Apr 19, 2007
The sticky tape is outta ‘da house! If you paid me for your sticky tape order, it has been shipped! I’m in the process of contacting people on the waiting list for unclaimed rolls. If those on the waiting list do not want these rolls of tape, I will be offering them here again. Thank you all for your patience on these recent shipping issues! Enjoy the tape!
And… I’ve been tagged by Sarah and Joanne! For this tag we’re linking our 5 favorite blogs in hopes of introducing new blogs to all of our different readers. Now I must say I have so many more than 5 favorites (they’re all over there in my sidebar!), but since I’m a rule-follower for the most part (*wink*) I’ll stick to listing the 5 blogs that I visit multiple times each day:
1. Debbie Olson – Who doesn’t read Debbie’s blog!? There isn’t a style that Debbie can’t do!
2. Nichole Heady – The gal is *genius*…. pure stamping genius! I’m always looking forward to what she’ll come up with next!
3. Michelle Wooderson – What an inspiration! From organizational ideas down to every last detail on her cards…she is so inspirational to me!
4. Ellen Hutson – Gosh, she is just so sweet! Everybody loves Ellen! And not only that, but she’s got some fantastic ideas rolling around in that clever brain of hers!
5. Posie Gets Cozy – Although this isn’t a stamping related blog, Alicia Paulson is such a talented designer and I get so much inspiration from her bright, colorful pictures!
Uuffda… that was painful, but I’m stopping at five! I could name about 20 more, but you’ll just have to check them out from the link on my sidebar. Hope you all have a great day!