Jan 08, 2008
Meet the New Additions!
Sandra commented yesterday wondering if the exciting news was a pregnancy. Sorry to disappoint you… but I’m not pregnant! LOL! If I ever have that kind of news I won’t keep you waiting overnight! 🙂 However, we did add two new members to our family over the weekend. Meet Mikey (the black cat) and Junk (the orange tabby). Our landlord stopped by our house on Thursday night and let us know that his son had developed allergies to their cats. Although our lease has a no pet policy, he wondered
if we might want to adopt their cats! We both love cats and thought we’d take just one of them, but when we went over to their place to check them out they decided they didn’t want to separate them. So that’s how we ended up with two! It’s taking them a while to get acquainted with a new place. The orange cat cries all night and we’ve been wearing earplugs to bed! LOL! For the most part they are very loving and cuddly and I’m sure they’ll grow out of the crying. So… here’s where I need your help! Mikey and Junk are the names the previous owners gave the cats. We’re not especially fond of those names so we’d like to give them new names. Right now we’re calling them ‘this cat’ and ‘the
other cat’. LOL! Both cats are males. The black one is fat and fluffy. The previous owners told us that they shave him in the summer, but leave one patch down his back as a mohawk. Bahahaha… can’t wait to try that! The orange cat is a little smaller. He scares easily and is generally a bit more shy than the other cat. So… ‘ya got any ideas!? If we choose one of the names you suggest I will send you a little gift in appreciation for naming one our cats! *grin* Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you all have a wonderful day!