• Joan Ervin

    Congrats, Kim and welcome!!!! Shannon….so glad we will still be able to see your gorgeous TE creations during release week!!!

  • Monika/Buzsy

    Congratulations Kim! Looking forward to seeing more of your pretty cards.
    Shannon, so glad you will be still showing your wonderful TE creations. 🙂

  • sharon g

    Not much spooks me, so maybe when I was held up at gunpoint 30 years ago? I worked at a grocery store in college…

  • TaraG

    Oh, what a fantastic tip, Wanda! I LOVE it when I can get the best bang for my crafting buck and use dies and stamps across seasons! Thanks for sharing this great tutorial (love the addition of the spider webs on the spooky card).

  • Pamela

    I get spooked every time someone sneaks up on me. It happens far too often for my liking!

  • mbcutter

    I absolutely love the versatility of this die. My 23 yr old son spooks me all the time by coming home unexpectedly and soundlessly walking up behind me. He loves to hear me gasp.

  • Patti V.

    I love the versatility of this die. I can't remember the last time I was spooked…thank goodness 🙂

  • Sherrie

    Beautiful!! I am spooked by any scary movie or tv show.

  • Lynne in NI

    Ooh that cover plate is so pretty, love the 2 different looks! I can't remember the last time I was spooked … haven't watched a scary movie for years!

  • Lisa Topps

    How clever to add the spiderwebs! That definitely created the spook factor! Last time I was spooked was 2002 in Universal Studios Florida. It was during their Halloween Nights when they had their haunted houses come up after normal park hours. Very high quality costumes, make-up and improv acting!

  • Angelique Vela

    Last time I was spooked it was in the wee hours. I thought I was the only one awake when I walked into the dark bathroom and my husband suddenly moved his leg. Startled me like nobodies business!

  • Tess Hackett

    Great way to use this plate for two looks. I think you could pull off fall and spring with these trees too. Great projects.

  • Michelle Laulu

    My kids spook me every day! I fill with adrenaline each time our youngest almost falls down the stairs or when another gets close to the street. I love them to bits, and they sure can scare me half to death!

  • LaineyCrafter

    I got so excited, I forgot to leave my spooked story! My grandson pointed out a large spider on the ceiling and he would not take his bath until I killed it. I couldn't reach it; I wouldn't touch it! I took the toilet brush from the holder and reached up and squashed it, then flushed it!

  • LaineyCrafter

    I absolutely LOVE this die!! It is perfect for winter holiday cards–just what I have been looking for!! I appreciate your giveaway! Hope I win! Thanks!

  • Taunya Butler

    Last time I was spooked was the other night when I was taking the garbage out and it was dark and this black cat came slinking around the can and all I could see were his eyes and hear a rustle! Scared me and Spooked me good!!!

  • Mutzy Mia

    Great versatility with this cutting plate. Cute cards. Can't think of the last time I was spooked…try and avoid those situations.

  • Marji Franklin

    This is fabulous! Add small flowers for Spring too! Lots of uses

  • Vivian C.

    Fabulous cards! The Spooky Trees cutting plate is really cool. I always love seeing multiple ways to use a die.

  • Julie L.

    The last time I was spooked was just the other night when I was on the front porch and a bat flew out of the corner and into the street! Scary!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Debbie Wright

    I get spooked all the time. I am very jumpy, so it doesn't take much! I've been known to spooky myself! Love the versatility of this die, so many possibilities!

  • Crafty Math Chick

    I don't like to be scared, but recently a bird flew out of a tree I was standing near and almost flew right into me, since I wasn't expecting it I jumped pretty high… Thanks for the chance to win!!

  • Kathy D

    Love the Spooky Trees die, thanks for the chance to win!

    Last time I was spooked? Probably the last time eldest offspring was home from college – he enjoys making me jump.

  • TracyM #6773

    FABULOUS cards Wanda!!!
    LOVE how you were able to transform the elegant winter trees into BOO-tiful spooky trees – SO COOL!!! THANK YOU for sharing your CLEVER & CREATIVE INSPIRATION – it is a great design that I look forward to trying 🙂
    Trying to think when I was last spooked intentionally but can't remember … I have to confess that I did get a fright when I heard a noise in MIL's outdoor cupboard and saw two HUGE eyes looking back at me when I opened the door!!!

  • Liz Davis

    I like how Wanda added the spider webs in the the trees. Makes them even spookier. The last time I got spooked was walking between the house and the shop after dark and the bats swooped down. Now I almost hate walking out there after dark.

  • Anonymous

    Love the cards so cleaver to use the spider border….very spooky! Lori A

  • Anonymous

    Love the cards so cleaver to use the spider border….very spooky! Lori A

  • Carolee McCaslin

    Amazing cards!! I got spoooked yesterday by a big spider on my wall! Yuck

  • Sue D

    I get spooked when family members walk in on me and start talking when I didn't hear them enter.

  • Sherry Butcher

    Love the cards, they could be use for spring too. The last time spooked I think was when we did a bunch of stuff for a haunted house and my kids hid a yellow brain in the frige covered and when I opened it red food color ran all over.

  • Ruby N

    awesome! last time was when I watched a Korean movie about serial killers lol

  • Cathy

    Great cards–adding the spider webs in the trees is such a clever idea!! Last time I was spooked was a few weeks ago. I started to walk into our laundry room and something small ran across the floor–it moved so fast I couldn't see what it was! Turned out just to be a small gecko that got in through the garage!

  • Jean Bullock

    Yesterday, while I was waiting at the edge of a T intersection, a car coming from the side street side and another car coming from the main street side almost collided just inches from the front of my car. Neither could see each other and they both were trying go very fast. They slammed on their breaks about 6 inches apart from each other. I could see both of them. It happened so fast I couldn't honk or anything. That spooked me.

  • Lisa's Creative Niche

    This is genius and a total ah ha moment! LOVE these, thank you!!!

  • Christine Kosmak

    Last time I got spooked was in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago. They had Halloween stuff out and there was a candy bowl and when I reached towards it I must have pushed a button on the front without noticing and a skeleton hand came out of the back of the bowl to grab any candy etc. I actually jumped!!! Love this tree die and I don't think it's at all spooky!!!

  • Mel

    I was spooked last year by my teenager. He scared the poo out of me!

  • Denise Bryant

    Awesome cards! I love the spider webs in the trees for a spooky Halloween card and the winter scene for the holiday card! Great use of that fabulous die!!! Love your cards, Wanda!

  • Laraine R

    These cards are amazing! Getting spooked is almost a daily thing in my house. The husband and kids like to startle me when I don't know they are there.

  • Deana P

    My daughter put a rubber snake in the foot of my bed, needless to say, I screamed like a little girl. Love these 2 cards, the halloween one is my favorite!!!

  • Patricia Swagler

    The last time I was spooked was when I saw a spider on my outside swing and I tried to get it off and I thought it jumped on me. I screamed for my husband to get it off of me only to find out it wasn't even on me. Thank you for the chance to win the spooky tree cutting plate.

  • marylouh

    I was in a gift shop in Africa. There was this little box made of "jade". I opened it and a frog jumped out. He wasn't real but I did jump – wasn't expecting that.
    Now the box is in my family room – waiting to scare someone else.

  • cghundley

    Wonderful cards and
    love how the die can
    be used in different
    ways! I got spooked
    today in the shower!
    Looked up and there
    was a spider in the
    Happy Halloween!
    Carla from Utah

  • Cindy

    I get spooked everyday because I don't hear my husband "sneak" up on me….

    I love these 2 cards. It is a great to see it used for 2 different holidays.

  • Debbie Strotz

    I am loving this cutting plate so much! Love how you added the webs to make it eery looking! The last time I was spooked was this last summer when my son chased me with a garter snake! KIDS! 🙁

  • Jennifer Fitch

    I don't rember the last time, but I remember the First time!
    My granny let me help her with our halloween party.we peeled grapes for eyeballs and cooked spaghetti noodles then added ketchup to feel like slimy worms, then boiled a whole head of coliflower & rubbed vaseline on it to feel like a brain. Everyone walked around her music room in the dark as she played her organ. I knew what it was, but all those things Combined realy freaked me out!!!
    Happy Halowscream!
    & Happy crafting 🙂

  • ScrappySue

    Good use of the same die, Wanda. One lovely and one spooky. Being spooked seems like an everyday event when I think my husband is out on the porch or somewhere else, and he comes around a corner and unexpectedly startles me. I jump every time.

  • Donna

    Love how these trees were used for Halloween and Christmas…I also see some hunting or forest man cards in my future.

    I get scared easily…my husband startled me this morning when he came into the kitchen and I thought he was already in bed after working midnights.

  • Agnes Dobek

    I would never thing to use the trees for a Halloween card. Love it. Last time I was spooked was when I was in my 20's and I went to a Haunted House.

  • Jean

    This is just so cool! Love the two designs! This set is a must. I try to avoid being spooked.

  • wahoolady

    I love that this is like a 2 for 1 with a Halloween and Christmas card.
    The last time I was spooked….Everybody was out of the house, hubby to work and kids to school. I was in the bathroom drying my hair – head down while I was drying the back of it and when I looked up hubby was in the doorway. Gave me a shock!

  • Rebecca Yahrling

    Love how the spider web was added to the spooky trees! I get "spooked" at work almost daily by one of the guys who works in the produce dept. – I jump every time, too!

  • Connie G

    What a fabulous cover plate! I love the winter scene – so beautiful.

  • Chris :)

    Great cards Wanda – love that you used the die cut for Halloween and Christmas….

    The last time I was spooked – last weekend. I had seen the movie Annabelle the night before……..then when I went to grocery shopping – broccoli was falling off the pile, syrup fell over, all the doors to the milk area opened/shut at the same time. SSSSPPPPOOOOOKKKYYY!

  • lauraleigh

    Love the versatility of these "spooky" trees! I'm not one for scary stuff, but our youngest likes to jump out and scare us–& she's good at it!

  • Bonnie aka raduse

    I love how the die is used for two totally different seasons. Not something I would have thought have doing.

  • Liz Lumsden

    I love how you used the same cutting plate for different looks!

  • Rebecca Ednie

    I got spooked on Tuesday when a huge centipede crawled up my sons chair (next to me) at church. Eww, icky! Thing was 2" long! For our area, that is BIG!

  • Helen Gullett

    Excellent 2 ways of using 1 die! Gorgeous cards for sure!
    The last I was spooked… Couple monthd ago my husband just suddenly standing behind me out of nowhere! I had no idea he was home! That spooked me really good.

  • Elizabeth Garcia

    Last time I was spooked was when my daughter walked into the laundry room and I had not noticed her there at all. I turned around and almost had a heart attack. She still laughs about it whenever she remembers it. Beautiful cards.

  • Sue D.

    I had wondered if I could actually scream if I ever needed to. Well, one day a family member had arrived home and was just about to come in the house when I opened the door and just saw a figure with a winter hat on and let out a short scream. I surprised myself that I would do that. I really like what you have done with this die and would like to give it a try myself!

  • Janis

    I get a little spooked each time I step outside in the dark. I have 20 cats and my flashlight is always catching a glowing pair of eyes here or there. It is like Halloween every night! :B
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  • Phyllis Freese

    What a great idea to use the tree cutting plate for both Halloween and Christmas. I try not to get spooked, but when someone sneaks up behind me, they get me every time.

  • ScrapaDiddle

    Last time I was spooked was last year when someone snuck up behind me!this die is one I've been wanting, it's so versatile. Wanda did it again with another wonderful card!

  • Marlene (cards4u)

    Love what Wanda did with this die! I'm a fan of easy to reproduce and mail! Thanks for the chance to play : )

  • Tona

    Ooh, I love both of these cards. They show what a versatile die this can be.
    The last time I was spooked was last week when my husband had gone to town & came early unbeknownst to me. I was vacuuming & as I came out of the room, there he was, standing right in front of me. I about jumped right out of my skin.

  • suzy0820

    I would love to have this die, so versatile. I own lots of your dies and this would be a great addition to my collection:) Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Mary

    One plate 2 cards, both are wonderful! The last time I was spooked was this past summer during a very bad thunder/lightning storm. Oh how I hate storms.

    Mary from NH

  • Donna Whitten

    Lovely cards! I love being able to use products differently. Last time I was spooked, loud clap of thunder and loss of power during a storm. Thanks for the giveaway, got my fingers crossed.

  • Jeanne

    I was spooked just the other night when my computer turned on all by itself and woke me up! Not sure what that is all about.

  • Peg

    My grandkids loves to scare their grandmother especially when they come over on Halloween in their costumes. Great job on the cards!

  • LindaLeaPeteren

    Love both cards! It's so great to see two totally different looks from one die!

  • Sharla

    Wow..I really love both of these cards and the spiderwebs in the trees are such a great and spooky touch!!

    The last time I was spooked was when I was leaving the house for work and I was locking the front door, I look up and see this huge furry thing above the door..thought it was a spider (HATE spiders) but it was just a little bat, hangin out, upside down and asleep!!

  • Mary Gillmarten

    The last time I was spooked? Hmmmm, I'm going to go with the the current craze of end time TV shows and the variety of responses by humans to the crises. The inhumanity of man spooks me.

  • Alanna

    What fun cards. I love how versatile this cutting plate is.

  • Christine Kiehl

    Excellent tree plate! The last time I was spooked was by a rented movie. Most scary movies DO NOT scare me, but there was a part in this one that did! And it was exciting! 🙂

  • Miriam Prantner

    Great coverplate! I get spooked all the time by my girls…they sneak up on me all the time!

  • Simply AJ

    Great inspiration! Always great to pick up new tidbits on ways to strech your tools. Love both cards! Its been a long time since I was spooked!

  • Eileen Lucas

    I love all tree dies, I guess because I love trees lol. Gee, doesnt take much to spook me. Last I can remember was when a friend was visiting and left, or so I thought, they walked back in to say something before actually leaving and I screamed and jumped like a kid.

  • Deb

    One thing that spooks me every year if its on is the movie The Exorcist…..gets me every time!

  • Kristie Goulet

    These are great! I love that it can be used for Christmas too!!!

  • Amy C.

    I try not to allow myself to be spooked! I avoid scary movies. This cutting plate is so pretty. Even though it's called "spooky", I would use it in a non-spooky way.

  • Stephanie R/S

    Awesome coverplate and amazing cards I'm obsessed with any tree stamps or dies I just love it

  • Amy McCue

    That is a fun coverplate! I love how youcan use it both ways. I can't think of the last time I was spooked.

  • Angie K.

    I like how the Spooky Trees plate was used for Christmas too! Very versatile. Last time I was spooked was when the ladybug timer I have in cupboard went "ring!" without anyone setting it!

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