Months without a holiday 1 cards most months.

  • Norma

    I send from 1 to 2 a month, about 30 in December. I enjoy decorating the envelopes. I know my mail will be opened first! It is a joy to see when my friends have sent me something in the mail, even if we have the opportunity to chat everyday!

  • lisa808

    Snail Mail looks like such a fun and useful stamp set.

    I would say about 12 cards per month, though there are more for Oct./Nov./Dec.

  • Susan Lang

    I love the decorated envelopes! I send only a few each month, but I make lots of them as gifts! This is a great new release.

  • Kathy J in Ellicott City

    It varies on the month, sometimes it seems like i am sending 10 sometimes only 1 or 2.

  • Penny Stiles

    I absolutely love to send and receive snail mail. This set is amazing and adorable!

  • Donna Rinckel

    Obviously I send the biggest number of cards in December, but if we are talking an average month I would say 15 cards a month. Fun new release!

  • Michele K. Henderson

    I LOVE these gorgeous snail mail embellishment designs! Between birthday cards, letters, etc, I usually send 2 or 3 cards a month. I would send more, but I also try to include letters with my cards and sometimes that takes some time to sit down with a pen and paper.

  • Deb

    I love the new mail stamp, sending a REAL letter is a treat, especially for my grandchildren and little nice nieces and nephews. They enjoy getting mail and always look forward to their birthday and holiday cards. I still send 5 or so cards a month and as like everybody, more during the winter holidays. Some years I have sent over 100, so I better get started now in card production! Thanks for making my creative journey so fun!

  • Gale Kish

    I love decorating the envelopes – love the dies and stamps! Maybe average 5 to 10 cards a month, more during the holidays!

  • Helen Gullett

    I at least send 3-5 cards a month to my craft and swap friends.
    Today’s inspirations are amazing. Thank you!

  • Rita M.

    I usually mail 2 to 4 cards for personal use but mail another 10-12 to our elderly church members on their birthday! Happy mail!

  • Sherry

    I love the thought of decorating envelopes. I’ve only done some minimal stamping on them but the sneak peak gives me a lot of ideas. The number of cards I mail depends on the occasion. We have busy birthday months in the winter, along with Christmas – so a lot will be mailed. I also have some occasions at work that call for a card – but those get hand delivered (but still worth decorating the envelope)!

  • Kimberly Cook

    I love the Snail Mail…so very excited to order…I usually send about 5-10 cards a month depending on the holiday or birthdays in the month.

  • Pamela R Levingston

    I mail 2 or 3 most months but in November I mail around 50.

  • D.Ann C

    What fab envelope dressing! I’m almost embarrassed to send out nude envelopes now! lol!
    Depends on the month, but I only average MAILING 2-3. The rest are hand delivered.

  • Noreen

    I’m getting better at getting cards sent, but how many birthdays, etc. are in the month dictates how many I send. Some months have very few, and some have a lot. What a difference those decorated envelopes make!

  • Flo

    Not as many as I would like to. The amount of cards depends upon how many birthdays there are in any given month.

  • Denise Bryant

    Love all these cute envelope ideas! What a treat to find these in your mailbox!
    I mail about 4 cards a month on average, but more during the holidays!

  • Mary Jo H

    It depends on the month. Of course Holiday Cards are the greater number. Having fun now with the Merry Mail. Thank for the chance to win!

  • Connie Johanns

    I love the new collection!!! It is fantastic. I mail out 5-10 per month. Anything from birthday to just because cards.

  • Lynn C.

    I mail out 2-5 cards per month, but in Dec. it increases to 70-75 cards.

  • Kathy H

    If it is December, it will be around 60, November about 40, etc. I probably send 4/5 out on a non-holiday month.

  • Audrey

    Cute and more cute – the snail mail set! Christmas is my most sent out mail with up to 75 but generally it runs 2-5/ month.

  • Tammy Arndt

    I usually send 3-6 cards per month, except for the month of December. Love the new release, the Snail Mail set is sooo cute!

  • Arianna Barbara

    It depends on the month but I usually mail 3 cards a month. Much more in December.

  • Jackie Parkins

    I don’t mail all that many cards, but I do mail quite a few letters because I have pen pals all across the country and in England and Europe, too. I love to decorate my envelopes when I can, it’s so much fun, and I hope it makes them smiles when they see it in their mailboxes.

  • Janet Sisk

    I mail about 5 cards a month on average. It really depends on how many birthdays or holidays are in a particular month. Thanks for a chance to win!

  • Sue

    On a normal month (not Christmas time) I probably send 6-8 cards a month.

  • Laurie Brown

    Probably an average of 10 a month. I so enjoy giving and receiving snail mail!!

  • Susan Engblom

    During holiday months (Xmas, Halloween, etc.), I send 35-65. Other months could be 5-10. I enjoy letting people know I’m thinking of them. Thanks to TE for their product and inspiration.

  • Tamara

    I really live the envelop stamps! How sweet!

    I send about 10 cards a month…

  • Kathy Hales

    Love all the images to decorate envelopes with!
    It depends on the month but anywhere from 2-12 per month – except for December – I mail 100 in December!

  • Chris

    Depends on the month. October is loaded with birthdays for me plus Halloween. Probably sent out 25 in October. Love making holiday cards (Valentine, Easter, St. Patty’s, Thanksgiving) to send to friends and shut ins. Of course, Christmas cards go to about 100 friends and family. Also had fun making a card for my aunt who turned 100 this year and friends who celebrated their 50th Anniversary in August. Love the envelope decorations.

    Thanks for making such cute stamps for me to send.

  • Carrie W

    I’m sending more snail mail these days… probably between 10 and 12, I send encouragement cards to my son in the Army in addition to birthdays and anniversaries. I ❤️ knowing that my snail mail is making someone smile!! Thanks for all the great products that help me do this!!

  • Angie VC

    Love the envelop liner! Add a little pop! I try to mail 5!

  • Carol Longacre

    For birthdays and anniversaries, it’s usually about 5-10 per month; but during card drive months it often goes well over 100. I regularly send a few dozen to hospitalized kids and then my Christmas cards average around 50 in December. I just love these cute little envelope stamps which make receiving a card that much more fun! I especially like the envelope liners too! Great stuff 🙂

  • Conniecrafter

    Love the fun snail mail set, great way to add more fun to giving.
    How many cards I send in a month really comes down to how many birthdays I have in that month, the fall is my busiest time, a lot of family was born in the Autumn months, but I would say an average of 10 -15 cards a month.

  • Vicky Claypoole

    It can depend on the month, From 2 to 10. I love the snail mail and would be sooo much fun for my cards!

  • Gloria Coltrane

    Each month is different for me, my biggest month is 17, with at least 135 bday and anniversary cards per year. Christmas is between 60-65 per year. I’ve been doing this for 20 years and absolutely love it!

  • JuLie L

    Ooooh, the Snail Mail set is just the perfect addition to my stamps arsenal!

    I send probably 5 to 10 cards a month… but with the holiday season, it should jump to 200 lol! Both in and out of the USA!

  • Hope Jones

    Opening the mailbox and seeing an envelope all spiffed up would make me grin ear to ear.???? I try to send out 2-3 a month but should be sending out more!

  • Stampfoldandrepeat (Jeanie)

    I love decorating envelopes! It really adds a little extra oomph ????

    I mail a few birthday cards per month, but I am gearing up to mail more Christmas cards this year!

  • Christine Cox

    I sometimes send 2-3 cards out per month, but I tend to forget to send them out and have amassed quite a collection!

  • Dianne Lorento

    Thanks to my husband’s big family, I mail 8-10 cards a month (except December, of course!). Love the envelope liner & Snail Mail!!

  • Sue LD

    Cute ways to decorate envelopes. I make a lot of cards a month for our church card ministry but I don’t personally mail a lot except at Christmas. So maybe one a month and then 50-75 at Christmas.

  • Pam S

    I absolutely ❤️ everything in this month’s release! Seems like you read my mind! I probably mail 2-4 cards a month to my granddaughters and a few more I hand deliver. Can’t wait to place my order first thing tomorrow! Thanks TE!

  • Susan Weida

    Depends on the month. Anywhere between 1 and 25. I am so in love with Snail Mail! I like being able to spice the envelope up a bit!

  • Dee Earnshaw

    lovey pieces of art. I tend to send only a couple of cards a month depending on the celebrations of course:)

  • Lisa Petrella

    I love snail mail and these new products look fabulous!!!! The number of cards I mail per month varies but I’d say I average 5-7 per month (not including Christmas time when I send out around 75-100 holiday cards). Thanks for the chance to win!!

  • Erica

    I love the envelope stamps, would be great to have a bunch done in advance instead of making a card and then trying to think of something clever for the envelope (especially those last minute ones). I usually mail 5-8 cards or letters and I also do military boxes and include notecards and specialty cards that can be sent to their loved ones.

  • KT Fit Kitty

    Your mail art is gorgeous! I tried this for the first time just a couple weeks ago when I sent some happy mail to a friend overseas. As for your question…. hmmmmmm, that’s a tough one. I’ll say 2-3 a month but there are more depending on special occasions.

  • Carolyn C.

    I mail a couple cards a month except holidays. I give away many of my cards as gifts for others to send too.

  • Shelley Banghart

    I send anywhere from 3-10 depending on the need. Love the new releases!

  • Sherry

    I still love snail mail with cards and I will just send out an every day card quite a bit and so on average probably 6-8 a month…

  • Joan Vancourt

    I average 4 cards a month, plus a package or two. Oh, my, I am in love with the Snail Mail set. I just love all the inspiration from the design team. Thanks

  • Carla Hundley

    Love the Snail
    Mail set, too cute!
    Holiday months I
    mail 10 cards and
    depending on how
    man birthdays in a
    month, from 1 to 10.
    Carla from Utah

  • Sandie Obrin

    Lovin’ the snail mail set! On the average, I send out 5-7 cards, which would be for birthdays, thinking of you, and sympathy. On the months with big holidays, maybe 25-30.


    The snail mail set is too cute and the grumplings always make me laugh. On average I mail two cards a month but give more in person.

  • Tosha

    I really like the extra love put on the envelopes, right from the mailbox to the door you know you are getting mail sent from the heart.
    Each month is different but December is the one with the most cards…however most of them are hand delivered.

  • Jennifer Thompson

    I try to mail at least a couple per month. More if there are a lot of birthdays, lots more in December!

  • Sharla Laursen

    I love the envelope stamps, it sure makes for fun happy mail. I usually mail 2-3 cards a month, but need to be better at sending cards for other reasons than holidays or birthdays!

  • Julianne Sandley

    You have out down yourself for this release, I want one of everything lol. I love all the items to decorate the outside of the envelopes & my family might think I have my stuff together 🙂
    Some months I don’t mail out any but for Christmas I do about 100 I would say and that includes all of my family and my friends. They look forward to my homemade cards every year.

  • Dianne

    Usually what the Birthdays and Thank yous that month require – average about 5-10. Then of course December is my big month with 150 client Christmas cards and about 65 family/friends and yep I create them all. Then thank you’s for gifts fall into play once again.

  • Julie B

    This number varies depending on what holidays occur. I would guess I send a minimum of ten in a month and in December I send at least 125! I like to have a reason to send cards and enjoy when others are surprised to receive them.

  • Crafty Math Chick

    Well, some months I don’t mail any, and during December we mail… 83? Or more. That includes the holiday and three family member birthdays. Lovely projects! I always love decorated envelopes, but rarely have time to decorate them, I am usually rushing to get them in the mail on time unfortunately. Thanks for the chance to win!

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