• sherry butcher

    my best memory with my baby was when she was born and they put her into my arms leaving delivery. She was sucking her thumb. TFs.

  • D.Ann C

    Hahaha! Too funny! My girlfrien’d’s granddaughter made me laugh when she burped and looked all surprised, ” my mouth tooted!”

  • Julieann

    Mine was when my daughter was born and looking in her eyes and seeing how beautiful she was and what a miracle we created.

  • susan hatfield

    Most memorable moment was the first time my first child had projectile vomiting. I was barely 18 and had never seen any real person, much less a baby, act out a scene from The Exorcist! This release is so much fun!

  • Larissa Heskett

    WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!! LOVING the New Release!! How FUN are those Grumpling Images!!?? They’re REALLY making me SMILE!! =) My FAOVORITE Baby Moment/Memory would have to be ALL of the SWEET Baby Noises!! I MISS hearing them!! The SWEET Baby Grunts, Cooing and the Crying that lets you KNOW they NEED/RELY on you for EVERYTHING!! The Sucking Noises while Eating!! The Baby Giggles and Whimpers!! The BURPS that you work so HARD to hear!! The Farts that you just CAN’T BELIEVE could come from something SO SMALL and SWEET!! =) I just LOVED ALL of the Baby Noises!! The Time FLIES BY SO FAST!! Now I’m ENJOYING a whole NEW set of Noises and I’m ENJOYING them just as much!! =) THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and for the chances to WIN!! !! That Photo of Charlie is SO SWEET!! I LOVE that outfit and her BEAUTIFUL SMILE!! Have a FABULOUS RELEASE WEEK/WEEKEND!! =)

  • MargeryC

    Love the Grown Up Grumplings set! My baby turned 17 years old today and the baby years-sigh…I remember his crazy head shaking dance when he was happy. His little curls bouncing back and forth while shaking his head and dancing like a manic down the hall. I thought his brain would shake out or at least he would run into the wall. He seemed to know where he was and to my relief he never ran into the wall or that happy dance would have turned into the “crying shame” dance. Sometimes during his teen years, I think he did shake some brain out. Love him to bits!

  • Corbey HJ

    The Grumplings are great fun, love the Valentine and Birthday sets too. I have so many favourite baby memories, feel very blessed. My son had to come out early as I had PIH, he was in an incubator for a week with breathing issues and jaundice so the stand out moment has to be when we were able to drive him home, finally, he fell asleep almost instantly in the car, all we could hear was the beautiful sound of little snoring. Something that he does to this day ! He was wearing the very last sleep suit we had bought as, not only were most of them too big, with him being premature, but he’d had accidents in all of the others. So, instead of heading straight home, we had to hit the stores !

  • Chitra

    I yet have to experience the great baby moment and I cant wait for those days!!!
    Love love all the new stamps and dies!!

  • Sharon D.

    Your story reminds me of the time I was visiting my mom & my daughter took a nap. It had been a while & when I went in to check on her she was awake, had her diaper off & had “painted” the crib! Oh my, what a mess! My very favorite though, is that first moment when I got to hold each one for the first time! Nothing sweeter.

  • LizD

    If we’re talking poop, it’s in the checkout lane at hobby lobby w my granddaughter when all of a sudden it starts to smell. She stuck her hand in her pants and got poop everywhere. Talk about embarassing. The clerk just handed me a roll of paper towels. I finished paying and we got out of there. I wonder what they did with that cart?!!

  • Rebecca Ednie

    I remember when my oldest was a baby. I took off his diaper to change him and let’s just he wasn’t finished. He shot poop all over me, my entertainment unit where it dripped down into the cupboards and soaked into the fabric of a speaker. Never kind the change table, carpet and the wall beside. Argh!

  • karenladd

    I am still laughing at your hilarious story, and at those adorably funny DT cards! As the grammie of 2 beautiful girls, my favorite memories are of their births…at which I was present. There’s just nothing like meeting your grandchild for the very first time! They continue to make me smile…and laugh every time I see them.

  • Trudie

    Just last week my youngest grandson, who is 2, called me via FaceTime, crying. I asked him what was wrong? He said “Nonnie, I poopin’.” I asked if he felt better and he said yes. How precious to have him call me at 7am to tell me. How apropos for this stamp set! Hugs

  • deborah j.t.m.

    These poo cards are probably the most honest and funny cards I’ve seen in ages. LOL Thanks for bringing the real world to all of us with these card creations! Every parent, Grandparent and Godparent can enjoy and laugh or cry with understanding, and thanks again for making a ‘poopy’ time of life such a hoot!

  • Paulette Still

    Oh, I love Build a Scene -Nursery! Great furniture! Haha. My favorite baby moment is when Millie said, Hello Baby, to me one day while playing in her little tikes play gym w/slide. I’d been saying it to her at every greeting since she was born, she had just learned to walk well and climbing up the slide, got inside and bent sideways and peeked out one of the holes and said it. Luckily I caught it on film! A precious memory from my first grand baby. Thanks, Taylor!

  • Christy Q

    What a fantastic & funny set!! Hmm, favorite baby memory would probably have to be my best friend’s son when he was about 14 months old and visiting my parents. He was a little curious about something on the dining room table so he was peering through the chair and my family dog at the time (a miniature schnauzer) hopped up on her hind legs beside him to see what he was doing. We got an adorable photo to capture the moment.

  • Laura Holt

    It was wintertime when my son was born. I wrapped him all up in blankets to protect him from the wind and cold and when I got into the car and unwrapped him, I discovered I had been holding him upside down.

  • Laraine R

    Mine is when my boys were born, then when my grandbabies were born! Super cards!

  • Dana

    My favorite baby moments are when my cousin was baptized and her son was baptized as I am their godmother.

    How adorable is your little sweetie, sounds like the photographer got the perfect shot just in time 🙂

  • Debbi Vasel

    My most memorable baby moment was meeting our first grandchild right after my dad had passed away. It was such a bittersweet moment. I know my dad would have loved to have held her.

  • Marlyn Rojas

    When my sister asked me to look after my 3 year old niece for a full month. That was a month full of love and learning!

  • carol

    My memorable baby moment is meeting my niece for the first time, when she was but two weeks old. Taking her into my arms…oh, I’ll never forget how my heart grew 1000000000 times in size, so filled with joy and love. I held her for four hours straight; my poor husband had no opportunity until, eventually, I needed a “nature” break. Of course, quickest ‘task’ ever…and back I was, gently taking ‘my girl’ back for more hugs and cuddles. My best job in the world: being Aunty c to this adorable, sweet, amazing gem. She’ll be turning 6 (SIX…gahhhhhh!) tomorrow, March 3rd! We’re aiming to travel north on Friday, to surprise her on Saturday…I’m excited beyond belief. She is, in every my, my princess, my treasure, my love! Thank you for a chance to share her with you…

  • Monika/buzsy

    Darling stamp sets and dies… especially love the Build a Scene Nursery and the Hippo Birdy set. I have lots of favorite moments… I loved breastfeeding, sitting in my rocking chair… I will never forget the birth of my second child… We barely made it to the hospital… My first one loved blowing raspberries on my stomach. That was always hilarious.

  • Carey Nusbaum

    My favorite baby moment happened right after the doctor laid my daughter on my chest. She grabbed my pinky finger and didn’t let go! I was already crying happy tears, but that moment sent me over the moon!

  • Colleen

    My most memorable baby moment was having my first child at home. I didn’t know what was going on. I knew for the next 2 children. I love the March collections.

  • Becca Yahrling

    My favorite baby moment is when my oldest nephew (just turned 18!) was a baby and he’d see me, he would grab my face and just started eating my face up! lol It was yucky and lovely and fun all at the same time.
    I just love those grumplings! Thanks for the chance to win some.

  • Karen

    My favorite baby moment – when the doctor laid my seconds old daughter across my chest – it still brings a tear to my eye.

    The grown-up grumplings are way too cute! Love them.

  • Kathy J in Ellicott City

    Unfortunately for me it was when my second child started sleeping through the night. He was 9 months old and I don’t think I could have made it much longer on no sleep.

  • Beverly Perdue

    My favorite baby moment is the day we brought home my youngest son after he was born. My oldest son was just 22 months old and I let him hold his little brother and he said “my baby”. So precious!! It makes me wish they were babies again. They are 34 and 32 now! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration during the release. I love the adorable sentiments with the grown up grumplings!

  • Chris

    My greatest memory of my first Godchild is of taking her to see Santa Clause when she was about seven months old. We got to the mall, she had fallen asleep in the car on the way there, and we managed to get her inside still asleep, when she woke up I went to put her into her stroller, and she turned and looked at me and proceeded to throw up all over me and herself! We cleaned it up as best as we could, took our coats off, and it was not too bad if we were apart, but when We were together and I was holding her, the smell was bad! As we were standing in line, the women in fronton me said something about it smelling like someone got sick, and I agreed with her, and we both began to look around to see if we could figure out where the smell was coming from, the whole time it being Us!

  • Laura

    My most memorable baby moment was the day I got to bring my daughter home from the hospital. She was two weeks over due when I went into labor. Unfortunately she had the umbilical cord wrap over the top of her head and had to be delivered by c-section. We spent the week in intensive care unit the day they released her I felt so blessed and full of love and life I truly was giving the greatest gift from god. It’s been a long time ago that this took place but will be forever be etched in my heart.

  • Tracy F

    Your poop card reminded me of the first time my husband and I took our son out in public about a week or so after he was born. This was in the mid ’80’s and public bathrooms did not have changing stations, but he definitely needed to be changed. Being new at this and not sure of proper baby changing etiquette, we found an empty shelf at the right height, put down the little changing pad that came with our diaper bag and spread out a blankie on top and changed him right there, in the middle of Walmart for all to see. He apparently got over it and no one screamed or told us how horrible we were, so I guess no lasting damage was done. I just remember feeling horrified that I was putting all of him on display, but I really don’t think many people even noticed.

  • Jennifer Story

    My memory is entitled “And the microwave is still beeping…”. Hubby was working late and I was about at the end of my rope after a long day with a toddler (‘nuf said) and a baby. He finally got home, put some leftovers in the microwave, and started to help clean up toymaggedon. The toddler was fussing so I laid down on the couch with him on my chest (looking up at the ceiling) for snuggles and blanky time while the baby roamed free. All of a sudden, the toddler sits up a little and proceeds to projectile vomit. It felt like time slowed down to Matrix speed. All I could see was a fountain of vomit coming down towards us. I leaned him to the side and thankfully shut my eyes and mouth. What’s that? Oh, dinner is ready; we hear the microwave beeping. Hubby retreats from the toys to help me with the toddler. I cleaned myself and the toddler; hubby tackled the couch and carpet. Microwave is still beeping. The kids seemed to be okay at this point, and I had hit my limit. I was leaving to go get my hair done. I was pulling on my shoes when the baby pulled a trailing vine house plant off the piano. Clean-up #2. Dirt was all over the piano, the basket of piano books, her, and the carpet. We spring in to action again. Microwave is still beeping. After busting out the vacuum and bathing the baby, I decide to leave before another disaster strikes. I head out the door only to come home to find out that while the kids were fine, as soon as I left the Halloween trick-or-treaters started showing up, and we had nothing to give them. My husband was offering them fruit and cash from his wallet while the microwave was still beeping. It was awhile before he ever got to his food that night.

  • Kathy

    My moment is the day after our daughter was born on July 3, a great friend of mine came to the hospital and her daughter was born July 4! We called them our “firecracker babies” for a long time. Our girl had some of the cutest red-white-blue dresses as a little one. Good memories!

  • Cyndi

    This would also qualify as my most embarrassing moment! Thirty years ago, disposable baby diapers did not have snug legs like today’s diapers have. I was at a busy public park in Rapid City, SD. My 4 year old son had a diarrhea attack while on the top rung of a medium slide. The mess slid right don his pants leg down the rungs of the slide. Ug! What a mess to clean up! Yes, we did have baby wipes back then.

  • Ruth Dupchen

    After my son was born, they put him in a little clear crib next to me and he was crying. I couldn’t reach him so I tapped on the crib and he turned and looked at me. I told him that Mommy’s baby doesn’t cry. He made a funny face and held back his crying and he never took his eye off me till they moved him. I loved him so much and I just couldn’t wait to hold him.

  • Arianna Barbara

    Awwww!!!! Your daughter is so cutie!!!! I haven’t babies but my favourite baby memory is the birth of my beloved nephews 6 months ago! <3

  • Michele K. Henderson

    I LOVE these new baby cards! They are all so adorable! When I was in my 20’s, I used to work for a non-profit organization that helped develop community green space. One summer, I helped build a garden for a convent of amazing women who all worked in a hospital that cared for babies born HIV positive. One day, one of the sisters gave me a little tour of the ward and there was a tiny toddler in a yellow footed pajama romper standing up in her crib. She called out and reached her arms out towards me. Later, I inquired about adopting her and the sisters told me they could not allow anyone to adopt a terminally ill baby. Years later, in my 40’s, I married a wonderful man and we discovered we could not have children of our own. We looked into adopting and were told the only children available in our state were children with serious and incurable illness. So much had changed in 20 years! When I think of babies, I always see the little girl in the yellow romper and the joyful smile she had on her face, and how my heart filled with love for her.

  • Gloria

    Speaking of poop- I remember when my first born daughter was about 8 months old and I checked on her in her crib. She was coated in poop. She had managed to coat her hands and legs with her own poop. There was not much on the sheet because it was all on her. I marveled that she was able to do that at that age.

  • Christine Kiehl

    My husband owned a mountain horned lizard which my children loved to observe through it’s glass cage. One afternoon I heard a loud cry coming from the bathroom and when I ran in to see what my four year old daughter was crying out about I found her up on the toilet seat looking at her spine in the mirror. When I asked her what was wrong she cried out “Oh no mommy I’m turning into a lizard!”

  • Christine Dring

    What a beautiful little miss, and your story to go with that pic had me laughing out loud! My favorite memory is becoming an Aunt, then a Great Aunt for the first time! I LOVE the grumplings sets! What fabulous cards!

  • Cherishing_Moments

    Soo cute! My most memorable baby moment is when my nephews were born <3

  • renee milner

    What a little cutie your daughter is! My favorite moments when my boys were babies is when they got old enough to enjoy looking at books and rock in the rocking chair before bedtime. I LOVE the new Grumplings 🙂

  • shartl

    Oh my gosh, that photo of your little girl is priceless, and the story that followed is even better! I have two little girls, with one being only 2 so I can totally see myself in a situation like that. Don’t even get me started on what happened on our recent vacation to Disneyland when our entire group got hit with a terrible stomach virus. Let’s just say that I was glad I didn’t have to clean that hotel room!!
    Every baby moment with my girls has been a favorite!

  • Sabrina Radican

    Absolutely very funny stamp sets!! My most memorable baby moment is when my Grandsons Connor and Wyatt were born cause neither one was excepted to make it through the pregnancy.

  • Isabel Z

    This stamp set is hysterical! Love it! My favorite memory is snuggling with each of my three children. Miss those days.

  • Melanie Ann MacKenzie

    Favourite baby moment is having the little munchkin look you straight in the eye, smile and reach out and touch your cheek. Priceless.

  • Michelle Laulu

    My favorite baby moments have to be happening every day. Though our youngest is now close to three years, I smile and enjoy the funny and sweet personalities of our kids every moment. They grow up so fast! The grown-up grumplings are perfect for a new or not-so-new parent. 😉

  • Blue Kube

    When my out-of-state grandson was about a year old I was holding him, and he scrutinized every inch of my face then broke into a huge grin!
    I see great possibilities for those grumplings and a friend’s baby-shower invitations!

  • Louise

    The funniest baby moment was when my first daughter was a baby. My husband was holding her with no shirt on and she clamped down on his nipple and tried to breast feed! I laughed so hard I could hardly get her off him! Needless to say, he ALWAYS wore a shirt holding her after that! LOL!!! She’s 41 now, but we still laugh about it. 🙂

  • lisascreativeniche

    bwahahaha! This set is hilarious!!! I would have to say the day they were born… it is so true that you will never forget that moment… the first thing I said when I had my first born was… ” That really just came out of me?” hahahaha! I didn’t mean it the way it sounds, but it is funny to look back on now!

  • Connie g

    Favorite memories. Day they were born. Such love and joy. The grumplings series is so much fun!

  • Jackie Adair

    My favorite memory is seeing my grandchildren in my kids! Remembering them at that cute stage when they were 2-3 years old and watching them play and converse with their parents! Ah, memories!

  • susan hatfield

    My favorite baby moment was the day the kids were born! This is a fun release!

  • karenajo

    My favorite baby memory was the first time we saw our son responding to us with a big smile -very precious !!! Love your cute cards, especially the pretty color background made with the’Ray of Sunshine’ !!!

  • Teresa Doyle

    Taylor your cards are great and your daughter is adorable! This is such a cute release.
    My fav. baby moment was when my daughter was born ( who was 11 weeks premature) and we were not sure if she would make it. She is now 33 yrs. old, married and the mother of 2 wonderful, healthy little boys of her own!

  • Laurie B

    My favorite baby moments are when they were little enough to nap on your chest and you could nap at the same time!!!:-)

  • Angelique Vela

    My most memorable moment is the birth of my children. All of them.

  • Kris B

    Love the baby stamps and dies! Favorite baby memory is the birth of each of my three kids. Holding them for the very first time!

  • KT Fit Kitty

    OMGoodness, what a fun blog post! Your daughter is beautiful! What a funny story! Your card made me smile – so cute! Love the Grumplings so much! As for favorite baby memory, sadly I was not blessed with any children but I hope I can still qualify for your giveaway because I love the Grumplings!

  • Iris Esther López

    Love these baby stamps and dies. My favorite baby memory is holding each of my daughters for the first time.

  • Sherry Hall

    I could mention a couple of baby blowouts I’ve had to deal with and they’re funny to think about now. However, my favorite moment was when my granddaughter held her arms out for me to take her for the first time. I loved that moment when she recognized who I was as I came in the door. Her smile melted my heart. It still does. I love the new stamps – particularly the ‘Poop! There it is’ phrase. Your new releases never disappoint!

  • Lucy E.

    Your cards are all adorable! I love the Grumplings and the animal stamps are sweet!
    Our funniest baby poop memory was when our oldest daughter was about a week or two old. I had just bathed her and had her (naked) on the changing table (a small desk) and my husband walked in from work. He started talking to her and she had a huge blowout. It shot straight onto and all down the front of his jeans. We were laughing so hard and she was just as serious as could be-probably thought we were crazy!

  • Sharon Gullikson

    My son cracked everyone up at church when he was having his diaper changed and pointed out his “big ol’ poop ball!”.

  • Brian Poteraj

    Holding my daughter for the first time, right after she was born. I’m not usually one to cry, but I did.

  • Tona

    Every time we visited our grandson, if he had a poopy diaper the only person he wanted to change it was grandpa. It was the funniest thing.

  • ErikaS

    One memory that stands out is of my oldest daughter’s first steps! It was a beautiful April day and we were outside. I was hanging laundry on the line when I heard giggling. I looked down to see my daughter walking towards me at age 10 months! She was so excited!!

  • Lisa Reber

    OMG, these are great! Wasn’t my favorite moment at the time but my middle son had constant sinus infections as a baby. I spent many nights sleeping in the recliner with him on my chest because we weren’t able to lay him down. We had an old golden retriever at the time and whenever he was having a bad night the only thing that would calm him down was to feed the dog biscuits. That poor dog spent many a sleepless night and od’d on dog biscuits more than once!

  • Kristina CraftyPaws

    I loved the day I went to pick up our fur baby from the farm. He was so sweet, tiny (fit in one hand) and so trusting. He slept all the way home for a 3+ hour car ride. I fell in love in the first moment I saw him. 🙂

  • Tricia T

    I like the Words on a Wire stamp!! I remember a day in church when DH was holding our sweet little girl… he in his dress shirt and tie, she in a ruffly dress. I looked over thinking “what a sweet moment” and saw greenish yellow oozing through her clothes and down his front. LOL! He was NOT impressed!! : )

  • Sue D

    My most memorable baby moment was the birth of my first grandchild–a girl born on Valentine’s day and I am the mom of 4 boys.

  • Janette boas

    I’m excited about the challenge…… I have numerous baby moments, being the mother of 5 and Grandmother of 6. It’s a challenge in itself to choose one.
    When my 4th child Jacob was 2 days old, he was in his Dads arms, on the couch. I was sitting on the opposite end of the sofa. He and I were having a conversation, and Jacobs little head was bopping back and forth to the sound of our voices. When his dad was talking he turned to the right and his eyes peered upwards, as if to look him in the face. When I spoke, his head turned left, and he looked directly at me. We had fun with this. Back and forth his head went. At the time I thought he was a bit young to have such a quick response to our voices. Babies are amazing!

  • Vivian C.

    Hands down baby smiles, they melt my heart every time. The Grumplings are just too darn funny.

  • Lisa K

    Cute cards! My memorial baby moments…my oldest was a preemie so we were not sure about much. We were so happy to finally bring her home from the hospital. My younger daughter was born full term but broke a bone during birth. It didn’t slow her down, much at all. Bringing my darlings home were my favorite moments.

  • Linda R

    I have two favorite poo memories! 1) My husband was babysitting our daughter and left her on the changing table so he could take pictures of what he thought was the worst diaper EVER (it wasn’t) then he put our naked daughter in her crib and took more pictures! 2) My daughter was in an adorable white overall outfit – all ready to go to daycare – when I picked her up and saw the inner leg portion of her outfit was brown……yep, up the back, down the legs, everywhere!

  • sharla~

    Such cute stamp sets! With the birth of my son, my first child, I went into labor with him Friday night and had him Sunday morning and had to have a temporary pacemaker during labor….such a long delivery and he looked like a conehead when he finally arrived, thankfully it went down shortly after!

  • Brandi R

    Love Love LOVE the Grumplings!!!!

    My most memorable baby moment has to be the first time I saw my son. The most precious moment I’ll never forget ♥

  • Lynn Gauthier

    Awesome new stamps and dies. Gave me a much needed smile.
    My most famous moment as a baby; I stapled my lip and screamed and screamed. My Mom gave me a plain hotdog to eat. I took one bite and stuck it in my Dad’s slipper. I screamed and screamed some more. My Mom gave me ice cream and I was happy again; until my Dad put his slipper on. =)

  • Beverly

    Oh goodness… must be the first time our first grandchild (boy ) called me Bebe on his own. Be still my heart. Love your new baby sets.

  • Phyllis Freese

    I had another memorable “pooh” moment when I fed my baby some castor oil, and then, thinking it didn’t work, fed him even more! Pooh was everywhere!

  • Jean Marmo

    I remember shortly after having my first child, the nurse starting to walk out of the room. I was like – Wait. Are you sure it is safe to leave her with me – alone?? What are you thinking?? I thought I was ready for a child but at that moment I didnot think I was.

  • MaryAnn Thompson

    These stamps are just too cute. With all my great nieces having babies now, I so need these stamps.My most memorable was the birth of my three children and my another that made me so proud was the births of 4 grandchildren.
    Thank you for allowing me to play along. Love your stamps.

  • Karen B.

    Awesome products and samples today! I remember laying on the couch so tired trying to get my colicy baby to sleep. He wouldn’t so I got up and rocked him and held him. Night after night. Just me and him. 🙂

  • mary nelson

    This collection is absolutely amazing! I love all the hysterical sentiments!! One of my most favorite baby moments is when our oldest son was born. His daddy was holding him, he was crying and I called his name, Tyler and he looked at me and stopped crying, he knew I was his mommy!!!!!!

  • Sherri

    With 5 children it’s difficult to remember just 1 memorable moment. What first came to mind was the birth of my 3rd, 32 years ago. We had two girls and, although my husband said another girl would be wonderful, when our little boy was born, it took hubbie a couple of hours to stop weeping for joy. He couldn’t even hold it together to tell his mom. I love this memory.

  • Janet Sisk

    I have many memorable moments when it comes to my 2 daughters, but one that is particularly joyful was when my oldest daughter took her first steps. It was special because she was born with a birth defect that affected her hearing and her middle ear bones. Her balance bones were deformed and her surgeon was amazed that she walked at 13 months old. Even more amazing is the fact that she went on to learn how to ride a regular bike and a scooter. I guess no one told her that she couldn’t do it. 😀 Thanks for a chance to win!

  • Sue G.

    I can’t name one memory but three, the birth of each of my three children are memories to cherish forever!!!!!

  • Judy

    OMG!! You have such an AWESOME sense of humor!! Have I mentioned, that I LOVE THIS RELEASE? It keeps getting better and better!!

    My favorite baby memory is the birth of each of my three children. Nothing gets better than that!! 🙂

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