Sep 02, 2006
Subscribe to my Blog
I have to start out by saying I am not technically savvy in any way whatsoever. In fact, I am scared silly just looking at the template page of my blog with all that code jargon… and I’m supposed to be able to figure out what all that means!?!? I have figured out with the help of a friend (thanks, Sam!) how to insert links and make a few formatting changes to my blog. It’s a slow process, but I will get there! 🙂
That being said, I finally figured something out on my own! LOL! I recently inserted code so that you are able to subscribe to my blog. Enter your email address in the right sidebar and click “Subscribe Me” and emails will automatically be sent to you when I update my blog. Even if I update my blog more than once a day you will only get one email a day consolidating all the posts for the previous day. So… no worries on crowding your inbox! How cool is that!?