Jul 07, 2008
I’m Back!
Good morning! My sister and I arrived home safely last night after a really loooooong day of driving. Three nights of sleeping on a hard concrete floor and helping my sister prepare for the next wave of youth to come to camp definitely took its toll on me! I wouldn’t really call it a vacation, but it was so good to see Whitney and support her in her summer missions! I haven’t had a chance to check out the cupcake creations from the weekend, so I’ll have to postpone the announcement of the winners until tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the Divine Design Challenge so stay tuned for that! I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!
P.S. I remembered my camera for the trip, but it got turned on while it was in my purse and the battery died. Of course I didn’t bring the charger. I just can’t win with the camera… it’s always something! We did buy a disposable though so I’ll have pictures to show once I get them developed to a CD!