• Bonnie Russell

    Great card! and for thinking of the different ways to use your dies. It helps to get ideas on how to use the dies you have in a new way.
    Bonnie R.

  • Paulette S

    I love timeless products, Julia, that will do double duty and typically, that is how I shop and choose what to purchase. Unless, I have extra money to spend any way I want or win and gift card and then I will shop for the holiday coming up and get something I don't have yet. Which might be wierd. LOL Great baby card. Earliest memory…hmmm…probably 3 years old…my favorite thing to do was push my tricycle up the driveway (a steep gravel incline) and free wheel back down with my feet up in the air because the pedals went too fast for them! I also would ride my bike on the car port over the water hose because it was fun and bumpy, I rode over to the screen door and tried to open it to tell mama something, and my bike tipped and I cut my forehead on a huge pickling jar. How about getting my arm caught in the roller on the washing machine, even though mama told me not to put my hand in the rollers! Or touching the clothes iron, even though Mama told me it was Hot! Or Don't park your horse on the heater grate. He never rolled again and I loved riding him!! LOL It was a traumatic year! Don't isn't in my vocabulary. Thanks, Paulette S.
    craftqueen417 at yahoo dot com
    https://paulettesprettypapercrafts dot wordpress dot com

  • Angela

    My earliest childhood memory is of seeing my Grandma and Grandpa get off an airplane. They had gone to Spain. I was so glad to see them. I remember it very vividly!

  • D-

    My earliest childhood memory was visiting my Grandma and Grandpa's house. They kept a wooden chest full of toys and things for us to play with when we went there. One year, when I was grown, my Grandma gave me the chest. Minus the toys. Sadly they were long gone.
    Crafty hugs,

  • Taunya Butler

    Awesome card with wonderful details – love it!!! My earliest childhood memory is not being able to sleep one night and going to find my dad at work at his drawing table – he pulled me on his lap and sang me a little country song – It started " I love little baby ducks" – I have since found out that it is sung by Tom T Hall and that he was one of my dad's favorite singers!!!

  • Denise Bryant

    Darling card! Love the layering and that sweet bunny!
    Earliest memory…. hmmm. can't think of one thing in particular, but I do have special photos of me at a theme park that took awhile for me to place where it was taken. It was Disneyland in its early years! I was born the same year the park opened, so I was probably only about 3 or 4 at the time. And to this day, Disneyland still holds all the magic for me as it did then.

  • Jean Bullock

    My earliest childhood memory was when I was a tiny baby in my bassinet. I remember the sides of the bassinet. My eyes were closed but not all the way closed so I could see the shadowy images of two people. One was my mother. I know this because I remember hearing her tell the other person "She's sleeping." That's the earliest memory I have.

  • Robin B.

    I think I was in kindergarten and I remember a group of us would play hanging games on the monkey bars. One time I lost my grip and fell, I didn't break anything but I bit my tongue and I remember it bleeding a lot but I didn't need stitches.

  • Gregsgirl's crafty corner

    I was in kindergarten sitting on the floor singing songs and when I stood up I had ants in my pants – literally!!!! I remember I had white panties on under my dress and when I stood up I had a few ants on me, I wasn't scared I started laughing. Needless to say my mom took me home and I never went back to that Kindergarten haha.

  • Shona Chambers

    Blimey, that's a long time ago……I do remember (and my Mum confirms) that when I was around 2yrs old they gave me a kitten for Xmas in a baby pram. I picked it up by the neck and carried it around before they realised and rescued it (thankfully not injured). Tuppence and I were the best of friends and a few years later when my Mum took me and my brother to Australia for 4 weeks (to visit family) Tuppence sat at the gate waiting for me to come back. He wouldn't eat or drink and eventually he had to be put down because no one could ease his missing me. So sad…….

  • Camille L

    What a sweet and adorable card!
    I barely remember my childhood memories, but the one that I'll never forget is that I received a puppy as a gift when I started to go to the nursery school.

  • SHartl

    The funny thing is that I don't have any memories of childhood until I was about 4! I remember playing at preschool with my friends and pretending that we were characters in a TV show. I also remember our first pet, a sweet kitty named Tina.
    Speaking of pets, we also had rabbits when I got a bit older so these bunny dies are really sweet to see!

  • Sherry Butcher

    early childhood my grandfather raised rabbits. Loved to "help" take care of them. Thanks for sharing.

  • Amy C.

    Earliest childhood memory…wow, probably lots of fun times with my grandma!

  • Miriam Prantner

    What a sweet card! Loving all those great layers!

  • Ruby N

    One of my earliest childhood memories is on VHS! LOL it's shortly after we came to the U.S. and it's just a typical day in our lives…my dad even recorded us going on a car ride! Too cute!

  • Gloria

    I remember sitting on the curb, at about 4 years old, fishing down the sewer using a string on the end of a stick with a safety pin attached. I actually enjoyed my childhood.

  • Julie Ann

    My earliest memory I can remember was going to my Grandparents house for the weekend once. We played and went to the park then went for icecream. Ahhh the simplier times.

  • loulou

    Now this is stretching back into the Jurassic, but my first memories are of sitting in a little blow up pool in our Kingswood backyard with my baby sister and our neighbours. My little sister is only 18 months younger so I don't really have memories of her until I was nearly 4. But Mum always said when my sister was really sick as a baby and in hospital and I was about 2yrs old that I wanted the light on while I slept because I was afraid the white coats had taken my sister away and would never return her. Before that and ever since I have loved total pitch blackness at bedtime.

  • StampNK

    My earliest childhood memory is of my youngest sister coming home from the hospital as a newborn. I was 5 years old and I remember thinking that her face looked red and squashed and that she cried too much! I wasn't very impressed, to say the least. We are now great friends as adults but all I could think of her at the time was that I wished she'd leave!!
    These bunny dies and the cards are just adorable and so fun for spring!

  • Maye M.L

    You are getting us to look back in time! Memories are a bit fuzzy at times, especially when I am tired like today. There is a fond memory that while not the earliest, is great. It includes my mom taking me to buy school supplies, and us having "grown-up" lunches at a restaurant. Enchanting!
    Love this card. This charming bunny and papers are perfect for this season of new arrivals among several of our friends. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Larissa Heskett

    I was a HUGE FAN of my Baby Sister when my Parents brought her home from the Hospital!! I would help my mom and I just WATCHED and LEARNED soaking up EVERY little thing I could!! When she was about 9 months old (I was 2 1/2) I finally decided I had WAITED LONG enough and I was going to give her a Baby!! I sat her in the Middle