Dec 25, 2019
From Our Family to Yours!

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!
As we put a bow on another year my heart and mind are flooded with so many joyful memories from 2019 including:
- watching our son take his first steps;
- celebrating 15 years of marriage to my wonderful hubby;
- and, of course, meeting new crafty friends and connecting with old (old-ish 🙂 ) ones! You all are so inspiring and such a big part of my life!
Thank you for connecting with Taylored Expressions this year and for trusting us as a source of creativity and inspiration in your life. Your support means the world to me and my team.
We look forward to bringing you even more inspiration in 2020 so hold onto your hats because it’s going to be a fun journey!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!