Jan 25, 2012
New Year…. New Look!
It occurred to me the other day that I’m heading to CHA in less than a week and I’m going to be seeing lots of friends, customers, and vendors who only know me from the pictures I post on my blog. I’ve been so busy sharing my sweet Madelyn these days and I realized that I haven’t shared my own ‘new look’! A few months after Madelyn was born I decided it was time for a change. I needed something quick and easy to style. I’m sure all of the moms can relate that some days it’s near impossible to find time to shower, let alone dry, straighten, and style my hair! And I had very short hair in college so when I chopped it all off it wasn’t a total shock. Now with short hair my collection of headbands has tripled (from 0 to 3). *grin* I love searching for new headbands and so far I’ve found my favorite ones at J Crew! After my latest haircut I took a trip to see my friend Diana over at Diana’s Photo Expressions and she snapped a few quick pics in her sweet studio! Anyways, enough about my new look because I know you’d prefer to see pics of Madelyn instead!
So I’ll leave you with a few angelic pictures. I love it when I find her sleeping with both of her arms in the air. I’ve also recently downloaded the Camera + and Instagram apps on my iPhone and I’m having fun editing my ‘ordinary’ pictures into something unique (which is what I did on the black & white pic). If photos could be scratch and sniff I’d add the sweet baby smell to make these moments complete!
Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you all have a wonderful day!