Aug 28, 2006
My mom
My mom came over today and we had such fun creating in my stamp room. (By the way… I got a new stamp room… *happy dance*… I’ll tell you about that later!) I owe so much to my mom including all my creative abilities. My mom worked for several years as an interior decorator and a jack of all trades in the craft arena. She supplied several local realtors with housewarming gifts for their clients as well as holding annual craft shows in our home. And I was always allowed to have a “booth” at the craft show. These are some of my fondest memories…. peddling my childish, handmade goods to friends and family members. My mom has always encouraged me to pursue my creative dreams and I am truly blessed by her support. Love you, mom!!
OK… enough of my mushiness. LOL! My mom brought over these pearlescent green cards today and she let me have one to play with. The card is so pretty and pearly IRL… the picture just doesn’t do it justice. Thanks for looking and listening to my mushy mom story!