Sprinkled with Love Sneak Peeks

The Baker’s Dozen and I have more sneak peeks to show you today! This time we’re using a new set called Sprinkled with Love, illustrated by Nancy McKinney. The inspiration [Read More]

Baker’s Dozen Farewell

It’s always hard to say goodbye, but today we’re saying farewell to two amazing members of the Baker’s Dozen. I hope you will all take the time to read a [Read More]

Taylored Expressions Sketch Challenge #90

It’s time for another TESC to jump start your card-making this weekend! Here’s this week’s sketch: Just create a card using the above sketch as inspiration! Link your creation using [Read More]

Monogram Purse a la Zva Creative

Last night I sat down with my Zva Creative supplies and a Provo Craft purse tin I’ve been hoarding for well over a year. I can definitely check off my [Read More]

On the 9th Day of Christmas…

Today I have a Christmas decor project to share with you! I bought a few of these large, tag shaped accordian albums from Oriental Trading Company several years ago and [Read More]

Stamp Studio Doorhanger

Sorry I disappeared yesterday! My girlfriends and I went out on Tuesday night to celebrate JulieAnn’s engagement. We went to Twin Palms in Pasadena and it was so good! There [Read More]

August Divine Design

Memorizing scripture has been something I’ve committed to doing this year. I’m so thankful that Lori Craig came up with the idea for these Divine Design challenges because I have [Read More]

Cupcake Stella Sketch Book

By now you all know how much I love cupcakes, right? So when my friend Jami gave me a journal with a challenge to embellish it, I knew I wanted [Read More]

Thinking Outside the Tin

Good morning! Can you believe it’s May 1st already? I have fond memories of May 1st growing up because my mom would drive us around to deliver May Day treats [Read More]

Fore You

Do you have difficulty shopping for the men in your life? My husband and my dad are two of the toughest people to buy gifts for, nevermind figuring out a [Read More]