• Sue A

    Either sleigh riding or building snow men with my kids. I also love walking through town with the kids to look at the Christmas decorations. The season is so exciting through their eyes.

  • Ceal

    Going around looking at all the Christmas lights and if it’s snowing, making a snow angel

  • Susan Weida

    So many wonderful new releases!!! I like going for a peaceful walk in the snow. Especially when it is the huge wet flakes. Other than that I’m always up for sledding or a good snowball fight!

  • Janie T

    Looking at all the pretty lights is fun while outside at Christmas.

  • Debbie Rumpza

    Gosh that’s a tough question. In WA state it is often dark, gloomy and rainy around Christmas. But on the rare occasion we have a crisp sunny day , I love riding my horse through the woods and hearing the crackle of the ground. When it’s gloomy, I stay inside!

  • Dianne

    Going to see the outdoor light display then gathering for hot chocolate with whipped cream. The Buffalo plaid stamp is too cool. Can’t wait to have it to play with.

  • Suz Gray

    Wow what a great release. I’m over the moon in love with that buffalo plaid stamp. No more hunting for patterned paper in my favorite print I can make my own

    • Suz Gray

      I forgot to answer the question in my excitement over the stamp…..
      my fave outdoor activity is always the lighting of the tree ceremony in our little town. They have music groups later and a parade earlier in the day too.

  • Breina Burgin

    My favorite outside activity during winter is watching my children play in the snow.

  • Leanne S

    Great cards! Love the plaid background.
    Enjoy shopping. 🙂

  • Sue S

    These cards are wonderful & perfect theme as I live in a rural mountain area with lots of wildlife! Love your products so much! Thanks for sharing! In winter & at Christmas, my wintertime activity we do most is baking (when I don’t have shoveling to keep up with! lol). Lots of yummy treats to have with a nice cup of hot chocolate is the best!!!

  • Kathleen Kraft

    Walking in the snow, especially with my dog and coming home and having hot chocolate. I do also like snowmobiling.

    Great stamps!

  • Cheryl Fillers

    I love fall. Cool crisp and the stunning colors. Thanks for the chance to win the stamp. Love the plain. I know ill use this stamp many many times so many uses thank u

  • kelly ethridge

    Bundling up, s’mores around the fire and taking in the sights of autumn-changing leaves, colors, etc.

  • Elaine McDonald

    Driving around looking at the lights.
    Love this stamp and the cards made with it…thank you for sharing it

  • Mary Beth

    I do as little as possible outside when it starts to get cold. Getting to old for that ‘freezy-cold’ stuff! Back in n my younger years, I enjoyed going out caroling with my church family & friends.

  • Jill Boyd

    Cooler weather for camping trips and lots of time around the campfire!

  • Lyn

    I love to pick a night to bbq then walk different areas admiring the Christmas lights

  • Jim Petersen

    I like taking the kids to see the lights at Christmas time and listening to the music in the car as we do so.

  • Barbara Woodard

    I’m not a fan of wintertime. Fav activity is going thru neighborhood,s looking at Xmas decorations.

  • Rachel

    I love everything released!!!the moose and bear dies are perfect for Christmas and cabin themes. The pine stamp is a must have too!
    My favorite wintertime activity would be snowshoeing for outdoors and carsling for indoors!!!

  • Suzanne Vanderham

    My favorite outdoor activity is decorating the house! We live in a town that host a huge celebration called Festival of Lights that has a night time parade, parks filled with amazing decor and the whole town really gets into it!!
    I can’t wait to see all the products in this awesome collection!!! Great job TE Team!!!

  • Laurie Brown

    Oh so many outdoor activities to enjoy when there is snow-softly falling snow without footprints anywhere is so beautiful. However snow angels and snowmen are so fun!!!

  • Christine Loritsch

    Love the plaid background! My favorite outdoor winter activity would probably be going to look at all the cool Christmas lights! What a fun release!

  • Bethany Stover

    My favorite activity outside during winter time would be playing in the snow.

  • Linda B

    Love the new releases. I love being outside on a cold crisp sunny day when it is so quite outside and the only sounds you hear are the breath you take, the crunching of the snow beneath your boots, and the sounds of the snow melting and falling off the tree limbs or dripping from the ice cycles.

  • janet sisk

    My family and I love to drive around and look at all the houses decorated up at night. It is just crazy how far some people go to decorate for Christmas. We are in a new state this year so it will be fun to see what we find. 😀 Thanks for all the inspiration and chance to win.

  • Connie G

    Living in Maine we love to go to the beach at Christmas. Cold but always beautiful. Love that moose die/set. Perfect for Maine living.

  • Aggie O.

    My fav activity at Christmas time is cuddling up in a soft blanket, watching the snow fall and drinking a cup of Hot Cocoa and Kahlua….after I’ve spent teh day crafting!

  • storymusicgirl

    I’m in love with the buffalo plaid background! And those tags!
    However, I’m not really in love with outdoor snowy activities. Would drinking hot cocoa count?? Lol

  • Brenda Simpson

    My favorite activity is walking in the fresh falling snow-always so peaceful!

  • Mary-Anne V

    Watching the kids play in the snow or skating is my favourite outdoor activity. Fun products esp the cutting edges trees, embossing powder and stamp cleaner.

  • Michelle Carr

    I love walking in the woods while it’s snowing! I grew up in Michigan and I do miss a beautiful snowfall – NC doesn’t get many snow days. I do not like the ice that we get here, but it is beautiful in the wee morning when the sun is coming up and the ice is glistening….ummmmmm…I’m so relaxed just thinking it about it! Christmas time in NC isn’t always cold, so I turn the AC to 60, shut the blinds, turn on all the decorations, and drink hot chocolate!

  • Debbie Palmer

    Favorite outdoor activity is walking around looking at Christmas lights. Even better if there is snow

  • Brenda B

    I like going to Winterfest and walking around with a cup of hot cider

  • Jennifer G.

    Definitely sledding in the snow!

  • Lîsa Domke

    Giving handmade gifts and cards to friends and family is my favorite thing.

  • Kelly Kuharik

    Playing in the snow!!

  • Kelly Parker

    My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas is we make all kinds of edibles for the animals and birds like string popcorn, cranberries and Cheerios, put peanut butter in orange halves, make suet cakes and collect lint for nests. We then hitch the horses to a wagon, get blankets and hot chocolate and set out to decorate the trees in the woods!! It is so fun and has become a family favorite.

  • Bev

    My favorite outdoor activity is spending Christmas Eve on the plaza in Old Mesilla (New Mexico) enjoying the lighting of the luminarias, drinking hot chocolate, and singing carols. It is magical!

  • Pam Paxton

    My favorite activity outdoors at Christmas time is walking in the woods especially after a snow. So beautiful and love seeing the deer. Love anything deer!

  • Cindy Holmes

    My favorite outside activity during Christmas time? Hmmmmm? I would have to say going around the neighborhoods to see all the beautiful Christmas decorated front yards! And oh my goodness so many temptations with all of the new goodies that you have show cased today! Not to metion beautifully created cards too!

  • Anila

    Playing in the snow

  • Janet Christensen

    My favorite outdoor Christmas activity is to make snow angels with my kids so my mother can see them from her window.

  • Carolyn Blumhagen

    Seeing the lights at the zoo! So pretty and it’s so calm at night!

  • Carol Weatherspoon

    Since I live in south Florida, it never really feels like Christmas. But, our favorite thing is to go pick out our Christmas tree every year. We always go to the same place and pick a beautiful tree that was grown in Michigan! We love it!!

  • kathleen dumpert

    My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas time is walking through neighborhoods all decorated with tons of lights!

  • Jane Hindenlang

    Not that I like driving in snow but I love how Christmas lights reflect on the snow.

  • Judy

    My family loves to go visit area towns, looking at all the wonderful Christmas displays.

  • Michelle Bryant

    I love this release and your watercolors. I love to go craft fairs and see Christmas lights.

  • Penny Forst

    I love looking at holiday decorations and our local parade of lights before Christmas!

  • Laraine R

    Fabulous creations! We love going around looking at lights. We have been doing this for many many years with my kids & now the grandkids love to look at the lights also!

  • Teresa Mikalouski

    I love to cross country ski at a local golf course or the Metroparks! Great workout!

  • Roberta lesar

    Love driving around looking at the decorations. But I especially love looking at virgin snow, snow that hasn’t been walked, driven or plowed through. It looks so much like glitter to me.

  • Barbara Deichl

    I love this release. To be outside during the snow is wonderful–walking around the neighborhood to look at the lights and listen to some set to music!

  • Kathy J in Ellicott City

    My favorite outdoor activity at Christmastime is to drive around at night and look at Christmas decorations.

  • Carla Hundley

    So many new goodies!
    I like to go cross-country
    Carla from Utah

  • Stacey Draper

    Christmas Baking and family get togethers singing Chirstmas songs in front on the fire place.

  • Beth

    My gavorite outdoor activity at Christmas time is decorating the outside of my home!

  • Daisy

    Love your rustic Christmas!
    Our favorite outdoor Christmas time activity is putting up the beautiful nativity at church which includes about 30 full size pieces (including camels!). Every piece handmade by my bro-in-law.
    Also going to our hometown to see the pretty lights!

  • Kathy

    My favorite outdoor Christmas activity is coming up this year…..seeing the Grand Illumination at Williamsburg! I’ve been waiting many years to see this, 2018 is the year it will happen.

  • Angelica Conrad

    These are so pretty! Love the snowman. My favorite outdoor activity is going to Leavenworth WA for the tree lighting festival. I love being in the snow with Christmas lights glowing everywhere.

  • Diane B

    Making Lukken cookies with the extended family – these are Belgian cookies that are made one at a time in a cast iron cookie iron – about 20 of us get together with several irons over our camp stoves in someone’s garage and make the thin cookies

  • Jackie Lemon

    I love getting the outdoor lights strung, then waiting for the night so I can take in the beauty site!

  • Stacy H.

    My favorite outdoor Christmas activity is going to a nearby town and walking through their downtown area and looking at their holiday light displays.

  • Eva Wierzbinski

    I love all the rustic stamps, paper and dies! My favorite outdoor activity is driving through neighborhoods and seeing all the Christmas decorations! The lights are so beautiful!

  • Joan

    Love the moose & bear silhouettes! My favorite Christmas activity is having my boys home & being with them. Love family activities!

  • Nancy H Thomas

    We love to look at all the pretty outdoor decorations plus this year we plan on being out in the backyard a bit more because we have installed a propane fireplace. Can’t wait to sit around wrapped up and drink some hot kind of hot toddy!

  • Helen A Dix

    My brother planted pine trees by the hundreds on his country property. I can remember going down there with my children
    ages 7 and 9 and selecting their choice! We dug it out, roots and all, and brought it home. After Christmas, we planted that tree in our front yard and when we moved it was taller than the house! What fun to create such memories for all of

  • Carrie W

    I’m going to have to have it all!! Love the new products!! My favorite winter outside activity would be taking a walk in the quiet snowfall- and marveling in the wonder of it all! ❄️❄️

  • Jean Marmo

    I love walking on the nature trails by our house. It is fun to hear the snow crunching under our boots!

  • Victoria Lundstrom

    When younger I loved to go sledding and ice skating and playing in the snow(snow angels and snow forts). Now I enjoy sitting cozy warm inside watching the snow fall outside or heading to FL for a few months.

  • Margo Krumrie

    Mad for plaid!! It’s a tie for me, I love picking out our Christmas tree with the kids and driving around town to see all the beautiful, colorful lights and yard decorations.

  • Tracy

    Awesome projects today. My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas time is ice skating.

  • Christine Kiehl

    Love the cards and appreciate the video! Thank you!

  • Iris Esther López

    The Buffalo plaid is fantastic. Great for masculine cards. We really don’t have outdoor Christmas activities since it doesn’t snow here.

  • Phyllis Freese

    I love being outside to look at all the Christmas lights & decorations on display. We don’t have any houses to view from our windows, so it”s great to see what other neighborhoods have done.

  • Anne Sturgeon

    Love the plaid and that stag is so handsome. Thanks for another info loaded video. I used to ice skate in my youth. There was an elementary school close by and they put water on the basketball court. Now, I am most excited to drive and see the decorated homes. Living in the country, there isn’t much of that. Great release Taylor it was so much fun!!

  • Ann McGuire

    Christmas caroling.

  • Olivia Rendon

    I am totally going in the buffalo plaids this Christmas. These goodies will help achieve the look I am going for.

  • Nora Simcoe

    Walking around seeing all the houses decorated with the pretty lights.

  • Debbie Carter

    I love to go visit Old St Charles in Missouri during their Victorian weekends. Old World Santas roaming the bricked streets, vendors roasting chestnuts, shops adorned with fresh green garland, candles in all the windows, and a parade every weekend!

  • Wahnita Hammond

    My favorite activity at Christmas has always been gathering the family and touring the city looking at all the wonderful light displays and decorations. It is always the highlight of our holidays!
    Love the station wagon! Reminds me of the one we had as a young child <3

  • Ruth Dupchen

    I love to be out when it is snowing because the snow sticks to my clothes and it makes me feel like I am a part of the storm. I become a human snow person all fluffy and white.

  • Fran

    I love playing in the snow, building snowmen, watching my granddaughter being pulled around on her sled by her father riding the four wheeler.

  • Michelle Bell

    I used buffalo plaid wrapping paper last year, I love it! My fave wintertime activity is walking, especially at night, when it is snowing. It’s so peaceful and calming.

  • Deb Bridgewater

    I love to build a snowman with a fresh snow!

  • Gail Shurbutt

    Picking out the Christmas tree is still fun after SO MANY YEARS!! I love this activity! It involves slowing meandering through the tree farm, checking the height and every “side” of the tree, then having my extremely patient husband stand by a potential tree, while I look at a few more – just in case!!! So much fun! Speaking of fun, I am super excited to place my order tomorrow!!! Woot! Woot!!

  • Mary Faith

    My favorite outdoor activity during Christmas time is to drive around at night to see all the Christmas lights and decorations.

  • LizD

    Those buffalo plaids are gorgeous. Can’t wait to make some holiday cards with outdoor animals. My favorite outdoor Christmas activity is driving around several times to look at the live nativity at our annual town Country Christmas. Nothing gets you more in the mood for Christmas than remembering the reason for the season.

  • Jennifer Petersen

    Each day has brought so many fun new products! One favorite outdoor Christmastime activity is going to pick our Christmas tree!

  • Lori

    My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas time is watching my three greyhounds play in the snow. They’re so comical with a new snow!!
    I hope I win … I recently found Taylored Expressions and I already have a “want” list! ????????

  • Jan

    I just love the pine bough stamp! My favorite winter activity is checking out all of the holiday light displays.

  • Julia D.

    What a great release! I love all the new products and love the samples using the new products. I want it all! My favorite outdoor winter activity is rushing from the warm car to the warm house to avoid getting too cold! Thank you for the chance to win!!

  • Cheri Nugent

    OH! How I love Christmas! Soooo many beautiful new things. My favorite outside Christmas activity is when I managed a Christmas Tree Farm gift shop! I loved smelling all the pine trees, the wagon ride around and through the trees, drinking cocoa (actually I made the cocoa too), and it was the most fun when it was snowing and I walked back and forth from the shop into the house or barn. Everything was “Christmas” all day long, all weekend long.

  • Sue D

    Love the buffalo plaid. Hiking around our property is a favorite outdoor activity.

  • SueinMtVernon

    My favorite outdoor activity is to drive around the neighborhood to see the pretty decorations and light displays.

  • Pam

    Ohhh, your best release ever!!!

  • JoAnn Burnham

    Love the new background stamps and deer dies. All the tags and cards are great.
    My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas time is to watch the grandkids play with their new toys/bicycles, etc. They can do that in Florida. 🙂

  • Teresa Godines #6857

    I love driving or walking the neighborhood to see all of the holiday lights. Great projects today

  • Dana M

    Oh boy, I am in trouble! Look at all of these amazing new products! I love to go to the Christmas tree farm and select and cut the perfect tree.

  • SharonKay

    This is such a wonderful release for such a wonderful season! I don’t know if you consider it an outdoor activity, but I love driving around looking at Christmas lights!

  • Denise Bryant

    Buffalo plaid, trees and snowmen! Yes please! Love it all!
    My favorite winter activity is a walk in fresh snow!

  • Karen Harris

    Oh my goodness! I am in LUV with the Snowman and Tree Tag sets. It will be hard to choose which products get ordered tomorrow and which products will have to wait until the next paycheck – hehehe. Our town has its annual Christmas parade the first weekend in December. It’s held at night and I love the lights and ambiance. Afterward we get hot chocolate to warm up and enjoy the togetherness.

  • Carol B

    Wonderful release! Favorite outdoor activity is to build a snowman decorating with nuts for squirrels, filling the hat brim with seeds for the birds, maybe some cut apples for the bigger critters. The squirrels looks so cute eating while sitting on the snowman stick arms!

  • Sherry Hall

    Love the tags (and everything else)! When I was growing up, my dad used to drive us around to look at all the Christmas lights. Its still my favorite thing to do. I will detour through a neighborhood on my way home from work to check out their lights.

  • Darla S.

    I LOVE that buffalo plaid! Rustic Christmas decor is my favorite. My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas has always been Christmas caroling at elderly and shut-ins homes!

  • Karthikha Uday

    Awesome! I love the buffalo plaid set! My fav activity would be to build a snowman and enjoy watching the snow 🙂

  • Elise Smith

    This is an awesome release! I love the Christmas tree and snowman tags. My favorite thing to do during December is go out to see Christmas lights.

  • Noreen

    My favorite activity is driving around and looking at the Christmas lights and decorations. When I visit in Tucson, there is a whole neighborhood (called Winterhaven) that has fantastic decorations and displays that you can walk around and see. I love the cute tags!

  • Mary Holshouser

    I love to drive around town and look at all of the displays
    that people have put out. The Shrine of Our Lady of
    the Snows in Belleville, IL, has a fantastic display every
    year also. It is religious as well as secular. I have a
    small amount of outside display, but not to the extent
    so many people go (and I appreciate their efforts).
    Love that big plaid.
    thanks for sharing

  • Pam Sparks

    I used to love sledding and ice skating! Now I love watching the grands play outside. lol Love this background stamp and the snowman set! So cute!

  • Valerie H

    Picking out the perfect “real” tree.
    Love the plaid. You can use that on so many different things.

  • Michelle

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Buffalo Plaid-I even wear it! My favorite Christmas outdoor activity is sitting on the porch, wrapped up in a blanket, drinking hot cocoa, and watching the snow falling at night.

  • Michelle Woodrum

    Wowza, each year, I think what will they come up with next but this blew me away again just LOVE it all.
    Favorite out door activity would now be going outside right before opening gifts at my folks and having all of us in a picture. Something to treasure.

  • Shelley Banghart

    Picking out the Christmas tree and decorating the trees outside

  • Nicki T

    Cutting down our Christmas Tree and helping others find their perfect tree at our friends Tree Farm!

  • Chris DuBois

    Caroling though I am not a good singer. Of course looking at how all the houses are decorated is always fun. I think it was my Dad’s favorite thing, so maybe I inherited that gene.

  • Arianna Barbara

    Wow!!! Stunning products!!!
    My favorite outdoor activities at Christmastime are ice skating and visiting Christmas markets.

  • Emily Henry

    Since I live in an over 55 RV community, we drive golf carts. We decorate them for the holidays and on Christmas Eve we have a parade, including a Santa. This is followed by snacks and a sing-along with all the Christmas Carols.

  • Holly

    My favorite outdoor activity around Christmastime is driving around looking at lights and decorations or if we’ve had a fresh snowfall, go snowshoeing. I love that buffalo check background!!

  • Georgia Henson

    My favorite outdoor activity in the winter is picking out the perfect Christmas tree. When we get too cold, the perfect tree is decided upon. Time to go home for a cup of hot tea!

  • Susan Engblom

    Love the plaid stamp. I think I have a flannel shirt like that! Usually spend part of Christmastime in Texas. Never know if it will be 30 degrees or 80 degrees. Always enjoy just playing with the grandkids in the backyard or taking a walk.

  • Martha Acord

    I love to walk in the snow. Slowly, watching the flakes fall, having them swirl around me. When my children were little, building snowmen, sledding and having snow ball fights were our outdoor activities. This release is going to be really hard on my crafting budget!!

  • Susie King

    I love to go see the decorations and lights in the area. We have famous lights on the Plaza shopping area. I used to love to go pick out the real tree, but I’ve given in to the artificial ones now.

  • Denise Ward

    My favorite outdoor activity is probably taking a drive through various neighborhoods to see the Christmas decorations. I always loved doing this as a little girl and the thrill of the lights has never left me!

  • Wendy Stamey

    I love to go to live outdoor nativity scenes or going to pick out a fresh Christmas tree!

  • Heather I

    Favorite outdoor activity at Christmas time would be walking around looking at lights in town.

  • Margaret Neil

    A family tubing day on a big hillside with all the big kids & younger kids on a crisp sunny day!
    Am loving the Buffalo Plaid and the moose! So iconic. Thanks for the wonderful Christmas

  • Rebecca Yahrling

    Awesome release of product! Really cute inspiration, too.
    My favorite wintertime outdoor activity … roasting marshmallows
    on a fire. Yum – so good!


    I love playing outside and sledding with my grandson. He is still small yet but teaching him early. Making a snowman always his size is fun too.

  • Linda Shirley

    I’m also excited about the background stamps. I’m partial to pine trees, so my brain is excited to try some cards with that.
    One of our favorite activities, living in MN snow country, is Snow shoeing.

  • Angie VC

    So excited for all the Christmas fun!!! Plaid is great!!! My favorite outdoors activity would have to be…yeah…I hate the cold, I will watch the kids through the window!

  • LeaAnn

    What great release, I LOVE all of the rustic Christmas items! We always kick off the Christmas season by going to the lighted Christmas parade on the Friday following Thanksgiving! I also love watching my grandkids ice skating on a calm winters evening while I sip on hot chocolate.

  • Karen T.

    I enjoy gardening. Living in the Pacific Northwest where it is typically mild and WET through the winter months, it’s fun to take advantage of our holly and greens to decorate outdoor pots and baskets for the festive look at Christmas time.

  • Beth KS

    I am loving that plaid!! My favorite winter activity, hands down, is playing in the snow with my 2 Saint Bernards and my Newfoundland. They LOVE the snow, which makes me love it, too 🙂

  • Dee Earnshaw

    fav activity would have to be building a snowman and have a snow fight tee tee:)

  • Meghan Kennihan

    I love those trees…. they are so cute
    I love this release sooo much!
    My favorite winter activity is BUILDING SNOWMEN! And yes, I do not have kids and I still do it at age 37!

  • Kathy Hales

    Another great release day! Love the background stamps and love the foiled deer heads – gorgeous! And I think I need to try that cleaner – I’m not very good at keeping my stamps clean 😉

    • Kathy Hales

      Oops forgot to tell you my favorite outdoor activity – going to our zoo’s Festival of Lights. I go a few times each year!

  • Suzann N.

    Oh I love to get out and see any and all Christmas lights. We load up in the car and do a scavenger hunt list!

    I love the snowman script tag…just perfect!


    I love walking thru the neighborhood looking at decoration/lights when it is all quiet and still. I love the cutting edge tree bundle. That is going on my wish list.

  • LC Lamothe

    Ooooh, I LOVE buffalo plaid! It’s always fun to see the beautiful Christmas lights around the neighborhood. Especially if it’s also snowing ever so lightly. Everything seems to sparkle!


    I love walking thru the neighbor hood looking at decoration/lights when it is all quiet and still. I love the cutting edge tree bundle. That is going on my wish list.

  • Carri Daugherty

    Love all of the new items!
    My favorite is to drive around and look at all the lights.
    Especially while it is snowing!

  • Cynthia Cole

    My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas time is going to the zoo to see their light show. I love the Buffalo Plaid Background stamp!

  • Julie B.

    This release is amazing. I am busy making my list right now starting with the buffalo check background. My favorite outdoor activity is ice skating.

  • Sandie Obrin

    At Christmas time, we love to make some hot cocoa and sit outside on the covered patio while it’s snowing and light a fire in the firepit and listen to Christmas music. Many memories with the family doing this activity.

  • Gilda

    My favorite outdoor activity would be riding with the grand kids on the train through Santa Clause land. Love today’s release. Best yet.

  • Colleen D

    I like to shovel snow late at night. I love the quietness without snow blower noise.

  • Robin P

    My favorite outside activity is walking around different neighborhoods looking at all the Christmas decorations.
    Thanks for an amazing new release. So many things to want!

  • Linda C

    Enjoying this festive release! I can’t physically get out much so my favorite thing would be to drive around looking at Christmas lights/decorations!

  • Karen

    My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas is decorating the house & yard. I love Christmas lights & decorated trees!

  • Amy Cooley

    Our family enjoys driving around and looking at Christmas lights. I’m not much into being outside in the cold weather.

  • Nicole Ligaard Jensen

    oooh I LOVE the new release!!! 😀
    Can’t wait to get started with this year’s Christmas cards!!! 😀

  • Juliana Michaels

    WOW! This release just keeps getting better! My favorite outdoor activity at Christmas time would have to be talking a walk through the woods with my husband and our 2 golden’s in freshly fallen snow! It’s like a dreamland!!!

  • Karen

    Hmm, my favorite outdoor activity at Christmas is decorating the house & yard. I love Christmas lights & decorated trees!

  • Susan Lang

    Sitting outside by the fire pit drinking hot chocolate with Bailey’s Irish Cream! This is a great holiday release. I just love the bear and moose. So much great inspiration!

  • Pam S

    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s release! Way too many things I like this month! When my granddaughters are in town and we have snow we take them sledding!

  • Michele K. Henderson

    I love the Christmas tree tags! My favorite wintertime activity is hiking outside, especially when it’s not too cold, and I’m bundled up warm. It’s always so peaceful and calm.

  • Carol L

    ohhh, those buffalo plaid cards are so masculine and impressive with the rich colors! At Christmastime, the outdoor activity I do the most is shoveling snow LOL If it’s not snowing, I’m in the kitchen fixing Christmas dinner 🙂

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