• wow power leveling

    Why was there no follow on bankruptcy then? The bailout of AIG FP went to (wow power leveling) hedge funds that bound credit swaps on Lehman failing or others betting on rating (wow power leveling) declines. AIG has drained over 100 billion from the government. Which had to go to those who bet on failures and downgrades. Many of whom (power leveling)were hedge funds. I-banks that had offsetting swaps needed the money from the AIG bailout or they would have been caught. Its an (wow powerleveling) insiders game and it takes just a little bit too much time for most people to think (wow gold) through where the AIG 100 billion bailout money went to, hedge funds and players, many of whom hire from the top ranks of DOJ, Fed, Treasury, CAOBO
    wow goldwow goldwow goldwow gold CAOBO

  • nuts4levibutts

    How fun! A contest! The best gift I received was a homemade quilt by my mom.. it is themost gorgeous thing I have ever seen, she has been quilting for almost a yearnow, it means so much she spent somuch time and effort on a quilt for me, I love it! And the best gift I gave was a scrapbook to my boyfriends mom. She lives 1200 miles away, and I have never met her yet. Made a scrapbook with pictures of her son. She was so touched, she couldn’t even talk, she was in tears on the phone. I think she liked it 🙂 It turned out so cute, almost had a hard time giving it away. But it was worth it, she still talks about it.

  • Creative Expressions by Stephanie

    Happy New Year!!!

    My favorite gift was my Cricut hands down…I also got 3 cartridges for it too. So I was a happy, happy & surprised woman. Just like you me & my DH thrive on surprising each other & so far we suceed every year…he was a happy, happy man too.

    Our favorite gift to give was that we decided to sponsor an 8 yr old girl from Africa, this is a monthly commitment of $30 which provides her family with clean drinking water, nutritious food and allows her to go to school instead of work to help the family. I find so much joy in giving…it really is a wonderful feeling.


  • Lauren-mytime

    My Favorite gift was Cake Decorating lessons from DH! I have been wanting to try since I had my first daughter 7 years ago! Classes start Jan 8th. I hate when I cannot master something, and cake decorating is one of those things I am determined to get good at.

    The best gift I gave, probally have to be the box of 1,080 cards I have made, to Davids House. Its a home that houses families while their children are in the hospital, Thye can do their laundry, eat their meals, or just get away for alittle while. They survive on donations alone. They were a godsend to my family. Being there I sometimes wished I had a card handy for someone who had been kind or to cheer up my daughter. These families appreciate everything that is sone for them. When I saw the faces of those staying there, along with the staff members the feeling was beyond words. I plan on doing that sort of thing more often.


  • lorrietori

    Taylor, I wish you a very Happy New Year!! My favorite gift to give was a mini aquarium with frogs for my kids and my favorite gift to receive was a set of decorative kitchen towels my son picked out all by himself!
    Have fun at the Rose Bowl!!

  • Dana

    My post wasn’t supposed to be anonymous! My name is Dana! HELP!

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year Taylor! I just love when you make this fun for us. *grin*
    Favorite received: A Kitchen Aid mixer from my DH. He searched and searched for the color I wanted!

    Favorite given: I had trees planted in the fire-devestated National Forest near Yellowstone in 4 of my friend’s names.

    The best thing about my Christmas this year really was that we got to share it with children for the first time. My DH and I have 2 foster children at the moment and seeing their faces and feeling their excitment made the holiday “true” for us this year.

  • Cindy Keery

    My favorite gift was the Cuttlebug my husband and daughters gave me!! The favorite one I gave was the socks and scarf I knit for a friend. I put a lot of thought, money, time and effort into it and she totally loved it, so I was very pleased.

  • Johna

    Happy New Year and May God Bless you richly in the coming year. I have a tie for my favorite gift my children gave me a new study bible and my grandmother gave me a chocolate and blue quilt that she and my mother both had done the hand work on:)!!!! My favorite gift that I gave would have to be an altered window frame that I gave to my in-laws, for their new home.


  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift was the presence of my son and his wife (of 6 months) during the holidays. They have been visiting us from their home in Colorado and it is so thoughtful of them to spend their first Christmas with us. My favorite gift to give was the blanket I found for my son and DIL’s 7 month old puppy. They dote on their dog and loved his special gift.
    Happy holidays and have a wonderful New Year!

    Jane R.

  • Anonymous

    First of all…Merry Christmas to everyone, and a wish for a Happy New Year also!
    My favorite gift I received was a digital camera–my Mom (who by the way is the REAL Santa :0) )gave it to me! The favorite gift I gave this year was to my Mom…she has always loved the Spode Christmas Tree pattern China, and wont buy any for herself, so I got her a large serving platter, which she totally loved!!!
    Also, just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and your creativity is amazing! Thanks for sharing with us all!!!
    Carrie Flanagan :0)

  • wustaz

    my favourite gift was the Inconvenient Truth DVD from my 11 year old son. He used his own money (from babysitting) to buy it. My favourite gift that I gave was a sewing machine to my daughter. (She has already made a pair of mitts with it.) It is nice to know that it is a gift that she will have for many years to come.

  • Anonymous

    I love your blog!! thanks for all of your ideas… My favorite gift was the diamond ring my husband gave me!!! The second best was the cuttlebug my mom gave me!! The best present I gave was US open (golf) tickets to my husband! It was a great Christmas!!!

    Beth J.

  • kirstensmom

    Happy New Year Taylor!!

    First off, thanks for the super blog…I like mnay others, viist everyday adn love everything you create. The favorite gift I (“Santa”) I guess gave was a dress up poutfit for our daughter complete with wings, tiara and magic wand…she love it!! My favorite gift that I received would probably be a weekend Camp Croppin’ that our LSS puts on in March!! I love everythign i received for Christmas, but am super excited about my scrappin’ weekend!!

    Kelly S

  • Joanne

    The favorite thing I gave – My son got an unflatable superman outfit – he loves it and wears it so much – it really is cute.
    My favorite gift I got – narciso rodriguez perfume from hubby – beats last years vacuum cleaner!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift was to see my son (who turns 1 tomorrow) open his very first Christmas present. It is such a joy to watch your child grow.

    The best gift that I gave was to my husband–he’s a huge Peyton Manning fan (Indianapolis COLTS) and I got him an autographed photo and football! He was super psyched.

    ps. Love your Blog!

  • Cris

    1. Hmmm…my favourite gift that I received was this round, magnetic spice tins.
    2. Favourite gift that I gave… some special pastas for my mom and a tonne of pretty papery things for my friend.
    Blessings & Happy New Year!

  • tanis

    My favourite gift that I received – Flourishes clear stamps (Rhonna Farrer, Autumn Leaves). Love them!
    My favourite gift I gave – the remote control jeep we bought our son. Expressions of unbelief are fabulous!

  • Regina

    Happy New Year, Taylor. My favorite gift that I received was a LARGE gift card to Paper Zone. My favorite gift that I gave was an MP3 Player for my son.

    All the best to you in 2007.

  • Jen

    My favorite gift I recieved was a scrapbook made by my late brothers girlfriend of pictures of him and her – something I will cherish

    My favorite gift I gave…hummm – probably the pack of handmade cards I gave my grandmother – she called me and went on and on about the cards (nevermind about the rest of her gifts)

  • neighbor_nancy

    Happy New Year, Taylor! Thanks so much for all that you have shared with us over the last one!

    My favorite gift was a nap pack from Brookstone. Nancy loves to nap, and the comfy pillow, blankie and sock set from my former MIL (yes, we’re still best friends) is perfect for me!

    The favorite gift I gave was to my beloved husband (who doesn’t mind if I want a nap!)- a new flat screen high-def plasma 50″ screen tv with surround sound speakers and home theatre receiver! Now I have to go make more money to pay off the credit card!!

  • BetsyG

    1. My favorite gifts that I gave were games and toys to some homeless children. I wish I could have been there to see the looks on their faces when they ripped open the wrapping paper.
    2. I don’t have a favorite gift that I received. However, I’m looking forward to spending all of those gift cards…

  • Dotty

    Have a safe, healthy and Happy New Year!

    1. My fav gift this year was to spend Christmas with my husband – it’s been 7 months since we’ve seen each other. Plus, he gave me a pendant that he had designed on a beautiful chain.

    2. My fav gift was to him – a watch that can tell the day and time in 2 different countries time zones while we’re apart!

  • neighbor_nancy

    Happy Holidays to you and thanks for sharing so much this past year!

    My favorite gift was a Nap Pack from Brookstone, containing a small delightful nap pillow, a nap blanket and coordinating cushy socks!

    The most special (aka expensive!) gift I gave was the gift of a 50″ Panasonic 1080p plasma flat screen tv , a new Denon home theatre receiver and a Polk home theatre surround sound speaker system. C’mon over and watch the HD channels – just give me time to clean house! LOL


  • Anonymous

    First, thanks for your interesting projects and ideas you share on your blog! The favorite gift I received was a surprise visit from our daughter who lives 500 mi. away; I’ve had surgery and we didn’t get to spend Christmas with our family this year so that was very special! The most favorite gift I gave? All of them…I love to give and I always try to pick special & meaningful gifts for each person; I did manage to surprise my husband with a jacket he wanted in a tall size which he couldn’t find, so that was great and made him happy! :D) Happy New Year! Margaret

  • Jan Harrington

    My favorite gift was my BigShot from my sweet husband, and the favorite gift I gave was a book of Bible maps that my husband has been looking for for years. The look on his face was worth everything

  • Barb Dean

    hmmm…my favourite gift i received was probably my Photo Printer and my Nikon D80 Camera!

    My favoutite gift i gave was probably the Laura Berry Print to my dh!

  • scfranson

    My favorite gift was a Willow Tree statue of a couple embracing that my husband gave me. Our marriage is the most important thing in the world to the both of us.
    The favorite gift I gave someone was a box of camera equipment for my husband to support his hobby.

  • Anne

    First I want to thank you for your totally AWESOME BLOG I visit it everyday and receive such inspiration from it….THANK YOU!!!!
    1. My favorite gift I received this year was my ATG tape gun. IT ROCKS!!

    2. The favorite gift we gave was a PINK Beach Cruiser to our daughter. She saw the picture on my husbands cell phone and I had to throw her off track by creating a huge diversion. (I pulled it off and she was surprised)


  • Trish D

    What a fun story about your hubby’s gift! My favorite gift I received was a new Bible from my hubby (to replace the one that is literally falling apart) and my favorite gift I gave was a box of Rescue Heroes for our little boy. He was soooooo excited when he saw the big box, and even more excited when he saw what was inside!

  • Nicki Lundeen

    My favorite gift was the money my husband gave me so I could purchase many scrapbooking goodies that I have been wanting (I’m anxiously awaiting their arrival)! The favorite gift that I gave is a tie….we gave our son an Ipod 30gb video/pic/music thing…sorry, I am illiterate when it comes to that type of stuff and the other is the American Girl doll that we gave our daughter. They both were so excited. It was great seeing those smiles!

    Nicki Lundeen

  • Sue-Lynn

    Hello and Happy Holidays!

    My favorite gift that I gave was the abc album for my 6 month old nephew (who was 3 months premature). My sister loves my homemade gifts and of course I brought her to tears!

    My favortite gift that I received was an Amish crafted trash can “holder”. We have a large dog that constantly gets into our trash if we do not have it “hidden” behind the kitchen table. It has been a pain in the butt to get to – and now the trash can is out in the open and the doggie has not bothered it a bit – thanks MIL!

    Sue-Lynn in PA

  • Crystal

    Happy New Year Taylor: The best gift I received was beautiful placemats and napkins from my sister. The green is very striking and is a gorgeous background for my Fiestaware. The best give I gave was a toss up: either the bike for the 10 year old girl in our adopt-a-family or the used sofa and loveseat, end tables and lamps that we gave her Mother. Their joy at receiving our used furniture made me realize that we need to be more thankful for all that my family has. When the 6 year old hugged me and said “Thank you, now my Mom has somewhere soft to sit”, it brought tears to my eyes.

    As always, I love your style and the beautiful work. Thanks for sharing,
    Elkhart, IN

  • sherrie

    My favorite gift that I received was a Big Shot and some accessories.

    My favorite gift that I gave was a family scrapbook I made for my father-in-law.

    Thanks! Have a Happy New Year!!

  • Margaret

    My favorite gift is being with my family, my husband and my 2 daughters watching them enjoy the holidays going and coming.

    I made about a dozen of the fat cheifs, as I called them, recipe holders that Jantink shared with us. They were fun to make and give away.

  • Cheryl K

    Happy New Year!

    My favorite gift this year was some wonderful decorations from the Sunday School teachers at our church. They look wonderful on our tree!

    My favorite gift I gave away was “Little Women” the movie, I never dreamed my 15-year old would love it as much as she does. So interesting to watch teenagers enjoy something old!

    I love your blog.

    Cheryl K

  • Andrea Cox

    I enjoy perusing your blog on occasion, and I’m a sucker for giveaways!

    My favorite gift received was a KitchenAid professional 600 mixer and attachments (yeah, dh went overboard), and my favorite gift given was a Broncos dustpan for our neighbors who are huge fans!

    Happy New Year…

  • Carol

    This is really quite sad, but I received all of one gift, which was from my sister. However, I can say it is a favorite. It is a lovely handmade glass tray with handles that she bought at a local craft fair. I love that she loves to support the local artists, as do I.

    My favorite gift that I gave away were stocking stuffers of homemade spiced maple pecans wrapped up in a cute little stamped favor box. I do not cook (my dh does all the cooking in our household) and I am not much of a baker, but these were so easy to make, I whipped up at least 50 of these little cuties to give away. Maybe they are my favorite because I enjoyed giving a little something to people who really didn’t expect to get anything, YKWIM?

  • Karen (taiterbug)

    The favourite gift I received was from my step-daughter. Her dad and I have just been married 3 years and 4 months after our wedding my Mom received her calling home,and Nicole knows how much I miss her, so she took a photo of my mom and I taken on the day of my wedding, which was also their 50th wedding anniversary and had the picture put onto a collectors plate – needless to say I cried when I saw the gift. My favorite gift that I gave was surprising my husband with some hunting equipment that he wanted as well as a small hunting trip. Happy New Year everyone and I hope that each and everyone had a very blessed Christmas.

  • Amanda

    My favorite gift that I got was my IPOD with video, and the best thing I gave was a puppet stage with puppets to my DS and DD! They just loved it!!!

    Christmas was great! Wishing you a happy new year!!!

  • AnneMarie

    favorite gift I got.. my prismacolor pencils.. things are really tight but my dh managed to get some money together.. so sweet…
    things I gave.. well, I love playing Santa and those gifts went over really well but what I loved most was a conversation I had with my SIL. She and I have been friends since we were in 9th grade… she married my oldest brother (how convenient, huh? lol!) and I told her of the last words I had with her father just days before… he died on the 19th of Dec. I called him “Dad” since I met him – he was so much like my father. And I told him how much at “peace” he was when I saw him. He had just received Last Rights and he was so at Peace. This was something so amazing I had never seen outside of a newborn babe. So what I gave her was the knowledge that he was truly at peace, still teaching me what it was to be a good and faithful person… and a little ornament of an angel holding a banner saying “peace.” This was truly a gift to me and to her…. may we always strive for peace in our faith, in our family and in our lives.
    I hope you had a Merry Christmas too 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Congrats on the IPOD. I got one too, although, my is still sitting in the bag. I haven’t had time to read about it. I know, I am behind the times…oh well, now I can catch up!

    My brother and I went in and got my parents a cannon digital camera for Christmas, so they can take lots of pictures now for me to scrapbook when they have the kids.

    Now, my favorite “made” gift was for my grandparents who celebrated 60 years of wedded bliss on Christmas Eve. I made a lunch tin, with index type cards on the inside with the tabs being one for every year with pictures of special events in special years and poems and quotes on the others. It was a hit…next time, I will be starting well before the week before Christmas though. I’m tired…that was a lot of work!

    Loved those candles…did you make the candles for the altoid tins or purchase some that fit just right?

  • Christine Mc.

    what fun stories of your Christmas giving and receiving…while I love my Nano, I’m actually a wee bit jealous of those Rose Bowl tickets :)Go Wolverines!

    Anyhow, this year my stepson spent Christmas with his mom out of state. While I was happy for him that he got to see her, it was sad for us not to have him around for the holiday. On Christmas morning my dh and I exchanged gifts…and were surprised to see an extra envelope under the tree. It was a handmade card from my stepson (age 14). He got into my stash and included one of his recent school pics. That won me over even more than the Cuttlebug and assortment of dies my dh got me 🙂

    So…that made me even more grateful that we gave Ryan the gift of his dreams this year…an Xbox 360. He is such an awesome kid – and he was careful not to nag about wanting the 360 when it was brand new last year.

  • Katie

    WOW 172 responses so far, but I would still like those primas and pencil box!! tee hee hee

    The best gift I recieved was my new chipboard that my DH ordered for Lisa B’s site. yes I had to send him the link, but then I sent him quite a few links..lol. The best surprise was the awesome little box that all that chipboard came it. IT was almost as cool as the chipboard.

    I liked all the gifts I gave. My oldest DS loved that new skateboard, and my youngest DS loved everything he got. My 5 mo DD was just a joy to watch. My nieces loved the tins I made as well as the cards. Everyone else was just as happy with it all too. It’ just great to give I guess.

  • Anonymous

    Ok… well, fav rec’d would be the car seat that my parents gave me so now I am able to pick up my little 4 year old niece and take her to a movie or shopping. Fav gift given would be a pretty sappy answer about time spent with my family which is especially important to me (and yeah… I did get a lot of awesome loot as well!!)


  • Rochelle Wick

    My favorite gift that I got this year was a set of Prismacolor pencils and blending stumps. My hubby couldn’t find the gamsol but that is ok, he did good anyway.
    My favorite gift that I gave this year was candles with my kids pictures on them with their signatures on the back. The grandma’s and aunties were so empressed. My great grandma (87 yrs old) even cried. They are back home in Minnesota and I am in California so I didn’t see it when they opened the box but I was on the phone with them at the time.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift received was a cake pedastal in the milk glass that I collect. My favorite gift given was the Santa for our 3 little ones. A ride on Thomas train. They were all so excited, and have been happily playing ever since!!……..ldcamer

  • Aimee

    my favorite gift was being able to talk to my husband on the phone since he has been overseas for the last few months. my favorite gift i gave would have to be the micheals gift card i gave my aunt to help enable her more with crafts…happy new year.

  • Heidi

    Happy New Year!
    My favorite gift was from my awesome husband, he gave me a Nikon D50!!! Scream! I am so excited. My camera was stollen on Halloween night, so I really needed a new one, but I didn’t expect to get one so nice!
    My favorite gift that we gave this year was to my 3 year old. We gave him tons of hotwheels cars (which doesn’t sound so fun). We (Santa’s helpers) made a line from his bedroom to the Christmas tree! He loved it. He looked at every single car with delight!

  • Koopdedoo

    Happy Holidays, Taylor!! I’m so glad that you managed to keep the Rose Bowl tickets a secret (and I’m glad your Mom got your Dad with the ham fork for opening his mouth!).

    My favorite gift (received): a Cuttlebug!!!! (I got it for my hubby to give to me…used a 40% Michael’s coupon, of course!)

    My favorite gift (gave): a bracelet from Sundance Catalog called “equilibrium bracelet” (meaning life can be predictable and unpredicatable all at the same time) that I gave to my bestest friend. She has 4 children, I have 3 children, and, let me tell ya, we need to remember that there is equilibrium!!

    Thanks for sharing all your creativity!!

    Are you going to the Rose Bowl with Jon?

    Kathy D

  • eliotstamps

    Happy Holidays! I love these kinds of questions. Let’s see, my favorite gift was probably a gift set of my favorite, very expensive perfume, which I would never buy for myself. A close second would be the cool stamp and scrapbook supplies including a Crop-a-dile, Cropper Hopper paper organizers and a Sellabration stamp set.
    My favorite gift I gave was probably all the homemade, paper crafted items I gave out this year, including tins, cocoa pouches, post-it pads and sachets. Everyone seemed to really enjoy them, which really made me feel good about making so many hand-made gifts this year.

  • Cindy

    I would have to say that having my son Alan with me! Only God knows how many Christmas we will have together.
    He was in the hospital for 6 days just before Christmas…
    As for giving I just love to give..
    This year was rough as we have had a rough time. So I gave the gift of my self to others. running arrends. cleaning a bathroom, dusting, and making cards for the elderly.
    Happy New Year to you all. Cindy

  • Shannon Erskine

    My favorite gift I received was Quickutz paper doll die set!

    My favorite gift I gave was my husband’s grandfather (who passed away in ’89)bible. His grandmother had knee replacement surgery so we were helping her wrap and found the bible. The bible was a gift from my husband and his mother to his grandfather 2 years before he died.

  • Paige Gonzalez

    This Christmas was very different at our home. We normally have a ton of presents for the girls 22 & 17. In September a friend of mine’s dog had a litter of puppies. I love puppies but DH isn’t so keen on them. He never had one growing up and doesn’t care to have one. Well I went to see the puppies a few times before my younger DD decided to join me for a visit. Should I just say the rest is history? Well, she fell in LOVE with one. As soon as we went home she expressed her desire to have a puppy to my DH. I almost fell over when he said YES right away. This was with NO coaxing from me!!!! We are now proud owners of a female Boxer, not a small or inexpensive dog. We dicided we should just have the family gift (puppy) this year and a few little things for the girls. So this year’s favorite gift given was the puppy and the best gift received was the puppy (or approval to get one). Let me close in saying DH has found the puppy he never had as a child. The two of them have bonded wonderfully!!!! What more could I ask for…… :o) Paige

  • Anonymous

    My Favorite Gift was being able to have my one and only 2yr old Grandson RJ come and visit with me from out of state.

    My Favorie Gift I gave was a Lunchtin I made for my mother for all her Bingo accessories. She loved it.

    Happy Holiday, Nancy Martin

  • Joan Schmaltz

    My favorite gift was a pair of diamond earrings that my husband bought me. He really did a good job this year. My favorite gift that I gave was an ISqueeze from Brookstone that I bought for my daughter. She has arthritis and it is a great massager for the legs and feet.

  • Anonymous

    Hey!! My favorite gift that I got from “da man” is a cricut! That was a TOTAL surprise b/c I usually assume that he doesn’t give a rat’s — about my passions(unless it’s HIM!!) But he has been paying attention!(ut-oh! gotta be more careful!!just kidding-mostly kidding that is! Ya’all know how that goes_”I’ve had that thing for AGES now Hon!” It is sweet that he is paying attention lately UNLESS the LSS helped him out! Not like me to look a gift horse in the mouth!
    My favorite gift that we(da man and I) gave has to be the RED digital camera we got for my 14 year old (TODAY!! 14!!). I strongly encourage any and all artistic and creative aspirations she may have-after all-I’m hoping that she got that from me!
    Your a VERY talented gal! Love your work! And Happy New Year to you and yours!!! Michaelann

  • Grace

    Happy Holidays! My favorite gift was a Coach Handbag from my wonderful husband.
    My favorite gift I gave was a Nascar driving experience to my Husband. My husband loves racing and would love to race himself. Now he gets to drive a real Nascar. He is so excited and the look on his face was really the best gift.
    Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  • Jodi Rodriguez

    My favorite gift was a new camera from my husband. It is a Canon Rebel. I am not sure what my favorite gift I gave was! I have 3 children so I enjoy giving to each of them!!! But watching them open their gifts and seeing their smiling faces is the best gift of all!

  • Janet

    Whoo hooo…your favorite things look great…I have never had Christmas Nougats. Yummy. OK, favorite gift I got was a giftcard from the husband towards an Ipod Nano…great husbands think alike! The best I gave was a Fisher Price Monkey toy set to my ‘Curious George loving’ 2 year old. Merry Christmas to the best blogger out there 🙂

  • Maureen Rauchfuss

    Received – a picture of my three grandbabies all dressed up in the Christmas PJ’s – gotta love those babies.
    Gave – two tickets to my hubby for a Moody Blues concert in Feb. – he loves that group and I was able to keep it a secret also!! WooHOO!

  • Crystal Beck

    My favorite gift i got was knitted washcloths from my grandma!!! She has been so faithful to stock me up at least once a year. So much better than store bought! Nothing major…but i have found it so much more fun to give as i have grown older… The joy on children’s faces is priceless! And the favorite gift i gave was a puppet theater that hangs in a hallway for my seven year old daughter…. I scored on a bunch of cool puppets from costco too! She has spent many countless hours being reinacting books and such since she got it! Which means I have been an audience for many hours, but since i was sick Christmas day it worked out great! And she can’t see when my eyes are shut! 🙂


    Happy New Year!

  • Tracey G

    I really am lucky and like all of my gifts this year, but if I have to pick one it is the frog pedestal bowl my husband gave me. I collect frogs and this is a great adition to my collection, it is a large wooden bowl held up by 3 wonderful frogs. It is from the Jim Shore collection. The favorite gift I gave, I gave 12 different relatives an 18 pack of hand stamped cards in their favorite colors. They all really liked them and I was really happy to share what I love to do with them.

    Tracey G.

  • Stepahnie Theriot

    The favorite gift that I received was a Peyton Manning jersey from my mom. Go Colts! I love ging gifts to anyone but my favorite this year was to my sister. I had a purse made that had her new little boys picture. It brought her to tears.

  • sunshinevickie

    I too have trouble keeping gifts secret. I didn’t make it this year again.
    My favorite gift to receive was a Menards’ gift card (Home Improvement Store) with a promise of redoing my Craft Room!! This is what I really wanted!
    My favorite gift to give was going together with my sister to buy my neice an Easy Bake Oven and the works – a chef outfit, her own tools in a caddy, mixes galore & a recipe book I made by collecting recipes from the net.

  • Jennifer

    This is my first post to any of these blogs, i enjoy reading them. My favorite gift was a Columbia coat from my husband and my favorite gift given was a fur trimmed coat to my daughter that she had been really wanting.


  • Keri

    Happy 2007 Taylor!!
    I would have to say my favorite gift I received was several gift certificates to my favorite LSS! Can’t wait to see all the new stuff they are going to carry for the new year and BUY IT!!!!

    My favorite gift I gave would have to be the authentic KC Chiefs jersey I gave my hubby for Christmas! It was pricey so he would never buy it for himself. The look on his face was priceless!!

    Thanks for the chance to win all your favorite goodies!!!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift to get was a soft lap blanket which I use to cuddle up when reading or drooling over various magazines on stamping and cooking.
    My favorite gift was to my mother in law as I made my very first lunchbox tin container filled with assorted cards and a roll of stamps.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift was this soft lap blanket that I can use to cuddle when reading, watching movies or drooling over your lovely cards on the internet. Smile.
    My favorite gift to give was to my mother-in-law when I made my first lunchbox tin can and filled it with assorted cards for her to mail along with a pen and a roll of stamps.
    Happy New Year!

  • Cori Bravo

    Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday Taylor!
    My favorite holiday gift I got was a new digital camera with a 10x optical zoom. WHoo hooo…

    My favorite gift that I gave was a wedding scrapbook that I made for my brother and new sister-in-law.

  • Lorie

    My favorite gift. A stress free Christmas. Watched my daughter sing with the choir on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day went out for a wonderful brunch. My daughter (5) also picked out a beautiful Pink Tourmaline Cross for me for my Christmas present.
    My favorite gift to give. The toys we picked out for the angel from our angel tree. I wish I could have been there when she opened her new baby and baby carriage. The other one is giving my handmade cards to my friends in a lunch tin I made for them. It makes me feel so good that they like my cards.

  • Stamp4hobby

    My husband bought me a Cuttlebug and the kids gave me some dies to go with it. I have had so much fun playing with it. 🙂
    I don’t have a specific gift that I enjoyed giving. I just love to buy for my children. Nothing makes me feel better than seeing their little faces light up on Christmas morning. I love that they spend the whole day playing with each other and their new toys, eating the leftover gingerbread cookies and watching parades and movies on tv. 🙂

  • Kelly Sampson AKA Emmiestamps

    My favorite gift received was new stamps!! I love getting new stamps! My favorite gift that I gave away was a pablo penguin to my daughter, she has autism and her face lit up I mean really lit up, she had circled this in the Sears catty several times, and seeing her happy is the most precious gift!

    Happy New year!!

  • Melissa - PrincessMSK

    My favorite thing I received was an 80 gb iPod. While it’s not only mine, (I have to share it with the husband) I love having all of our music on it while still having plenty of room for putting some CSI episodes on it!

    My favorite thing I gave was a book of scrapbooking ideas from The Red Hat Society for my mom. Thanks Taylor!

  • Jennifer Reynard

    Wow, you sure got some lovely gifts which you certainly deserve! My favourite gift to give this year was a decorated tin filled with my handmade cards. The recipient actually loved them!. I wasn’t sure, as not everyone appreciates the work and time put into making them, as crafters do know. My favourite gift to receive was the DVD set “Pirates of the Caribbean” from my 17 year old son.

  • bethtrue

    hi Taylor – Happy Holidays to you and your family!

    My favorite gift to give this year was a racetrack (for hotwheel cars) for my 3-year old; he loves it and plays with it all the time.

    My favorite gift to receive was Stampin’ Up goodies from my parents and my husband; I got the Stampin’ Write markers and the “Riveting” set, to name a few things. Can’t wait to get going on some projects now!

    Thanks for all your inspiring projects and ideas. Thanks for having this contest!!


  • Alison Snow

    My favorite gift will be a shopping SAB spree in January!

    And I had so much fun giving gifts to my 2 year old this year – it would be hard to pick just one 🙂



  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift was also an ipod nano. It was quite the surprise. The gift I gave away were some homemade domino ornaments using the snowman from the Holiday Tag
    Team set. Both teachers asked where I had bought them. When I told them I made them, they asked me to sign and date the back of the domino. That really meant the world to me.

  • kelly

    My favorite gift I gave was to my husband. I got him a new bike, he loves to ride, and a carrier for him to take our son, 6 months, in. I am like you and I can’t keep a secret but I did it until Christmas day.
    The favorite gift I received was a new Ipod from my parents.
    Have a happy New Year.

  • Janice

    Happy Holidays! My favorite gift was a warm fuzzy robe. I am wearing it right now! I gave my kids gameboys, and the looks on their faces was priceless!

  • Laurenv

    Oops – I needed to sign my name…I’m the vacation/train table person. Thanks!

  • Anonymous

    LOVE, love your work! Thanks so much for sharing:-)

    My favorite gift is a much-needed family vacation. It has been over 5 years since my husband has taken any time from work, so this week off will be such a treat for all of us! My favorite gift we gave is a train table and trains for our 2 year old son – he loves it! And his older sisters love to play with him with all of the trains.

    Happy New Year!

  • Terri

    My favorite gift this year was a toss up between my Cuttle Bug with 12 embossing folders from my daughter and my IPod from my wonderful hubby. The favorite gift given was that of my time to my precious friend who happens to be my mother-in-law. I spent the two weeks before Christmas at her house helping with decorating, cleaning and baking. During the holidays I helped cook and clean while our large family was home for Christmas. You can’t beat memories like that. It was wonderful!
    Thanks Taylor for inspiring us to be our creative best and giving us a glimpse into your life. A blessed New Year to you and yours.

  • Julie

    Hey Taylor! Happy New year!
    The favorite gift that I received was a visit from my brother and his girlfriend. The favorite gift that I gave was a singing Canary to my 88 year old mom. She is legally blind and can’t do any crafts or reading anymore so we thought the singing bird would bring her some joy.


  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift that I received would be rooster canister set – just love them!!! and my favorite gift that I gave would be cards that I made from my brother and sister in law’s garden – took pictures of their beautiful flowers and made a set of cards for them from those pictures. They really liked them and it made me feel very good that they appreciated the gift so much!! Mary

  • Sherri (sherristampsalot)

    How exciting you’re going to the Rose Bowl game! I’ve been wondering if y’all do the Parade, being “right there”!! And Christmas Nougats are one of my favorites, too! I absolutely love finding them half price the day after Christmas…LOL!! Let’s see…my most favorite gift this year was the laptop my wonderful husband gave me so I can stay in touch with my stamping world and have ideas always at my fingertips! What a shock it was to receive it since we don’t usually give each other big gifts like that…(big smile!). I think the favorite thing I gave (although very simple) was a tub of bondo beads to my 10 year old daughter! (Those are the beads you put on a form and then iron and they melt together…). She was SO excited and played with them all day. She’s a little stamper, too, so I imagine one of her creations will somehow be incorporated into a card! (wink!) Oh…one more of my favorite things we gave was the entire series of M*A*S*H on dvd to my mom. All these years I never knew she even liked the show and while we were shopping before Christmas it came up that she loved it and would like a season on dvd… How fortunate we were to find the WHOLE series…and she loved it!!! (And I learned something new about my mom in the process!!)
    Well I’m sorry this got so long… I wish you and yours a very Healthy, Happy New Year full of fun times and lots of stamping! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year! The favorite gift I received was a new pair of jeans from my husband. The favorite gift I gave was an address sign for our lawn, personalized with our name and street address. It was a surprise for my husband…like you, Taylor, I have trouble keeping presents a secret. So this was a great success!
    Thank you for your generous sharing of ideas and inspiration on your blog! Love the cupcakes!
    With a glad heart

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year!! I would definately have to say that my favorite gift I recieved was a Sewing Machine that my parents gave me!! And my favorite gift I gave would have to be a Necklace I gave my best friend Denise. She was so into it that she is now trying to find more little charms to put on it. The necklace is a Infinity Circle Necklace. I have also thought these lovely circle charms would be great on Cards and Scrapbook pages also!! 🙂

    Janie Workman

  • ipkstampshappy

    Taylor, Ignore the Trouble1 at the start of my message. It’s not ment about you at all. Ida

  • ipkstampshappy

    Trouble1Hi Taylor, Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Same here. I think my favorite gift that I received was $$ – My hubby and my mom both gave me money as they know I love to spend it! I got a Cuttlebug (saved 40% with a coupon) and some dies and embossing plates. Ordered some clothes and now I still have to figure out how to spend the rest.
    My favorite gift that I gave to my Hubby was a Biker Wallet. He has a Harley and wanted one but I waited to long to order it or so I thought but I found a shop only 45 minutes from where we lived that had one in stock and shipped it out to me. He was very surpirsed. For my mom I gave her some cute Penny Black rubber stamps and a set of SU Watercolor crayons that she loved. We also had a blast watching our little granddaughter open her gifts. She had so much fun.
    Happy New Year! IDa

  • Anonymous

    K, I am trying again! Happy New Year! My favorite gift that I gave was letting my 17 month old Granddaughter pick out stuff for Mommy and Daddy! She had so much fun shopping and they were so surprised that she got them something. My favorite gift has to be my cuttlebug! It is so fun!

  • Anonymous

    Taylor, what a thoughtful hubby you have! I bought most of my own gifts from my husband this year so I have a lot of favorites! It’s hard to choose but I will say my Cuttlebug, a new purse, a new watch and a surprise gift of a Chocolate Fountain! Yum!

    My favorite gift this year that I gave was a set of poker chips I gave to my husband. He wasn’t expecting them and I could tell he was truly excited about getting them!

    Thanks for your inspiring posts and artwork!


  • Ann H

    Hi Taylor. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. *LOVE* your blog. I’m a subscriber and I never miss a post! 🙂

    My favorite gift that I received was a Cuisnart Griddler–Yay, now we can enjoy fast healthy meals all year round.

    The favorite gift I gave (this is hard because we put lots of thought into the kids’ gifts this year) would have to be the Irish Cladagh ring we gave my teenage daughter–she loves it! The look on her face was priceless when she unwrapped that packge. I also love the leather Air Force scrapbook album that I gave my husband to capture his memories from 30+ years ago.


  • Vera Matson

    My favorite gift I received was a box full of flatware from my silver pattern from my parents. they are antique dealers so they know where to find the good deals!

    My favorite gift that I gave was from Santa to my son. He got a bearded dragon. He loves to carry it around!

    Happy New Year!

  • MGGold

    Seasons Greetings! Glad to hear you had a great holiday! Well, I would have to say that my favorite Christmas gift is spending it with family and continuing on with traditions that have been done since we were little… and now that we have a family of our own, we are enjoying passing down those traditions. The best gift I’ve given would have to be plane tickets for my parents this holiday to come out and see their first grandson, due this spring. 🙂

    Marica – SCS mggoldintx

  • Anonymous

    Oops I forgot to mention that my favorite gift I rec. was a handmade quilt my best friend gave me. It must have taken her many hours to complete. It is beautiful.

  • debbiedee

    We still have two Christmas’s to go, but so far, my favorite gift I rec’d was InkyAntic stamps and Gamsol.
    My favorite gift I gave was Gamsol to my son so he could have his own. Ü

  • Shelley Davis

    Hello Taylor,
    I love your gift to your husband. That certainly would have been my husbands favorite gift.
    My favorite gift this year is the ring that my husband bought me. It has 7 diamonds on it. One for each of our 7 children. It is so special because we just adopted our two 1 year old babies. The adoption was complete on the 18th. He bought it to signify that our family is complete. I cried and cried. Is that not the best?
    My favorite CHRISTmas present was Phantom of the Opera tickets for our son. Another total surprise.
    He has wanted to see Phantom for years.
    GOD was extra good to us this year as always. I thank HIM daily for the gift of HIS SON JESUS.
    Shelley Davis

  • Lisa C.

    1. What was your favorite Christmas gift that you received?

    My favorite gift..hmm that’s a toughie as I got so many great gifts. I would have to say my favorite gift has been being with my new husband and our kids on Christmas morning and having all the kids be under control for that one day..lol!

    2. What was your favorite Christmas gift that you gave?

    This year my favorite gift I gave was giving gift certificates to our two oldest children. They always complain they never have enough time with us, so I gave them certificates for time with us, everything from one hour of time alone with each of us, to sewing lessons for the one that got her sewing machine, and driving lessons. The kids loved it!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift I gave was a bell to my son who is 5. It was suppose to be like the Polar Express bell Santa gives to the little boy. When he rang it on Christmas morning I pretended like I couldn’t hear it. I told him to always believe. My favorite gift I gave was a scrap book to each of my teenage daughters. It is every Christmas picture from the past 18 years. My oldest daughter is 18. With blank pages to keep adding to it. Hope everyone’s Christmas was safe and happy. May the New Year bring you peace and hope.

  • Anonymous

    my fav gift that I received was a hardbound book that my DD-6 made called the ABC’s of winter. Written and illustrated by her. She read it to us on Christmas morn. What a treasured memory. Fav gift given has yet to be received-my MIL will open it this weekend, its a digital photo frame. Thanks for the RAK, your post started out with “these are a few of my favorite things”, and now I have that song in my head. I just watch Sound of Music this past week 🙂 Adelle, mnhyrkas on SCS and Simply Sentiments

  • Jeanna "copsmonkey"

    It’s a toss up on my favorite received. My husband wishes it were this cute hershey’s fondue thing he got for me (which I do like)..however, he did get me a 48 pack of Prismacolors so it’s between the pencils and thislittle inexpensive pair of “cz” earrings that my 2 1/2 y.o. managed to swipe on his way past a display. My hubby thought it was a cute gesture so he added them to my gifts. I love them!
    The fave gift I gave is a tie also. My hubby received a commendation from the Frat. order of Police for saving a babies life and I had it framed. I also stamped him a “name frame” that reads “Return with Honor” it turned out beautifully. After his attempt at stamping my anniversary card, he really appreciates the time I put in on the stamping.

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year Taylor!
    I guess as far as favorite gift that was given I would have to say I’m basing this on the happy factor, was the monetary gift to my middle daughter’s significant other. They are going to see the Kansas City Chiefs on New Year’s Eve and I made a gift card complete w/a picture of the stadium and a hole punched in the card that he could see the face of the $50 bill. He loved it.
    My favorite gift (more than 1) was some Stampin Up stuff, picture of my oldest daughter and her family, and a neat lamp made from a gallon jar.

  • cmctxgal

    awesome gifts!!
    my fav. gift was an espresso machine – perfect for late night crafting!

    the fav. gift I gave was a wooden letter sign that says “CREATE” – I got it for my bestest friend and crafting buddy.

  • Audra

    My favorite gift I received was my Cricut. My husband tried to keep it a surprise by I found out. Oops! My favorite gift I gave was a scrapbook for my parents.

  • G.T.

    Hi T!
    Happy New year! I see you had a great Xmas!

    Gift recieved- GC from PESG towards my electric bill so I have 2 free months from my parents and from ym DH -I was able to let lose in Joann’s and get all sorts of goodies!

    Gift given- gave DH the cuisinart Griddler. He was soo shocked and excited. Looked like a little kid with a big cheesy grin!

  • Teresa

    My favorite gift I received was an unexpected gift. My brothers (twin 15 year olds) gave me a beautiful eternity necklace in a silver box. I was in awe that this gift came from them and I love it!!! My favorite gift I gave was to my sister and her husband. They have been married a little over a year, and I was finally able to finish their wedding scrapbook. I am not a scrapper, but I was really pleased with how it turned out. I was nervous about if they would like it, especially since my sister is not a crafy person, but they loved it! I couldn’t be happier!!! Happy New Year to you, Taylor! Have fun at the game!!!

  • Sue Symens

    Thank you for all your work on this site. You are such an inspiration!
    Favorite gift-Cuttlebug. Just plain fun!
    Gift gave-My husband is a fire fighter and goes to the seen of many fires in his pick-up. I gave him the flashing lights to go in the grill of his truck. I want him to be safe!

  • Amy Pinkston

    Taylor, I love your blog and your work. Thanks for all of the inspiration. My favorite Christmas present this year is a tie between my OTT Daylight Lamp and a new pair of Keen shoes. The favorite present that I gave is definitely the 4 card boxes I made and filled with cards for the ladies in my family.

  • iddy777

    My faorite gift I gave was a new veterens hat to my new step dad, he had been wearing the same one for five years as he couldn’t find a new one. The best gift I received was a little card from my 10 year old thanking me for all I do for her, broke my heart. Have a wonderful New Year Taylor and family.

  • Anonymous

    Well, this Christmas we took kind of easy and did not buy anything big for anybody. But my favorites are my new camera bag, which is a back pack, and my new Marvy Giga punches. I got 2 of them for Christmas and 1 is coming today. Can’t wait to play with them. :o)
    The best present we bought this year was a small guitar for my 4-year-son. He is just so adorable “playing” it and dancing for the music. He can’t play it, but my husband thought it would be a great starter musical instrument for him. :o)

  • broni (waterchild12)

    My favorite gift that I received is a web cam so that I can see my newest grandson! Close second is a giga scallop oval punch! Yay!! The favorite gift that I gave was a pair of spy camera/sunglasses to my oldest grandson. What a hoot he is trying to discreetly take pictures! Thanks, Taylor!

  • Michelle Nadraszky

    My most favorite gift I received was a Platinum gym bag / purse from lululemon. I love it! My favorite thing I gave as a gift was canvas’s of my 2 kids to my in-laws. You can see both of these on my blog.

  • Anonymous

    The gift that I received which was my favorite would be no surprise to the folks who read these blogs. I got a Stampin’ Up gift certificate. The gift I gave which was my favorite was a silk screen window hanger that I had painted of my sister’s Boston Terrier that she can hang in her sunroom. She was very, very pleased. It was a nice Christmas.

  • Stampin'JenP

    Glad to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas my friend. My favorite gift was the new SU cutter kit from my dear hubby. The favorite gift I gave was spending quality time with my family by taking them up to the mountains here in Tucson and taking pictures in the snow!

  • Barby

    My favorite thing to get was a diamond necklace that had been a family heirloom. My dad had taken his mothers diamonds, and made them into a beautiful necklace for my mom. She is in her 80’s, and she felt it was time to give me the necklace! I plan on passing it on to my daughter in the future.
    My favorite gift to give was a snowboard for my son! He loves to snowboard, and we are looking forward to moving back west this June, so he can have that opportunity more often!

  • Ashley Bowen

    Happy New Year!! It sounds like you and your family had the best Christmas!! You can’t ask for more than that. Your story about the tickets cracked me up!! That sounds like something that would happen to me! LOL!!

    My Fav. gift received: hmmmm… probably my pixie pink leather suitcase that has wheels and a handle. The inside is black and white polka dots. It has lots of pockets and places to put my stampin’ stuff when I go to peoples homes to demonstrate! 🙂 My mom hated seeing me carrying everything in a 100 different baskets everywhere and she thought I needed one of those. I love it!

    Fav. gift given: I made a picture for my grandmother. It was using the polka dots and paisley set. It came out beautifully. It had a verse from the bible on it. She said that it was her favorite gift and she was going to hang it in her dining room!!

    Happy New YEar!!
    Lots of love,
    Ashley Bowen

  • Stamperosity

    My favorite gift this year was a brick. Yes, one single used brick. Ok, many are scratching their heads, but here’s the back story. My parents, now gone 7 years, God rest their souls, lived in a farmhouse for many years before moving to town. That farmhouse held many memories not only for me, but for both of my children as well. 3 years ago, that farmhouse burned down and the only thing remaining was the brick fireplace. My DD went to the property right before Christmas and picked up 3 bricks…one for herself, one for my son, and one for me. That brick, while to the common observer means nothing, and looks slightly out of place just sitting around with a bit of mortar still hanging onto it, but to me it represents a piece of time when my parents were here, when we all shared love and laughter. Not even fire nor death can take that away from me.

    The most favorite gift that I gave this year were some name frames that I made for my DD, DS & granddaughters. Those frames are a part of me, and hopefully when they look at them, they will think of me and the love that went into creating them. The toys will be forgotten in a few weeks, but hopefully, the frames will serve as a reminder that there is someone that loves them, even when we are far apart!

  • Anonymous

    my favorite gift i gave was in our son’s stocking. he moved to manhatten last august and i tucked in a map of midtown so he could learn all the “hotspots”. it also helped that he loves to read maps for fun (uugh)! I would have to say that my favorite gift was from my dh. we were not exchanging gifts this year and he of course broke the rule and gave me a pretty amethyst braclet and necklace!

  • Cris

    I too received a yummie green ipod nano, from my son and daughter. My daughter put 200 of my favorite songs and pictures from the family over the last 30 years. It brought tears to my eyes!
    My favorite gift I gave was a gift certificate to PetSmart. Ever since our beloved lab Libby died in October, that’s all my son wanted to for Christmas was a new pup! When his dad gave in and said he could have one. I gave the gift certificate so our new “Grandpuppy”
    can go and pick out all kinds of new toys, treats and chewies, when our house grows by 4 feet in January!

  • janice

    my favorite gift i received wasn’t wrapped. my daughters fiance is in the navy and was supposed to have duty, thus not able to spend christmas eve or day with us. i love this young man like my own and was sad our family would be missing a piece on christmas.(not to mention my daughters sad face when he told her). thru a very bizarre chain of events he was able to and i cried when he called to tell us he’d be able to come up and stay for several days.
    i find as i become older(late 40’s{sigh}) these are the things that are my presents… i still appreciate and treasure my material gifts, but the ones wrapped around my heart are the ones that make me happy the most!
    the best i gave (i apologize for the lengthyness)was to my oldest. (she is 24),she collects Lucy & me bears and they are increasingly harder to find, usually just ebay. she wanted a nativity set of the bears for her new home(she has become independant and lives away from us now) and so the hunt began in august and i prayed that i would really be successful and get this. well, yes i was, the seller was fabulous, and they arrived safe and sound and were under our tree. she was like a child in a candy store opening each piece(the seller bubble wrapped EACH piece)and was so thrilled. her father will be making her manger for her and i was so pleased to make her so happy.
    thanks for letting me share,sorry its so long.

  • love2Bcreative

    Hi Taylor~
    Loved reading your story about your Dad blurbing out about the tickets…how funny…and I can just see that happening…just like in the movies!! *lol*

    1. What was your favorite Christmas gift that you received?
    Probably ca$hola to spend on stamps!!! ..now just to decide what to order!!! lol

    2. What was your favorite Christmas gift that you gave?
    Stuff for my little nephew…he is such a fun age! He would have been happy with just the box it came in ;o)

  • Lisa J.

    My favorite gift that I received, as bizarre as this sounds, was three packs of wintergreen Tic Tacs! I have been addicted to these for decades, but suddenly a couple of months ago, all the stores stopped carrying them! I have searched high and low and not found a single pack. But my 7 year old was in Walgreens on Christmas Eve with my husband and noticed them, so he bought them to sneak into my stocking. I’m trying to ration them out…

    My favorite gift that I gave would have to be a very old issue of Tiger Beat magazine from the 70s that I found for my sister on eBay as a fun tuck-in gift. It had David Cassidy on the cover and she absolutely FLIPPED over it! I guess the man still does it for her, even after all these years! 😉 — Lisa

  • Jan Scholl

    Favorite gift? Since I didn’t get any gifts, guess I have to pass on that one-just isnt in my family to shop for mom, I guess.

    Best gift I gave?? I got hubby a translator for his frequent Asian trips.I don’t know if he liked it but when I turned it on it said kenishiwa-what does that mean??

    Apparently he wanted a new Palm as his died while he was in Korea earlier this month-sigh, three in 5 years-why dont those things last anyways??

    Actually, I liked all the toys I bought during the year and gave to Toys for Tots-none of those will have to be returned because someone didnt like them. I hate returning stuff. It sure is more fun giving anonymously too.

  • Angel Rivera

    What a cool gift you gave your hubby! My fave gift I received was my new digi cam ~ 8MP, yea! My fave gift I gave was the set of 3 scrapbooks I made for my SIL and her family of their visit w/ us earlier this year. One of them I also finished as a baby book for my new little nephew who is 2 wks old now. Hope you have a safe and Happy New Year!

  • Charlee

    Hi, my favorite gift that I received was from my DH and it was my new ‘Cuttlebug with 5 (count ’em 5) embossing folders. What fun I have been having.

    My favorite gift I gave was the Craftsman stle desk lamp with a train that has a whistle and makes chuga chuga sounds for my DH. My husband has had his eye on that for a long time, so I got it for him. whoohoo for me.

  • Jenstampz

    My favorite gift was a set of
    Prismacolor Pencils and Gamsol.
    The fav gift that I gave was Birthday Calendars I made from scratch for my SIS In-Laws.


  • Luv2stmp

    I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. My wish to everyone, is to have a Happy 2007!!!
    My favorite gift, this year, was a Christmas Card (Hallmark), from my DH. In my card he wrote, “This card is good for 1 (one) Christmas gift, of your choosing. This card does not expire.” To date, I have no idea what I’ll be buying. I have no idea what I’ll be buying. Good thing it doesn’t expire.
    My favorite gift that I gave this year, was a Bose radio, for my DH.

  • gail

    Happy New Year! My favorite gift (and only one) was my newly finished basement with my new stamping room downstairs. I could not ask for a better gift. I am very blessed! The favorite gift I gave was some new “my little ponies” to my two daughters. Oh, I also gave out the decorated Jiffy Pop that you have on your blog to several of my neighbors who just LOVED them! Gail

  • Melanie

    My favorite give that I received was an Archiver’s gift certificate. I can’t wait to go shopping. The favorite gift I gave was the miniature greenhouse I gave my dad.

  • Anita K.

    My favorite gift to receive was a pink hand held steamer. I had been wanting one and was excited to receive it.

    My favorite gift to give was one I gave my mother. It is a Golden Retriever calendar and on the 15th of each month, she will receive a gift. I got the idea from “Tis the Season” by Scrapbook Trends. I hope this gives her lots to look forward to.

    BTW, I look reading your blog and seeing your artwork!!!

  • Lisa

    Yay! Tickets to the Rose Bowl!!! OMG Taylor – that is SO funny, because I got MY husband tickets to the FIESTA BOWL here in PHX on New Year’s Day! How crazy is that?! LOL The Oklahoma Sooners are playing in the Fiesta Bowl and my DH is from OK, his parents are OU alumni, and everything. So I knew it would mean the world to him to be able to go. He was so shocked and so surprised when he saw the tickets, he couldn’t believe his eyes – he almost cried! So I gotta say that that was my favorite gift that I gave. By far. What a coincidence! 🙂 My favorite gift that I received? absolutely the SU gift certificate that my kids gave me to Stampin’ Up! Enough to qualify for my own hostess bennies, not to mention that SAB is coming up! YAY! Can’t wait to order. Absolutely my favorite gift this year. 🙂

    I’m glad you had a great holiday and hope that your new year is abundant in all things joyous and inky! 😉

  • Kari

    Favorite gift received: the praying angel to go with my Nativity set

    Favorite gift given: dance lessons for my four year old daughter.

    Great blog…you are so talented!


  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift received was my camera! Favorite gift given…The pink suede ankle boots with pink fur around the ankles for my 2 little granddaughters!! Cute, cute, cute. Thanks for asking 🙂

  • Colleen & Phil

    My favorite gift that I received was a decorative pick that each of my daughters (3 & 5) painted for me.
    My favorite gift given this year was a stocking full of arts and crafts items for my daughters.

  • Anonymous

    fave gift received: My Eureka cordless vacuum, what my husband calls a dustbuster on a stick. I’m happy to be able to vacuum up little messes and the vinyl flooring without dragging out the Kirby!

    Fave gift given: That’s easy, the scrapbook I made for my mom of our trip to Maine together this year

    Thanks for your awesome blog and the giveaway!


  • Claudia

    what a great prize!!!
    i can not say which gift was the best..i got a cuttlebug from hubby and stamps from my sister inlaws.

    i bought my husband a camera from my OWN money have had saved in germany. this is very special to me since i can not work here and make no money so everything we get my husband works very hard for.

  • marcie

    Favorite gift received … the Xyron Wishblade from my sister. Favorite gift I gave … an electric guitar for my 6-year old nephew. He was pretty excited about it until he saw his gift from Santa – a tiny puppy!

  • Reneescraps

    My favorite present that I received was from my 11 year son.. He picked me out a teddy bear necklace… He said because I call him my teddy bear…That night he said mom do you like your necklace I said I love it he said Mom I do to.. Tears still come to my eyes… The present that I gave that was most special was to my Mom a Disney plate with the kids picture on it from our trip to Disney World this summer.

  • Pat

    Happy Holidays One and All!
    The favorite gift I gave was to my one and only niece – I parted with my Waterford Ornament 12 Days of Christmas collection that I’ve had forever. It wasn’t even hard to do because I knew she would love it so much. It was for her very first Christmas tree with her fiance. The favorite gift I received was a beautiful black cashmere scarf.

  • Anonymous

    Hello Taylor,
    My favorite gift was a visit from my daughter and son-in-law from St Louis, MO. The favorite gift that I gave was a mega blocks wagon that my grandson loves to play with.
    Love to read about you and your family. Happy New Year!

  • Anonymous

    Taylor, my favorite gift is my I-Pod Nano too! It’s red and very cool! Also, I had sinus surgery yesterday and I’m glad to have gotten through it and now I’m back home. The favorite gift I gave was Season One of the old (early-mid 80’s) medical show “St Elsewhere”. I gave this to my husband for a surprise – we used to LOVE to watch this show when the kiddies were little! I also got him Photoshop Elements 5, and I hope to learn it too, and try a bit of digiscrapping, perhaps?


  • Anonymous

    HI Taylor,
    Favorite Gift Rec’d: red polar fleece pj’s with penquins on them (from my 9 year old niece)

    Favorite gift given: a weather station, hi-tech to my husband. He is so looking forward to setting this up in our new home.
    Dawn in Canada

  • sus

    Hi Taylor! Thanks for the great giveaway. =) I’d have to say my favorite gift was receiving a ruby necklace and earrings to match. it’s meaningful because it’s my 5 month old daughter’s birth stone… hoping to pass it on to her when she gets older. my favorite gift to give? it was a handmade christmas tree all made up of candy. TONS of candy hot glued onto a styrofoam cone. took time and burning my thumbs off, but well worth it! =) Happy New Year!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift received was stamping stuff. I always love new toys. My favorite gift that I gave was paperbag books to my two nieces & son telling them how much they meant to me. Of course my nieces were both in tears. Even their husbands thanked me for the gifts. doverdi aka Diane D

  • Melissa

    My favorite gift was a ladybug bracelet given to me by my husband and it’s supposed to remind me of our daughter waiting for us in China every time I look at it. I don’t plan on taking it off until we get her! My favorite gift to give probably the giant Black Pearl to my 6 year old. His reaction to it when he opened it, was priceless! And I have it all on video!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift I gave was a recipe tin I made for my 20 year old daughter who is moving to her own place soon.
    The fav gift I received was a gift certificate to my favorite stamping store “Scarlet Empress”

  • Jessica

    My favorite gift I received was probably my wooden ink pad holder. It will hold 48 ink pads, markers, and reinkers!

    My favorite gifts I gave were the ones I made. I made an altered lunch tin for my grandma and mother to put their cards in. I also made my grandad a name frame for his woodshop.

  • llmom

    My favorite gift I received was antique red hutch from hubby.

    My fav gift I gave was stamps & card making supplies to 2 coworkers. They were totally surprised & like 2 kids on Christmas morning.

  • Laura

    The favorite gift that I got this year was Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man’s Chest on DVD! and the favorite gift that I gave was some hand stamped frames with quotes for my mom, along with hand painted words for her craft room! I love giving hand made gifts for Christmas!

  • Tracey

    Hello there! My favorite gift was the prismacolor markers that my hubby snuck into my stocking (he tried hard to get my something I wanted for stamping… I asked for prismacolor pencils… hehe). I (and the kids) gave him a video iPod which he loved. He was sooo excited. Like a little boy… it was cute.

  • cheryl robinson

    Fave gift received was gingerbread boy and girl salt and pepper shakers from my Mom – she bought them at the Mall of America in the Largest Gingerbread House In the World they built this year.

    Fave gift given was gift certificates to Mom, brother and SIL for Sociale Gourmet so we can all go and make some meals to bring home and eat or freeze.

  • Melodie

    1. My favorite gift this christmas was a picture frame picked out by my 3 children. there were spots for 3 pictures and the metal word Family on the top of the frame. the pictures my children chose were absolutely random and endearing.
    2. my most favorite give given was an apron hand stamped by … you guessed it my 3 children (ages 5,3,and 1 1/2). The aprons were for the grandma’s. what a big hit.

    Thank you for continually inspiring me!! you are amazing!
    Happy Holidays


  • Anonymous

    I’ll do this again since my original I didn’t see my original post!
    Definitely, “THE BEST” gift received was my son, Daughter-in-law & two granddaughters home for Christmas!!! They were also stuck in the Denver snow storm. They ended up driving because they didn’t know when or if their flight would go out.
    And I guess the best gifts given to my granddaughters (3) Toys, CD’s that they asked for & saying I was the coolest grandma EVER because they were so happy!
    It was a great Christmas. Now just have to hope they make it home safe…more snow storms to get through!!!

  • Anonymous

    my favorite was a scrapbooking tote from my mom, can’t wait to use it!

    my favorite gift I gave was some altered clipboards. I love giving handmade gifts. Everyone loved them!

    Holly W

  • Lisa H

    1. Received was a tote bag, paper, and stamps from my up line. 2.Gave was my daughter’s doll house.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift that I got is a down coat from my SIL and BIL – a long one to cover most of me up when I go watch my boys at hockey. Until now had to freeze my butt off
    watching their hockey games ;0)!

    My favorite gift to give this year was a tray I made for my BIL, which I stamped with a cardinal image. His Mom died a few years back and she liked Cardinals (the bird), so every Christmas my BIL get’s something with a cardinal on it.

  • JenMarie

    I’d have to say my favorite gift I received, well, it’s not ‘received’ yet, but it’s a ‘go pick out a living room rug for your new house’ note from my parents. Giving gifts….probably a hobby lobby gift card to my mom, she just LOVES that place and gets SO excited when she gets gift cards to there.
    Congrats on the cutest ever penguin card in the below post. I LOVE penguins!!

  • Laura

    Happy Holidays Taylor! The gift I received that I like the best was from my nephew … a photo frame with three charms representing faith, hope and love. The best gift I gave was a plate of homemade cookies that I gave to an acquaintance of mine who recently completed chemo treatments and was not able to do any baking this year. She was truly appreciative of this.

  • Jenny

    Hey Taylor! Glad you had a great Christmas!! I got an Ipod Nano too…from my parents. I have to say, it is my favorite gift I received too. The favorite gift that I gave was Mack the truck (from the movie Cars). We got it for my 2 year old and he LOVED it. He jumped up and down for about 3 solid minutes.

  • Whitney

    My favorite gift i received was a Cricut! I am having so much fun playing with it!

    My favorite gift I gave was the handmade pencil boxes I decorated for all of my “girl” friends and family. My kids helped by choosing the paper that was matched each persons personality. I hope people liked them.

  • Karen

    First – awesome gifts that you both got and gave!! My fav gift I got was actually something I got early, but said could be given for Christmas – my Cricut. I love playing with it!! Fav gift I gave – scrapbooks that I did for my parents and in-laws. Also accompanying the books were a DVD of our kids that my DH made (he makes DVD movies and such from still pictures and movies). They both loved the gifts and both my DH and I had fun making them.

  • Anonymous

    Merry Christmas Taylor!!!!!
    My favorite gift that I received this year was from my little almost-one year old daughter, DH must have helped huh? I got a beautiful Mother/Daughter cameo necklace with a garnet accent. That’s my daughter’s birthstone and this was our first Christmas being blessed with her. It is just such a beautiful necklace but the sentiment behind it is just perfect.
    The favorite gift I gave had to be a black and white framed photo I gave to my SIL. It is a stunning winter treescape that will look beautiful in her new home. I know that when she and my brother look at it they will be reminded of how much they both mean to me and my husband.
    It was just a wonderful Christmas this year-so much better than being huge and 9 months pregnant last year!! It was great to be able to hug and kiss my little girl rather than all the “beely rubbing” we did last year at this time. We are truly blessed to have her. I wish you and your family all Christmas blessings and heath, happiness, and much love in the new year!!! Thank you for all of the inspiration you give not only to me but to all of us who frequent your blog!!

  • Anonymous

    The favorite gift that I gave was an altered lunchbox with cards and postage stamps that I gave to my mom. I was still working on finishing it all just a few hours before going to my parents’ house for Christmas dinner! The favorite gift that I received was an iHome for my iPod. It’s a docking station and has speakers, too. Happy New Year, everyone!

  • Petals

    Happy New Year! My favorite gift received was from my husband. He got us tickets to see Wicked. The favorite gift I gave was an altered lunch tin redone as a card organizer. I was really happy with how it turned out, but even more happy with the excitement of those who received it.

  • Carla M from North Carolina

    Hi Taylor – Congratulations on winning that contest – of course I’m not at ALL suprised!!! Have fun spending your winnings!

    ** What was your favorite Christmas gift that you received? Oh gosh, I loved just about everything I received – best one I guess I’d have to say a huge set of Cookware (the Costco version of Calphalon) that was a surprise from my hubby. And that Chris Daughtry cd was pretty awesome too — oh & the Rachael Ray Furi knife… oh I could keep going on & on!

    ** What was your favorite Christmas gift that you gave? Not sure if the received liked it as much as I did, but I made a family ‘name frame’ for my sister-in-law, with their picture & family name. Also made a personalized frame for each nephew and their sport (one is golf, one is football themed). I also gave DH a whole bunch of cool stuff that he seemed really really happy with too. It was a great Christmas!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift I received was my drawer/stand to put under my front loading wash machine so i dont have to bed to the floor!
    My favorite gift I gave was a family membership to the zoo to my husband and girls (and myself too).
    Keep up the great blog!!!!!!!
    aka: lanastamps on SCS

  • MJ

    Well I really liked almost everything … but my most favorite gift was given to me by my husband and that is a magnolia tree.
    And to our boys my favorite gift to them was a go cart (and really nice helmets)!!!

  • tmarie

    Taylor you’ll love your ipod! I have two favorite gifts. My sweet 18 year old son gave me a Cuttlebug and my husband gave me a beautiful diamond necklace. The favorite gift I gave was a Stampin’ Up gift certificate to my Mom.

  • Sarah H.

    My favorite gift was a slurpee maker, basically a frozen drink maker. I love frozen drinks =)

    My favorite gift I gave was the Wii for my husband.

  • Christina

    My Favorite gift was a plate that my daughter made in Kindergarten. It is something I will have forever! I also am loving my new Cricut! The favorite gift I gave was a remote control Poky Little Puppy toy to my three old daughter. She had recently discovered the Poky Little Puppy and was so excited about it.

    I love your blog and am always excited to see new entries. Thanks for all the ideas…You’re are so creative.

  • Mary-Beth

    Just found your blog through Nancy E.. Great site full of inspiration. Your gifts, both received and gven were fantastic!

    My favourite given was a mini piano hinge book I made for a friend and received, a couple of ink pads I’d been wanting.

  • always me...Jan

    First of all.. thanks for the give a way.. second.. thanks for all the inspiration you give me!! You rock!
    Now.. the best gift I got… I think it has to be the ornament I got from my Godparents.. it is a globe ornament from Restoration Hardware.. I started traveling in the last few years and it mean so much when I get a gift that someone gets me that is so thoughtful like that was..
    The gift I gave that I liked the most.. that is a hard one.. I wasn’t able to give much this year. I think it was the birthday planners I made for my aunts. We have so many birthdays through the year it is hard to keep track.. I got the large planners from the $1 tree and altered them and added everyone’s birthdays.. Hard work and they were much appreciated.. of course I added a few dozen cookies with each in jars I got that say Snow on them.. My Moms Maiden name is Snow.. sorry that was so long winded! lol This was a poor but fun Christmas this year!! I am glad to hear you had a great one too!

  • Natalie

    My favourite gift was the garnet and mother of pearl earrings that my daughter put so much time and effort into picking out for me.
    The gift I enjoyed giving the most was the memory stick for my son who asks for nothing and appreciates everything.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift received: the gift of time. Spent with my brother’s and mom on a love filled Christmas Eve.

    My favorite gift given: the gift of time. Spent at a Community Christmas Dinner.

    Thanks for sharing your goodies Taylor!


  • Erica

    The favorite gift that I gave were the altered notebooks, they were so much appreciated by my SIL’s. The greatest gift I rec’d was $$ in my stampin up account to buy some new stamp sets, yahh, now to figure out what to buy 😆 shouldn’t be too hard to do.

    Have a happy new year and TFS these goodies 🙂

  • diane mcvey

    I’m so happy you had a great Christmas with your family!
    My favorite gift was a rechargable Dremel drill that my hubby surprised me with…I had no idea he knew I would like that! And he got me the 129 accessory package, too! The best thing I gave was a framed print of the Tuskegee Airmen, for my husband. It’s beautiful (and he’s a flying enthusiast). Happy New Year!!!

  • katie

    hmmm – my favorite gift i gave was probably the scooter to my 4 year old daughter and the favorite i received was (this is silly) but a flour sifter, tied with my sellabration stamps!

  • tbreanna

    My favorite gift that I received was my UGG boots, i’ve been eyeing it for months and been wanting to get one and Santa was nice enough to give it to me.

    My favorite gift that i gave was a SAB set to my one and only customer/friend…LOL! I’m a hobby demo and she’s nice enough to buy stamp sets from me instead of my upline (she helps me alot). So, i gave her 3 of the SAB sets for christmas, she was really happy and that made me really happy =).

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  • Stephanie

    what a great giveaway you are having. My favorite gift that i gave was to my MIL–a Coach leather wristlet (i guess it is because i want one myself) and my favorite (and only gift) I received this was year was from my husband a gift certificate to Michaels (whats not to like about that, right?) Happy New Year.

  • ikkinlala

    My favourite gift that I received was tickets to a concert. I actually got it a little early because the concert was before Christmas, and I went with my dad – it was a lot of fun, and a nice break from the holiday preparations.

    My favourite gift that I gave was a tube of watercolour paint for my mom. I picked a colour that I liked, and it turned out to be one of her favourites that she uses a lot.

  • Julie

    Glad to hear you had a great Christmas. Your photo box sounds so cool.

    My favorite gift I received was a Cuttlebug.

    And my favorite to give was a trampoline that we gave the two oldest kids. I put bows all the way down the stairs and outside to lead them to it. They were very excited.

  • Jackie D

    My favorite gift I received was a new 20″ flat screen t.v. for my craft room from my daughter and her boyfriend. The best gift I gave was a Coach purse to my daughter-in-law who had had her one and only Coach purse stolen last June. She thought she would never own another one, but lo and behold I found a brand new one that I knew she would love in a resale shop for only $40.!! She was thrilled with it.

  • Lois

    My Favorite gift was Framed pictures of 3 of my grandsons. There is a head shot in the center and their handprints and ages in the side mats. Favorite gift I gave was PMS paint cans(Pamper me silly) filled with bath oils,massagers,pedicure kits,chocolate,exfoliate gloves and other small trinkets to pamper oneself with. Lois Michael

  • Anonymous

    That is so cool about your new min-photography studio! What a great gift! My favorite gift was a beautifully framed picture of my grandchildren and the best gift I gave was to my mom…a set of V-Tech phones …has 4 extra phones..(she’s always running to the room where her phone is…believe me, she should not be running!) Susan

  • Michelle

    My favorite gift was a new laptop from my hubby. My favorite gift I gave was handmade cards to a friend.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift was also an Ipod nano. I LOVE it and it was a total surprise. I want to wear it around the house 24-7. I love that I can’t hear my kids fighting while I’m listening to my favorite music! HA!

    My favorite gift I gave was a set of geomag magnetic toys for my nearly 7yo ds. He’s been so sad that his magnetix toys were recalled and he was thrilled to have a suitable substitute.

    Britiney – Boise

  • Anonymous

    OK, I shall try this again; my original post has never shown up??!!

    My favorite gift to receive was a name bracelet; one strand for each of the children, with their names on square blocks (3 in all); then they’re all connected for one “big” bracelet – lol! It’s made of sterling silver and something I have ALWAYS wanted!

    The best gift I gave…went to EVERYONE on our Christmas list. It was the book “Room of Marvels”. It’s written by a Professor at Friends University in Wichita, KS. It’s a Christian perspective on dealing with death/loss. We lost my father-in-law Nov. 16 and this book has helped me so much in coping with the loss. I gave the book to everyone in my hubby’s family; my family and several friends. It’s one of those books that I’ll treasure forever!


  • tamimoreno

    Happy New Year!
    My favorite gave was the digital camera we gave our daughter – she loved it and hasn’t stopped taking pictures since!
    My favorite gift received was – well – all of them! I got a cuttlebug die cut machine which is TOO MUCH FUN! My kids also got me these figurines – one of a mom holding a daughter and one of a mom holding a son – which made me cry!!
    Thanks for the contest!

  • fan

    Happy Holidays, Taylor. I *LOVE* reading your blog everyday and seeing all your wonderful creations. Your gifts you got/gave are awesome!!

    My fave gift was the video iPod from my husband. And the fave gift I gave was a “handstamped by Zachary” stamp I ordered for my 12 year old nephew who loves stamping! He loved it.

  • Leah

    Happy New Year! I love your blog & read it almost every day. You have amazing talent & a very fun personality! well my favorite gift to give was a digital camera for my husband! he opened it before Christmas so we could capture the fun memories of the holidays. wonderful! now my stamping hobby can really explode & I can start getting into scrapbooking, like I always wanted! 😀 my sweet husband (of almost one year) gave me a beautiful jewelry box with the promise that he wanted to fill it up with pretty new things for our upcoming celebrations (our anniversary is 3 weeks after Christmas, and my birthday is 3 weeks following that, with Valentines Day 10 days after that)
    whew! it was really just so special and thoughtful. I am really grateful for him! 😀

  • Debbie Leonard

    My favorite gift to receive was my Cuttlebug, although it was missing the B cutting pads so I didn’t get to play until last night.

    My favorite gift I gave was the plates I etched for my aunts. They were so excited.

  • sarah_m

    My favorite gift would have to be my new ipod video I got from my fiance… and my favorite gift I gave would have to be, well the new ipod video I bought my fiance! Yep, we had no clue, but we bought each other the same thing 🙂

  • Dale Anne

    Happy Holidays Taylor!

    1. What was your favorite Christmas gift that you received?
    I received 3 packages of sewing machine needles from a friend in Idaho.
    2. What was your favorite Christmas gift that you gave?
    I gave my Mom a Journal Jar with 2 journals and a pen.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift that I gave this year was a “Granny” name frame that also had her 4 grandkid’s names on it. She really loved it when she opened it!! My favorite gift that I received was a Precious Moment that I can add to my collection. Happy New Year!!!

    Ft. Riley, KS

  • Missy

    Happy New Year!! I am jealous of your i-pod!! Just kidding, that’s a great gift. My favorite gift that I received was an ironing board. I just started quilting lessons, and I really needed one. The best gift that I gave was to my Dad. My husband and I purchased him an eagle sculpture. There is a local artist who sculpts them with his chainsaw. Absolutley stunning. I know that he was surprised–he got a little choked up and cried, too. Then my Mom and I both started boo-hooing. So much more fun to give than to receive. Thanks for all of your time and talent with this blog. I read it every day.

  • Kendra Giles

    Hi Taylor! My favorite gift was my Visa Gift Card (to order lots of stamping stuff lol) and my favorite gift I gave was the artwork I made my mom – watercolored grapes mounted in a frame for her kitchen.

  • Kim

    My favorite gift that I received was the Willow Tree Nativity Set. I’ve wanted that forever!

    My favorite gift that I gave was the DVD of Ella Enchanted. My daughter loves that movie, and the look on her face was so precious when she unwrapped the gift.

  • Greta

    My favorite gift i received is also a tie….My hubby took both my kids ages 4 and 2 shopping and they picked them out all by themselves…1 is a bottle of Hypnose perfume from my 4 year old and the other is Sensual Ambers lotion, shower gel and body spray from my 2 year old….they both had to smell 300 different perfumes and lotions before settleing with the very first ones they smelled to begin with…lol

    My favorite gift to give was my mother’s scrappin goodies i have been buying now over the past few months to help her support her SU/scrappin addiction…

  • Anonymous

    My favorite gift I gave was a box of handmade cards for a friend as a secret Santa gift. The favorite gift I received was an aromatherapy mist lamp.

    Happy New Year!


  • Lezlye

    Hi Taylor,
    My best gift I was given was my new lime green toyota camry car! The best gift I gave would have to be the nap cusion from brookstone for my 90 year old grandma.

  • Kealie

    Sounds like you had a great Christmas! I did too!

    My favorite gift I got was a CUTTLEBUG! I’ve been having so much fun cutting out little flowers and tags. Now I have to decide how I’m going to us them.

    My favorite gift I gave was a Ranger boat pull over shirt for my hubby. We bought a new boat this summer. It was such a big deal for him and he’s so proud of it. I just had to give him something to wear that had the Ranger name on it.

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year! I really enjoy reading your blog. I haven’t received my favorite Christmas gift yet – my husband is getting me stamps. I wanted to wait for sellabration. So I will be getting them soon. My favorite gift that I gave was a (actually 2) Memory Makers bracelets – the ones that you put in your own pics. I gave one to my mom and one to my mother-in-law. They both loved them. Had pics of all their grandkids and grand-dog!

  • stampinkk

    Taylor Happy New Year! I just love this blog! I check it daily! My favorite gift I recieved was stuff for my kitchen from Crate & Barrel. My favorite gift I gave was to my middle daughter which was a guiter! She LOVES it and only puts it down to eat and sleep!


  • Bunny

    My Favorite gift was from my husband, a gorgeous anniversary ring! I love, love, love it. I think my favorite gift to give was a Digitial camera that we gave my daughter. She was so excited because she will be going to New York in March with her High School Chamber Singers group.

  • Deborah

    1. My favorite gift I didn’t actually receive for Christmas, but it was a joint b-day/Christmas present that I got on my birthday. I got all 3 of the 20″ Jim Shore wisemen. I love them because each one has a carving on the front of their robe that depicts a different scene from the birth of the Savior.

    2. My favorite gift I gave. That is harder because I put a lot of thought into each. I would have to say it was my mother’s package. This year I bought her a stocking and stuffed it with lotions, gift cards, pedicure items, some other items I thought would be useful, salsa and her favorite maple dipped peanuts.

  • Viv

    My favorite gift was a Big Shot and the embossing folders! My favorite gift that I gave was to my DS and his wife. It was a scrapbook of their Caribbean cruise from 2 years ago. It ended up filling 2 books and they loved it. A lot of work but worth every bit when you see the look on their faces! I loved the story about the Rose Bowl tickets. Your poor dad, a swift kick and a poke with the ham fork! Still makes me laugh!

  • Laura

    What wonderful gifts you received Taylor and an awesome gift for your hubby.

    1) My favorite gift that I received this year was my very own stamping desk with storage from my hubby.

    2) My favorite gift that I gave this year was to my hubby. I bought him an Atomic Wireless Weather Station (amongst other things). He is obsessed with the weather (he would chase a tornando if he had the opportunity) and absolutely loved it.

  • Nancy

    What wonderful gifts you gave and received!

    My favourite gift that I got was my TV and DVD player from my husband. It’s for my crafting space. I have a TV down there but it is so old I can’t hook a DVD player into it. I like to have the noise but sometimes there’s nothing on TV so a chance to watch some great chick flicks while I craft is a wonderful treat.

    My favourite gift I gave was what my sister and I gave my Mom. We lost my Dad in the spring so it’s been a tough year for all of us. We decided Mom needed an adventure so we got her tickets to fly to Arizona where she will spend 10 days with her Brother at his winter home in Mesa. This will be the first time Mom has gone somewhere warm in the winter! She was so overwhelmed that she cried… totally blew her away.

  • Mandy Cheshire

    Hi! Sounds like you had a great Christmas! 🙂

    1. My fav. gift I received was a KitchenAid mixer! I have REALLY been wanting one for quite some time, and my parents surprised me with it!

    2. I made a gift for both my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. They LOVE going to Myrtle Beach, so I altered a lunch tin for each of them using these great beachy papers! I filled the tins with sunscreen,MB maps, beachballs, etc. They loved them!!

    Mandy Cheshire

  • boopfan57

    My favorite gift I gave was digital cameras for my daughters, because it was a total surprise to them, they both screamed when they opened them! At their age, it is harder to do that.
    My favorite gift I got was lotion from my favorite nephew, this was the first time he gave me a gift that he actually purchased himself, and that means the world to me!


  • tntsmom

    It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! My favorite gift I got were 3 little ornaments my 10 yr old son bought for me. He spent all his allowance for that month on me a special gift. The best gift my dh & I gave was a new little puppy for our kids. They just love the little guy. Have a great New Year!

  • Novell

    I have to say my favorite gift that I received was a beautiful diamond cross necklace. I have always wanted a cross to wear as an outward symbol of my faith. To receive one at the time we celebrate Christ’s birth made it even more special. My favorite gift to give was the Santa gift to my 6yr old (good thing I bought it early…it’s hard to find) and a pricey baseball mitt for my 10yr old (I bought it while he went to the bathroom with dad). I love buying things right under their noses! Glad to hear your Christmas was great. I went to the Rose Bowl back in college when the Huskies were up on top. It was awesome. Have fun!

  • Anonymous

    Happy New Year ! My favorite gift was the Flaky Friends stamp set ! Gotta love those snowmen:) My favorite gift I gave was an art easel to my 7 year old. She loves it.


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