• Laurie Brown

    I love Christmas songs so don’t have one I cringe over. Silent Night is my fav.

  • Kelly Kuharik

    Santa Baby, propbaby Grandna got run over by a reindeer

  • kathleen dumpert

    I would probably be singing along to more than one Christmas song as I would listen to them all year on my car radio if I could. One of my favorite to sing along to is white Christmas and cringe worthy is that one by wham I think its called last Christmas.

  • Diane B

    I love the Hallelujah Chorus
    I cringe when I hear Dominic the Donkey

  • Wahnita Hammond

    There isn’t a Christmas song that makes me cringe……I sing to them all! Loving all the awesome new Christmas goodies that will hopefully be under my tree on Christmas morning 😉

  • Georgia Henson

    Love most Christmas music. I love to sing “O Holy Night,” though I don’t really have the range. Cringe-worthy for me is “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.” Bleh.

  • Juliana Michaels

    I pretty much love all Christmas songs, but my fave to sing along with has to be O Holy Night! Santa Baby might bring on a little cringe, but I’ll still sing along!

  • Mary Ellen

    I love “I saw three ships”, but cringe when I hear “Grandmagot run over by a reindeer”. Love the new creations.

  • Debbie Babb

    I really love all Christmas songs! I always sing along with Silver Bells, reminds me of my dad????. I really don’t like Gramdma got run over by a reindeer.

  • Phi

    I love Silent Night but I cant stand Jingle Bells.

  • Denise Bryant

    What an awesome group of new items! Can’t wait!
    I will sing along to O Holy Night, but Santa Got Run Over By a Reindeer makes me cringe!

  • Cindy Holmes

    AWESOME new goodies! Fantastic creations that I am seeing here by all the DT members! My favorite Christmas song that I would sing to would definitely be The Little Drummer Boy! A Christmas song that I guess I would cringe to Jingle Bells! In all honesty I really love all Christmas songs though!

  • LizD

    I love singing Silent Night. Reminds me of Christmas eve at church with the candles or drummer boy when my mom plays it on her marimba. The song that I really dislike is A Partridge in a Pear Tree. It just never ends. UGH! I love the new release with the gingerbread. It’s so cute.

  • Mindy Drummond

    I am most likely to be singing along to Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Bruce Springsteen (preferably the version with Clarence Clemmons playing Sax :)). Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer always makes me cringe.

  • Heidi H

    I can’t stand most Christmas music. I do like the traditional carols when they’re not all “poppy.” I’m actually not a scrooge :-).

  • Karen Harris

    I love the gingerbread kids! My favorite Christmas song is Carol of the Bells. I find myself turning down the radio when So This is Christmas, by John Lennon, is being played. I think I’ll be humming Christmas songs the rest of the day!

  • Jen Barber

    I catch myself humming Silent Night all the time. It was the first song I learned to play on the piano with both hands, and it’s been stuck ever since. As for cringe worthy, it would have to be the Chipmunks Christmas – the voices just grate on me!

  • carol

    WOW! Day 1 and already smitten with the new release! Again, the showcases are outstanding.
    Most likely to sing to Feliz Navidad (especially when Michael Buble sings it…swoon) and Rolf Harris’ Six White Boomers (too. much. fun!). Cringe Carols: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer and Santa Baby.
    Your questions are fabulous!

  • Sherry Butcher

    i just sing along no favorite but I cringe with “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” . This release is just great, so many ideas here. thanks for sharing.

  • Lyn

    I love to sing Santa Claus is coming to town with the kids such fun! But I adore Hallelujah, it is so beautiful and I can sing it all year long 🙂 Oh and then there is Drummer Boy <3 that one

  • Karthikha Uday

    Wonderful Christmas products and inspirations! The gingerbread is so cute 🙂 I would love to sing along Jingle Bells 🙂 I don’t really remember any song that makes me cringe..

  • janet sisk

    Hmmmmm. Christmas songs I am most likely to sing along to would have to be “Jingle Bells,” “We wish You a Merry Christmas” and “Away in a Manger” since even little kids know it and just start singing it. And what song makes me cringe would have to be “Grandma got run over by a Reindeer” since it is WAY over played on the radio. Thanks for the inspiration and chance to win. 😀

  • Kathy Groff

    I’m fond of What Child Is This? for Christmas. Don’t particularly like Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer! In today’s sneak peeks I love the tree with O Come Let Us…. and the Twiggy Background! Both are beautiful!

  • Gilda

    I love Christmas music. So difficult to choose a favorite but Silent Night will always be special and I do cringe at Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Poor Grandma.

  • Heather Mills

    I LOVE Christmas and making Christmas cards and your peaks today are fabulous!!! I specially like making cards that speak to the true meaning of Christmas. I also love Christmas songs/carols–almost all of them. O, Holy Night is my favorite and there is one I really don’t like, but I can’t remember the name–it talks about mommy and daddy not being able to wait for school to start again, it just doesn’t seem very uplifting. Also not really a fan of Santa Claus is coming to town, but other than those; sign me up!!

  • JuLie L

    I love Christmas songs! We actually started playing it last weekend as we were shopping for ornaments online! I think I like them all, but when I am working around the house, I like listening to the upbeat ones (the one that comes to mind is Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is you” cause that was the last one I heard lol).

  • Michele K. Henderson

    Every Christmas, I am singing a lot of great tunes, but my favorite is Everybody’s waiting for the man with the bag, cuz Christmas is coming to town! it’s a big band song with big horns on my playlist and I love to play it while I wrap gifts! The song I could do without is The Little Drummer Boy.

  • Eva Wierzbinski

    My all time favorite holiday song is “Oh Holy Night”. I will sing that forever. I hate Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is You”.


    I love to sing along with Winter Wonderland and I do not care for Grandma Got Ran Over By a Reindeer- blah! Loving your new release already!

  • stampfoldandrepeat (Jeanie)

    I like all Christmas songs, especially the ones I sing in the shower, hahaha 🙂

  • Dee Foster

    Love so many Christmas songs but One of my favorites is Do you hear what I hear? My least favorite Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Love youy new collection!

  • Deb Bridgewater

    I love to sing Rudolph the red nosed reindeer or frosty the snowman and don’t really care for jingle bell rock

  • Nancy

    sing along: Joy to the world ????
    cringe: Island of misfit toys ????

  • Mary Beth Bolie

    I couldn’t name a favorite Christmas song-most all work. I have been known to ply Christmas music for a week or so, mid-summer, just because it makes me happy. However, that being said, toward the bottom of the list is ‘The Christmas Song’ by Mel Tormay(sp) or anybody else for that matter, will cause me to reach for the volume, to lower the ‘noise’!!!

  • Arianna Barbara

    Beautiful sneak peek!!!
    My favourite Christmas songs are Silent Night and All I Want For Christmas Is You.

  • Olivia Pizana

    Rockin Around the Christmas Tree.

    The song that makes me cringe: Grandma got ran over by a reindeer

  • Wendy Stamey

    What a beautiful Christmas release! I have so many favorite Christmas songs! If I had to pick it would probably be All I want for Christmas is You! I have two songs that make me cringe…Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer and Last Christmas I Gave You my Heart!

  • Chris Lawlor

    Mary Did You Know is by far my favorite. Can’t think of one that makes me cringe – maybe Santa Baby if I have heard it too many times.

  • Johna

    My favorite Christmas song is “Mary Did You Know”. Song that makes me cringe is “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”.

  • Lisa

    Love the sentiment set! I love the Christmas songs Mary did you know, I can’t stand the last Christmas song by Wham. Lol. Awesome release! Can’t wait to see what else you have for Christmas.

  • Bernadette

    Wonderful release! I can’t believe Day 1 is just the beginning!
    I have two favorite Christmas songs: “What Child Is This?” and “It Came Upon The Midnight Clear.”
    I can’t think of one that I cringe at.

  • Holly Mahoney

    Loving day 1 of the new releases!! Can’t wait to see what you have for day 2. The Christmas songs I like to sing along with are White Christmas, Have a Holly Jolly Christmas and Jingle Bell Rock. Basically any of the classics. I cringe when I hear Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer. Ugh!

  • Daisy

    Love Christmas & loving the release! Thank you for the beautiful faith based items – usually so hard to find.
    Favorite Christmas songs – Away in a Manger (it also helps me get through my MRI sessions!), Mary did you know, Do you hear what I hear & The Gift (Nightingale song).
    Cringe at the Grandma/reindeer song!

  • Cindy Tendall

    Loving this release so far. I’m especially excited about all of the backgrounds. Love, love the Buffalo Plaid and Pine Bough background stamps. I will definitely be shopping for the three new colors for stamps and card stock. The list will undoubtedly increase on Tuesday and Wednesday. I have several Christmas songs that I sing. Two favorites are O Holy Night and Mary, Did You Know. I cringe when the singing dogs sing Jingle Bells. This one should have been retired years ago.

  • Karen Weingartner

    I love Christmas music! I will sing to any Christmas song. Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer definitely makes me cringe!

  • Charmaine M

    Oh I NEED that build a gingerbread set, too cute to make a string of them !!!

    My favorite Christmas song to most likely sing is JINGLE BELLS, JINGLE BELLS

    And the one I cringe to hear is GRANDMA GOT RUN OVER BY A REINDEER

  • Carla Hundley

    So many beautiful
    creations here! I love
    Silver Bells and I hate
    Grandma Got Ran Over
    By A Reindeer.
    Carla from Utah

  • Carol Bates

    Lovely release! what song am i most likely to sing along to? Grandma got run over by a reindeer, what song do I least like? Grandma got run over by a reindeer .. . . .

  • Susan Weida

    Loving the new releases!!!! I’m excited to make Christmas cards now! sing-along Christmas songs… Do You Hear What I Hear?, Oh Come All He Faithful, and Little Drummer Boy are my favorites. Silver Bells comes in dead last! Mostly because we always sang it for school programs and in choir.

  • Lisa Cox

    I love Christmas!! I love everything about Christmas and can’t think of one song that makes me cring. I probably sing Silver Bells or Santa Claus is coming to town to my grandkids the most ????

  • Janet Christensen

    I love singing ‘Go Tell it on the Mountain’ and ‘The First Noel’ I cringe at ‘Grandma got ran over by a Reindeer.’ I love your release–wonderful sentiments.

  • Beverly Perdue

    Thanks for the ideas on mass producing Christmas cards. These are just beautiful. My favorite Christmas song is Mary Did You Know. I also love Away in a Manger. I’m not crazy about Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.

  • Laraine R

    What you showed today is fabulous!! Going to be a fabulous release! I sing to almost all Christmas songs!!

  • Noreen

    I love Christmas music – it gives me a good feeling any time of the year. Two of my favorites are Oh Holy Night and Silver Bells. I can’t think of any that make me cringe.

  • KathyJH

    My favorite Christmas carol is The Wexford Carol! My least favorite is Santa Baby.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been stressing about my Christmas cards – just not seeing what I wanted – until this evening! So excited to order the stamps!!!!

  • Stacy H.

    I really enjoy singing along to most Christmas songs and can’t think of one that makes me cringe.

  • Teresa Mikalouski

    Hard to choose the song I like the best Jingle Bells probably. I don’t like Grandma got run over by a reindeer or the Alvin chipmunk song!

  • Kathy Manchester

    I love all Christmas songs and sing along with most of them. Mary Did You Know? is a real favorite…..all Pentatonix songs are great. I really hate Grandma Got Runover By A Reindeer.
    I’ve got to say…..I love all of your new religious Christmas stamps. I had decided I really didn’t need any new ones this year but now I have changed my mind!

  • storymusicgirl

    I would have said I never need another Christmas stamp set, but those verses and the sweet manger and the twiggy background…!!! Love them!
    I also *love* Christmas music. All I Want for Christmas is You by pretty much any artist is totally my jam, but I will jump out of a moving car to get away from Christmas Shoes or Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime. lol

  • KimKaz

    I sing every Christmas song … starting in September 🙂 I can’t think of one that makes me cringe, but I know there are a few.

  • Kathy J in Ellicott City

    I got hooked on Pentatonix last year and love the Hallelujah. Love the new release.

  • Karen

    Love, love love all of the sets in the sneak peek! I enjoy most Christmas carols & hymns. I play them off & on throughout the year. Jingle Bells always gets me singing. But I can do without “Santa Baby” ugh!

  • Gina M

    These are awesome sneak peeks!
    I love to sing along to most Christmas songs but my favorite is I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas.
    I can’t think of a song that actually makes me cringe but I’m not a big fan of Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.

  • A. Baker

    Mele Kaliki Maka will make me sing to recall living in Hawaii when my kids were little; almost any other Christmas song or hymn will make me sing mentally if not aloud.

    Blue Christmas is sad, and I just endure it when it comes on the radio.

  • Evelyn

    What beautiful cards! My favorite would be O Holy Night. What makes me cringe would be Grandma Got Run over by a reindeer, or anything like it!

  • Iris Esther López

    This is an extraordinary release. I love all I have seen so far. My favorite holiday song is O Holy Night. I used to sing it on Christmas Eve service at my church. I’m no longer singing but I still love the song. I can’t think of a least favorite Christmas song but I like all the classic songs.

  • Helen A Dix

    I love most Christmas music but they really start them toooooo early! I love I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas and
    I’ll Be Home for Christmas and mute the song Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer! Now that I’m a Grandma, I find
    it particularly annoying!!

  • Roberta Lesar

    Favorite: “Mary Did You Know”
    Hate: “12 days”

  • Pami Ballington

    I love to sing almost any Christmas song – from The Hallelujah Chorus to Alvin & the Chipmunks. My two favorites are probably Carol of the Bells and O Holy Night. I really can’t think of a song that makes me cringe.

  • Michelle Woodrum

    Love to sing “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” .I cringe when they play “This Christmas”, by George Michael.

  • Janie T

    Sing with Rock’n around the Christmas Tree or Do You Hear What I Hear. Cringe at 12 days of Christams

  • SharonKay

    I feel like I’ve seen the whole release today! So many wonderful products and ideas! Can’t wait to see what’s next. I love Christmas music but O Holy Night is a favorite. I don’t really hate any I can think of but Grandma got run over by a reindeer would be pretty close.

  • Elise Smith

    I love every single product showcased today! I’m getting so excited for Christmas! It’ll be the first one with our baby boy. My favorite holiday song to sing along to is White Christmas. I don’t really like Blue Christmas since it’s not as cheerful as the others.

  • Teresa Godines #6857

    Just started my Christmas projects and the inspiration is most welcome. I love the John Cougar version of I saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus.


    I will pipe in to any Christmas song I know….lol, Most likely Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer but I must add the “like light bulb” and so on.

    My least liked song – Grandma got ran over by a reindeer. It can really get on my nerves. I know some of you might be shocked at that….lol

    I’m LOVIN’ the sneak peeks. This is going to be dangerous for my pocketbook.

    See you soon.


  • Jim Petersen

    These stamps are great! The Christmas song I am most likely to sing along with is “Feliz Navidad’–against my better judgement. The Christmas song that most makes me cringe is “Santa Baby”.

  • Anne Sturgeon

    Oh holy smokes, this release is so awesome. I love the big background so much. The new cover plate is to die for…. if I had to pick, it would be White Christmas. I think I watch Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby about five times during the season. The absolute worst is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. Eek! Your video is so good, thanks and see you tomorrow.

  • Kelly Blydenburgh

    White Christmas, without a doubt! I mean, it doesn’t get any more Christmas-y than Bing Crosby, and I can help but get nostalgic when I hear it, and think back to MANY wonderful holidays with extended family. 🙂 BTW – I may as well sign my paycheck over now. This release is SO awesome and has me rethinking my 2018 Holiday cards already!

  • Cynthia Cole

    I usually sing along to Silent Night and I’m in agreement with the other ladies about the one that makes me cringe is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. Loving all the sneak peeks for day 1.

  • Linda Shirley

    Great ideas! But is it really time to think about Christmas? Sigh….
    My favorite song is “Little Drummer Boy” and my least is “Twelve Days of Christmas”

  • Julia D.

    I LOVE it when the Christmas products start coming out and these look awesome! Love the samples. Can’t wait to see the whole release (although my bank account can!). I always sing along to “Sleigh Ride” and I will break my leg turning the radio station if “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” comes on! I hate that song. Thank you for the chance to win!

  • R. Hill

    My sing-along-song is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” . Can’t contain myself! …and the one I cry to: I’ll Be Home For Christmas. Gets me every time. Love those gingerbread kids!

  • Amy Cooley

    I’ll sign along to most all Christmas songs! I’m not a big fan of Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer though!

  • Leanne S

    What an amazing release!!!!!!!!!
    My favorite carol is O Holy Night.

  • Joyce Gilbert

    Beautiful release! Always love your designs!
    Can’t help but sing along to most Christmas songs – but “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” gets me every time. I cringe at “Grandma Got Run Over by A Reindeer”, it just shouldn’t be a Christmas song at all. LOL.

  • Jennifer Petersen

    As cheesy as it sounds we always sing along with a Christmas song called it’s our First Christmas in love. I remembering it being the tape my mom would put on as we decorated cookies! The memories that go with the song make it my favorite Christmas song but very few have ever heard it 🙂 I also love Mary Did you Know.

    Feliz Navidad would be the song that makes me cringe. It always sticks in EVERYONE’s mind 🙂

  • Ruth Dupchen

    I really love all the Christmas songs but I guess White Christmas is my favorite. Sometimes I may not like the way someone sings the song but I still like the song.

  • Monika/Buzsy

    Oh, I love the new release! Christmas is always so special… love the sweet manger! So precious. The ornament is lovely… and those gingerbread die-cuts! Cute!

  • Becca Yahrling

    Yay – so much pretty Christmas products and beautiful and
    fun projects. Love the darling gingerbread and the cover plate
    is just gorgeous! I will sing O Holy Night – my favorite! I don’t
    think there are any songs I would cringe at.

  • Dee Earnshaw

    stunning inspiration – love it all
    fav song would be silent night and I cringe at Santa Baby ( cringing as I type this lol)

  • Paula Hymel

    My favorite time of the year! Thanks for the remarkable products! Hugs.

  • Sue D

    Love the cards today. I like Silent Night and the one I cringe at is Grandma got run over my a reindeer.

  • Vicki Dillon

    My favorite is O Holy Night and What child is this! If I had to say there is one I’m not crazy about I would have to say anything sung by the Chipmunks.

  • Julie B.

    I love Christmas music, but my all-time favorite is Silent Night. Our church has all of the choirs sing and all of our kids sang in the church choir from 3 – 18. Even though they are now adults it brings tears every time. I don’t really have anything I hate in the Christmas genre! This release looks like it’s going to be fun.

  • Pam S

    Lovin’ everything so far! Favorite song is Holly Jolly Christmas. Could do without Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer!

  • Jean Marmo

    I will be belting out it’s a MArshmallow World in the winter. My favorite song!

  • Anne B

    I love singing along to carols and songs at Christmas. My favourites are definitely the more traditional like Oh Holy Night and I get tired of anything that’s played over and over – Snoopy’s Christmas is one that comes to mind.

  • Carrie W

    Wow! Love what I see!! I love Christmas music in general, Silent Night hits the top of my list, while Santa Baby rounds out the bottom. The video tutorials are fabulous!! Thanks!

  • Diane Morris

    What a fantastic array of new products! The gift card die is unique! I sing along with Silent Night and turn the volume down on I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause.

  • Mary-Anne V

    These products look great! I like to sing Holly Jolly Christmas but hate mr Grinch.

  • Maggie Ludwig

    The new releases are all so beautiful. Thanks for the helpful videos. I love Christmas music. Silver Bells is my favorite. One that always touches my heart is Oh Holy Night.

  • Victoria Lundstrom

    Silent night–to– grandma got run over by a reindeer and everything in between. It’s the most singing time of the year! Can’t think of one disliked though I am sure there are many so perhaps Santa,Santa, bring me a treat might be one.

  • Cindy G

    Wow, that was an exciting sneak peak! Can’t wait for the rest of the week! Will always sing “We 3 Kings”. “Jinglebell Rock” gets old quick just because it gets played to death.

  • annheidel

    I sing along to just about every Christmas song. I love that music! My personal playlist is way better than any radio station. They play the same songs over and over again. I can listen to mine for ten days straight with only a few repeats. Least favorite might be “Christmas Wrapping” by the Waitresses. I love the new nativity stuff you showcased today!

  • Louise

    Love all the beautiful samples! The gingerbread card is hilarious! Favorites are “Ave Maria” by Pavarotti and “Mary Did You Know”. The one I totally can’t listen to is “Blue Christmas” by Elvis. I think it’s the background music that makes me cringe. The funny one I love is the “Hanukkah Song” by Adam Sandler. Cracks me up every time!

  • Beth KS

    Oh my gosh…I feel a shopping spree coming on! These are all great. I am most likely to sing along (badly) to “Joy to the World.” I always change the radio station when “The Christmas Shoes” comes on. It’s such a depressing song for such a cheerful time of the year.

  • Mary

    I love most every Christmas song. But my favorite song is Happy Xmas (war is over) John Lennon. A Christmas song that makes me cringe is: Blue Christmas -Elvis Presley. Smile BIG! 🙂

    Mary from NH

  • Susan Engblom

    Love your upcoming new Christmas releases! Favorite song is “Holiday Season”. Always reminds me of the Andy Williams Christmas specials. “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer” is the least favorite – enough said!

  • Pattie Goldman

    Oh I cannot wait to get some of these new releases! As for Christmas songs – love and sing along to all of them but especially O Holy Night. Cringeworthy is Dominick the Donkey.

  • Joan

    Love Love Love the gift card holder & manger set! I can hardly wait for them! My favorite song is Oh Holy Night. Worse song is a tie between Santa Baby & the Hippopotamus one. Turn the station!

  • Margaret Neil

    I would listen to Christmas Music all year long! My favorites are Silent Night, Little Drummer Boy & Ave Maria. I don’t like songs that take away from the reason for the season. I cannot wait to see all the new Christmas items you have this year. So far-amazing!

  • Michelle

    My favorites are called “Twisted Christmas”, and I have about 3 of those albums! I listen to them so much I forget the real words to the songs. “Deck the Halls” is “Wreck the Malls”, “I am Santa Claus” is a take off of “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath. The Christmas song I’m most likely to turn off is “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”-I just do a full body shake and switch channels! BTW-I love your new release!

  • Dana M

    Oh wow!!! What an amazing release! I most likely will sing along to Tennessee Christmas and I’m not a fan of Santa Baby.

  • Gail Shurbutt

    Christmas music makes me so very happy, and I will sing along with most any song. Love “Mary Did You Know” – PTX version. “Grandma Got Run Over by A Reindeer” is definitely NOT a favorite and I tune it out or turn off the music:) Wow, Day 1 Sneak Peek Teasers are amazing and I’ve begun my list. Thanks for the video on mass producing cards – love your tips and tricks.

  • Connie

    Lovely release! Great examples.
    My favorite Christmas Carol is Silent Night but honestly there are so many

  • Carri Daugherty

    I LOVE Christmas music and sing along all the time!
    However there is one song that just grates on my nerves… “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”
    I cant turn it off fast enough when it comes on!

  • Mary Faith

    What a wonderful release. Totally love it. My favorite song to sing along to is Jingle bell Rock. And the song which makes me cringe is Santa Baby sang by Madonna. I think it’s her voice. ????????

  • Linda L

    LOVE Carol of the Bells, but cringe when I hear Santa Baby. The gift card holder is wonderful!

  • CherriB

    I love all the sneak peeks for today – my wish list is getting longer! I will sing along to just about every Christmas song except Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer – the radio goes off at that one!

  • Terrie D.

    There are so many great products in this release! I love the Gift Card Popup die and all the lovely sentiment stamps. These cards are beautiful! I love Christmas music! I will sing along to most songs, but especially White Christmas. I cringe when I hear a Christmas song by The Beach Boys. 🙂

  • Susie King

    This is the anniversary of Silent Night, so that will be sung a lot and I was happy to see it included in your sentiments! The cringe worthy song would be either the Hippotamus song or Grandma got run over by a reindeer!

  • Margo Krumrie

    I love singing (and dancing) along to Jingle Bell Rock. 12 Days of Christmas isn’t om my play list at all, definately not a favorite.

  • Linda Carson

    Wow! My brain is on Christmas overload with such beautiful artwork and products! I would sing along to Away In A Manger or something traditional. I really cannot stand Dominic the Donkey!

  • Isabel Z

    I love to sing Jingle Bells only because I know all the words and the one that makes me cringe is Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.

  • Isabel Z

    I like to sing Jingle Bells only because I know all the words and Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer makes me cringe.

  • Debbie Rumpza

    Oh My Gosh. So many great releases… Love the sentiments and dies. I will pretty much sing to EVERY Christmas song… I’m trying to think of one that makes me cringe… Hmmm. I don’t think there are any. Favorite is Oh Holy Night. Oh … maybe I don’t love Deck the Halls as much… it’s a bit repetitive.

  • Linda Carson

    Wow! My brain is on Christmas overload with such beautiful artwork and products! I would sing along to Silver Bells or something traditional like it. I really cannot stand Dominic the Donkey!

  • Mary Holshouser

    My favorite song is “Grandma got run over by a reindeer”.
    Love wacky songs – the Chipmunks were one of my favorite
    groups. I don’t know that I cringe with any Christmas
    song. it’s just a joyous and fun time.
    Love the build a gingerbread family. One of the
    food perks of Christmas.
    thanks for sharing

  • Sandie Obrin

    The song I love to sing along to is White Christmas. When I begin making my Christmas cards in July or August, I put in the White Christmas DVD and sing along! (Good thing I create in the basement!!) I don’t really have a Christmas carol that I don’t enjoy. Love the new products, looking at using some for next Christmas!

  • Chris DuBois

    Christmas is so special and most any song is enjoyable–but after you have heard them so many times almost any can be annoying.
    But to name one favorite–What Child is This
    Annoying–I agree Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (especially since I’m a Grandma!

  • Cheri Nugent

    CHRISTMAS has always been my favorite holiday. I love Christmas carols, but the one I always sing along with is Mannheim Steamroller’s version of Silent Night. The ones that make me cringe tend to be the secular ones on the radio that I consider a bit corny (I saw Grandma Kissing Santa Claus, Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree, and the Grinch one – don’t even know the name of it). The sneak peek is incredible! I need a windfall of dollar bills from heaven! ❤️

  • Martha Acord

    I always sing along to Little Drummer Boy and Do you see what I see. I cringe every time Grandma got ran over by a reindeer comes on!

    Loving the release so far! I’m sure there are many more good things to come!!

  • Lc Lamothe

    There are so many Christmas songs on my favorites list! I LOVE upbeat, fun songs like ‘I want a hippopotamus for Christmas’ and ‘That’s what Christmas means to me’ as well as more traditional ones like ‘White Christmas’ and ‘Adeste Fideles’. I see that my least favorite song is on others’ lists as well. Not a fan of Grandma got run over by a reindeer.

  • Susan Lang

    Fantastic new items. Love the tree with the script message as two stamps allowing two colors. Great idea. So much fun stuff. Joy to the World, always my favorite carol. I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas, never a favorite.

  • Brenda C.

    The song that makes me cringe when I hear it is the same song that I can’t help singing along with: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. But seriously, my favorite Christmas song is I’ll Be Home For Christmas. It makes me feel very nostalgic.

  • Sherry

    I love Christmas music and sing along with most. My favorite is Josh Grobin’s O Holy Night. I don’t really cringe at any but I get tired of stations here playing some select songs over and over (every hour, every day for a month or more). I want to hear all the beautiful Christmas songs!

  • Beverly Boyles

    Great release and fantastic ideas for mass producing cards…I sing along to White Christmas and cringe to Santa Baby.

  • Meghan Kennihan

    I love all the sentiments! This release is going to be GREAT! I sing along with ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS by MARIA CAREY… come on who doesn’t?!?
    I cringe at the Little Drummer Boy song … UGH

  • Robin P

    I always sing along to Silent Night and Santa Baby makes me cringe.
    Love all the new products in this sneak peak. So excited for this release.

  • Lisa Reber

    I LOVE Christmas music so there are so many favorites but Mary did you know probably tops the list. And because I’m in Florida Kenny Chesney’s all “I want for Christmas is a real good tan” probably comes in 2nd. Not really any that I hate but Grandma got run over by a reindeer is at the bottom of the list!
    (In love with the Blooming Holiday cover plate BTW)

  • Emily Henry

    My favorite song is “Mary Did You Know”. I find a good message and such a peaceful feeling when I hear it. My least favorite is “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” because I find no real Christmas meaning in it.

  • Christine Dring

    Wow! What a fantastic new release and such fabulous creations! I will always sing along with “I’ll be home for Christmas”, and will change the radio station if the Hippopotamus song come on. LOL!

  • Kelly Parker

    my favorite Christmas song is Jingle bells or the Grinch! my least favorite song is Grandma got run over by a reindeer. I like that the Grinch comes to terms and is good in the end!

    Love the new release!

  • Linnea Sundstrom

    I’m singin’ “Jingle Bells” and I’m cringing at “Santa Baby”

  • SueinMtVernon

    A favorite Christmas song that makes me sing along is Silver Bells. I cringe when I hear “Grama Got Ran Over By a Reindeer” – I just don’t find it amusing at all!

    Love Love Love all these Christmas products!

  • Jean Manis

    Wow, wow, and wow! Fantastic products and projects.
    My favorite songs – Silver Bells or White Christmas.
    Rocking Around the Christmas Tree makes me cringe!

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