• Ellen Fisher

    My favorite cat is always the cat I currently have! In this case it’s Nala, a 6 year old orange tiger kittyI adopted several months agao from our local Animal Rescue League. She’s sweet as can be!

  • Lana Lepinski

    My favorite cat is named Coco. He is my grandkitty and he was actually here for a visit a couple of weeks ago. Now that he is back home, I miss how he would greet me in the morning when I would get up. We also call him “cutie cat”. He is a handsome guy!

  • Monica K

    Hmmm hard to say just one.. Chessie & Tiger were our only 2 cats. Loved them dearly., Chessie’s name was my favorite. You see my husband is a Train buff and named Chessie after the C&O Railroad cat, the Chessie cat.. cats are amazing.

  • Monica K

    Hmmm hard to say just one.. Chessie & Tiger were our only 2 cats. Loved them dearly., Chessie’s name was my favorite. You see my husband is a Train buff and named Chessie after the C&O Railroad cat, the Chessie cat.. cats are amazing. And we were lucky to have these 2 since they were 6 weeks old. One lived to 13.5 and one 17.5..

  • Carla G Hundley

    We have some outdoor
    cats and I love Grout.
    He’s a big tomcat, yellow
    in color and he’s been
    around about 6 years
    or so.
    Carla from Utah

  • Sharon Maldonado

    My favorite cat is hard to choose, I’ve had 5 my adult life, each different and special in their own way. My Charlie stands out because he was a big 18 lb orange and white tabby, but was very timid around other people. He lived a long life, but I still miss him. I like the cat dies, my LJ (LIttle Jumper), was a small, black, 7 lb cat but he scared a lot of people. The dies remind me of him.

  • Kris Dodds

    My favorite cat was named fluffy. He was a stray that was hanging around my aunt’s house. She babysat my daughter at the time and of course, she thought we needed to take him home. Best decision we ever made. He was so wonderful. He passed away at 18 years of age. We miss him everyday.

  • Debi Lowery

    “Boots”……a male cat that was black with white feet. He would let me dress him in doll clothes and put him in my doll buggy. He was very patient. LOL

  • SHartl

    I was always the one who brought stray cats home and I still love them! Unfortunately, my hubby is allergic so we have to content ourselves with enjoying the neighborhood cats. My favorite kitty was Zoe, who was a sweet little dilute calico that was tossed out of car along with her litter mates.
    She was so affectionate, even with that terrible start in life, and was my special buddy. Loving all these cute stamps…especially Max and Millie!

  • Jody A

    Our families first cat was an orange calico name Dutch. He was the sweetest!

  • Jennifer Fox

    I have two beautiful Russian Blue cats, Bella and Hazel and they are my loves!

  • karenladd

    I’ve had 5 cats, and loved them all but my very favorite was Bailey. He was a feral kitten who was found under our garden shed, and it took a week to capture him. He was never completely tame and would only interact with me…but he was the most beautiful cat and a real sweetie. Love all of these fun cat themed goodies!

  • Chris DuBois

    You are right. Millie is a cutie. Granddaughter loves cats. Her tuxedo cat is named Micky.

  • Juanita

    When I was young we had a calico cat. I had watched a Walt Disney movie about a cat named Thomasina. The movie left a big impression on me so we named the cat Thomasina. Everytime I would have another calico cat I would want to name it that. I was probably able to do that once when my children were little, but the majority of the time my husband or kids overruled and had a different name. Everytime I see a calico cat, I am reminded of the original cat from my childhood.

  • Daria Zender

    My favorite cat is my daughter’s cat, Hermes. The name choice was between Samson and Hermes – the decision was easily made because he wouldn’t stop talking the whole way home from the shelter!!

  • Michele H

    So cute, I love everything but especially love the cat silhouettes! I’ve never had a cat but luckily my niece & nephew have had a few over the last 20 years. I can’t pick a favorite – each one has had such a loveable, distinct personality & their names fit them so well – Figaro, Moxie & Bowzer.

  • Beverly Perdue

    The Max and Millie set are so adorable! Love the cute cards. My favorite cat’s name was Floppit.

  • Gilda

    My favorite cat was Roundabout – we called her Roundy. She was 20 when she died -still miss her,
    Love the release and fantastic ideas from the designers.

  • Heather Mills

    Oh my goodness!! These are all so cute; but I’m a cat person, so I might be a bit biased. : ) I love the silhouette cat dies; they are just fabulous! But to pick a favorite cat, that is like picking a favorite child; it just can’t be done. My parents had a kitten that was born 7 months before I was born and he lived until we were 15, so we grew up together. He will always have a very special place in my heart. His name was Teddy Bear. My husband and I got a kitten given to us the day we returned from our honeymoon. His name was Adonis and he lived for almost 19 years. He also is very special. Since then, we’ve had Athena and Calypso. Right now, we have Bob, a rescue kitty, that we have had for 10 years and Bagheera who is almost 1 year old. Like I said, I cannot pick a favorite, even if you did promise not to tell the others!

  • annheidel

    We had two cats for about a year and half who found new homes after Thumper, the male cat, had too many territorial battles with my little son. The female was named Bambi, of course. 🙂

  • Sue D

    We have had many cats–most of them strays that we have taken care of. The one who has been with us the longest and our favorite is Sabre.

  • Christine McCallister

    My favorite cat is the one sitting on my lap right now! Mocha is my 17 year old cat- She was diagnosed with kidney disease years ago, and is skin and bones now. I know I don’t have much more time with her, but she’s my girl! Greets me when I come home, follows me around the house, and sits on my lap every chance she gets!

  • Laraine

    Spunky was my first cat! I really like the Whiskers set & the simple strips Meow! I am really having alot of fun with the simple strips!

  • D. Suzanne Cox

    My last cat was a stray that was ‘dumped’ in our neighborhood as a kitten. We had her almost 16 years. I still miss Muffin.
    Love the cat stamps/dies.

  • Erica Loscalzo

    Caramel was my favorite it cat that. Have

  • Erica loscalzo

    Carmel was my favorite cat that I have

  • Stacy

    The Max and Millie set is adorable! Thank you for the tutorial on how you made your adorable card! I need to see if I have the On the Right Track dies. My favorite cat was a calico barn cat appropriately named “Callie”. She kept me company while I fed calves, and was a great mouser.

  • BethKS

    My favorite cat is my sassy, sweet tuxedo kitty named Danny. I absolutely adore everything from the dog release. I am equally excited for this one. What’s next? Guinea pigs? Bunnies? Parrots? Lol (Okay, I admit that I’m only sorta kidding about the guinea pigs. Just think how cute the stamps would be!)

  • Lisa Petrella

    What a fantastic release!!! Our 17-year old cat, Oliver, is the only cat I’ve ever had. He’s a bit of a stinker in his older age, but he’ll always be my favorite 🙂

  • Rachel Russell

    I just can’t even with that cute card with the mouse pushing the cheese! How adorable! The way you explain the interactive cards is so great! So simple everyone can do it. My favorite past cat was Mr. Frisky. He looked just like the cat on the Friskies bag. When we were at the shelter and walking back and forth he kept sticking his paw out of the cage and batting my leg and hands so I love to say he picked us to be his family.

  • Michelle Varney

    We had a cat named KC for Krazy cat we were growing up, he was a lot of fun and a bit crazy lol!

  • Meghan Kennihan

    What an adorable release! I LOVE the Max & Millie set! I love my Aunt’s cats, she lives on a farm so they hang out in the barn!

  • Josefine Fouarge

    Aaaw!!! I’m loving this release. Funny enough, I always say that I’m a cat person that owns a dog 😉
    My favorite cat was Ivan, who lived with us when I was a kid. And then there’s also my favorite famous cat – Garfield.

  • Megan N

    Awww. I just had to put down my cat Penelope this year. She was a super sweet lap kitty.

  • Bonita Martin-Jones

    My favorite cat was Poppy. Adopted her when she was a 3lb kitten. She grew to a healthy happy 15 pounder! At 10 yo the vet found a tumor growing near her stomach. Her appetite declined, and we had to say goodbye. That was 2013.

  • Carol A Aubin

    I love all of your stamps and appreciate all the well done tutorials. My collection of stamps and coordinating dies has grown a little every month. I love all the cute new cat stamps and dies. Max and Millie totally adorable. The Silhouettes would be great fun too. I can see using different colors on them maybe a silhouette of many colors, mmm might be interesting? I would love either set.

  • Jean Marmo

    Our first car was named Noel because my husband surprised me with her for Christmas 6 months after we got married. Super cute release!

  • Cynthia C.

    Not a cat person myself but I make cards for friends who are so of course I love the new simple strips!!

  • Michelle Woodrum

    My favorite cat was Shadow. He was dark grey. You couldn’t see him in the dark. He was such a big cuddler.

  • Emily Henry

    I have not owned any cats but have been grandma to many. My favorite was Sid. He was a gray striped one and had the cutest personality. Hubby doesn’t really care for cats and his lap was the one Sid was happiest on! When our daughter went away to school in New York for a few months, we spent time with Doc and Sid and Sid would be waiting at the door for us-he knew our schedule.

  • Aunt Min

    I used to live on a farm and we had barn cats. One of them was a Siamese named Clyde. But the other cats ignored him. We adopted a smaller cat with 3 and a half legs, which we named Bonnie, until we found out that “she” was a “he” so he became Barney. Barney and Clyde were inseparable, and loved by all humans due to their very sweet natures.

  • Deb Schell

    My favorite cat is named Bullseye. I’ve had her since she was 8 weeks old and this fall she will turn 20 years old! She is definitely a member of the family and runs the household, lol.

  • Beth Kochheiser

    I love this whole release!! Every cat I’ve had is my favorite cat!! Currently our sweetie is named Archie and he’s a love. So many wonderful memories with each of my furry friends.

  • Janet Sisk

    We don’t have any pets now, but when I was a kid I had a cat named “Tiger”. She was shy and she ended up having a litter of kittens. I loved those babies. It was fun. Thanks for the memory and also for a chance to win. 😀

  • Tina Bos

    My favorite cat was an orange tabby that I had and his name was Mister Orange Kitty. I rescued him and he lived until he was almost 17. He was such a sweet boy. I am a crazy cat lady. I have 2 kitties now who I absolutely adore as well and their names are Toby and Lily but Mister will never be forgotten!!!

  • Joyce Gilbert

    Tazer was the favorite cat of all time. He was more monkey than cat. A high-strung bengal, there will never be another like him.

  • Ruth Cooper

    CC short for Julius Caesar was one of my favorite cats as a child. He was Siamese & one of the few cats I have seen that would swim the river behind our house or hop in the backyard pool with me and loved beer & pizza. No I didn’t have beer but my mom did. Sadly he was stolen or ran off when we moved & we never saw him again.

    I love the Silhouettes, Whiskers & Loyal Friends from this release.

  • Janis in ID

    What a lovely release for cat lovers!! I am looking forward to seeing all the products!
    The name of my favorite cat is Jetta. She is 17 and the oldest of my 16 cats. Yes, you read that right. I am a crazy cat lady and would love to be one of your winners!! Thank you for the chance!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  • Joan Walker

    I would say the kitty we have now. Her name is Lucy and she is a Tuxedo Sphinx. (Hairless) we love her so much she is 4 years old, very lovable and loves to sleep with us to stay warm. She is spoiled????

  • karenajo

    Love the Silhouette cats and paw prints are great too ! Wonderful release. All my cats have been my ‘favorites’ but the one we have now – Kirara – is the most loving of any of them. She is VERY much a people lover and does not hesitate to show it!

  • Juliet Meyer

    I have had many cats during my life. My favorite has to be the one that I have now! Her name is Oreo. She has to be the sweetest cat that I have ever had! My husband says that she adores me! Of course it goes without saying that I adore her too!! I am so excited about the new release of cat products! I can’t wait to purchase and it would be wonderful to win!!

  • Theresa Grdina

    We had a cat when I was a teenager and her name was MEOW-MEOW! She was a beautiful Siamese cat but definitely had issues with wanting to control and dominate the house. But I loved that cat…..


    We don’t have favorites as each has their own personalities. Right now we live with a Lucky and a Clover. These are super fun stamps. Perfect for any cat lover.

  • Denise S

    The cat dies will be a nice compliment to the dog set from last month

  • Joan Bolt

    I am a Crazy Cat Lady. I have two favorites, one is PK who was my first cat and then Lucky. I truly believe that Lucky was just PK coming back to me. I was excited to see the cat stamps and will have a hard time (as usual) deciding what to order this week.

  • Mutzy Mia

    We’ve had only one cat and her name was Shasta. She passed away many years ago. I love the new Max and Mille set!

  • Kathy j in Ellicott City

    I have only had 1 cat, Precious. I had a cat as a child, then I married a man who is allergic to cats, so no more cats for me. I really miss having cats.

  • Kathleen Darroch

    Favorite cat would have to be our cat Ricky who is more like a dog. Big cat lover here that couldn’t pass on the doggie release. Thrilled to see the kitties. Love the strips as I can’t get enough of them bit love the silhouettes too. I missed the patriotic strips with my psr order so will have to grab with these.

  • Judy Inukai

    I’ve never had a cat. My favorite item from the release is the Cat Silhouette dies. So cute and so typically cat. I’m getting hooked on the Simple Strips so that would be my second favorite.

  • Mary Jo Hendrickson

    I had a white calico named Muffin that was with me for 17 years. I go for a bike ride and she would ride curled around my neck. The sneak peak is looking interesting!

  • Julia D.

    Love these new products! So great to have kitties to go with the doggies. And the samples from the designers are wonderful! My favorite, and only, cat was named Pookie. She saw me through a lot of moves and changes in my life and I still miss her. Thank you for the chance to win!!

  • Martye Green

    MY best fur buddy for 15 years was a former stray, Iggie, a grey tabby, who, sadly, went to kitty heaven about 3 weeks ago. Jill’s card brought tears to my eyes.

  • Diane Anthony

    I have never had a cat of my own, but I did/do enjoy a couple of “grand cats”. I love the look that Heather has with the cat items on her pocket scrapbook page.

  • Stampfoldandrepeat (Jeanie)

    The Max and Millie set is super cute!! Love all the design team ideas 🙂

  • Susan Lang

    Tumbles! Our first cat when I was young. It was a grey tabby and the most loving pet ever. She had one litter of kittens which was an exciting thing to watch and we found homes for all of them. Great new release, pet lovers are going to be happy with this!

  • Laurie A Black

    Fabulous cat themed products! I have been owned by cats all my life – my favorite cat was Apollo, he was beautiful, friendly and had the biggest purr.

  • Vicki Davis

    Raisin was the name of our family cat. He was coal black and our son found him abandoned in a barn. He had him for many years and he gave us lots of fun memories. Thank you for these wonderful products!

  • Jodi Levesseur

    Toby, he was a gentle giant with the most beautiful fluffy black hair. He would always put his nose right in my ear and purrrr loudly until he fell asleep. ♡

  • Melissa Miller

    Oops…forgot to put my favorite cat in my last comment…lol…that is hard one as I grew up with so many different ones…but I’m going to go with my first…his name was Tiger and he was the infamous mouse hunter…I got him when I was maybe 4 and had him until I was a young teenager I believe. He was my first cat love!

  • Melissa Miller

    I love the max and Millie stamps me matching dies! Oh so cute!

    • Melissa Miller

      Oops…forgot to put my favorite cat in my last comment…lol…that is hard one as I grew up with so many different ones…but I’m going to go with my first…his name was Tiger and he was the infamous mouse hunter…I got him when I was maybe 4 and had him until I was a young teenager I believe. He was my first cat love!

  • Laura P

    Lucky! He was a black tabby cat. When I got married he had to learn to live with my husband and his dogs. He quickly learned how to intimidate them.

  • Lisa B Harvey-Reber

    When my son moved away from home he took his 1-year old kitten with him (which broke my husbands heart). For Christmas last year our boys got us a new kitten even though we weren’t looking to replace him at the time. This new kitten Ollie (Oliver) is the best and funniest cat we have ever had. MAx and Millie are adorable, great release!

  • Beth Green

    My favorite cat was Nikki! She was the best mouser! We lived in an old farmhouse (Which seemed to have an abundance of mice)and she loved to deliver the caught mouse at your feet during dinner! I love the new Max & Millie sets! There expressions are so cute!

  • Brenda C.

    I had a 4 pound black female cat named Cleo who lived in my house with 3 very large toms, but she was the boss and smacked her brothers around regularly to remind them of that! She was the only female cat I ever had and she outlived all of my toms by many years. She died about 8 years ago and was the last cat I had. I still miss having cats.

  • Chris L

    This release is so cute! I *think* Max and Millie are my favorite, but it is a hard call–all so perfect for making kitty cards! I have two kitties named Stella and Logan who are lovable and always into something, but this release also reminds me of my kitties, brothers, I lost a few years ago who were part of our family for 18 years. Thanks for putting together such amazing products for us cat lovers!

  • Carol Scheevel

    I’ve had so many cats during my life. I can’t remember ever NOT having one! My favorite has to be “Peaches” our beautiful Calico who just passed away recently after living 22 years! Yes… 22! Peaches was born in Georgia – thus her name and was given to me by one of the preschoolers in my school when I was a teacher. Then after we moved back to California, she was hit by a car and after a sad series of unfortunate events, had to have one of her rear legs AMPUTATED. She recovered beautifully and then became an indoor cat. I think that’s what helped her live so long. It didn’t take her long to learn to jump up on beds, chairs, and even over the “cat gate” set up to keep her out of certain areas of the house. It was hard to let her go when it was her time.

  • Peggy

    I’ve never had a cat or been much of a cat person but the Max and Millie stamp set is adorable. I especially like the “Meh” cat with an attitude!

  • Martha Acord

    I’m not a cat person, but my granddaughter and brother are cat people. Personally, I prefer dogs even though I don’t have a pet. I really love Max and Millie. So cute!!

  • Karen Hollo

    Rocky was my favorite cat. It was apparent by his injuries that he had been in many fights – missing teeth, ears torn, slashed eye lid etc. I felt the poor cat needed a break in life so I spent 6 months trying to coax him to trust me. He would communicate with my indoor cat and apparently my cat told him this would be a wonderful household for him. Eventually, I got Rocky to trust me. I immediately took him to the vet who told me not to adopt him since he had very few cat tendencies. The vet speculated that he was abandoned very early since he didn’t know how to clean himself. I like challenges and I felt the cat needed a break so Rocky became a part of my household. He recognized that he won the “Kitty Lottery.” Rocky watched my cat and would mimic his actions like washing and using the litter box. He trained Rocky how to become a loving indoor cat. I had Rocky 9 years before he passed. He won the hearts of all of my family and friends. They would visit just to see Rocky. He truly was a blessing to my life.

  • Carolyn Hippen

    My favorite cat’s name is Bo named after Bo Schembechler of University of MI fame. He is a big, gorgeous Maine Coon with an attitude to match and we love him dearly. So happy to see the adorable new cat products.

  • Phyllis Freese

    We had a cat that was all black whose name was CritterCat, Critter for short. He never went into hiding when people came to the door & loved to be scratched.

  • Leanne Powers

    My favorite cat of all time is Sylvie. originally we thought she was a girl until “she” raised her leg and sprayed my wall. We immediately went to the Vet. He was such a small cat that even the vet was surprised when she checked. He lived 18 years. He use to wait in a stump, down the road from my driveway, until I got home from work. then would race through the woods to beat me home. He was brought up with big dogs and I think he thought he was a dog. When the dogs went for a walk he went with them. He slept curled up with them. When they went out to do their business he followed. He was a great cat!!

  • Cheri

    We don’t have a cat now, but our last kittie was Bremers. She was named by our daughter. Bremers was the runt of a litter. She was quite frisky and at only several months old she caught her first mouse and wanted us to see it, repeatedly! I had to laugh at the names Max and Millie as my Mom’s name is “Millie”.

  • Linda Shirley

    Our daughters cat,Lacey, lived with us for 14 years.
    Cute release. My fave is Max & Millie

  • Tracy

    I love, love, love all of my cats. At the moment I have four, but our first was Miss Putters. Putters was a torte and had a mind of her own, but we loved her and she loved us back for almost 15 years.

  • Cyndi Morris

    When I was young we adopted a stray cat and I named him Thomas. While I can’t really call him a pet (he was feral) he did stick around for the food! I haven’t had a cat since, but my grandchildren have two and they would love these cards. I think my favorite from this wonderful release is the cat silhouette dies. When fun I could have with these!

  • Michelle Orsborn

    When my husband and I got married almost 42 years ago, I was afraid of cats, and told him I would never have a cat. Well, we have had 5 cats, and I loved them all dearly! My current one, KC Cat runs my life, and is very proud of that! I love your release, the Max and Millie is so cute, but the silhouettes are very pretty, I can’t say a favorite, because they all have a great purpose for card making, which is something I do everyday!! My husband says I keep the post office in business with the amount of cards I send out each week. Thank you for your creativity!!

  • Daisy

    My favorite cat’s name was Sally – she was left on my doorstep in a brown paper sack when she was a couple of weeks old. She would follow me around like a dog. We were best friends for 16 years. I still miss her! Thanks for the release.

  • Kathleen Spaeth

    Our favorite cat was named Sweet Pea. She adopted us, literally she did not like the home she lived in, and she came down to find a better one and settled at our house. I bet the fact that we gave her fresh Salmon, sorry we did not have a cat at the time so I did not have a readily available can of cat food around, sealed her choice. She used to go outside, yes to do everything including her bathroom duties and hunting, and we never changed that. I don’t care what others say, you cannot teach an outdoor cat new tricks, and she used to sneak in the cat door with a live mouse every so often. Many an early morning we were woken up to see her chasing a suddenly alive (and free) field mouse up our bedroom sheers or under one of my children’s closed bedroom doors. She also used to leave us birds every time I fired up our BBQ Grill. You are bringing back such lovely memories! She never made it to our newer house, she passed just a few weeks before we moved away. We went on to raise a Kitten named Puzzle. His adventures are a story for another time.

  • Susan Engblom

    My favorite cat was “Rusty”, a pet I had when growing up. I had strawberry blonde hair, and her fur was almost the same color. Unfortunately, she ran away, never to be seen again. I love the Max and Millie set – just adorable.

  • Kathy

    I grew up in the country and one day a stray cat came along and my dad let me keep him. He was orange and white and I named him Pumpkin.

  • Debbie Bragg

    Cats are my favorite and I’ve had plenty over the years. One that still stands out to me is a male Tabby named Rascal I had in my teenage years. He slept with me and took up the whole bed. Played hide and seek. Yes he would hide and once you found him he would jump out and run. He checked out all my dates for approval too. If he didn’t like them he sat between us and clawed at their legs. I love all this release. I’d have to say I’d choose Max and Millie to start.

  • Cathy Jordison

    Great new release! I love the Max and Millie set! It’ll be fun to create cards with. I like the silhouette set too. I had a cat when I was little until we found out I was allergic to cats!
    Thank you for the great prize opportunity!

  • Dianne Lorento

    I try not to play favorites with the kids, but I do have one. It was Lucky, the cat who grew up with my son. They were the same age. Lucky lived to be about 18 1/2. Then it was like he knew he’d raised “his boy,” and it was his time to go the the rainbow bridge. Yeah, I’m not crying now.

  • Mary Holshouser

    My favorite cat was Tommy. He was a stray who
    adopted me at the lake. He was a big tom who
    was always getting into fights but he was the
    most lovable cat. Loved to sit on my lap when
    we were at the lake. Your mice in the release
    are adorable. thanks for sharing

  • Joanna M

    My favorite cat is Coltrane (Col) who, is allowed to sleep on our bed despite there being a firm “no animals” policy in place. Yeah …

  • Sherry

    They are all my favorites but my first favorite was Frisky. My dad brought him home when I was 4 years old and we were best buddies for 16 years. He would let me push him around in my baby doll carriage. 🙂 Well, maybe ‘let’ isn’t accurate. It was more like he tolerated me doing that to him! Love the release!

  • Candy Romeo

    I love the cat silhouettes & the Simple Strips meow sayings! Such cute cards to be made with it all!

  • Deb K

    I have had a few cats, Misty, Buffy and Dusty. I also have to mention the sweet girl kitties I have now (twins), Lacey and Maddy. Before the twins, I had Cody. An orange tabby that was very close to me. Liked to sleep in my hair. Was always nearby when I was sick or recuperating from surgery. I definitely was his person!

  • Cathy K

    I have never had a cat, sorry dog person here. although Max and Millie would be my choice so cute

  • Natasha Trupp

    Aww, I’ve had too many cats over the years, hard to pick a favourite. I have 4 currently, but I suppose Sammi (who’s been gone for 8 years) holds a special place in my heart, she had such a silly personality and loved following me everywhere. She would even give me a “curfew”, if I wasn’t home by 11, she would just wait at the front door and complain to the rest of my family.

  • Deb Bridgewater

    I’ve never had a cat but I love the simple strips dies. They are a staple for all my cards now! Every time you release a new simple strips stamp, I have to buy it! I love all your products and they bring me hours of joy in my craft room!

  • Mikel Adkins

    My favorite cat (no less love for my current cats) was Gizzy, my chocolate point Ragdoll. He was a big friendly cat and loved to cuddle. I miss him so much! I love this whole release, but the Loyal Friend set reminds me of Gizzy.

  • Patricia Anderson

    The name of my first cat was a big grey Persian with the tiniest, squeakiest meow. I like the cat dies, cat simple strips and the paw print stamps. Sooo cute.

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