Merry Mass Production – A Baker’s Dozen Challenge

Mass-producing Christmas cards (or really cards for any occasion) just isn’t something that I enjoy! I would venture to guess that many of you don’t enjoy it much either. There’s [Read More]

Divine Design – September 2009

Today it’s time for another Divine Design Challenge with my fellow Scripture Chicks: Nancy, Angel, Lori, and Jami. These women inspire me each month with their love for the Lord [Read More]

Divine Design – August 2009

I think this is the longest unplanned sabbatical I’ve ever taken from blogging! Let me tell you what I’ve been up to! On Sunday evening I started having some back [Read More]

Divine Design 2009 – April

Good morning! It’s one of my favorite times of the month… time for another Divine Design challenge. I always enjoy seeing how God is working in the lives of those [Read More]

Divine Design 2009 – March

Can you believe we’re well into March already!? That means it’s time for another Divine Design with Lori, Jami, Angel, and Nancy. I’m continuing on with my Frame Your Imagination [Read More]

Divine Design 2008 – February

It’s time for another month of Divine Design with Lori, Jami, Angel, and Nancy. Last month I began my project for the year with a 6×6 layout and hanging stand [Read More]

Divine Design 2009 – January

I mentioned yesterday that I would be participating in the Divine Design Challenge again in 2009 along with my friends Lori Craig, Angel Wilde, and Nancy Morgan. We’re also welcoming [Read More]

On the 5th Day of Christmas…

Good morning! I can’t believe it’s already December 8th! This is the last month of the Divine Design Challenge with Lori, Nancy, Angel, and Jami. I have enjoyed seeing all [Read More]

Bella Bling

I needed an engagement card last night so I turned to my Bellas and found this poor darling uninked! I’ve had her since the beginning of Bellas so it was [Read More]

October Divine Design Challenge

Good morning! I feel like a broken record every time Divine Design rolls around. I always say “Can you believe it’s already _______!?” So in keeping with that theme… Can [Read More]