Sep 04, 2007
Whew… I’m tired!!
We are officially moved into our new place! YAY! What a whirlwind weekend… I feel like I haven’t stopped moving for three days! With the help of several friends we got all the boxes and furniture completely moved into our new place before noon on Saturday. It was only about 100 degrees by then and the temp climbed another 5 degrees that afternoon! Jon and I spent the rest of the day moving boxes into the appropriate rooms and then we went to Wendy’s for dinner and Lowe’s to pick out paint for the two bedrooms. They are a light lavendar color that just doesn’t jive with our decor. We spent Sunday morning painting our bedroom and then in the afternoon my mom came to unpack our kitchen. My mom is an interior decorator and professional organizer and she is amazing! In just a few hours everything was unpacked and in the perfect place! I would have gone nuts without her! Prior to our move we decided to have a BBQ on Labor Day to thank our friends for helping us move and to show them our new place. So on Monday we had about 20 people over for a BBQ. Originally it was
supposed to be in the backyard, but since it was 107 degrees yesterday that just wasn’t going to happen! I went into freak-out mode cleaning, organizing, and preparing food so we could fit 20 people in our house and feed them. It all worked out perfectly though! Our friends were gracious in considering our mess and we were able to thank them for their help. I do have some pictures, but I can’t get them transferred to my computer… hopefully soon! And I haven’t unpacked one single box of stamp stuff yet…can you believe it!? Things like the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom had to be done first. Jon seems to think that eating, sleeping, and hygiene are more important than stamping! I’m not buying it! LOL! For a couple more days I’ll show you some more samples I did for the Stampendous booth at the Mall of America. Only two more days and I will be in gorgeous Minneapolis! Can’t wait to meet those of you who will be at the ScrapFest event!!