Apr 30, 2007
In Bed with Balcer!
Yes… I got in bed with Jenn Balcer. Brings a whole new meaning to the word “dirty girls”! LOL! Now I don’t normally jump into bed with somebody I met three hours earlier, but I just knew Jenn was gonna be one of those girls. *grin* This weekend was such a blast and I wasn’t ready for it to end. It went by so quickly and I got very few pictures (and then half the pictures I did get were blurry *sad face*). During the event I helped Emily at the make and take table. We used the Bind-it-All and chipboard coasters to create a roster for the event with each attendee’s contact information inside. I won a great doorprize from Sue (suedstamper), another doorprize including CutterBee scissors and a Stampin’ Up pen and charm, and an SCS t-shirt! WOOT!
And guess who won my chocolate doorprize??? EMILY! I had to chuckle when I drew her name out of the bag! After the event we went to Frantone’s for dinner. I LOVE FRANTONE’S!!! It was sooooo good! And it probably tasted even better than usual considering that I hadn’t eaten all day! We chatted and laughed and laughed and chatted. Then it was time to take a few last minute pics and head
home. And let me tell you… I was out like a light the instant my head hit the pillow! A BIG THANKS goes out to Emily, Jami, and Joy for all their hard work on SoCal Stamp Mania 4! This event was such a success and I heard nothing but good things from all the attendees! I’ll leave you with a few more pics of some of the wonderful ladies I got to meet this weekend. On the left is me and Lori Craig (stamp_momma). She’s my fellow tall friend and the only person I got to take a picture with that I didn’t have to bend down at the waist for! LOL! And then on the right is me and Sharon Harnist (StamperSharon). She has got this sweet little Texas twang! We raced to tie our cherry stems at dinner on Friday night and we called it a tie. LOL! I am so punny! *wink* And I must give a shout out to all the other wonderful ladies I spent time with this weekend: Emily, Jami, Joy, Daisy, Jen, Sencie, Denier, Aubrey, Lynn, Beth, Leann, Catie, Tex, Val, and Alora. Did I miss anybody?? OK… I thought I was doing so well and I forgot Amanda! Sorry ’bout that… it was so nice hangin’ with you too! And hello to those of you who came up and introduced yourself as a blog reader! It was so nice to meet you as well! 🙂