• Lauren Lukens

    My family loves Maui! We find it to be so relaxing, we can all disconnect, and enjoy being together as a family.

  • Deborah Roth

    I love cruises in the Caribbean so you can visit several islands!

  • Arianna Barbara

    Definitely, Bali! <3

  • Heather Mills

    OH, my goodness, those little sea creatures are adorable!!! The stencils are fabulous and the flowers are gorgeous!! If I was planning a tropical vacation, I would definitely go to Puerto Rico!! But make sure you get away from San Juan, way too commercial and touristy! My grandparents lived their for 15 or so years and we went to visit them several times. Soooo beautiful there, the beaches are never crowded and the water is so warm!

  • kathy dumpert

    Probably Hawaii … Have fun on your vacation!

  • Vivian C.

    A tropical vacation sounds wonderful. I would like to go to Barbados.

  • Marisela Delgado

    I would love to go to Hawaii or Fiji, but I would LOVE to go to Cuba!! So beautiful!

  • Kirsty Vittetoe

    They all look amazing! I would go to Hawaii!!!

  • Cindy Holmes

    HAWAII because I have never been there! My husband has many a times but poor me never!

  • stampnk

    Hawaii would be my choice because I wouldn’t need a passport, and the different islands are so different from each other that I could see a variety of sights and landscapes. I’d love to see a macadamia farm in action!

  • Janice C

    I would go back to Okinawa, Japan. Great white beaches and very clear water for scuba diving, plus excellent food like Kobe beef and shark fin soup.

  • Cindy G

    I’ll go to any tropical location someone wants to take me! Kind of a lame answer, I know, but anywhere tropical, is new, adventurous, & exciting!

  • Liz Ford

    If I could go on a tropical vacation I would want to go to the US Virgin Islands. I went there when I was in my twenties, over twenty years ago; and I would love to go with my husband and children. Some conch fritters would be yummy with some fresh pineapple and a fru fru straw in my drink! Plus the ocean would be lovely since we live in the desert and all there is here is hot and dirt! I miss the ocean and this part of your release is great! Love the bubble stencil! And the tiki duo stamp! So much fun! Great job! You have covered a lot of great summer items with the above mentioned, the hollyhocks, and the USA dies! Woot Woot!

  • Debbie Wegman

    A beautiful sandy beach with clear aqua blue water… don’t have a particular choice! Lots to choose from!

  • Flo

    Hawaii would be my destination of choice. Never been.

  • Beth KS

    Oh…these are all so fun! They definitely make me want to go somewhere warm, green, and with lots of flowers. I’d still like to go to Hawaii some day, but maybe after they recover from the volcanic eruption.

  • Amanda Bodine

    Loving all the background products in this release so far! The new stencils are amazing as well as all the stamps! I’ve not really been anywhere tropical..but maybe Costa Rica?

  • Kathy Hales

    My favorite places are anywhere I can go scuba diving! some of my favs are Bonaire, Roatan, Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman. I am very intrigued by the liquid watercolor and love the little stingray stamp!

  • Rebecca Ednie

    I think I’d choose the US Virgin Islands. I’ve heard it’s truly lovely there.

  • Karen Page

    I’ve always wanted to go to Bermuda, but I’m not really sure why… I guess the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle sucked me in as a kid 😉 I was fortunate enough to grow up on the beaches on the west coast of Florida,so my dream vacations aren’t tropical… I’d rather see mountains, canyons, cliffs, forests. The grass is always greener on the other side! Lol

  • Ginny Larsen

    I would go to Aruba, It is a beautiful island.

  • Karen Critcher

    Hawaii would be the destination I would choose.

  • Janet

    I think just about any tropical destination would be wonderful as long as it included my hubby, some sunshine, and a beautiful beach!
    Looks like a great release month;)

  • MaryBeth

    I want to say Hawaii, because the one time I was there was so romantic as it was for our son’s wedding. But having experienced Hawaii, I believe my next tropical visit would have to Fiji.

  • Mary-Anne V

    Love this tropical post. I would go to Fiji or Hawaii for a vacation.

  • Christy Q

    Love those stencils! You have me yearning for a tropical getaway myself! 🙂

    I haven’t given much thought to a tropical destination, but if I could get away to a tropical island – I’d probably want to go somewhere like St. Lucia or Grenada.

  • Chris L

    Wow–the watercolors look so fun!

    My idea of a tropical vacation would be Hawaii!

  • Emily Henry

    I love all of the tropical things, especially the backgrounds. I’m noticing more and more stencils and I am looking forward to learning how to use them at Stampaway. I’m signed up for your class!

  • Linda L

    Cayman Islands – beautiful white sand beaches, great temperatures and everyone is so calm. Very relaxing but still many fun adventures to be had on the island. Love the new watercolors!!


    I have been to Hawaii several times. Kauai is my favorite but I also love Maui as it is less laid back.
    I have been to Fiji , the Cook Islands, Jamaica, Belize and Cayman Islands. I would go back to any of them. I love tropical vacations!

  • Annette Snyder

    I would love to go to Hawaii!

  • Julie B.

    My choice for a tropical vacation would be St. Lucia. My co-worker was raised there and it looks fabulous!

  • Cathy Lillie

    Hawaii would be my destination! I’ve never been there but have heard so many wonderful things about the Islands. Wow, this is a huge release! Love the sneak peeks, especially the hula girl and the Rise and Shine stencil.

  • Kristie Wilson

    A friend recently came back from Turks & Caicos and said it was absolutely amazing. I would love to go there!

    Loving all the new summer products!

  • Anne Sturgeon

    We have traveled to Hawaii three times. I would definitely recommend a visit. Our favorite island is Kauai. Very laid back and perfect to relax and enjoy some alone time…. This release is really cool. Loving the new stencils can’t wait to see more examples.

  • deb bridgewater

    I would love to go to aruba or the carribbean

  • F. Andre

    These samples are gorgeous with these fab new products. I’d love to visit the Cayman Islands for a tropical vacation.

  • Karthikha Uday

    Wow! These are amazing products!! I might chose Hawaii for the vacations 🙂

  • Karen T

    OMGoodness, these are all so gorgeous! You and your team have hit it out of the park with this release! If I were to plan a tropical vacation, I think I would take a Caribbean cruise!

  • Larissa Heskett

    SQUEAL!! LOVING the NEW Release Products!! Those Holly Hocks are my FAVORITE!! Just BEAUTIFUL!! AMAZING Inspiration being shared too!! I’d say Maui, Tahiti or the Caribbean would be where I’s want to go if I were to plan a trip to the Tropics!! CAN’T WAIT to see MORE and I hope you have a FABULOUS Release Week!!

  • karenajo

    I would go back to Hawaii and visit some more of the islands! I love these new stencils !

  • Wendy Lambert

    I’ve never been anywhere tropical, but Bora Bora is on my Pinterest board of beautiful places to see. I love the new releases and watercolors..yay!

  • Charlotte Deerborn

    I would go to Fiji. I hear there are something like 300 plus islands that make up this country. I can’t tell you which ones would be best for you to visit. It all depends on what you are looking for.

  • Pat C

    I would love to go to the Atlantis in the Bahamas.

  • Nancy M.

    I would definitely want to return to Hawaii! We visited nearly 30 years ago….I think it’s about time we went back! Kauai was especially beautiful.

  • Angie VC

    We have a wish list to go to Hawaii! Looking ahead to two years in the future for our 25th!

  • Leanne S

    Fabulous inspiration cards.

  • Michel Espey

    Love this release. I would go back to Oahu or maybe one of the other islands. Have been there twice.

  • Kathy J in Ellicott City

    I am not a tropical vacation gal. I prefer the mountains. If I was planning a vacation, I would go to Alaska. For tropical, I would love to go to Hawaii

  • Lindsey

    I live in a tropical paradise so every day is like being on vacation!

  • Bernadette

    Very nice release, Taylor! I feel slightly embarrassed as I answer your question. Reason is that my home is a tropical island, so I don’t look for tropical vacations. When I don’t go to my work at the nearby university, my life is a tropical vacation! I go for beach walks almost everyday, discovering new treasures and sea life. Our home has an awesome view of the ocean so I enjoy it wherever I turn. Several beaches, public and private, are walking distance. You are welcome to come here, stay in our home, (save hotel fees) and enjoy every water sport you want to try and other things. There’s also a LOT of history here. It’s an incredible blessing being on this island. ???? Thank you for the opportunity to win one of the stencils!

  • shartl

    Yay for summer!! I am loving the sunburst stencil so much and I always love your cute stamps and dies! My favorite tropical vacation place is Hawaii. I’ve been to three of the islands so far and always have a great time.

  • Sabine Honig

    I love to go to the Maldives before they sink beneath the ocean! I do have to say though as an Aussie, the north end of Australia is wonderfully tropical and of course we have Cairns, the Great Barrier Reef and lovely islands to explore. Love this new release – I am on a tropical bent at the moment and all of these products fit right in! Superb timing!

  • Cindy Tendall

    Hawaii would definitely be on my list for a tropical vacation. With everything going on in the world, I would not travel outside of the U.S. My daughter and husband went to a Sandals Resort for their honeymoon and had a wonderful time, but had to be sure they stayed within the confines of the resort and always traveled in groups for their safety. I would just prefer to stay stateside and yet enjoy all of the tropical amenities. Aloha, John and Taylor… next year! Looks like this will be another fun release! Loving the new ideas so far. I will definitely see you Wednesday afternoon, Taylor!

  • Carla Hundley

    Wonderful new goodies!
    I’d love to go to Turks
    and Caicos to vacation!
    Carla from Utah

  • Cynthia Johnson

    Bora Bora. I want to stay in one of those huts over the water with a glass so you can see the fish!

  • Susan

    I’ve been to Hawaii once but would love to go back and explore some more!

  • Penny Stiles

    The tiki masks are so great! And the cloud, wav, and sunbeam stencils are so useful!

  • Phyllis Freese

    I’ve only been to the Bahamas, but enjoyed it very much. Your new tropical stamps, dies & stencils are great additions to your product line.

  • Kay

    Bahamas….white sand, clear warm water.

  • Debby

    We went to Maui & Kauai for our 20th anniversary, we loved them both but Kauai was so beautiful & laid back I really want to go back.

  • Karen W.

    Hawaii! Sounds basic, but I have never been there!

  • Marcia

    Turks and Caicos! It is beautiful and warm and low key

  • Kathy Harroun

    I would definitely suggest Maui. We went there for our 25th anniversary and it was beyond awesome. Honolulu was great but very busy. Kauai was great but very laid back. Maui was in the middle. So whichever way you prefer – I don’t think you can go wrong (other than the volcano side of things right now – lol).

  • Michelle

    Definitely any of the Hawaiian islands. We got married on the Maluaka Beach in Maui. We are planning a trip for my milestone bday in 16 months and taking our 9 yr old son and having our wedding photographer do a family portrait on the same beach! Kaui is beautiful too!

  • Miriam Prantner

    Would love to go to Hawaii at some point. I’m really loving today’s reveals, especially the stencils!

  • Ada

    Maui has everything for me. Wonderful water for snorkeling, and other water sports. Bicycling tours. Great restaurants. Historical sites. Hiking trails. Happy people. Tours to other islands and sunset cruises. Love it and would go again in a heart beat.

  • Amy Cooley

    Hawaii has always been a dream for me!

  • Missy Anderson

    Definitely want to go to Moorea. Love your new watercolors, especially the shimmer additive. Love the new ink colors and the tropical fronds background.

  • Dana Kirby

    So many Wonderful new products!! I love it all!! My absolute favorite tropical vacation is Maui!! Beautiful, fun, and wonderful food!! I’m ready to go right now!!

  • Danielle so

    I would rent a private home on a semi private beach and either Saint John or Saint Martin’s and the British Virgin Islands. I want to private home because I don’t like crowds but I would want to be close enough that I could drive to a place where there are people. Restaurants, excursions etc. But I would want to private home so I can retreat back whenever I want I would rent a private home on a semi private beach and either Saint John or Saint Martin’s and the British Virgin Islands. I want to private home because I don’t like crowds but I would want to be close enough that I could drive to a place where there are people. Restaurants, excursions etc. But I would want to private home so I can retreat back whenever I wanted some privacy.

  • J horning

    I would love to go to the overwater bungalows in The Maldives ….. looks like pure heaven!!!

  • Stacy H.

    Does Australia count as tropical? I’d love to visit when it’s cold here and warm there.

  • Daisy

    Loving the new release so far! Been to Hawaii & loved it but would like to visit Curacao – it’s supposed to be beautiful & romantic!

  • Connie G

    I love the Bahamas!!!!

  • Janet Sisk

    I have never been to Hawaii so that is on my bucket list. I think the island of Kauai would be a dream to visit. Thanks for the chance to win. Love what I am seeing so far! 😀

  • Kathy McCartney

    I love the stencils….all of them 🙂 My choice for tropical vacation spot would be the Gallapagos. But then, Easter Island and the Dry Tortugas are also on my bucket list 🙂

  • Michelle Roepke

    This new release is so exciting and looks like many hours of new fun! Well done in bringing things so beautiful and creative. My mother and I have dreamed for so long to visit Hawaii!!

  • Ruth Dupchen

    I actually researched the ten best islands in the world and the number one island is Seychelles. Seychelles is the perfect island for beaching and mountaineering. It is also the best place for sightseeing and witnessing the underwater beauties. It is no doubt the best tropical island in the world.

  • Gilda (McStamper)

    Love the release. Beautiful water colors. The Florida Keys would be fine with me or a cruise to one of the tropical locales.

  • karenladd

    Oh my goodness, that TIKI is so fun! I also love your cloud stencils because I currently use torn paper to make my cloud shapes! As for tropical destinations, I know that my husband would love to visit Fiji…so I’ll pick that.

  • Stampfoldandrepeat (Jeanie)

    Very cool new stamp sets. I also love the liquid watercolor!
    I went to Cuba for an all-inclusive vacation and it was pretty nice!

  • Teresa Mikalouski

    Would love to visit Hawaii some day. Love the water so I love the new release!

  • Lynn T

    Definitely, Alani Resort in Hawaii, Florida Keys, or Caribbean Cruise. Love, love, love this release so far! Love all things tropical and excited about the new liquid watercolors in TE colors!

  • stampinggrandma

    Fabulous new products today! I would love to go anywhere tropical!

  • Pami Ballington

    I loved Jamaica, but since I’ve already been there I think I would choose Hawaii.

  • Teresa Godines #6857

    Love these new images. I just want to go anywhere there is a beach and yummy tropical drinks.

  • Pat S

    My calendar is marked for your release every month!

  • Joni S

    Oooh, I’ve never been anywhere tropical….I think I might like Central America…or perhaps the Galapagos Islands…yeah, that would be my first pick. Would love to see the Stone Carvings and the turtles…so much history there.

    Love this part of the release!

  • Brian Poteraj

    I would say one of the less crowded Hawaiian islands. You won’t have to worry about the food getting you sick, it’s safe, it’s pretty, there is much to do.

  • Sharon Gullikson

    Kauai–we went there 2 years ago…helicopter ride!!!! Boat ride along Na Pali coast, zip lining, snorkeling….GOREOUS, and so much to do. We are tropical/beach people, but even we loved Kauai.

  • LizD

    We went to Oahu about 20 years ago it was beautiful, but we are more for the cooler climate we may try an Alaska cruise for our 40th anniversary coming up next year. Whatever you try time together by yourselves when you own a business is all you need. Believe me I know. The new release is awesome is always. Can’t wait to try the watercolors.

  • Claudia Piegdon

    I think I would go to Hawaii when the big Island cools off .???? I love the new release and can’t wait to see more of it

  • Claudia Piegdon

    I think I would go to Hawaii when the big Island cools off.???? I love the new release and can’t wait to see more of it!

  • Patricia Lukanich

    My destination of choice would be Hawaii. Going any further requires way too much time in the air. My favorite islands are Kawai and Maui, with Maui being a little more populated. Beautiful scenery and wonderful temps all year long.

  • Martha Acord

    I know it’s not the tropics, but I have always wanted to go to Australia. That was to be our 50th anniversary trip. Sadly, it will not happen. We would have celebrated 50 years in November.

  • Jessica Bavier

    So many fabulous new goodies! So excited about the liquid watercolors! They look fantastic! Love the stencils too!

    I think I’d love to go to Hawaii for a tropical getaway.

  • Ashley Simmer

    I would have to say Aruba. Beautiful blue water and painted sunsets.. And flamingos! This release is amazing!

  • Erica Loscalzo

    I like all thing tropical

  • Kelsey Thomas

    Hawaii. I think it would be cool to explore there. 🙂

  • Judy

    Hawaii would be the place for me.

  • Margery C

    Wow, really great new stencils. I need them all!

  • Noreen

    Hawaii would be fun to visit – once the volcanos are finished! Love the cute little sea critters, and the tiki faces!

  • Beverly Perdue

    Wow! So many new awesome products!! Love the tropical sets and the new stencils. My husband and I went on a Caribbean cruise on our 25th anniversary and we had so much fun. One of my favorite places on that trip was St. Thomas.

  • Denise Bryant

    What awesome creations to show off the new products! Love it all!
    I have never been to Hawaii, and I’d pick that for a destination…

  • annheidel

    I don’t love hot climates, so a tropical vacation doesn’t sound as appealing to me, but someday I’d love to visit Hawaii. 🙂 Love the new stencils!

  • cyndi morris

    I’ve cruised the Caribbean and seen some beautiful beaches and sights in Mexico, Belize and Grand Cayman, but Hawaii has always been on my wish list. This beautiful release makes me want to do more traveling, but I’m getting too old!

  • LC Lamothe

    Everything about today’s featured products makes me happy! From the new gorgeous colors, to the awesome liquid watercolors to the fun images to the super cool tropical style, I love it all! My dream tropical paradise trip would be to Turks and Caicos.

  • Emma Sleppy

    Haven’t been on vacation in over 10 years, so for now I’d settle for anywhere, there’s a margarita. If I won the lottery I’d go to Maui! Aloha!

  • Julia D.

    Ack! What cute new products! Can’t wait to see the rest of the new release. And the inspiration cards are adorable and beautiful (love those hollyhocks!). My tropical place of choice would probably be the Virgin Islands or Turks and Caicos. Thank you for the chance to win!!

  • Bunny Dobbie

    Costa Rica again! We love it there! Beaches, volcanos, cloud forest, rainforest, waterfalls, diving! It has amazing exotic wildlife and fabulous plants. You can fly longer distances and hire a driver for shorter ones. We travelled all over for a month twice. Really enjoyed it. Stayed in self catering mountain cabinas to luxury resorts. It’s a fun adventure.

  • Dana M

    Wow, what an amazing line-up of new products! Hawaii would be my tropical destination of choice.

  • Joan Matis

    We’ve done a cruise around the Hawaiian islands and it was awesome. Have also gone to several Caribbean locations. There are so many choices. My bucket list includes Samoa and Tahiti ????

  • Diane

    Turks & Cacios – been there several times and the marine life is great

  • Vicki S

    Best way to see Hawaii is on a cruise! We did it a few years and it was a nice way to visit the islands

  • Vicki S

    I really like the watercolor inks!! It really looks easy!

  • Barbara Tennigkeit

    Bahamas is nice but there is hurricane damage. I have never been to Hawaii but it looks lush and beautiful

  • Susan Weida

    Hawaii, even with all of it’s volcanic action. I want to see all of the beauty as well as the volcanos. I have to say I’m super excited about the watercolors and am hoping you will have a class with them!

  • Eva Wierzbinski

    I would choose Hawaii though I’ve never been there. It’s on my bucket list! I love the new products!

  • Dawn S.

    Hard to choose but Hawaii has always been on my bucket list especially Maui!
    Love all the new releases – getting us in mood for a tropical trip!

  • Cynthia Cole

    I would pick Greece! Your new products are wonderful and really love those stencils!

  • Jan Castle

    I would choose Hawaii…after all the volcanos settle down – LOL! Whatever you choose as your Anniversary Destination – ENJOY!!!
    Your bubble stencil is an absolute MUST HAVE!!!! Like the leaf background too!
    Paper Hugs,

  • Susan Lang

    ARUBA. No question the prettiest place on earth. Love all your new stencils – makes an easy background!

  • Tamera Gullett

    I would like to take a cruise around Hawaii, think this would be a better way to see the view.
    Just bought some brushes so I need some more stencils to experiment with.

  • Linda J.

    I unfortunately don’t travel much but if I could go somewhere south it would have to be Hawaii!!! I have always wanted to go! Love the new products!!! The fish are my favorite!!! ????

  • Michelle L. Woodrum

    I would like to go to Hawaii. The views, waterfall, flowers, drinks and no needing a passport.

  • Carol

    I would go to Puerta Vallarta when the whales are there. Stunning to see them playing in the bay. As well, you can take a boat excursion and see the blue footed booby bird. I think they are only one other place in the world. Love the new colors!

  • Dianne L

    I would go to Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii – my favorite place on earth!! Can’t wait to get my hands on these new stamps and dies!!

  • Brandi R

    Ooooo!!! LOVE this release. Between the Hollyhocks, O-fish-ally Awesome and the fabulous stencils….I’m in heaven! LOVE ♥

    Okay…tropical vacation….I think I’d have to choose a Caribbean Cruise. Maybe with an extended stay in either the Bahamas or Punta Cana…or both :-D.

  • Valerie Ward

    Oh boy, I WISH I was planning an oversees trip!
    Love your new Releases today! Just darling!

  • Liz mca

    Probably try the virgin islands

  • Kelly Santi

    Oh these colors! These inspirational DT cards! I’m absolutely smitten! If I could, I’d go back to Hawaii where dh and I had our honeymoon We saved for 9 years to get married and go on our honeymoon and buy a home ~ and here we are, celebrating our 25th Anniversary this year! I can attest that the cards above capture the essence of summer/the islands beautifully! TFS!

  • Cindi F

    I would say the Bahamas. I have a friend there right now and her pictures have been awesome! I am so jealous! Love the new release!

  • Trina

    I have a boring answer… when I think of tropical, I think of Hawaii. But I took a Caribbean cruise once and really liked Grenada.

    I’m new to TE, but the day 1 sneak peeks looks wonderful. Liquid watercolors are hot right now, and I love the extra bottle to create shimnery colors. Beautiful DT cards. x

  • Mary Faith

    Wow what a gorgeous release! So if I had a chance to go to a tropical paradise I think I would wNt to go to the Bahamas. My son and his girlfriend just came back from there and stated it was so beautiful.


    I’ve never been to a tropical island and for health reasons never will, but Hawaii sounds lovely. Today’s cards are fabulous and fun!

  • Carrie W

    ❤️❤️❤️ all the new release!! I can’t wait to get my hands on some! I would love to visit the smaller islands of Hawaii… maybe someday!

  • Deb Schuster

    I’ve never been on a tropical vacation, but I have heard a lot about Turks and Caicos! I love all the new releases! Can’t wait to see more!

  • isabel z

    Your images always make me smile!

    I would go to Turks and Caicos b/c a friend recently went and can’t stop talking about her trip.

  • Louise W.

    Well, after a stop in FL to visit my kiddos and grands, I’d be off to St.Croix. Hubby and I went there years ago and the island has everything! Beautiful beaches, rain forest, and a beer drinking pig! Now that’s excitement! 😉 So much to do yet so relaxing. Not overly touristy either and the peeps are really friendly. Plus you can take a short boat trip over to St. John’s. Perfect vacation spot!

  • Christine Cox

    I would love to go to Tahiti! Would love to stay in an overwater bungalow. Looks so relaxing!

  • Andrea Hastilow

    Great look at the new release, have noted down all on my list as these will all be ideal for my summer cards. Lucky you to be going somewhere tropical, considering the furthest out of the UK I’ve got is The Isle of Wight I don’t think I’m the best for advice. I’ve always liked the sound of The Maldives x

  • Laurie Brown

    Super awesome new products!! Love the watercolors!! Can’t wait to play!
    I would love to go to Hawaii someday. Sit on the beach and enjoy the ocean!!

  • Susan Engblom

    Went to Hawaii over 30 years ago and it rained every day. Would like to return and see it in the sunshine.

  • Eileen L.

    I would love to go to Jamaica or Hawaii I have never been far from home. Love the new release so far, very
    pretty cards.

  • Terri (Blindstamper)

    I would have to say Hawaii…I’d love to see the smaller islands.

    • Connie

      I think I would go to Panama. My father was in the Army and we lived there and I graduated from high school there many many years ago. I would love to go back and see if it’s still as beautiful as I remember it. Awesome new releases!

  • Chris DuBois

    Well, my son’s destination wedding was in Hawaii and it was both beautiful and historical, but we love Sanibel Island in Flordia – very relaxing. But there was a nice article about Anna Maria Island in our newspaper on Sunday and sounded very nice.

  • Peggy Pride

    I would love to go to Tahiti out of in the Pacific Ocean. It appears to be serene and happy!

  • Evelyn

    I have never been, but I would say it has to be Hawaii!

  • Rita

    Maui is the best!

  • Mary Holshouser

    Ordinarily I would saw Hawaii, but I’m not sure how the erupting volcano
    is affecting the islands. If you want heat and beautiful scenery, I
    would suggest an African safari. My daughter went in 2012 and
    it was fantastic. I’d go back in a heartbeat.
    Love the new stamps – the Tiki stamp is really fun.
    thanks for sharing

  • Jane T

    Fun release. I would like to go anywhere tropical!!!

  • Carol Scheevel

    The only tropical place I’ve been is Hawaii (Maui and Kawaii) and loved both, so if you’re treating, I’ll go anywhere! I think Tahiti or Fiji look gorgeous!

  • Dee Earnshaw

    love how you have used these stencils!!!
    I would love to go on a Caribbean cruise to Jamaica 🙂

  • Brenda T.

    I love the Caribbean or Hawaii. The new release is very fun!

  • Laura

    Hawaii would be my first pick as I have never been there… but any where tropical would be good!

  • Cheri

    All of these first new items are so summer, so fun, so tropical! When I think tropical, Hawaii always comes to mind first, probably because it’s where i’ve been. However, I have not been to the island of Kauai and everyone who has been there says it is by far the most lush and tropical (and not as commercialized). I know some of the other places people have mentioned have to be fabulous also.

  • Mary

    I would go to Hawaii! A bucket list trip for my family—they are all such WW 2 history buffs, so a trip to the Pearl Harbor Memorial would be a must! And then beach time for all… ????

  • Michele K. Henderson

    I LOVE the new release! We went to Tahiti for our honeymoon, and we cannot wait to go back!It’s the most beautiful place on earth!

  • Joan

    I would go someplace less traveled . I’ve lived in Hawaii &it’s just too “touristy “now.

  • Lisa Reber

    Well, I always told my husband he could plan a trip anywhere that ended with an “I”…Hawaii, Tahiti, Bali, Figi, just as long as it wasn’t Cincinnati!

  • Lori VanRoekel

    I’d love to go back to Hawaii or St. Thomas!

  • Cathey Day

    I either want to go on a cruise with several ports or Belize or Bora Bora! My bucket list! Lol

  • Sue D

    Cute and pretty cards and fabulous new products. I would re-visit the Florida Keys as I was there on a biology field trip when I was a college student many years ago

  • Sherry

    I’ve been to Cancun and Punta Cana (Dominican) a few times and love both places and their all inclusive resorts. But I think our next tropical vacation will be to Jamaica. Love the tropical theme in your new release!

  • Sharon

    Anna Maria Island

  • Jennifer Langton

    I love Turks & Caicos (Provenciales). The people that live on the Island are super friendly and nice. The spas are exceptional and the beaches are pristine. LOVE IT!!!

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