May 30, 2013
We’re Expanding!
Hey there! I hope you’re having a great week! I’ve been keeping a secret and I’m so excited to finally share my secret with all of you! Here’s a little teaser:
Did you catch Madelyn’s shirt!? Yes, we’re expanding and Madi’s going to be a big sister! Her only child status expires somewhere around October 22nd. And she’s already getting prepared as she parades around the house feeding her baby dolls and taking them for stroller rides. And each morning she pats my belly and says ‘bee-bee”… her version of ‘baby’. Although I must admit that this has backfired a couple times as she pats the bellies of friends and family and exclaims ‘bee-bee’. *grin*
You may already know this, but I’m not a big fan of surprises. I’m a planner and when it comes to color schemes I must know “Will it be pink or blue?”. We were thrilled to have an ultrasound last week to find that all is progressing well with the baby and of course, take a peek ‘down there’ to see what we’re having. So, what do you think? Will Madi be having tea parties with a little sister or a little brother?
Let’s have a guessing game! Leave me a comment whether you think we’re having a boy or a girl. I’ll make the reveal on Monday and draw from among all of the correct answers to win a collection of our most baby-riffic stamps and dies!
HINT: We’re not having more than one! 🙂
And since I just can’t get enough of her, I’ll leave you with one more photo of Madelyn:
Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you all have a wonderful day!