• kk

    Ink About It – Contact UsInk About It – paper arts, Westford MA, rubber stamps, stamping, scrapbooking, workshops. … Ink About It Store #3 6 Carlisle Place Westford MA, 01886.
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  • kimmiek

    I love your Blog. I live in Western MA and will have to google where the town you mention is. If not to far perhaps some friends & I can make trip.. you make it sound worth the drive!

  • sue b

    Happy (belated) Birthday, Taylor!

    My mom makes the best raison spice cake, my favorite dessert, and has passed along the recipe … goes great with either coffee or vanilla ice cream, IMHO!

    – sue b

  • Pat S.

    Hi Taylor!
    Thanks for sending us over to that scavenger hunt…how fun!

    My favorite birthday dessert (for today anyway) is the Caramel Pie at O’Charley’s resturant. What could be better than Kraft Caramels melted in Eagle Brand milk!!!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite birthday dessert is turtle cake. It is really rich so I usually only have it a couple times a year.

    Happy Belated Birthday


    amyd9052 on SCS

  • kate connelly

    Happy Belated Birthday, Taylor. Hope you had a wonderful day! My favorite dessert is creme brulee.


  • Kristine

    My favourite is cheesecake. The melting pot sounds absolutely wonderful.

  • lorrietori

    I am a couple of days late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My favorite BD desert would have to be vanila pound cake with buttercream icing. I have only been to The Melting Pot once, but absolutely love it! Hope you had a great time!

  • Susan

    Happy birthday — it sounds like it was a fun one!

    This isn’t my favorite dessert — but it sure is easy to make:

    Cake Cookies

    Take any flavor box cake mix
    1/4 cup of oil
    Mix well
    Scoop onto ingreased cookie sheet (I use the pampered chef scooper)
    Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.

    So easy and yet really yummy!

  • Pat S.

    Hi Taylor!
    Glad to hear that you had such a great birthday celebration!

    The Melting Pot sounds good, but my favorite birthday dessert is carrot cake. One year my mom really got in the theme and drew icing carrots on top of my cake 🙂

  • Kelly S.

    My fave birthday dessert is Chocolate covered cherries! I like ’em so much I make them for my Dh’s bday too! lol.

  • debbiedee

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite dessert is Candy Bar Pie. My gr’ma would make this for me every year for my bd.
    Candy Bar Pie
    1/2 cup milk
    16 large marshmallows
    4 oz Hershey candy bar (almond or plain)
    1 cup whipped cream or 2 cups Cool Whip
    1 graham cracker crust

    Heat mild and marshmallows until melted over low heat, stirring constantly. Add candy bar to mixture and let melt. Cool. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into crust. Freeze.
    yum yum!!

  • Michelle

    Happy Bee-lated birthday Taylor!

    My favorite birthday dessert is rather simple:

    DQ Ice Cream Cake or Angel Food Cake with fresh strawberries & cool whip!

  • JaneAnn

    Happy Birthday – My dear, 25 isn’t old… But I can remember when I turned 25 – I too thought I was old. You have 25 years worth of experience! Now onto my favorite, which has now become the requested cake by 5 of our family members – it is a four layer white cake filled with lemon custard and frosted with 7 Minute Frosting. I made this cake yesterday for my grandson who turned 16…

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite birthday dessert is my Mother’s Swiss Chocolate Cake with Marshmallow Frosting and a few cherries on the top! YUM! Enjoy your special day! 😀
    -Kimberly Gajewski

  • Emily Weems

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My hubby turned 26 on the same day. My favorite birthday desert would have to be a coconut cake. I love it! Melting pot is awesome too. I haven’t been there in a while, but I had something that was chocolate with marshmallows and oreos in it. It was amazing!

    Oh, and really 25 is kind of a milestone in a way, your car insurance will probably go down now too. When my hubby turned 25 last year our insurance went way down.

  • Maria

    In all my excitement in blog candy and wishing you Happy Birthday I forgot to tell you my favorite birthday dessert! Sorry about that!….I am right there with you on Melting Pot but I think my favorite is when my daughter bakes me a cake all on her own. No matter how it looks (or sometimes tastes) it is wonderful!!! Maria

  • Maria

    Happy Birthday Taylor! No matter how old you are birthday’s are special and a milestone. I hope you have a wonderful year!

    I would LOVE to win your Birthday blog candy. What a wonderful gift you are giving away. Crossing my fingers I win.

    Love your blog! Thanks for all the sharing, Maria

  • Pat S.

    Do you get the idea that everybody wants your blog candy?!

    Over 400 comments, and still a day to go…WOW!

    My favorite birthday dessert is lemon meringue pie 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday!

    Our favorite birthday cake is a Skor Cake. You add instant pudding to the cake mix before baking and for the frosting you mix cool whip and cream cheese and then top with crushed Skor bars! Yum, Yum!

    Have a great day! :0) Kamie

  • KayellWY

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!! How was that sinful sounding dessert? 🙂


  • Debbie

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My all time favorite dessert is huckleberry pie from berries that we pick in the mountains. For my birthday, though, somehow a tradition got started many years ago that my mom makes me a cherry chip cake with cherry frosting. It’s the only time during the year that I have this cake and I always look forward to it!

  • Petie S.

    Happy Birthday Taylor! This is my birthday month also–mine was the 5th–and I turned 54 (trust me 50 now that I am 54 is NOT old–ha-ha). Yesterday (6/13) was my 26th anniversary–1 year longer than you were alive!!! :O I hope you enjoyed your birthday and your celebration. I just printed off a turtle cheesecake recipe that is killer–let me know and I’ll send ya a copy–its got a graham cracker crust, a whole 14 oz bag of caramels in it, a can of condensed milk, a cup of pecans, 4 pkgs of cream cheese and a cup of chocolate chips in the cheesecake, then a ganache chocolate topping and then THAT is covered with sweetened whip cream…I’m making it this weekend for Father’s Day. 😛 Again…let me know if you want the recipe AND I hope your special day went great and you filled up on that chocolate fondue… Petie

  • Mary R

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! You are just a baby! I’m diabetic and have lost my taste for sugar BUT my husband’s favorite is Twinkie cake. A cold dessert with, you guessed it, nutritious twinkies on the bottom. You layer with fruits and pudding and top with cool whip, coconut and pecans. No calories, I’m sure. LOL

  • Ann

    Happy Birthday Taylor. Dinner at the Melting Pot sounds divine! Love the Blog Candy you are sharing on the occaision of your 25th B-Day. I would have to say my favorite birthday dessert is Pumpkin Cheesecake (I have an October B-day)! Cheers to a fabulous Birthday! Ann (5-A-Day on SCS)

  • sus

    Happy Birthday Taylor! 25 is a great age! My favorite dessert is Chocolate Lava cake.

  • Dawn G.

    Happy Birthday! Well 25 is a milestone – it’s a quarter of a century old!! LOL! 😉
    My fave dessert is cheesecake with raspberry sauce on top ~YUM~
    Have a great day!

  • Pat S.

    Hi Taylor!
    Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration at the Melting Pot.

    That roller bag is awesome…no more popping blood vessels!

    My favorite birthday dessert is Frozen Chocolate Cheesecake. Anything chocolate would do, but this cheesecake is scrumptous!

  • Kristin O

    I love yummy old-fashioned carrot cake. Lots of pineapple! Happy Birthday!

  • Kacey

    Happy Belated Taylor! Oh to be 25 again, that was a really good year for me! Now for a great birthday dessert – I love ice cream cake as well, but I found this recipe for Boston Babies (kind of like a hot Boston Cream doughnut from Dunkin Donuts) – DELICIOUS! It even has the drizzled chocolate icing on top – great way to end a birthday! And, to top it off, it only has 1g of saturated fat and its 158 calories 🙂

  • Angel

    Happy Birthday!!!! I love Carrot Cake and/or Cheese cake in any variety! This question is making me hungry…LOL

  • hkuhlers

    Happy Birthday! If I had to choose just one I am not sure that I could. One that I could always go with would be “better than sex” cake.


    Just don’t count the calories!


  • Anouk Martin

    Happy Birthday. I have to say, that my favorite dessert would be chocolate cake with LOTS of frosting. Actually, I would be happy with just the frosting! I love it.

  • Alex

    Happy birthday! My favorite would be dark chocolate cake with fresh strawberry filling.

  • barb

    I’m easy to please….my mom’s chocolate crazy cake with whipped cream frosting! Hand’s down. 🙂


  • Melanie aka Batgirl

    My fav dessert is cheesecake! happy birthday!

  • leenda

    You don’t want me to sing by I can say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! My favorite dessert would be my Lemon Pie that is to die for & only takes 30 minutes to make. All you need is a blender. Too easy & so addictive!

  • powell6

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite birthday dessert is Double Chocolate Refrigerator Cake! Talk about YUMM-O! Have a great day! 🙂


  • k.m.

    Hope you had a happy birthday…..it’s really sweet of you to share it with us!
    My favorite birthday dessert would probably be sour cream raisin pie. Love that delicious treat!!

  • Mary

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I love turtle brownies….. yummmm! Chocolate rocks!

  • Melissa

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I too turned 25 this year! Which is good because our car broke down 2 weeks after and we dont’ live in our driver’s license state so I was able to rent!!
    My favorite bday dessert is Key Lime Pie. Definitely my all time fave!!

  • Connie

    Happy Birthday yesterday, Taylor…my birthday is TODAY! Go Geminis! lol!

    My favorite birthday dessert is my mom’s homemade Carrot Cake. I’ll send the recipe to you. It takes a little longer to make, but it is O SO awesome! Yummy!

  • Heather Leech

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! My favorite birthday treat since I was a kid is the confetti angel food cake….don’t know why the confetti is any better than any other angel food cake, but it is! Hope you enjoy your chocolate fondue…sounds totally nummy!!
    Heather L.

  • Leslie

    Happy Birthday to you! My fav bday dessert is really quite simple. White cake with white icing and not home-made (eek) but store-bought from the local bakery. Sounds boring but I love it! Love your blog too – great work and ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  • Pegi Taylor

    Happy Belated Birthday Taylor from Pegi, Willow, and Izzy. We made you a special little drool worthy surprise and it will be coming your way later this week. You know me . . . always a day late and a dollar short *wink* sometimes $34.25 short . . . but you should be getting that this week too.

    Anyway . . . favorite birthday dessert would be Strawberry Angelfood Cake with lots of whipped cream. I will send you the recipe. Scrumptous!!!

    Big Birthday Hugs from all of us here in Minnesota. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  • Susan

    Happy belated Birthday, Taylor! Love the birthday blog candy! OK, my favorite b-day dessert would be found at BJ’s Brewery (great food!)…it’s a combination of a freshly-baked, warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream piled on top and it’s called a Pazookie!

  • C70

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! Blessings to you!

    My favorite dessert is chocolate silk pie!!! yum!

  • janet allen

    Happy Birthday – what a beautiful time of year to have a birthday. All the birthdays in my family are in the dead of winter. My favorite desserts are anything with chocolate.

  • Lisa C.

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite birthday dessert is cheesecake, don’t care what kind it is, just cheesecake!

  • Anonymous

    Hi Taylor. My favorite birthday dessert is Saucy fudge pudding. I absolutely adore that dessert! My husbands favorite is pear pie!! Have a great birthday!

    Denise Bennett
    dbennett on SCS

  • Linda Lee

    Hey, 50 isn’t that old–when you are halfway to 90, then you can complain about feeling old! The best is yet to come:) Happy Birthday from an angel food cake with lemon sauce lover.

  • maiahs_momma

    Happy Birthday Taylor :)! My fav. would have to be strawberry cheesecake or blackforest cake with real fresh cherries :D!! Have a super fantastic day, filled with lots of special memories and surprises :)!

  • Ruth

    My favorite birthday dessert is Chocolate Fallen Souffle Cake from epicurious.com. The recipe is here if you are interested. If you like chocolate you will love this! Happy Birthday!

  • DeniseLynn

    WoooooHooo! Happy happy day! I have been moving so I have not been able to be on the computer until now. I hope your year is fabulous – happy 25th!!

  • cheryl robinson

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! You may be halfway to 50, but I’m halfway to 106!! (tee hee). I love all treats, so I’ll just pick one I haven’t had in a long time – my Grandma’s popcorn cake. It’s made like popcorn balls, with jellied candies added. If you put it in an angelfood cake pan, it’s easy to cut.

  • Katie

    Happy Birthday Youngen’

    I remember 25 like it was, well, 2 years ago! LOL…

    My fav. birthday dessert is Fru Fru. It’s got a butter/flour crust, cool whip, powdered sugar and cream cheese layer, then instant choc and vanilla pudding layer topped with more cool whip! YUMMMOOO!!

  • Anonymous

    wow, what a generous giveaway!! My favourite birthday dessert is ice cream cake, but I really will eat anything chocolate!

    Take care, and happy birthday!


  • Lucy

    Sounds like you had a great bday. I just celebrated my 34th wedding anniversary and next week is my 55th bday …. believe me, you’re only as old as you feel. My favourite dessert is definitely drumstick dessert. It is made with peanut butter and other ingredients and tastes just like a drumstick ice cream.

  • Wife2TJ

    Happy Birthday!!! I have heard wonderful things about the melting pot, but still haven’t been there. My favorite birthday desert would have to be banana creme pie. LOVE it!!!

  • Anonymous

    Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! My favorite dessert is Hersheys choc cake with Hersheys frosing from the back of the box of Hersheys cocoa.

  • Jackie W.

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!! I hope you really enjoy it. My favorite would be Leo’s cake from Leo’s BBQ in Oklahoma City. I haven’t lived there in a long time but would love to have it again. It was a yellow cake with fresh strawberries and bananas and I forgot what else except that it was awesome! Have a great day!

  • Jana Weaver

    Favorite dessert is a toughie…I love them all!! I do love chocolate fondue, and just made some a week or so ago (with yummy European chocolate….mmMMMmmm!!) But I think I would have to say a flourless chocolate cake with really good, tart, well strained raspberry sauce!

    Hope you have a wonderful day, and fun at the melting pot tonight!!

  • Jodi Rodriguez

    I love so many desserts but I really like chocolate chip cookie cake. We used to buy it at the mall but now we make our own!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! My girls are 28 and 32, so you are still a baby – ha!
    My favorite birthday dessert is chocolate cake with whipped white icing – yum. Could eat some right now.
    Sandy Kay

  • kirstensmom

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! My favorite dessert would have to be no-bake cherry cheesecake!!! Yummy! Hope you have a super day:-)
    Kelly S

  • Heather Renner

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I have never been to a Melting Pot but it sounds delish!! Have a great time! My favorite dessert is the “Triple Chocolate Meltdown” at Applebee’s. Fudge-filled chocolate cake topped with dark and white chocolate, plus vanilla ice cream and hot chocolate fudge. YUMMY I have a close second now too, have you tried the new Waffle Cone Blizzard at DQ? Too die for!! LOL Thanks for sharing your creativity with us, I really enjoy your blog. Heather Renner, Casper, WY

  • Jennifer Magreevy

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!!! Enjoy your 25th…I turned 30 this year, and I can tell you it starts to go a lot faster. 🙂 Savor that out-of-state driving!!

    My favorite dessert is New York style cheesecake. I hardly ever get the opportunity to have any, so when I do, it’s such a great treat. Oooh, now I totally want some!!!

  • Elizabeth V.

    Happy Birthday Taylor–I hope your day is great! My favorite birthday dessert is a good chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing and a either a big glass of milk or a cup of good coffee. Thanks for sharing birhtday goodies!

  • Sheryl

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Hope you have a wonderful day! My favorite birthday treat is a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. Love those!

  • Cheryl

    Sorry, I forgot to mention my favorite birthday dessert….Boston Creme Pie!!

  • Cheryl

    Happay Birthday. BTW, I’m going to be 49 on August 20th so I guess I am officially OLD!

    Hope you enjoy the benefits of age.

    Thanks for all your great ideas and inspirations.

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! May you have a wonderful day … My favorite birthday dessert is molten chocolate cakes …


  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday!!! My fave birthday dessert is ANYTHING chocolate and shared by friends 🙂


  • Kim Forsyth

    Happy Birthday Taylor:) I would have to say my favorite dessert (birthday or otherwise) is Creme Brulee! It’s lip smacking good!!!
    have a great day…

    Kim Forsyth

  • JulieHofer

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! I love strawberry shortcake – even though I am a chocoholic! Thanks for a chance to win some awesome blog candy!

  • Jessica

    Happy Belated Birthday! I hope your day was fantastic. I have a card sitting on my desk to mail to you.

    My favorite birthday dessert is key lime pie. YUM!

  • the geislers

    Happy, Happy Birthday Taylor! Your gift will be late, as usual :). I don’t know what I’d do with the album, but I like free stuff just like anybody else :). My favorite dessert is really a toss-up between Dairy Queen cake and Andes Mint cake (a YUMMY chocolate cake with fudge, crushed up Andes, and whipped cream!). So, sign me up and HAPPY 25th!

  • Stamp4hobby

    Have a great birthday! I love the Melting Pot too.
    My favorite birthday dessert is Russian Napoleon Cake. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Happy 25th Taylor! I remember turning 25, the big ones after that are the new decades . . .turning, 30, 40, 50, etc.

    My favorite b-day desert is Pumpkin Pie – even though my b-day is in May. When I was little I used to always make my mom by pumpkin pie instead of bday cakes. I thought they tasted better. – Melissa Opalski in DC

  • KindredEsprit

    My favourite birthday dessert is my aunt’s yogurt torte. It’s so fresh and light! Although it’s not so light on calories. 😉 Happy *sweet* b-day, Taylor!!


  • Deanna

    Happy Birthday! My favorite dessert is Lemon Meringue Pie! Tart and Sweet! Yummy!

  • Linda SS

    Happy Birthday dear Taylor! I have never enjoyed the traditional buttercream birthday cakes, so my boss used to buy cherry pie for my birthday. I think my all-time favorite dessert is Burnt Creme. That chocolate melting pot idea is definitely sounding awfully yummy though:) ENJOY your birthday!!!

  • Julie Mutch

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!!! 🙂

    A fellow Gemini…My birthday was just on Sunday, too. My favourite birthday dessert is my homemade Ice Cream Cake. It’s so yummy! Not really on the LA Weight Loss plan, these days, though. 🙁

    Hope you have a great day! Enjoy your night out!

    Julie’s Ice-Cream Cake

    2 cups flour
    ½ cup brown sugar
    ½ cup rolled oats
    1 cup pecans, chopped
    1 cup margarine, melted

    1 bottle (250 ml) butter scotch / caramel topping
    2 litres vanilla ice-cream

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Take ice-cream out of freezer to partially thaw.
    Stir together first 5 ingredients, arrange crumble mixture onto a 9” x 13” baking sheet.
    Bake 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
    Add ½ of crumble mixture to bottom of large spring form baking pan.
    Drizzle on ½ of butterscotch topping, then 2 litres of vanilla ice-cream; spread smooth.
    Add remaining ½ of crumble mixture over ice-cream.
    Drizzle on remaining ½ of butterscotch topping over crumble mixture.
    Sprinkle sliced almonds over top.
    Freeze overnight to firm up again.
    Remove from freezer about 15 minutes prior to serving. Use a sharp knife dipped in boiling hot water, then dried, to cut the cake for a nice clean cut.

    Enjoy! 🙂

  • Lynnette

    My favorite birthday dessert is Boston Cream Pie!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I can’t believe there are 364 comments on here right now…that is amazing!! My favorite birthday dessert is an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins, preferably with mint chip ice cream. Hope you have a great day!
    Geny C.
    Mommy Geny on SCS

  • Bridget

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite is a New Zealand/Australia tradition – Pavlova! It’s like a huge meringue but is marshmellowey in the middle. It’s usually served covered in whipped cream and sliced kiwifruit. Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

  • Julie - iamstmpin@aol.com

    Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! My favorite dessert is from the Melting Pot too! I go every year for either my birthday or anniversary (in the same week) and I use to work at Melting Pot in my college days and was hooked on cheese and chocolate! Have a great day!

  • Anonymous

    Mmmmm…. The Melting Pot. Wish I had one of those close to me! Looks YUMMY! Hope you have a wonderful time! Happy Birthday!

    Sherry McGill

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! I love to read your blog. My favorite birthday dessert is Toasted Almond Torte – made by a bakery here in Pittsburgh. It is a layer of yellow cake, a layer of custard, then another layer of yellow cake all topped with icing and sugared, toasted sliced almonds. It is so good! Have a great day!

    anyas101 on SCS

  • Krista

    Happy birthday!
    I love a good bakery cake with yummy frosting … mmmm. Have a wonderful birthday!

  • Vicky

    Taylor, Here’s wishing yu a most womderful Birthday!! Have a great evening out! I have to say I’m rather partial to DQ’s ice cream cake myself, I love the fudgy middles!

  • Ellen Sutton

    Happy Birthday 25th Taylor!!! I love ice cream cakes!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!


  • Leah from Westfield, IN

    Happy birthday, Taylor! I hope your day is extra wonderful!! My favorite birthday dessert is my grandma’s Coconut Creme Pie. She gave me the recipe so I could make it myself but it just isn’t as good when I make it!!

  • Denise

    my favorite dessert for my birthday is a tiramisu my DH makes for me! MY grandma taught him when we first started dating and told him to make it for me every year on my birthday…and he has!

  • Anonymous

    OOOO! I would love to learn more about this Flaming Turtle dessert as my favorite I was going to mention is Turtle cake! With a little ice cream on the side!
    Happy Birthday Taylor and thanks for sharing the celebration with us!
    Ilene B.

  • mara g

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy being 25! Hope you have a wonderful one.

  • Rachel F

    Happy Birthday! I love birthdays and molted chocolate cake. Yummy!

  • Michelle

    Happy Birthday to you….

    My favorite birthday dessert would have to be New York cheesecake. Yum!

  • Angela

    My favorite birthday dessert would have to be angel food cake frosted with cool whip and strawberries. I guess technically it could be considered a strawberry short cake :-X

  • Bella Rose Creations

    Wow so many comments…but I think that is because you are great! Happy Birthday…and 25 is still a baby 😉 Congratulations to your husband on his graduation!

  • Anonymous

    happy birthday;o)
    I feel like I know you, since I read your blog almost every day.
    Have fun eating lots of yummy chocolate covered items at the Melting Pot!

  • Regina D.

    Happy 25th Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is Baskin & Robbins Chocolate Mousse Royale Ice Cream Pie. It’s delicious! Again, Happy Birthday – Regina

  • Melissa

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I am exactly 6 months and 6 days older than you. All hail the Ladies born in 1982!!! My favorite birthday dessert would be chocolate Eclair cake. It’s like an elcliar stretched into a cake pan. YUMMMY!! Have a great birthday!

  • Patti Chesky

    Happy Birthday you young little thing!!! I turn 40 in 2 weeks…..UGH!!!!! My favorite birthday cake is the lemon layer cake from The Pastry Garden in Poughkeepsie, NY. We moved to MN last summer so no more lemon cakes for me……wah!!!! Enjoy your birthday dessert!!! It sounds like a yummy one!!!

  • Sue Symens

    Happy B-dAy!!!! Cheesecake is my favorite and I mean the real stuff. Hope you have a great day! Sue

  • mj

    defintely chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a scoop of chocolate icecream right on top to melt all over the cake! 🙂 Happy birthday Taylor!

  • emcclean@telus.net

    Happy Birthday.
    My favourite dessert is creme brulee. There are so many wonderful flavours now,caramel, pumpkin. Yummy!!!

  • Sarah

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!! This is a day late…but best wishes all the same! I hope you had fun at the ‘Melting Pot’- I’ve never been there, but it sure sounds like a fun place to eat. Hope you had a great day. Love your blog- keep up the great work.


  • Anonymous

    My favorite is White Chocolate Raspberry cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. So horribly fattening that I can only enjoy it once a year! Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have an enjoyable day. Thank you for sharing your life and talents with us! God Bless.

  • Dawn Knapp

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Hope you have a great one. My favorite is just plain ‘ol cheesecake. It’s got a bazillion grams of fat but sooooooo yummy!!!! Enjoy your day!

  • Amy Kennedy

    Happy Birthday!!! Love the Melting Pot – have a great time!! My all time fav is warm brownies topped with vanilla bean ice cream and chocolate sauce. Simple, but oh so yummy if the brownie is warm!!!

    Amy Kennedy on scs

  • Andrea

    Happy birthday, Taylor! Have fun at the Melting Pot tonight. LOVE that place! Mmmmm.

    My favorite birthday dessert is carrot cake. YUM!!!

    Andrea 🙂

  • june g.

    happy birthday fellow gemini!!
    which of course means i love at least two desserts. german chocolate cake and fresh fruit pavlova. two very different ones.

  • Laura

    Happy Birthday Taylor!

    My favorite is Cheesecake with strawberries! Yum!

    Hope this is an awesome birthday for you!

    Laura S.

  • Beverly A.

    Happy Birthday Taylor; 25 is so young to me! My favorite birthday dessert is birthday cake and ice cream! Cake, frosting and ice cream, yum!
    Thanks for a wonderful blog.

  • Karen (taiterbug)

    Hi Taylor – Happy Birthday – hope you had a wonderful day. Not sure that I have a favourite birthday dessert – I think just a lovely decorated birthday cake would be it. Have a great one.

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is anything chocolate. I love it.

    JennyF from VA

  • Lori Mueller

    Oh my….just ONE favorite! Happy Birthday, Taylor. I’m sorry, but I have to list 2 favorite desserts…A really scrumptuous Carrot Cake and I make a killer Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake! Both are to die for. Have a great day!

  • donna calamari

    Happy B-day!!! I am not a cake lover unless it is flourless chocolate cake. So rich and impressive, and so easy to make yourself!!!!

  • Craftqn

    Happy Birthday! A June girl, like me. My birthday was Monday, but unlike you I turned 47!! Yikes. I barely remember my 25th!! Great site and I am going to have to try that fondue at the melting pot….sounds sinful!!


  • Susannk

    Happy Birthday!!!
    My favorite bday treat is Vanilla cake with strawberries in the middle and whipped cream frosting. Yum! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • Anonymous

    I hope you had a great birthday Taylor!! As for favorite dessert, my Mom makes the best eclairs in the world … light and flaky pastry with a yummy filling and an amazing chocolate icing.

    SandyB from NC

  • Anonymous

    Hope you had a fun time Taylor and your Birthday dinner. My favortite desert is by far my Mom’s New York Cheese Cake. MMM… That sounds Yummy!! Hope you got some fun Birthday goodies. Do share:)


  • Rachel

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert would have to be cheesecake. Just the plain, vanilla kind. Yum.

  • Julie K in Taiwan

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for being born, and thanks for sharing your talent on your blog.

    My favorite birthday desert can only be purchased around my birthday as it’s icecream moon cakes. I guess that means it’s actually a moon festival desert, but I’ll claim it as my birthday desert 😉

  • Colleen Kwan

    Happy Birtday Taylor! I hope that you had a great time celebrating. My favorite birthday dessert is the Mango Moose cake at Portos.

  • Debbie Olson

    Happy Birthday, sweet Taylor! May you have much more happiness! And I hope you had fun at the Melting Pot–used to be my favorite place in my single days! Loved that Swiss Cheese fondue. . . (I know that’s not a dessert, but I liked it better! 😉

  • Tara

    Happy Birthday!!!

    My fave dessert would have to be baked berry cheesecake… or maybe even pavlova. Mmmmmm… *drool*

  • mishkismom

    My goodness I hope you had a yummy birthday! A Flaming Turtle?? Holy Yum! Let’s see.. my fave B-Day dessert? It would have to be a Carvel ice cream cake.. Is Carvel all over the country? Not sure but if not it is just soft serve vanilla and soft serve choc ice cream smooshed ino a cake with choclate crumbs in the middle.. yumm now I can’t wait for my bday! lol (in August so it is a wait!! lol)

  • Jan Scholl

    Taylor-you still have 3/4ths of your life left to live! So have tons of fun. I dont do birthday desserts. I just don’t like sweet stuff. SO how about I say galic roasted on the grill in olive oil with rosemary.

  • kobe

    Happy birthday Taylor! I love desserts, especially one made with chocolate. My favorite birthday dessert is probably Godiva chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Hope you enjoy your day and have lots of yummy, memorable sweets.

  • brainybairn

    Happy Birthday! My fave has to be chocolate mousse! YUM!!! the chocolate fondue is great too but the cleaning can be such a pain!

    Happy birthday again!

  • Kimmie

    Happy Birthday! Love the stuff.

  • normaj

    Happy Birthday Taylor. I am long
    past 25 but somedays I wish I could be there again with the knowledge I have now. Have fun with it.
    My favourite dessert is a Mount Baker. Chocolate cake with a vanilla ice cream centre, drizzled with hot fudge sauce and dollops of
    whip cream. Yummy!
    Norma, Surrey, British Columbia

  • Elaine

    Happy Happy Birthday, Taylor!! Favorite is ice cream…any kind, and then cheesecake, and creme brulee, and oh, brownies! YUM! Cupcakes, apple pie, strawberry rhubarb…yummy yummy….now I’m hungry!

  • Quilt Nut

    Happy Birthday Taylor!

    my favorite dessert is a chocolate cake with a coffee/barvain creme filling that my mom makes-yum!!

  • Novell

    Happy Birthday, Taylor. Thank you so much for always being so willing to share your creations with us. I hope your day was special. Today was also a co-worker’s birthday and I understand she likes cheesecake and chocolate bars so for her I made a New York Cheesecake which will be drizzled with caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, then sprinkled with nuts. For myself, I love Red Robin’s Mud Pie or a really good Creme Brulee.

  • rebecca

    I know it’s odd, but I love just plain old angel food cake — nothing on it, just plain. Of course, it was better in the old days (when I was probably 25) when Mama would make it with a dozen egg whites. Now, it’s just outta the box. Happy day to you today and all your tomorrows, too.

  • Cheri

    Hi Taylor,
    Happy birthday to you! Okay, my favorite birthday dessert was an occasion in itself! My sister and I were in Honolulu, sitting by a pool listening to a wonderful house band eating cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. My cheesecake Kahlua Cocoa Coffee Cheesecake! It was amazing… the cheesecake and the evening! 🙂

  • Nancy Grant

    Birthday Blessings! 😉
    Fresh strawberries and sweet thick cream is my birthday favorite.

  • InspiredByInk

    Okay, I guess my fav is Chocolate pudding cake… super easy and DELISH! (what’s not to love about chocolate cake mix, pudding mix and a bag ((yes a WHOLE bag!!)) of chocolate chips?!!)

    HOpe you have a GREAT birthday and I kNOW what you mean about renting that car.!! Double woo hoo. You are a youngin’!!


  • Monica

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! My gosh…you’re a youngster! I wish I had a smidgen of the talent you have when I was 25! My favorite birthday dessert has to be plain ol’ birthday cake…yellow cake with silky white frosting with the flowers and all that stuff. Yum! I would avoid having birthdays anymore if it wasn’t for the cake!

  • Bev The Softball Mom

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!
    My favorite Birthday dessert is….Angel Food cake with homemade Chocolate frosting at least an inch thick and french vanilla frosting. I havent had a really good choc. frosting since my Mom died in 99. i just can’t get the right flavor, consistancy as she and my g-ma did. The ready made stuff sucks. lol
    Anyways, Hope your day was GREAT!

  • Cathy Whiteman

    Happy 25th birthday! I would have to agree that any dessert fondue at the Melting Pot is a perfect dessert. I also enjoy some coffee ice cream creation at Coldstone Creamery.

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!
    My favorite birthday dessert would be iced chiffon cake with the icing made out of a combo of vanilla pudding, cream cheese and whipped cream…heavenly!!
    Wishing you many happy birthdays!

  • Yvette

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! I hope you had a beautiful day…you deserve it. My favorite dessert is angel food cake with strawberries. YUMMM~;)Thanks for sharing in the fun!!

  • Trish M

    Happy Birthday to you!! My favorite birthday dessert is chocolate cake with lots of dark, fudgie chocolate icing and vanilla icecream on the side! Yum!

  • Eleanor

    Hi Taylor! You’re a quarter of a century years old! hee-hee! It only gets better from here. I love simple things – my favorite dessert is yellow cake and chocolate frosting with vanilla ice cream! Happy Birthday! Enjoy!

  • Susan F.

    Happy birthday Taylor!!

    Oh the Pink Champagne cake at McGavin’s bakery in Bremerton Washington is the BEST!! I haven’t lived there for 24 years, and sadly I have yet to find a bakery that can duplicate their yummy cake.

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!

    My favorite birthday dessert is any dessert especially if it’s a cake i.e. White Chocolate Strawberry from a bakery in Seattle called Simply Dessert.

    Riza Almanza

  • Judi

    Wow 25! And a great age to celebrate with birthday dessert. My favorite dessert is a mocha cake. Not just any mocha cake. When I lived back home I remember each year my mom would go to the local bakery and bring home a 7 layer white cake with mocha icing (coffee flavor) not to sweet – just right. I can still taste the velvety frosting on that cake. Oh how I long for a mocha cake!

  • Jessica (jessrose21)

    Happy Birthday! Once you hit 25, it’s like time speeds up! My fave treat has to be ice cream cake with the chocolate crunchies. I could eat the whole thing by myself!

  • Elena

    Rediscovered your blog through A*MUSE A*PALOOZA (one of the Ambassador participants). You have wonderful card designs. happy birthday, too. Enjoy your fondue (I go for Ben & Jerry’s!)

  • Marge Sexton

    Happy 25th Birthday Taylor! My fav would have to be Lemon Meringue Pie, such a refreshing summertime dessert. My Mom use to make the BEST! The runner up would have to be Strawberry Shortcake, as strawberries are very plentiful locally right now. Enjoy the Melting Pot, I understand it is awesome!

  • tami

    Hello birthday girl. Man are you ever popular!! My favorite birthday dessert is any kind of “good cake” with chocalate frosting. I always crave and expect cake on my birthday but it didn’t happen this April! You are just so sweet. I’m so addicted to ribbon so I hope I win. That ATC holder looks awesome too. I’d love to have anything you made as you are so so talented and super sweet. 25…you are just a baby in my eyes. How sweet of hubby to take you out for birthday dessert. Boy does that sound good right about now. Yum!!

  • Trish

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I’m not sure what is making me drool more – all these desserts or that big pile o’ ribbon! My favorite dessert anytime is chocolate banana bread pudding.

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday.
    i loooove your ribbon… i still use mine very sparingly cause i want it to last a long time.

    my favorite dessert is Schwarzwaelderkirsch Torte (Blackforrest Cake)

  • Carol Scheevel

    Happy Birthday Taylor. Hope your day is fabulous and that the people you LOVE surround you and remind you how special you are, and how much they LOVE YOU! What could be better! You’ve had a whirlwind week, with Jon’s graduation, etc. I think my favorite birthday dessert is mud pie. Although I’ve had that pineapple orange cake (and made it myself) that Dana suggested and it is fabulous. I highly recommend it! Have a great day! Carol Scheevel

  • pat

    I’m salivating just thinking about a delicate crepe filled with rich milk chocolate with a big honkin’ scoop of french vanilla ice cream with a little more chocolate on top and an even bigger honkin’ dolop of whipped cream (and a cherry for good measure and if you feel like it chopped pecans too). Oh my, I feel faint…!! Excuse me while I splash a little cold water on my face..

  • Jennifer Root

    Me..Me…Pick Me!! My hubby knows that the only place to take me for any event that involves dessert is the Melting Pot!! We love the one in Pasadena by you. We used to have to drive all the way to Brea so yea for Pasadena. My favorite is the peanut butter and chocolate fondue. Happy Birthday!! Congrats on making it 1/2 way to 50!!

    Jennifer (refinnej2 on SCS)

  • Debi H.

    May all your wishes come true!!! My favorite dessert would be Oreo Mousse Cake from a restaurant in Jacksonville, FL. It’s a little pricey…about $50 for the whole cake, but we splurge on a great big slice and share it—yummmm! It’s worth every cent. Also, I have a 25 year old daughter and I’m 50–so I’m feeling your “old” comment. It’s a great age to be and you’ll know when you get there. Just enjoy the journey and eat lots of dessert along the way!

  • Rachel A

    Happy Birthday!!!! My favorite birthday dessert is cheesecake made by DH. I am not picky on the flavor – chocolate swirl, limon, turtle – they are all good!

  • Linzy

    Mine would hafta be chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese filling….yummy! Happy Birthday, Taylor!
    Linzy Martins

  • NevaM.

    Happy Birthday Taylor. My fav desert is Strawberry Shortcake with whipped cream. Yum Yum.

  • Shelley ~ photocropper

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!! I have never had fondue but I bet it is wonderful since it is chocolate!!

    My favorite bday dessert would have to be Cake…chocolate with chocolate icing….I like chocolate ice cream too but I dont have to have it and I dont want it to touch my cake 😉
    Hope you have a blast!!!

  • Alicia

    Mmm favorite bday dessert is plain old cherry cheesecake. Love it!!

  • Whimsey

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Taylor, happy birthday to you! WHEW – SO MUCH better than if you could really hear me sing. LOL Enjoy your day!

  • Tanis

    Hokey schmokes! You’ve got so many comments the page wouldn’t even fully load the first time!
    Happy Birthday! (for the 280th time!)
    I couldn’t believe you were 25 either. Not that you look old! But you are so talented and look like you have so much experience that I assumed you must be older.
    So way to be such a “mature” papercrafter at such a young age!
    Anyway, I’ve never hear of the Melting Pot (I’m sure I’m deprived)..but my favourite place is Baked Expectations. The choice of cheesecakes is pretty unlimited.
    Have a fun time!

  • Alicia Graham

    My favorite birthday dessert is juicy red sweet watermelon! My birthday is June 30, right when watermelons are at their best!! YUM!!!

  • Ashley Bowen

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAYLOR!! My 24th Birthday is Saturday, June 16th! My favorite birthday dessert is a chocolate Ice Cream cake from Dairy Queen! Yummy! We will be having one of those Saturday! Enjoy your day! Hugs Ashley!


  • Tandra Boyer

    Hi Taylor!! Last minute HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, as you are probably eating that Flaming Turtle!!! My fave dessert is..is…is..is..so many to choose from… Strawberry Shortcake from the Cheesecake Factory (so far!!) But I think I need to try the Flaming Turtle now, just to make sure its not my new fave!!!
    Hope your B-day was fabuloso!! Im sure it was!!!

  • kerry davis

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!!!
    My favorite birthday dessert is cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory… pretty much any flavor will do. 😉
    You never cease to amaze me; I was really surprised to read that you were only turning 25 ~ you don’t *look* older than that, but you are so talented and mature for only being 25!!!! You just seem very seasoned, how’s that??
    I loved reading about how you and Jon met, that was really cool of you to share.

  • Jannette

    Happy birthday, and let me say that the best years are yet to come!! I loved my 20’s, 30’s were even better and my 40’s are great!! My favorite is Angel Food Cake with Strawberries and whipped cream.

  • Crystal

    Anything choclate. Does that count? My dh tried to make me a chocolate cake from scratch, icing from scratch too this year. It was as hard as a brick. At least he tried right?!?!?

  • Jean

    HAPPY 25TH! I remember 28 was hard, but not 25.

    I love plain white cake with butter cream frosting and lemon filling 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Happy 25th Birthday! My four year old son shares your birthday also. We had a party with neighborss/friends. We are part of the Air Force and our friends have become our family. My favorite birthday dessert would be Tiramisu with my husband, we loved the tiramisu at Pizza Express in England when we were stationed there and always ordered when we would go out to eat there!
    Kindly, Kris

  • flygirlual

    mmm never met a dessert i didnt like so this one is going to be a tough one!! I think my all time fav are oreos and a glass of milk mmmmmmmmmmmm

  • Michelle

    Happy Birthday!
    YUMM! Chocolate fondue! That sounds delish. My favorite desserts are tiramisu or anything chocolate and peanut butter!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday to you!!

    Devils food cake with lots and lots of buttercream frosting!

    Hope you had a wonderful day!

    Cathy M.

  • Amy

    Happy Birthday Taylor!

    I love a good chocolate cake with buttercream frosting! YUM!!!


  • Karen Sullivan

    Happy Birthday! YUM – Melting Pot…
    That ATC Album is so cool!! Love it!

    Karen S (basketmom)

  • Anonymous


  • Mom to 2 Boys

    Happy Birthday! I think my favorite would be from scratch yellow cake with cooked fudge icing poured over it. My grandmother use to make this cake for us and no one can duplicate it. The icing is very tricky to make. Cook to long & you ruin it and stuff like the weather & humidity can also screw it up. Don’t know how she always seemed to get it right.

  • Sarah

    Happy 25th Taylor!
    When I was a little girl, my favorite birthday treat was Boston cream pie. Now I have moved on to a really good coconut cream pie.

  • Shelley

    Happy happy birthday Taylor! Enjoy that dessert, it sounds yummy. My favorite is a 7 layer chocolate banana cake that my old boss used to make. She was a horrible person but oh my, could she bake a cake. It had chocolate ganache on top, and some whipping cream in between some of the layers. Outstanding!

  • Mary Campbell

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is whatever flavor cake my husband decides to bake for me. Great blog candy.

  • SmilynStef

    Any birthday dessert is great dessert, but if I must pick I’d say chocolate souffle, pineapple upside down cake or a red velvet cake with lots of cream cheese icing :^) Happy birthday & enjoy the fondue.

  • Pattyjo

    My favorite dessert is coconut cream pie. Yum
    Happy Birthday!

  • Anonymous


    My favorite birthday desert is Red Velvet Cake since my birthday is in February. But I also love chocolate and that would have to be turtle brownies.

    sc/name alwaysstampin2 (Margaret)

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Hope your day is wonderful. As for the dessert that’s easy! Key lime pie! Of all the sweet things in the whole world nothing is more satisfying to me than a luscious slice of key lime pie!


    Stampingshawn on SCS

  • Cassy

    Happy Birthday Taylor. I guess I’m a simple kind of girl because what I truly love for dessert (whether it’s a birthday or any old day) is a really rich chocolate brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I hope you have a great dessert at the Melting Pot!


  • Wendy Aungst

    Hey Taylor!! Happy Happy Birthday to you! I’m sure you will enjoy your evening at the Melting Pot. I’ve never been to one but heard they are bangin! My favorite dessert is from a Mexican place called El Serrano’s. They have the most delish lemon cake i’ve ever had. Ohh yummm! Thanks for offering the Blog Candy..WooHoo! Enjoy your day!

  • scfranson

    Happy Birthday!! My favorite birthday cake is “Better Than Sex Cake” YUMMY!
    Claudia F.

  • lois lane

    Happy Birthday!!!! Oh to be 25 again!!! Anyway, my favorite birthday dessert is boughten birthday cake from a local bakery.

  • Leigh O'Brien

    25! You are still just a baby, Taylor! I wish I was 25 too. Hope you have a wonderful, excellent, terrific, stupendous day!

  • Michelle

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! My favorite dessert is…..ok how can I really pick one, that’s like picking a favorite child. Today if you are making me choose, I will go with DQ icecream cake…gotta love the fudge crunchies.

  • Teresa

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! Hope your day is fabulous!!!

  • The Stampin' Soldier

    Butter pecan cupcakes with cream cheese frosting! Mmmm….

  • Anonymous

    Mmmm… Ice Cream Cake is my favorite! (DQ!)

    Have a FABULOUS special day! Thanks for sharing creativity with us through your FABULOUS blog! 🙂

    Kim W.

  • Joella

    How Fun! Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is cheesecake!

  • JoAnn

    Happy Birthday to you!!! I loved being 25 — I was 25 when I married my hubby. My favorite birthday dessert is chocolate eclair torte. It’s so yummy and it’s even better when I don’t have to make it!

  • Ember

    BTW- Gotta go with CHEESECAKE!!!!

  • Ember

    Ohmagosh! Ive been eyeing your ATC’s for *SO* long… Im giddy at the change to win one for FREE!!! Happy 25th Birthday!!! Geminis ROCK! 😉

  • Tiffany

    Happy 25!!! I think my all time favorite Birthday Dessert is Good Old Chocolate cake with Whipped Frosting. My poor kids have never had any other cake for their Birthdays. One year I ordered the cake for myself just to make sure I got what I wanted!!!

  • Karla

    Happy Birthday Taylor

    I put my husnamd through seminary as well…19 years ago on the opposite coast. We were at New Brunswick Sem in New Brunswick NJ. We are from small town Iowa as well.

    My favorite birthday dessert is Chocolate Cheese Cake.

  • LaurieH

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Twenty five is so young!! My favorite birthday dessert is Strawberry Cheesecake. It is the best! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!


  • AJ Angert

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is chessecake….MMMMMM.

    Enjoy your day and ESPECIALLY dessert!

  • Anonymous

    My Birthday dessert would be TURTLE CHEESECAKE! YUMMMMMM!!

    Peggy F

  • April Hall

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! My favorite birthday cake is traditional Mexican Tres Leche cake……..MELT IN YOUR MOUTH HEAVEN! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • Jill

    Many Happy Returns to you! Twenty five is not old to me (23 here). 🙂 My favoritest birthday dessert is turtle cheesecake!

  • bethtrue

    Happy Birthday! Wow 238 comments! Might as well toss in my favorite – Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory! I especially like white chocolate raspberry truffle, but any ‘ole flavor would do! Hope you have (had) a great day!

    Beth B. (mommy to a busy 3 3/4 year old)

  • Anonymous

    Happy B-day!! My fav dessert is Texas Sheet Cake. I think each state has a version of this but you start out on the stove for both the cake and the frosting and you add the frosting while the cake is still hot. Anyway I can’t believe I am 237!! Yikes! Hope you had a great day.
    Angie W

  • Cris

    My gosh, you’re just a baby! Have a happy happy day! My favorite is creme brulee! Mmmmm!

  • papermemories

    Triple Chocolate Cake with chocolate icing and smarties all over it…a special treat from my childhood.

  • Laura H

    Hope you had a happy, happy day! Favorite dessert…hmmmmm…that’s a tough one. I so enjoy my desserts! I guess if I had to choose, it would be lemon cheesecake with two lemony sauces, one tart and one sweet garnnished with a bit of fresh whipped cream.

    Laura H

  • A. Sanborn

    Aw… to be 25 again! Happy Cake N’ Candle Day… ENJOY! *wink* Well this weeks’s your turn and next week will be mine! Glad to be in such good company. That would be Tiramisu – dessert of choice. *wink*

    Anne 🙂

  • Danita

    Wow, Happy Birthday Taylor!!! Gee, at 25 your car insurance often goes down! hehehe My most recent fave bday dessert is Cold Stone Creamery’s “Snickers” ice cream cake. Yum-o!
    Hope you have a FUN-tastic birthday!!!

  • Anonymous

    I LOVE Graeter’s Raspberry Chip Ice Cream ontop of flourless chocolate cake! Graeter’s is only available in Ohio or by mail! YUM! MIght have to go place an order! Leeanna Fatovic

  • Sue Ring

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Glad to hear you are “legal” now.

    My favorite birthday dessert growing up was a homemade angel food cake with lemon pudding in the middle. Then frosted with a whipped frosting. YUM!!
    Hope the fondue was wonderful!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! I love blueberry pie. I am not too into cake! Have a great day! cathy

  • Robbie

    Happy Birthday! My favorite dessert is cheesecake. I prefer plain with strawberries and whipped cream on top. Yum!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you had great day!

  • Lilian


    i would not be lying when i say that your blog is one of my FAVORITES!! i hope you have a most wonderful day.

    my favorite dessert is creme brulee. 🙂

  • Andrea Varona

    Happy Birthday Taylor. You can’t go wrong with anything chocolate for a birthday, but I would have to say I love having a DQ ice cream cake or macadamia fudge torte. Enjoy your evening with your husband. Andrea

  • Sherri aka sherristampsalot

    H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y Taylor!!! …and many moooooore!

    Hmmmmm…I don’t know that I have a “favorite” birthday dessert…it’s just *gotta* involve chocolate! 🙂

  • Amie

    My favorite is cheesecake–don’t care if it’s homemade, from the store, from a restaurant or what…love the stuff! happy happy birthday!

  • Kerin Sylvester

    Happy Birthday! I’ve been stalking your blog for some time now, and I have to tell you what an inspiration you are! All of your creations are fantastic…and I love the story you shared of how you met your husband. My favorite birthday dessert is chocolate covered strawberries, yum! By the way, I’m half way to 74 so you’re not doing too shabby!

  • Pat S.

    Hi Taylor!
    Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
    Enjoy the Melting Pot…and thanks for leaving us with something to keep us busy…your blog candy is awesome!

    My favorite birthday dessert is Italian Cream Cake. If you’re not familar with that, it’s a 3-layer yellow cake full of coconut and pecans, with cream cheese frosting that also has coconut & pecans, and topped with toasted coconut…YUM!!!

  • kelly


    My favorite birthday treat are special K bars. They are made with Special K and peanut butter topped with melted butterscotch and choc. chips. MMMMMM they are so good!

  • Lynda

    My favorite birthday desert is Strawberry Whip Cream cake. Of course, I pretty much will settle for anything that is sweet and loaded with calories. LOL

  • Candy Zucca

    Happy 25th Birthday! I hope you enjoy your yummy fondue tonight. My favorite birthday dessert is strawberry cake with rainbow chip icing. I have had this every year since I was a kid and I still insist on having it. My family is sick of it and wishes I would move on but I can’t bring myself to do it.

  • Lori Craig

    Hmmmm, favorite birthday dessert is a moist carrot cake… what fabulous blog candy for your birthday! Hope you have a wonderful night and a happy, happy year!

  • Patti

    My favorite birthday dessert is lemon supreme pie from Baker’s Square. Yum!!! Happy Birthday Taylor!

  • Janice

    Happy B-Day Taylor!!!!!
    My favourite b-day dessert is angel food cake with whip cream and strawberries!!! Enjoy yur fondue.

  • scrappintrish

    Awesome Candy! Your Blog is great! I am very glad that I ran across it. I also have some Blog Candy up for grabs over at my Blog until June 15th. 🙂

  • Toni

    My favorite birthday desert would have to be my Mom’s pineapple upsidedown cake Yum! Happy Birthday, Taylor! Hope you’re having a great day!

  • Anonymous

    Happy B-day Taylor… 25 is so young still. Wish I were 25 again. Anyway, my fav dessert… hmmm there are so many. I love cake of any kind really with ice cream on top! Yum! Oh.. and banana cream pie.. oh geez. I am getting hungry now. Thanks Taylor!

    Lori Faeber

  • svandyke

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!!

    What I would give to be 25 again and have everything ahead of me. Enjoy everyday and Congratulations to your cute husband too!!!

  • Jen Stevenson

    Happy Birthday Little Girl! Give me a break. I turned 40 this year!!! Yikes!!! This year for my birthday I had to have Italian Wedding cake. Yummy!

    I can’t wait for my ribbon to come but more would be nice! I love love love your ATC album. It’s beautimus!

  • Nancy

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!!!
    Ohhh the Melting Pot….enjoy!
    My all time favorite birthday dessert is a white Jello poke cake with cool whip frosting. Yum-O

  • Shannon K

    Happy Birthday!! I am so jealous that dessert sounds too good to be true!!
    My favorite is anything caramel or any kind of cheesecake. Caramel Cheesecake would be the answer to my dreams.
    Hope you have a great one.

  • Sonya R

    Congratulations on your 25th Birthday Taylor.
    My favourite dessert would have to be chocolate mud cake. mmmmm yumm.

  • Sonya R

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to Taylor
    Happy Birthday to You.

    Hope you have a supper special day.

  • LeAnn

    Yummmmm, Happy, Happy Birthday! If you were here, I would make you my favorite – Texas Fudge Cake (from a Utahn)!

  • Cathy

    Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope you have a wonderful one. What sweet yummy goodies you have to celebrate with your readers. I just love your ATC notebook, and what stamper can’t have enough ribbon. My Favorit birthday dessert is CHEESE CAKE any kind. Love your creative artwork. Your blog just shows your talents. Thanks for the chance.

  • Cat

    Happy Day Taylor! I’m rolling my eyes, as I’m nearing the 50 mark! I remember 25… like it was yesterday! 🙂 It’s so sweet of you to give candy away when it’s YOUR birthday! My all time fav is Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and NUTS.

  • CraftyMomOf2

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!!

    My favorite dessert is similar to fondue (but easier to do at home). I buy Nutella, Strawberry Fluff and Caramel sauce…microwave them all till gooey (I also get Cool Whip – but obviously don’t microwave that) and then chop up all kinds of fruits and berries along with angel food cake. I then give all guests skewers and we all just go to town! It’s messy but super fun. And I don’t feel *too* bad about eating it because the fruit is at least healthy and the angel food cake has very few calories. (how’s THAT for a justification!?) Have a great day and enjoy 25!! It’s such a fun year!

  • Anonymous

    Hi Taylor …Happy happy DAY!
    I’m allergic to wheat so my favorite treat is Breyer’s mint choco ice cream which is a safe treat…many prayers for a great year…DD

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday!!! I love White Cake with White Frosting! Very hard to find unless you are getting married so my husband has made my last 2 birthday cakes and they were the best. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!
    Amanda Calloway

  • Lori W. at slwils@insightbb.com


    My favorite birthday dessert is the “traditional” decorated cake (1/2 white, 1/2 chocolate) and vanilla or chocolate chip ice cream on top!

    Thank you for giving away goodies on YOUR birthday !

  • jodene

    Happy Birhday to you. OOH to be 25 agian.LOL My favorite is a Dairy Queen icecream cake. And my b-day is November! Yeh icecream cake and snowball fights.

  • Jackie Pedro

    Happy Birthday, Taylor. My favorite birthday dessert is good old Betty Crocker Spice Cake with vanilla frosting. Yummy. I look forward to it every year!

    strappystamper on SCS

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor. May you have many many more, all equally as happy!! My favorite birthday treats are either a Turtle Pie from Baskin and Robbins, or else a really GOOD carrot cake with lots and lots of cream cheese frosting!

  • stampin_melissa

    Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope your fondue is the best! My favorite birthday dessert would have to be chocolate cake with homemade chocolate frosting! I make my own frosting and just love it! *eye roll* Add some chocolate ice cream and I’m in heaven! 😉

  • Wendy Luse

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! WOW…25 years old. That does sound good. Well, my favorite birthday treat would have to be chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting and vanilla ice cream on the side. Have a really fun day!!!
    Wendy L.

  • Lori

    Happy Birthday! I love flourless chocolate cake from a local bakery in my hometown. My hubby and I always go and get a couple of pieces for birthdays, anniversaries, etc! Enjoy your special day, so glad I found your blog!

  • Anonymous

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I would have to say my favorite is anything with chocolate in it like chocolate cake with peanut butter icing…YUMMMM!!

    Cindy Coffman

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! I’m approaching 50 but still feel closer to 25! In our family, the traditional birthday cake is dark chocolate with chocolate icing served with cookies and cream or chocolate chip ice cream!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Enjoy that dessert! Sounds delish!
    M. Wakefield

  • Jane R

    Oh, I have two favorite birthday desserts. One is a bakery white cake with “wedding cake frosting” (the kind that is so sugary it makes your teeth curl!). And the other is a dirt cake…..so much fun to serve to guests who have never seen one. It looks just like a flower pot full of dirt and is so chocolaty and good!

    Happy Happy Birthday Taylor!!

    Jane Robinson

  • Julie Masse

    Happy Birthday!!! I wish sometimes that I were 25 again, but then I love where I’m at now! 🙂 My favorite dessert on my birthday is German Chocolate Pie my mom always made – it’s a frozen pie and I think the recipe is usually on the inside of the Germ choc pkg. Thanks for sharing!

  • Kim

    Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I’ve never been to the Melting Pot but I just found one here in Austin. Must try it out. My favorite birthday dessert would be strawberry shortcake. I’m surprised you didn’t say a cupcake!!!

  • Anonymous

    Happy 25th! My favorite is my Mom’s homemade banana cake. I asked for it every birthday!

    JT on SCS

  • Anonymous

    I hope you have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

    My favorite birthday dessert would have to be ice cram cake, we had it one year and I have had it ever since for bithdays. It is yummy!!!!!

  • Cheryl

    Happy Birthday to you!!! Hey, my birthday is this week too. My fave cake is chocolate dobash.

  • Selina M

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!
    I’m not one for eating a lot of sweets/desserts. But once a year I do enjoy a Banana Split with chopped nuts & a cherry.

  • Terry Molineux

    OMG my favorite would have to be Friendlys Vanilla Ice Cream with Heath toppings, whipped cream and almonds….to die for. Now since I’ve been on a crash diet these past two days my mouth is REALLY watering…

    Congrats to hubby on his graduation and most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you enjoy your day and night with hubby…

    Give us all the details.

  • Evelyn

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy the Melting Pot. It sounds fantastic. My favorite birthday dessert is Lemon Meringue Pie. My mom used to make me one every year.

  • peggy lee

    Happy Birthday…what great treats to give away. I love any kind of cheesecake, esp. from Cheesecake Factory!!

  • Katie

    Happy Birthday! In a couple months I’ll be the big ’30’…now THAT’S old. (Yeah right) My favorite birthday dessert, if I could get someone to make it for me, would be Peanut Butter Panache (made from a recipe my sister gave me). It is seriously the richest, yummiest thing there is…it is definitely something that needs to be shared.

  • Tami McBeain (tmarie)

    Happy, Happy Birthday Taylor! Enjoy the Melting Pot…it’s one of my favorite places also!

  • Amy

    man, we must really want that ribbon! Or, we really LOVE your blog and want to wish you a happy birthday! That is my guess! My favorite birthday dessert is lemon cake. My mom always made lemon cake and my husband does his best to carry on the tradition! I love it!

    Have a wonderful birthday!

  • Donna Polley

    Have a wonderful Birthday and thanks for sharing all of your great ideas with us all. Congrats to the hubby too.

  • Melissa

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! I hope that it is a wonderful one! Look on the bright side – it’s the mid-twenties! I’m now officially in my LATE twenties! 🙂 We’ll laugh about this when we’re 50! 🙂

    Okay – favourite dessert: Mille Feuilles – not the real stuff though – my mom makes one with graham crackers, pudding, Cool Whip and icing – to DIE for!

    Hope you enjoy The Melting Pot! I’ve never been, but I know my fiance highly recommends it! 🙂

  • Margaret

    *WOWZERS!!!* The BIG 2-5…what a day to remember!!!…*smile* I too, love CHOCOLATE…*YUM-O* My favorite chocolate birthday desserts are, German Chocolate cake, Rockey Road ice cream…and M&Ms with peanuts…*YUM-EEEE* You’ll have a blast at The Melting Pot…Happy Birthday Taylor!!!

  • care-in

    Gosh, do I have to pick just one dessert? Ice cream is always a go but I have this strawberry cake that has strawberry jello and strawberry soda poured over top to make it nice and moist..super yummy!

    Happy Birthday!

  • Sara

    My favourite birthday desert is Red Velvet Cake with butter cream frosting only on top and between the layers. HB – mine is 8 days away on the 20th!

    Sara Jones

  • Laura Howard

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday treat is ANYTHING CHOCOLATE!

  • Jen del Muro(genie1314)

    Happy Birthday!
    I love ribbon, so I can’t resist commenting on this post!
    My favorite dessert is faux eclair. yum yum yum!

  • Vicki

    Happy Birthday to you! I am exactly twice your age!! My favorite birthday dessert is Strawberry Shortcake!!!

  • Anonymous

    I think my favourite would be my SIL Karen’s Cream Cheese Apple Pie. My mouth is watering right now!

    Have a great birthday Taylor. I enjoy your blog very much, and hope you enjoy your giveaway!

    Linda (momtooandz on SCS)
    Sorry for the duplicate post – I forgot to leave my name!

  • Anonymous

    I think my favourite would have to be some type of cheesecake. My SIL Karen’s cream cheese Apple Pie. My mouth is watering now!

    Have a great birthday Taylor. I really enjoy your blog, and hope you enjoy your giveaway.

  • chris robinson

    Of course a happy birthday to you. To be 25 again, well, no comment! My favorite would be either my chocolate cake with the fudge frosting that both have cinnamon added or cake cake with cream cheese frosting. Dream birthday dessert would be a piece of each. Your blog is making me hungry. Gotta ask, where in Iowa did you live? I am from Burlington but we are living in Pella now. Again, have a wonderful birthday.

  • Laura

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I love carrot cake.

  • Kristina Lewis

    Happy birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is creme brule. 25 years old!! It seems like a long time ago in some ways and just like yesterday in others. I hope this is your best year ever!

  • Angela H.

    Love strawberry pie in season with lots of cool whip!! Have a great birthday!!!!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday, My favorite would be cream cheese pecan pie. Hope you are having a wonderful day.


  • Stampin' Project Junkie!

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! The Melting Point sounds soo good for dinner. Great choice!!!

    My favorite birthday desert, which I always get is cheesecake!!!!

  • Theresa

    Happy Birthday! 25 was a favorite of mine!!! My absolute fave birthday dessert is WHITE cake with WHITE icing. Yum. Plain and simple. Have a wonderful evening!

  • Tami H

    Happy quarter century! 😉 Enjoy your day!! Oooh, the Melting Pot is so good. Crazy good. I love anything chocolate but my *mostestest-favoritest* dessert is my grandma’s coconut cream pie.

  • Dana Vitek

    Happy Birthday! I remember 25. Actually, no, I don’t remember 25, that’s how I know it was a good one! he he he. Funny, I remember every birthday since then!

    My favorite birthday dessert has to be Applebee’s Chimi Cheesecake. SO yummy!

    Have a great day!

  • Laura

    Happy Birthday Miss Taylor! Hope you are having a great day. I am not really big on sweets, but I would have to say that my favorite dessert in general is warm chocolate cookies or brownies right out of the oven. They have to be warm and gooey!!!! Hugs!!!

  • Melissa

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Hope your day is a great one! My favorite birthday treat I think is an ice cream cake. I used to get the ones from Dairy Queen when I was younger, but now Cold Stone Creamery or Marble Slab cakes work too! Something about the ice cream that I just love!
    I hope you enjoy the Melting Pot tonight. My husband and I LOVE that place!

  • Shannon

    Happy Birthday Taylor. I turned 30 this past year – try that one on for size!

    My favorite birthday dessert is chocolate cake and ice cream.

  • Mary Ashby

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!! Enjoy your special day AND the Melting Pot — my husband and I have taken our Mothers there for Mother’s Day for about the last eight years… My husband loves the entree part of the meal, and I save room for dessert — it works out well. So much fun! It’s almost too hard to pick just ONE favorite — I love all things creamy! But if I have to, I would say cheesecake is tops on the list… Have a GREAT day!

  • Tracy

    Happy 25th Taylor! It only gets better. 🙂 My all time favorite birthday dessert is white cake, fresh strawberries and whip cream. Yum!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! Never been to the Melting Pot but chocolate fondue sounds yummy. I love a good piece of white chocolate rasberry cheesecake.

    Kris A

  • Chris Hauck

    Happy Birthday Taylor!
    My favorite birthday dessert would have to be Lemon Pucker Pie. I always had my mom make it on my birthday. My dad and I are the only two who like it so we would get to absolutely pig out. YUMMY!
    Enjoy your special day!

  • Dottie K

    Happy birthday to you! I love anything chocolate. My new favorite dessert is a homemade ice cream cake. Yummy! Have a great day and enjoy your dessert.

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor! A friend of mine has a link to your blog on hers. I rally enjoy all of your work. I could spend hours browsing if my four kids would allow it. My favorite dessert is my grandmother’s home made carmel candy.
    Peggy D

  • Vera Matson

    Happy birthday! Thanks for offering some awesome blog candy! My fav dessert is anything lemon flavored!

  • Lynn

    Happy 25th Birthday, Taylor! My favorite b-day dessert is cake…
    preferably from the bakery! The best kind of cake is yellow or white with chocolate frosting. Mmmmm. Have a great day!

  • Peggy Maier

    Happy Birthday Taylor! That’s some great looking blog candy! My favorite birthday dessert is a good ice-cream cake (haven’t had one in a long time!

  • Kristy

    Have a wonderful birthday! Mmmmm, chocolate fondue sounds wonderful.

    My birthday is July 7, and ever since I can remember, my family has celebrated my birthday on July 4. (For the longest time, I thought everyone celebrated my birthday with parties and fireworks — tee hee!) We always barbecue, and my dad makes home-made raspberry ice cream. It is sooooo good.

  • tyreiko

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Ahh to be in my 20’s again.. heh. =) Hope you have a super duper day! My favorite bday dessert would have to be ice cream cake.. how can you go wrong w/ cake and ice cream all in one neat package? =)

  • TErri E.

    Happy Birthday!!

    My favorite is Apple Pie. My Mom makes the best apple pie and it is not something I can get every day. Have a great day!!

    It’s a good life!
    Terri E.

  • Doris

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is a lemon cake we used to buy in Santa Monica when we lived in LA. Yum!

  • Kevin & Amy

    Happy 25th birthday Taylor! And congrats to Jon on his graduation! My hubby is starting his MDiv this September and baby #4 is on the way… should be interesting:) I am still 25, although I’ll be turning 26 in July.

    As my birthday is in the heat of summer, my fav birthday cake is the Dairy Queen ice cream cake. YUM!!

    ~Amy H.

  • Frankie

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! I hope it’s a wonderful birthday for you! My all-time favorite birthday dessert would have to be Strawberry Cheesecake — homemade is the best!

  • chinamomxtwo

    Favorite desert would have to be creme` brulee……….mmmmmm


  • Jenn in GA

    Wow–only 25! I’m closing in on 41, but age is all in the mind. I can tell you’re going to be young for a long time!

    My favorite birthday dessert is simple: chocolate cake with brown sugar (caramelized) frosting!

    Jenn Nahrstadt
    JenninGA on SCS

    Does your husband have a pastorate yet?

  • Beth

    Whoooo, happy birthday Taylor! Hope you enjoy your day emmensely!! My favourite birthday dessert is chocolate fudge cake from Tim Hortons. With coffee, of course!

  • Anonymous

    You are just a young chickie still!! I wish I was 25 again! I’m having my *last* birthday next month….my 39th!!! *GASP* How’d I get so OLD???

    My fave birthday dessert is when my mom makes me her famous homemade carrot cake with cream chesse frosting. I swear it weighs a TON! It has pineapple, carrots (of course), raisins, walnuts and is soooo yummy! I think I gain ten pounds immediately after eating a piece! But it’s worth it! LOL

    The Melting Pot sounds like fun. Living in a small town we don’t get to places like that very often but that Turtle whatever sounded mighty yummy! Eat some for all of us, would ya? LOL

    Hope you have a wonderful day and evening, you deserve the best. And congrats to your hubby on his graduation too! God bless you both!

    Amy R. (the Michigan one LOL) – a.k.a. yooperbrat on SCS

  • Debi

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! My favorite birthday cake is one my mom has made for me since I was small – Chocolate with Peanut Butter Icing. However, my dad makes an awesome 3-layer lemon pie that ROCKS!

  • Jacki R.

    A very happy 25th birthday Taylor! I was excited about getting to drive a rental car as well 🙂 My favorite birthday dessert is peppermint ice cream (with candy chunks inside pink ice cream!) – my birthday is in December so it’s always available around the holidays!

  • Suzanne Moore, Stillwater OK

    My favorite would be anything chocolate! Except for maybe the strawberry cake with blue icing covered with colored marshmellows my kids made for my 34th bday last September. It was pretty cute 😉 Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy that dessert! It sounds delicious 🙂 Have a happy day!

  • Anonymous

    Ok, since I am sneaking up on the big – 40 – I do not feel sorry for you! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day and that you PICK ME!!!

  • Pam

    Happy Happy Birthday to you! You are right 25 is another one of those milestone birthdays, but from here on out you won’t want to hit the other ones LOL! My absoulte favorite dessert is my brother’s homemade chocolate cake with chocolate butter frosting. Oh man…drooling just thinking about it!!
    Have a super 25th year!!

  • Fresh Floral Art

    Happy Birthday! Congrats on your husbands graduation also.

  • Julie Campbell

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I’m going to be the big 3-0 this year! These past five years went by way too fast! Ok… so for my favorite birthday dessert… It’s got to be warm chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream. Not great for candles, but I have way too many of them these days anyway!

  • SusanH

    Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

    My favorite birthday dessert is a cake that my mama makes – just an old fashioned recipe called Caramel Nut Cake! So good!!

  • stampingbeth

    Happy Birthday…. My favorite would be the traditional Betty Crocker cake my mom used to make with chocolate ice cream!!

  • Lezlye

    Happy 25th Taylor! Wow when I was 25 I had my first child!

    My current favorite birthday desert is a Pizookie from BJ’s. It is a cookie your choice, ch. chip,brownie,peanut butter, oatmeal raisin, hot out of the oven and a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream on top. Oh it is sooo yummy!

  • young chang-miller

    LOL. Happy Birthday! I love the huge ball of ribbon and could really use it! My favorite dessert, birthday or otherwise, is probably coffee oreo flavored frozen custard. There’s a place called Michael’s that sells great custard in Madison, WI where I live. Yum!

  • Donna B.

    ya say it’s your birthday…da da da da da da…it’s my birthday too (well it was last weekend)…you say it’s your birthday…da da da da da da…you’re gonna have a good time! HB Taylor! Yes, I rolled my eyes at the 25 getting older remark *wink*. I LOVE Melting Pot! My favorite birthday dessert is Pineapple Upside Down cake…my mom used to make it for every birthday for me (yum) Pick Me so I can get another birthday present!

  • Jennifer Ofiana

    Happy Birthday!!! My favorite dessert is a Pizzoki from a restaurant in town called Chicago Fire. It’s a chocolate chip cookie in a pizza pan with ice cream, whipped cream and cherry. It’s awesome! Hope you have a great birthday!

  • Nancy

    Happy birthday to you! My favorite dessert is any dessert! I love cake, cheesecake, ice cream, you name it, I like it. Have a great day.


    Hi! My fav. birhtday dessert is chocolate velvet. It’s like a chocolate mousse with bananas. Yummy!
    Cheryl KVD

  • Maryanne Millis

    Happy Birthday Taylor!

    My favorite birthday dessert is an ice cream cake from Coldstone Creamery…they are soooo good!

    Hope you enjoy your day.

  • Amy B.

    I *heart* the Melting Pot…you lucky duck! Twenty five was my absolutely favorite age. (I’m 33 now!) You aren’t too young or too old; you have experience now but lots more fun things to come. It’s perfect…heehee!!!
    Have a great time!

  • Trisha L.

    Happy Birtday, Taylor! Hope you have a great time celebrating tonight! I love birthday cake! BTW, you are SO not old!! 🙂

  • Kristy

    My favorite is the Godiva flourless souffle at Eddie V’s….

  • Emily

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!!

    My favorite birthday dessert would be anything I didn’t have to make! Hahahaha!

    Seriously, Chocolate Tuxedo Cheesecake would be the ultimate birthday treat for me!

  • Morgan Wilson

    My fav. is Angel Food Cake – with frosting 🙂 Happy B-Day!

  • Candy H

    Happy Birthday!! Enjoy the flaming turtle! That sounds scrumptious! Gotta give that a try one of these days! I love white cake with the good ole “sugar shock” icing on it!! Yummy!!

  • ronee

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!!! My favorite birthday cake is Haupia (A Coconut pudding) Cake..or they have one that is called a Queen Emma cake which is guava and haupia! Now I am jones some dessert! Either way..enjoy your birthday and dessert! Crossing my fingers that random number selector picks me!!

  • Tina

    Happy Birthday! I always love seeing what you have created. Thanks for sharing!

    My favorite birthday dessert is Chocolate covered strawberries. We just had strawberry season here in Morocco, so I guess I’ll have to try something new this October for my birthday! LOL

    Also, congrats to your husband!

  • Jennifer Welter

    My favorite dessert is chocolate cake, but it has to be our families special homemade chocolate cake recipe, not just any cake!

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

    Jennifer Welter
    jenwelter on scs

  • Sherrie

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun….we love to go driving. We listen to Stuart Mclean stories on the ipod….love them! Favorite dessert has got to be homemade peach pie with a little Island Farms ice cream on top!

  • Petals

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! My favorite birthday dessert as a little girl was always angel food cake, right up until my Dad perfected it. Since then, it seems I switch a lot. My current favorite is the Chocolate Factory’s Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake…sinful! –Jacque

  • Otter

    Happy B-day Taylor!!! 25 huh…1/4 of a century!!! LOL!!! Favorite birthday dessert…there are too many to choose!! But if I have to…DQ Ice cream Cake!! YUMMY!!!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite is dessert is Out of This World pie! It has a cherry filling base with pineapple, bananas and strawberries topped with whipped cream and pecans! Great summery treat!

    sly on SCS

  • Lynn Mercurio

    I’ve already wished you a HBD but heck, I’ll do it again! HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY…from someone nearly twice your age! 🙂

    My all time favorite birthday dessert is chocolate chip cheesecake.

    Thanks for offering such cool blog candy in honor of that quarter century mark!

  • Cathy I.

    Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!! Hope you have a great day…let’s see, my favorite b-day dessert would have to be chocolate cake followed closely by plain ‘ol chocolate chip cookies!!! I’m easy!!!
    Have fun tonight!!!

  • Janice Warkentin

    Happy Birthday!! I love chocolate cheesecake, or really, anything chocolate!

    Have a great day!


  • Heather

    Happy Birthday to you!!! Wow — 25 — oh so long ago!

    The Melting Pot is soo yummy! My stamping group went there for our Christmas party this year — I had never been there before — dessert was the best part!

    My favorite dessert is either cherry pie (my mom’s) or a hot fudge sundae (my mouth is watering now!!)

  • Amy

    Well, have a happy birthday! Your upcoming dessert treat sounds marvelous. You can’t go wrong with caramel and chocolate. My favorite dessert is chocolate sheetcake — so simple, but so yummy.

  • Cori Bravo

    Happy birthday! I think my fav birthday dessert must be peanut butter cheesecake. yum!

  • mkayteem on SCS

    Happy, happy birthday…cha, cha, cha! I love anything chocolate….mmm….like a hot fudge sundae sounds good right about now! LOL!

  • olse0231

    Happy birthday, Taylor!! My favorite birthday dessert would have to be marble cake with chocolate frosting…with a huge glass of milk, of course! Enjoy your birthday!!

  • anni

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!! Hmmmm, my favorite birthday dessert would be creme brulee made by my husband..

    Have a fantabulous day!!

  • Anonymous

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Taylor. My favorite birthday cake is a raspberry cheesecake with a choc. glaze.


  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! My favorite birthday dessert is the chocolate godiva cake from Morton’s. It’s just heavenly!!

  • Alli Miles

    Happy Birthday Taylor…you are just a chick! 25 was one of my favourite ages…but that was long ago now *lol*. My favourite dessert is pumpkin cheesecake. No seriously…it is so decadent.

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday! Hope your day is blessed!
    My favorite birthday dessert is chocolate cake with peanut butter icing!

  • foodpartyfun

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! You are soooo young. I love Better than Sex cake…It’s so rich, so chocolately, so caramely and so to die for delicious!


  • LettyLian

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! You’re so young!
    I can’t live without mud pie. I have to say that charthouse has the best! any type of ice cream pie is my very favorite! Have a great birthday!

  • Kelly Sampson AKA Emmiestamps

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!! PS i thought 25 was old too, now that I am 34 I would give anything to go back…..no just kidding I love where I am in my life now!

  • Crystal Erzen

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite birthday dessert is my mom’s homemade carrot cake. There is nothing like it – especially with homemade cream cheese frosting – yummy!!

  • salla wagenr

    happy birthday! to make you feel older you are now a quarter of a century! as for desserts i love anything wth chunks. be it brownies chunks or cookie dough… ya know

  • Heather

    Happy Birthday! I called Hertz and warned them not to rent to you! LOL My favorite birthday dessert is Moosetracks ice cream!

  • Alexandra

    Happy Birthday – and from someone who just turned 40 and doesn’t feel old, you sure aren’t! My favorite all time dessert is chocolate icecream – nothing fancy, just old fashioned chocolate – yummy!

  • barbyt

    Congratulations Taylor! The Melting Pot is one of my favorite places to eat! Especially chocolate! LOL!
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday!


  • Whitney

    Happy Birthday to you! My favorite dessert (right now) is Key lime pie – yum! Hope you have a great birthday!

  • Dawn T

    Happy Birthday Taylor!
    Hmm, favorite birthday cake would be Tfresh black forest cake with real whipping cream. We order locally here from the bakery and it is always a treat.
    Have a great day!
    Dawn T

  • Shannon Erskine

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Hope you have a wonderful day! My fave bday dessert is my grandmother’s Italian creamcheese cake!! OOOO how I loved it. I miss her and being able to celebrate with her!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Taylor, Happy Birthday to you! Just be glad you didn’t have to listen to me sing that!LOL Well, I have to choose two favorites – one would be the chocolate chip cookie cake I make decorated with chocolate and vanilla frosting…the other is something my son came up with….a double layer cake – one layer white cake the other layer chocolate cake…in between the layer white frosting and the top of the cake chocolate frosting…YUMMY!

    Nicki Lundeen

  • broni (waterchild12)

    I noticed that Lisa already sang Happy Birthday to you, so let me add to that by saying:

    Today is the birthday of somebody who,
    Is laughing and smiling.
    My goodness!
    It’s you!

    My family always has to be silly and add that to the birthday song.

    My favorite dessert – any time – is strawberry shortcake.

    Thanks for offering us a prize on YOUR birthday! Hope you have a wonderful one!

  • rachel

    happy happy birthday!

    My favorite birthday dessert is cupcakes.

    -Rachel H.

  • Anonymous

    Oh My Gosh! 25 is so young! My youngest child turned 24 less than 2 weeks ago and that made me feel really old. So enjoy every single day of those 20’s before you know it they will be history. My favorite dessert is a toss up between homemade peach cobbler with Blue Bell vanilla ice cream and Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake…again with the ice cream. Maybe I just ice cream…hummmmm.
    Kay ocdstamper at scs

  • Wendy

    Happy happy birthday Taylor! I would say my favorite birthday and non birthday dessert would be the Cake Batter ice cream from Coldstone Creamery!! YUMMMM! I just had some yesterday and can’t wait to have some more again. 😀

  • The BlogHore

    Happy Birthday! Hmmmm – I remember 25. Let the fun begin! My favourite birthday dessert would have to be good old fashioned birthday cake with the icing being thick and sweet! One of those things you can really only eat once a year! Have a great day!

  • Lesa

    Hee hee Happy Birthdyay! I am giggling at your feeling old comment you just wait sister! My favorite dessert is fruit pizza! Yum!

  • Erica

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Have to check out the melting pot, sounds great for a treat 🙂 My favorite deseert is Double chocolate Triffle, makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I hope you have a great day with Jon and that you are blessed with many more!

    Erica T

  • Lisa H

    Happy Birthday!!! My favorite is tiramisu with coffee ice cream.

  • Cambria Turnbow

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Hope you have an AWESBOMB day!! 🙂

  • Jackie

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday desert is one of two…either stawberry shortcake or a lemon filled cake with white icing and coconut! Have a great day and celebration!

  • Anonymous

    Flaming Turtle??? Oh my…must google “The Melting Pot”! My favorite was a cake my mom used to make…a yellow cake with strawberry jam in between the layers with chocolate frosting. Happy Bday to ya and hope you have a lovely evening w the husband 🙂

  • Joyce Traub

    Happy Birthday Taylor! It’s hard to pick a favorite dessert since that is my favorite part of a meal, LOL, but I really really like Better Than Sex Cake.

  • imteresa

    Omigoodness! You’re younger than me, and sooo talented! (I’m 26.) It’s funny that you mentioned Melting Pot, because my favorite dessert is there too–the S’mores fondue. Chocolate with flaming marshmallow cream on top? Amazing. Happy birthday!

  • love2stamp4fun

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Thanks for giving away goodies for your birthday! Ice cream from Carvel is my fav for birthdays…I love the crunchies!!! Lucky you fondue!!! Yum-o, delish! Have a great day/night!

  • Johna Gray

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Today is also my birthday, but I am much older. My favorite birthday dessert is german chocolate cake. I hope that you and your’s have a Blessed and Wonderful day.


  • Rhiannon

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I was 17 short days away from having baby number one when I turned the big 2 5! Four years later…I celebrated this year being huge and pregnant with number three (she came four days after my 29 b-day). I totally understand the half-way to fifty thing 🙂 As for my fave dessert…there are too many to choose from! I’d have to say the carrot cake at this little place called Julia’s in Wallingford is pretty rockin’ though 🙂 Take care and have a stupendous day!

  • Jenny

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! I hope it’s a wonderful day for you! I love the Melting Pot too!! I would have to say my favorite dessert is a big ole’ gooey chocolate brownie with caramel on it and a big ole’ scoop of ice cream on top with some hot fudge, whipped cream and of course a cherry on top! Yummy!!!!


    Happy Birthday Taylor! Yes, you are half way to 50 and I promise you the years in between them will be very wonderful..so just enjoy your youthful years and the years to come and eat lots and lots of cake!

  • Anonymous

    Congrats on turning 1/4 of a century!! My favorite birthday dessert is cheesecake. To be honest, I would love anything sweet. My dh seems to always forget about a cake for my birthday. Oh well. Enjoy your day!!

    Jennifer S

  • Ashley

    Happy Birthday!!!
    Hmmm.. just one? I’d have to pick white buttermilk cake — my mom’s is the BEST! 🙂
    Have a super fabulous day!!!
    Ashley in Mesa AZ

  • Keri Jackson

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite birthday treat is an icream cake from Cold Stone.

  • geraldine

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite would be blueberry cheesecake. Have fun! 🙂

  • Carol Fleming

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! My favorite b-day treat is Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake!
    Hope you have a great day!


  • Anonymous

    Happy 25th Birthday Taylor. I just reached that “50” milestone! My favorite birthday dessert is ice cream cake from Cold Stone! yum……….


  • Mandy Cheshire

    Happy happy birthday to you, Taylor! I hope it’s a happy one… Can’t be half bad if you are going to the Melting Pot! My favorite birthday dessert is probably The Cheesecake Factory’s key lime cheesecake. TO DIE FOR! Yummy!

  • Libby Hickson aka stampinlibby

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! That ATC book is TOO CUTE!!! My favorite birthday dessert is Tres Leches cake – yummmmmmmmmm! Have fun tonight with the fondue, that sounds super yummy too!

  • erika

    i love the melting pot…. definitely one of my fav desserts! have a super birthday! i would love to get my hands on that atc album. lovely!!

  • Jolene

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I hope you have a great day! My favorite birthday treat is Skor cake!


  • StamperSharon

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Taylor! Have a great time at the Melting Pot (love it)! And yes, rolling eyes at that old comment! 😉


  • Isa O

    Hi! Happy Birthday Taylor!! My favorite dessert is red velvet!! yumm… have fun celebrating your day!! And yumm… Melting Pot.. never been there, but heard its good!

  • Lisa Rogers


    My favorite birthday dessert would have to be Chocolate Cream pie, or Chocolate Sheath Cake, or Chocolate Eclairs (do you see a pattern here?).
    Enjoy your day!!!

  • tbreanna

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! My favorite would be any chocolate cake.. yummy! Not my birthday yet but I can celebrate your birthday with a chocolate cake…wink!

    Catherine Martinez
    San Jose, CA

  • Viv

    Happy Birthday, young lady!! Oh to be 25 again!!! The blog candy sounds great! I have always, ever since I was little (a lonnnnng time ago), loved angel food cake with whipped cream (the real stuff!).

  • Julie Carlisle

    Happy Birthday toooooo You! My favorite is anything coconut….yummy! Hope you have a great day today.

    Julie C.
    afancycat on scs

  • Melissa

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite dessert is a Mile High Mud Pie from Red Robin!

    Have a fabulous day!


  • Susan Liles (susiestampalot)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAYLOR!! and no, 25 is not old, silly girl!! Favorite birthday dessert is gool ‘ol betty crocker devil’s food chocolate cake with chocolate icing. WAIT…not complete until you have some Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream on the side (a Texas thing)….YUM-O!!!!!!!

  • Kalyber

    Happy Birthday Taylor. 25 is not old I just turned 42 and I still feel young (well sometimes I do). But remember getting older beats the alternative.
    Favorite dessert, I love yellow cake with chocolate frosting, or anything that involves brownies.

  • Tara

    Hey Taylor! My favorite BIRTHDAY was 30 – don’t let anyone kid you, THIRTY is a blast! My favorite birthday treat is a local ice cream & candy parlor called Sarris’s that melts their chocolate onto the ice cream and then it hardens into a thick chocolate shell on the ice cream. YUM!!!

    Happy Birthday to YOU – and fingers crossed for ME and that RIBBON!!! 🙂

  • Melissa

    Happy birthday!! I am just drooling at all that ribbon! How fun!!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor. The blog candy and topic are YUMMMY! My favorite birthday dessert is creme caramel–love it. Have a great day!

  • Amelia Harris

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Today is my birthday too! But I’m 28. My favorite cake is…..Just about anything! Today I got a chocolate cake. Have a great day.

  • KardKrazy

    Happy Birthday, Taylor! Enjoy the Melting Pot. I’ve always wanted to go there.
    Fave dessert? Anything and everything chocolate!

  • Tracy

    Happy Birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Taylor!! Happy Birthday to you!
    It is awfully generous of you to be giving away candy on your own birthday! I would have to say my favourite is tuxedo cake!
    Tracy H.

  • Kristen

    Happy Birthday! I will be turning 25 next year and my husband will be 30, so at least my milestone will be less dramatic than his. LOL I have to say that my favorite dessert (right now anyway ) is Zio’s Oreo Mountain!! It is sooo good. I never get dessert at restraunts but when I eat at Zio’s I just can’t pass it up! 🙂

    Have a great day!!

    Kristen Taylor

  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday again, Taylor! I just realized that I checked “anonymous” on the identity box, so you wouldn’t know who I was (in casse I won!)

    The post immediately before this one is mine – I like Coffee Heath Bar ice cream 🙂

    Sorry about that!

  • Nancy

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!!! 25… sigh…. I’m 25 with 12 years experience LOL!

    My favourite birthday dessert is plain and simple… a GOOD moist chocolate cake with chocolate icing and a big scoop of vanilla ice cream!

  • Sheila

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! YUM! The Melting Pot Fondue is greatness! Enjoy every minute of it AND of being 25! 🙂

    My fav b-day dessert is chocolate cake w/chocolate buttercream frosting and chocolate dipped strawberries on top!

  • Rhonda Maynard

    Happy Birthday Taylor! You’re so cute!!! Fondue is yummy and a definite favorite. My birthday sometimes falls on Thanksgiving and growing up, I wasn’t a big fan of cake so we’d always do Pumpkin Pie as my bday cake, those are great memories, but I’d have to say my absolute favorite bday treat is Chocolate Mousse Cake or Mud Pie!!! MMMMMM, now I want some!

    Thanks so much! You have the most awesome blog candy!!!!

  • Kristina

    Happy Birthday!!!

    I *LOVE* Reese’s Peanut butter cup pie!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Happy Birthday, Taylor! 25 is a milestone and I know what you mean about renting cars. Hope you have a fabulous day!

    My favorite bday dessert is Coffe Heath Bar ice cream at our local homemade ice cream place, Kimball Farm. Oh, my mouth is watering right now thinking about it…

  • Well Said Cards

    Happy Birthday! I wish I was 25 again. . .it was a good year. It was the year I met my husband. My favorite birthday dessert is CUPCAKES!!! With lots of frosting…I looove frosting.

  • Jami

    Happy Birthday my friend! Your card should arrive today. Check HYEN starting at post#1497 (and beyond)for bday wishes!

    My favorite bday dessert is chocolate wipout cake!!!! MMMMMmmmm But fondue soiunds excellent too!

  • Renée

    Happy 25th birthday! My favorite dessrt is a chocolate wafer cake with whipped cream in between each wafer. I don’t know exactly what it’s called, but the recipe is on the box of wafers by Mr. Christie!

  • Julie

    my favorite is DQ ice ceam cake! Yum!

  • Peggy S

    Happy Birthday !! May all your wishes come true! What a fun question — my mouth is watering reading all your comments! I love chocolate molten cake for my bday! What a treat and it’s so rich one should really only have it once a year! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    happy birthday Taylor!!! Oh to be 25 again….I wish*heeheehee* Hmmmm favorite dessert…that’s hard cuz I love me some dessert…I hafta say chocolate souffle 🙂

    Enjoy your day!

  • Cindy Keery

    Happy Birthday Taylor! What?! I am shocked that your favorite birthday dessert isn’t cupcakes! LOL 😉

    Hmm I’d have to say that my favorite birthday dessert is a bakery cake – white cake with lemon filling, white icing served with ice cream.


  • Lisa

    Let me start by ‘singing”’ (clearing voice)..

    Happy Birthday to you..
    Happy Birthday to you..
    Happy Birthday dear Taylor.. .
    Happy Birthday to you..

    My birthday is in exactly 2 weeks so from one to another.. hope you have a spectacular day and an even better year.

    My fave by far is home-made strawberry shortcake. Can’t get enough of it.

    Please come check out my blog and birthday blog candy at… http://www.inkerdoodles.blogspot.com

  • Jenny

    Happy Birthday Taylor! No birthday can go without some ice cream-my personal favorite Neopolitan. Have a great day!

  • iralamija

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!!I love all the goodies you have here! is so nice of you.
    My favorite desert is cheescake with strawberries mmmmm…. LOVE IT!! TFS!

    Bety 🙂

  • Susie

    Birthday Blessings to you, Taylor. Even though I don’t post a comment very often, I do read and ENJOY every conversation you post. Enjoy your day becoming a quarter of century old!

  • Dorothy Yoder

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Oh to be 25 again! My favorite dessert is simply chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Yummy! I am no doubt a choc-aholic! For as long as I can remember this has been my favorite! Have a wonderful day and a fun filled birthday.

  • Marie

    WOW!!! What great blog candy, and it’s YOUR birthday!!! Hopefully you will get something fun for your birthday too. As for my favorite birthday dessert, I would have to go with cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I love that place, and the food is great too!! Happy Birthday!!

  • Katie

    Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday dessert is vanilla ice cream with brownies and caramel mixed in, or cheesecake. Have a wonderful day!

  • Melodie

    My favorite is Strawberry cheese cake, but for my son’s 6th birthday last week we did an apple cobbler, I must say that is right up there! Happy Birthday!

  • Lori M

    Big happy birthday to you Taylor! I am in MN and we have no melting pot here, sounds yummy! My favorite is angle food cake with chocolate syrup mixed in with cool whip!!!
    Hope you have a great day!

  • Dawn

    WOW!!! Those are some yummy goodies Taylor!!! Happy birthday from one gemini to another:) I would have to say my favorite birthday dessert is carrot cake cheesecake!!! If you come to NYC sometime, you MUST go to Juniors Cheesecake in Manhattan…they have any kind of cheesecake you desire…its TO DIE FOR!!! Awww, making me want some right now!!!
    Dawn Ryan-Chau

  • Mendi McMahan

    Happy Birthday, Taylor!! Oh, how I remember 25…!

    My favorite birthday dessert is Marble Slab ice cream cake.

    Have a fantastic day!

    mcmahan3 on scs

  • prbloom

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Enjoy your dessert! I love an ice cream cake from BR’s!!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Thank you for sharing your goodies! My favorite…plain white birthday cake!! Have a great day!


  • Neida

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!

    My favorite Birthday dessert is from Claim Jumpers!! They have a chocolate chip calzone that you can order with a side of ice cream, a side of hot fudge, and a side of raspberry sauce. The chocolate chip calzone has both milk and white chocolate chips!! It is to die for!!

    buffyzangel on SCS

  • Coral

    Happy 25 Birthday Taylor.

    My favorite birthday dessert is my grandmother’s Red Velvet Cake (she use to make me one every year for my birthday). If you have never had this, you are missing out.

    Hope you and Jon have a wonderful evening at the awesome Melting Pot. ENJOY “your” day. Many, many more!! 🙂


  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! Oh to be 25 again would be great. Gee hard to decide what my favorite dessert would be but if I had to choose Black forest cake. Hope you have a great day!
    from the land of Anne of Green Gables
    molliestamper scs

  • Dana

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My favorite birthday dessert is Pineapple-Orange Cake. Here’s the recipe:

    For cake:

    Mix 1 box of yellow cake mix
    1 can mandarin oranges (do not drain)
    1/2 c. veg oil
    4 eggs

    Pour equal amounts into 3 round cake pans.Bake 20 minutes at 325 degrees.

    For the Frosting:
    1 pkg vanilla instant pudding mix (lg. size)
    1 8oz sour cream
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 15/20 oz can crushed pineapple (do not drain)

    Mix all of the above together and then fold in 1 9oz cool whip. Frost between every layer.

    This cake just gets better the longer it’s in the frig! Enjoy1

  • Joy

    Happy Birthday sweet Taylor!!!! I like ghetto birthday cake….. yellow cake with chocolate frosting. But, one thing that’s nice about our b-days is that we can also get fresh strawberry pie from Marie Calendar’s! Mmmmmmm!!!!

    Hugs, you old lady! LOL!

  • Angie DiMeglio

    Happy Birthday Taylor — my favorite birthday dessert is Stawberry Short Cake. I also love the melting pot — enjoy!

  • Linda Yamakido

    Happy Happy Birthday to you! AND yes you are do young, all my children are older than you are, I have been stamping longer than you have been here to grace our world. I love love love homemade peach ice cream and since I haven’t had it for years I guess I would have to say that my new favorite is coldstones cheesecake. It is to die for!

  • Flossie's Follies

    My favorite would be Strawberry Short Cake, there is a Bakery in NY that uses these giant strawberries, they must weigh 5 ounces each. It is a special order cake and we would make up events so we could order one. Love the Melting Pot, enjoy your day. Happy Birthday

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday Taylor!! My little girl’s birthday is today too, she turns 2!! My favorite birthday dessert is ice cream cake! We always get one for my birthday and I love it!! Have a wonderful day!
    mocjen on scs

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