• stampinkk

    Taylor I have been checking out your blog for a while now and I have to tell you, you ROCK! You truely inspire me to be a better stamper! THanks so much for sharing all your artwork with us. I LOVE this tin idea. ANd the colors are great!

  • Anonymous

    Absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing your talent with us Taylor.


  • Karen (taiterbug)

    Taylor, these are so cute. You come up with the greatest ideas. Would love to know all the things that you are selling at your sale, as I am having a sale in a couple of weeks here at my home. I agree that you should get more than $6 or $7. for the tin and tags – I would say at least $10 or $12. Thanks for all that you are so willing to share with us. Karen

  • Debbie Olson

    Taylor, what a great idea! I have saved a couple of tins and wasn’t sure what to do with them. Your idea is a WOW-ser! I don’t know what the market will bear there, but they should pay $10 for a Taylor original–more if they saw your blog like we do!

  • Alison

    I agree with the last couple of posters – at least $12 but probably $15 – you can pay $5 or $6 at the store for 20 tags and these are handmade with great care and attention – go for it!

    Now, when can I sign up for classes in how to create awesome projects like you???

  • love2Bcreative

    I would pay AT LEAST $10 for this tin full of goodies ;o) It’s just too awesome!! So seriously, do you do mail orders??

  • Ellen

    These are ADORABLE!!! They are going to fly out the doors – WOW is all I can saw. Don’t sell yourself short sweetie – you have talent oozing out of every pore!!!

  • Jessica

    Taylor, these are darling! You have invested a lot of time in them. I would charge $15 for them and if it look like they aren’t selling you can always mark them down as the day goes on, but you can’t increase the price. Good luck to you at your show. I can’t wait to hear how you do.

  • Tracy.H

    These are so cute. I think $6-$7 is too cheap too! I would think somewhere around $10…or at least that is what I would pay. I have been to plenty craft shows and this is by far nicer than a lot of things I have seen! Good luck and let us know how it goes. Love your blog by the way…you are a great inspiration!!

  • Michelle (MilwaukeeMommy)

    I sure wish I lived near you –I’d be your first customer!! These are so adorable!! I, too, would LOVE to see a pic of you at your sale with all your goodies!!

  • Susan

    Your tags & tin are so cute!! If there are 20 tags inside, I would think you could easily sell them for more than $6-$7. I think that is too cheap! When and where is your craft show? I would love to see all your stuff!

  • tracy

    Lovely tin and tags! Would love to see a photo of you craft booth and all the goodies you will have sold. 🙂

  • Denise

    Taylor –
    I was thinking $6 or $7 each for them. These are quite nice – 20 tags is a LOT! I’ve done something similar with tiny gift cards in a tin (5) and sold them for this amount. They all sold and friends were clamoring for more! I hope your craft show goes well – how exciting for you!

  • Luwege-SCS

    I would charge $6 for each tin. Breakdown: 20 tags @.20 each = $4 and $2 for tin. You did a terrific job and I would pay $6 for one. Remember the person buying the tin will get to reuse the tin for years to come. Good Luck. I am sure your booth will be swamped with buyers.

  • Sally

    Your creations are absolutely fabulous. This gift tag tin is just about the cutest idea I have seen; you continue to amaze me every day. I don’t know how you keep outdoing yourself day after day. It is such a treat to visit your blog; it is as good as a visit to the stamp store. Thank you so very much for sharing your work and ideas.

  • Nancy

    I am totally in love with these tags tins and tags! What wonderful designs!!!! I have no idea what to charge for them though!!!!

  • Laura

    Ok these are about the cutest things I have ever seen! I love this idea! I might just have to case this for some friends 🙂

  • Dawn G

    Taylor: I was reading your post and mid way through I was thinking about asking you what you would charge for such a cute item ..well you aswered my question .” No idea” I too have a craft show appoching in Dec and am pondering the things I should start making (like a yesterday) 🙂 Love your tin and tags .. How many tags are inside your tin anyway ? ..(4) I really would have no idea what to price these at cause they are indeed Priceless for such a work of art .. cant wait to hear all the succes you have at the craft show .. you will be the star attraction please keep us all posted girlie

  • Melissa - PrincessMSK

    What an awesome idea! I have been saving three tins because I knew I’d stumble across something to use them for! Thanks Taylor – you rock!

  • Vicki

    I sure don’t know how you do it! Those are so cute…..I want one!!!!!!PLease, Please, Please, Can I buy one!!!!!! 🙂 You are just tooo awesome!

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