Aug 13, 2007
Good news and bad news…
so which do you want first? Whenever I’m asked this question I always say that I want the bad news first. I figure if the bad news isn’t earth shattering then I can make it to the good news and end on a optimistic note. And this time the bad news isn’t earth shattering so I’ll start with that:
The Bad News
… I’m sick! Blah! Sickness never comes at a good time, ya know? I’ve got deadlines to meet and lots of work to do, but I haven’t made it off the couch for most of the weekend. Since moving to California I haven’t had a cold so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much. One cold every two years isn’t so bad! See… I’m trying to look on the bright side! 🙂
The Good News
…my husband and I found a new place to live! We’re renting a house in a quiet and quaint little neighborhood in Pasadena. We’ll be moving in on Labor Day weekend just three weeks away which puts me in super freak out mode! LOL! You know the best part? The house has two bedrooms and Jon has agreed to let me use the second bedroom as my stamp room! I think he’s so anxious to get my “mess” behind closed doors that he’d give me any room I want as long as it has a door! 🙂
But for now, I must retire to the couch…. writing this post has taken most of my energy and I have to be at work tomorrow! Hopefully I’ll be back with something tomorrow!