• Rene' Tucker

    I love the layered cardinal and I’m very picky about cardinal designs. Will you possibly make other birds in this same style in the future? I would love that!

  • Donna D.

    It’s not Christmas until I bake my favorite Christmas cookie – Peanut Butter Blossoms! So simple, but soooooo good! They are best when they are still warm and you can smoosh the Hershey kiss and spread the chocolate around the entire cookie! Such a gooey mess, but well worth it!

  • Sheryl

    My favorite Christmas tradition is to make cards for family and friends, and for the members of our church family.

  • Stacy H.

    Our Christmas tradition of many years is to make “grandma’s” sugar cookies, which are light and fluffy and include buttermilk.

  • Blue Kube

    Our special food tradition is making and eating ooey gooey cinnamon buns!

  • Monika

    Pretty, pretty, pretty! I love the layered cardinal. The sled and the snowflakes are super cute! Lovely samples ladies! Seafood chowder! Filled with shrimp, clam, fish… one of our favorites… and apple pie! I don’t eat it, but the boys love it. 🙂

  • Candy Clay

    I love to make onion soup. It’s made from a recipe from a department store we use to go to as children. Having the soup and a fresh eclair there is a great memory and so delicious,

  • Lin

    What a feast for the eyes today, Taylor, I’d love one of each!!!

    For me, my aunt’s homemade cranberry relish was always something I looked forward to when our extended family had Christmas dinner together at my Gramma’s, because I only got to have it on that day. These days, my husband makes something similar, a recipe from a neighbor. Cookies were always a big part of the holidays; my son’s favorites are Russian TeaCakes. And we often use the occasion to make a cheesecake – our recipe calls for 5 packages of cream cheese!

  • Pat Baker

    I love to bake at Christmas time. You name it I’ll bake it.

  • Jim Petersen

    Love the release. These are tasteful and elegant!

    I always like orange slices and candy canes at the holidays.

  • Jen Petersen

    So many wonderful Christmas ideas here and wonderful new product! For our family it isn’t Christmas until Spritz cookies and candy cane twist cookies are made. As a kid I remember my mom always making Pecan Tassies at Christmas and they were DELICIOUS (sadly not a tradition I could continue due to a child with a nut allergy).

  • Jane T

    For Christmas Eve I always have to make a cheesecake for my Godson, and a Pecan Pie for my cousin.

  • Beverly Perdue

    The holly stencils look like so much fun! I love the snowflake border and the vintage sled and the beautiful cardinal. I pretty much love it all! At Christmas I usually make chocolate peanut butter fudge and trailmix to give away as gifts.

  • Marisha

    We typically travel to different relatives’ homes during the holidays, but I’ve somehow found myself making stuffing and sweet potato casseroles for the last few holiday seasons. I’m slowly perfecting both recipes.

  • Michelle Nicholas

    That cardinal is just beautiful!

    One of my family’s favorite holiday cookie that is quick and easy to make is Andes Mint chocolate cookies:
    you need: 1(15.25ounce) package of devil’s food cake mix, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 2 eggs, and 1 package Andes Mints.

    Mix the first 3 ingredients together and roll the mixture into balls. (Make the balls fairly small so an Andes mint will fit on top of it after baking.) Bake them at 350 degrees for 6 to 9 minutes. While they are cooking, unwrap your Andes Mints so they are ready to go. When the cookies are done in the oven, pull them out and put and Andes mint on each cookie while they are still warm so the Andes Mint will melt on top of the cookie. Enjoy!!

  • Linda Bolhofner

    I L❤️VE the new Christmas goodies. The sled reminds me of snowy days off school when we were kids and we would go to “suicide hill” in a cemetery property near our home. The hill was scary steep and bottomed out in a creek bed! How brave kids are!!! Ha ha there was always somebody getting ran over by another slender or wiping out in the creek! Ha ha crazy kids…but oh so fun.
    These days you would need a helmet, goggles and wrestler pads over your entire body…ha ha amazing we’re still alive! Ahhh the good ol’ Days????. And now as an adult I am required to make these VERY labor intensive, delicious cookies that were a tradition in my X-husbands family. Handed down by his grandmother and I suspect a few generations before her. I took a copy of the recipe and hopefully can add it. They are called ‘Kaiser Kipfels’ which means ‘kings cookies’. I can always picture some poor workers slaving away in the castle making these cookies! Anyway, I still make them for my step daughter and grandkids as a labor of love for them. Happy Holidays to all our crafty friends!
    Looks like it won’t let me post the picture of the recipe. sooooo…..here goes:
    Heat oven to 350° Bake for 25 min. Or until slightly brown on edges
    Kaiser Kipfels…total ingredients needed..7 eggs, 2 med size lemons, 1/2lb. Butter,3/4 box powdered sugar, 1 lb. pecans (finely ground almost to powder) 3 cups flour, milk, whiskey, salt.
    Mix by hand… MIX flour and butter like pie dough then ADD egg yolks( mix egg a little with fork first), & grated rind if one lemon, mixing as you add these, then add shot glass of milk, pinch of salt, & shot glass of whiskey(Southern comfort or C&G are best) roll into small 1” balls and place in fridge overnight.
    Filling…(next morning) beat 7 egg whites until stiff, add grated rind of 1 med size lemon into egg whites, squeeze juice of lemon into egg whites mixing as you add, then gently stir in about 3/4 box powdered sugar(sifted), add 1 lb. finely ground pecans.
    Prepare surface with flour..take about 5-10 dough balls out of fridge so not too cold. roll out slightly room temp dough balls to paper thin circle. Fill loosely with filling and roll into crescent shape and pinch ends. Set on parchment lined cookie sheet on fold so they don’t pop open. Cook for about 25 min @ 350 in center oven rack. Let cool a few ,I used then set out on cloth to cool. (If you don’t use parchment paper you can spray pan with Pam.
    Sprinkle with powdered sugar when you serve them… VERY YUMMY!

  • Laurie Brown

    Wow-so many fun new things!!! Love the layering stencil and that cardinal!!! My favorite Christmas tradition is rolling out, cutting out and decorating sugar cookies. Such a fun sprinkly time we have!!!

  • Tracy Moloney

    WOW wow WOW
    It’s not Christmas without making a fruit cake using Grandma’s secret recipe. The secret is not just the ingredients … I can share that baking it a month or two in advances adds magic to the taste and texture 🙂

  • Marcia

    I love caramel corn. . . so many times we’ll make this during the holiday season. Either Christmas or Thanksgiving and why not into Valentine’s Day. My husband likes the recipe from the Lazy Mom, I think, web-site. I like to bake mine in the oven for a while.

  • Cynthia Cole

    I make a Swedish Tea Ring Coffee Cake every year for the family.

  • Emily Henry

    My favorite foodie for the season is a trail mix that I make myself. It consists of mini pretzels, sesame sticks, raisins and M&M’s. I make a big batch and use it for gift giving. It is always a hit! Finding different packaging is each year is the fun part!

  • Karen

    I make the best fudge in the world. Everyone in my family tells me every year “I want my own container.” Lol. My family is HUGE. If I made everyone their own container, I would have no time for anything else. 🙂

    2 c sugar
    2/3 c milk
    1/3 c cocoa
    2 tbsps light corn syrup
    1/4 tsp salt
    2 tbsps butter
    1 tsp vanilla
    Combine first 5 ingredients in lg saucepan. Stir over medium heat untill chocolate melts and sugar dissolves. Cook to 234 degrees on candy thermometer, stirring occasionally. .
    Remove from heat. Add butter.
    Cool to 140 degrees on candy thermometer, without stirring.
    Add vanilla.
    Beat by hand until thick and no longer glossy.
    Pour onto buttered sheet pan.
    Cut into pieces once set
    I put it in fridge to set. But you don’t HAVE to.

  • Hannah Barneson

    I am obsessed with this entire release! My favorite foodie holiday tradition would be having green bean casserole!

  • Ruth Dupchen

    Since I am disabled my husband does all the cooking plus we have very different traditions when it comes to the holidays. So for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I order all my family’s traditional Polish foods cooked and all my husband has to do is heat it up. I order the soup, meats, bread, cakes, cookies, candy and most important the Oplatki which is a communion wafer that is special for Christmas Eve. The oldest person takes a piece and then passes it around until everyone has had a piece. This is a very special tradition and an important part of our Christmas Eve.

  • Dena

    Growing up, my grandma and my mom made steam pudding. It was a recipe that my great-great grandma received from her butcher. We also made all kinds of cookies such as cream cheese dainties, ice box cookies, biscochitos, and frosted sugar cookies. 🙂

  • Susan Weida

    For breakfast Christmas morning I will often make cinnamon rolls. We will usually have brownies for dessert after supper also. No recipe they come out of a box.

  • Diane B

    Being of Belgium Heritage we make Lukken cookies every year – the cookies are made one at a time using an iron over a gas stove – we have several in the family and do them in someones garage (due to the smoke) with about 20 people and 5 irons

  • Chris L

    We always bake a ton of Christmas cookies every year–some for us, some for the neighbors, some for the family. And my mom always makes a delicious Christmas Lasagna!

    Looks like some great product coming our way!

  • Wendy

    To me it does not seem like Christmas unless we have perogies and cabbage rolls but since I’ve become an adult I don’t spend every holiday with my family and most people don’t have them. My bestie and are going to spend next weekend making a huge batch of perogies and cabbage rolls so I am supper excited about that. This year I am going to see if people at work want to do a cookie exchange.

  • LizD

    Gingersnaps with cinnamon whipped cream. It was my great grandmother’s recipe. Always a family favorite

  • Betty

    Every year during the holidays I make Pumpkin Bars and Rolls for Thanksgiving and for Christmas I love making Buckeyes for gifts to those like the mail lady, UPS guy and all the other important delivery people who take such care to deliver all my stamps, dies and card supplies.

  • Penny Mattern

    Sugar cookies and sweet bread!

  • Christina Hemeyer

    Chocolate covered peanuts are a must for my husband. Just melt chocolate almond bark and mix in peanuts!

  • Janet

    What a fun release…as always!
    I think I have better success with baking than cooking so there are always lots of baked treats for Christmas. I probably make around 10-12 different kinds but one of my favorites has to be cream puffs. Always enough cookies so my husband can bring some to work to share.

  • Karen W.

    Chex mix! I’m not a huge fan of baked items, but I looooove Chex mix!

  • Janet Sisk

    We travel for Christmas to our parents’ homes. My family opens on Christmas Eve so our food tradition is making lots of finger foods and desserts for our meal before opening gifts. We make pigs in a blanket, sausage cheese balls, ham/cheese sliders, and more. We open gifts and then take a break in the middle for desserts – peanut butter cake and peanut butter fudge are my faves. 😀

  • Sharon Schutjer

    Green bean casserole! Mmmmmm

  • Diane Anthony

    Cardinals, Sleds and Snowflakes, oh, my! Love them all!

  • Cindy Holmes

    I am sooooooo loving the layered cardinal birdies! I usually make the traditional “Green Bean Casserole!” Which pretty much everyone knows about! Since it is the definition of a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas meal add on! YUMMY!!!!!

  • Brian

    Making lots of cookies, and other sweet treats are my holiday traditions.

  • Barb R

    Oh my goodness – the layer it cardinal is absolutely breathtaking!!! I squealed when I saw it today!! I love making cut out sugar cookies with my daughter and then the entire family decorates them Christmas – some much laughter and smiles!! ❤️

  • Sylvia Sanchez

    Tamales on Xmas eve & turkey & dressing on Xmas day. Lots of different Xmas cookies all Holiday season.

  • Bridget W

    Our family does the traditional holiday meals. I am always required to make potato salad, broccoli & rice casserole and a sweet potato casserole. I can sometimes get out of making the broccoli & the sweet potato casseroles, but I must always make potato salad. Apparently no one can make it like me! (At least that’s what they tell me each year so I’ll continue to make it, lol)

  • Nicki T

    We have an Italian tradition, we make biscotti every year in addition to the normal sugar cookies!

  • Anna

    Our family used to do Holidays cookies when we all lived in the same state. We search for recipes online. We tried making different cookies every year.

  • Ellie Wilkins

    Every year, without fail, I must make my German spritz butter cookies. A few years ago I added a melted white chocolate drizzle on top and sprinkled colored sugar crystals on top! It just isn’t Christmas without them!!!!

  • Jean Denney

    My sister, mom and myself pick a day and spend the day baking. We have a few recipes that are a must every year. We try to find a few new recipes every year. But I think the one thing that everyone ask for is the pumpkin rolls.

  • Sandy

    We must always have a chocolate cake! My grandson requested that when he was about 3, and now he’s 14!

  • Kay

    In October I always make Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies and muffins. On Thanksgiving I always end up doing pies whether we eat our my house or someone else’s I am the pie girl. They are always from scratch. I make pumpkin, lemon, apple, cherry and sometimes more. So yummy!
    At Christmas we always decorate sugar and gingerbread cookies. Love the holidays!

  • Barb Deichl

    We make various goodies to give a take home gifts for our holiday cocktail party the first Saturday in December. Trail mix. Cookies. Mustard. Bloody Mary mix. Anything yummy!

  • Laraine R

    Fabulous peeks! I cook the whole meal-Turkey, homemade dressing, ham & all the trimmings! The kids bring dessert & some type of salad. I also try to squeeze in the cookies & candy-that I give for gifts also.

  • Joyce Whitten

    I just love this congealed salad recipe almost as much as I love your dies. Well, it seems i cannot copy and paste the recipe. 🙁

  • Angela myhre

    I always make turkey, stuffing, Brussels sprouts, rolls, gravy, mashed potatoes – usually for thanksgiving and Christmas. Sometimes I make a few different candy barks and sometimes I make a few different kinds of cookies. ❤️

  • Stampfoldandrepeat (Jeanie)

    I don’t do specific holiday baking. But growing up, my family always gets sushi around Christmas time. (Less cooking for my mom, haha!)

  • Angie DiMeglio

    Love the sneak peaks!! I made shortbread cookies shaped like a xmas tree and give them to friends and co-workers as gifts.

  • Katie

    We make my dad’s family’s Christmas rolls. They are a yeast raised dough with butter. We shape them in a spiral circle and bake. When hot we drizzle a white icing on top and sprinkle chopped pecans on top of that.

  • Laurie

    I am one of the rare people that actually likes fruitcake, but only the recipe that I make. It is based on the Betty Crocker cookbook from the 1970’s, with a couple of substitutions.

  • Charmaine

    Loving the sneak peeks! I make several treats every year that are the same, and then try to find a new one. The standards are hot chocolate on a stick, chocolate chip oatmeal bars, and jelly bars. I may add rum balls to the mix or some chocolate peanut butter fudge!

  • KathyJH

    I make Fruit Cups every year to serve. All of the kids and grandkids love these!
    2 10-0z pkgs frozen sliced strawberries, thawed
    2 6-0z (or 1 12-oz) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
    2 20-oz cans crushed pineapple
    15-1/2 oz can mandarin oranges
    1/3 c lemon juice
    6 bananas, sliced
    Without draining the fruit, Combine strawberries, orange juice, pineapple, mandarin oranges, lemon juice and bananas in a large bowl; mix well. Spoon into 5-ounce plastic serving cups. Cover with plastic wrap. Freeze until firm. Remove from freezer 30 minutes before serving.
    I love the video today – so many great ideas! Love the layering stencil! Is it Thursday yet?!

  • Tricia Wittenberg

    I make Hermit Logs! They are yummy, cinnamon, molasses, ginger, walnuts and raisins in a log, baked, when taken out of the oven and while still warm you spinkle with cinnamon sugar and cut into biscotti like slices. They are like potato chips, you can’t eat just one! Every time I have made them to take some place I have always been asked by several people for the recipe and come home with an empty platter!

  • Jana Moulton

    I make some amazing rolls that we only make for Christmas. And on Christmas Eve, we have chicken nuggets and Mac and Cheese and decorate cookies!

  • Carrie W

    This release – ❤️❤️! For the holidays I love to make everyone’s favorites… Snickerdoodles, white chocolate covered pretzels, double chocolate brownies…. Wow, sweet tooth is kicking in!! Best part is getting to get together with family and friends to share those goodies!!

  • Dawn S

    Our traditional dish for Christmas Eve dinner is beef stroganoff (Mom’s recipe) and ham and scalloped potatoes for Christmas Day. And of course, the more cookies the better!

  • Linda D.

    At Thanksgiving especially a 50+ year old recipe called Dutch Onions served over mashed potatoes and or homemade egg noodles. A tradition passed down from my grandma to my mom and now me, the end of the line. At Christmas I make at peanut clusters. Before my mom passed away, the two of us would start in the fall and make molded chocolates. She made the fillings vanilla, chocolate, Caramels, coconut, and chocolate cherries. I would “paint” and decorate the outsides. Santa faces, wreaths, turkeys, pumpkins, etc. A lot of work but what fun we had!!!

  • Frances Byrne

    Fabulous release. For me Christmas wouldn’t feel like Christmas without making sausage rolls and trifle just like my mum used to make.

  • Georgia Henson

    Cookies! Bon bons and sugar cookies are a must, then it’s my tradition to try a new cookie recipe each year I’ve never had before. ????

  • Sara B.

    My kids tell me it’s not Christmas unless I make Mint Meringue cookies! Only 4 ingredients and 8 hours in the oven (according to my mom’s original recipe). Fluffy, crunchy, chocolate chippy, melt in your mouth goodness!

  • Nancy

    All through my life, growing up and now as an adult, either my Mother or myself have made Nut and Poppy Seed Roll. Every year! The funny thing is, somewhere along the line the poppy seeds were lost from the recipe but we still call it by the same name. I don’t ever remember using them or eating them, but it’s still a favorite recipe and the most requested.

  • Amy McCue

    I make English toffee and Irish crime. They are both very yummy! This is a great release. I am so glad I waited before ordering anything new for Christmas cards this year! I can’t wait for the simple strips for Christmas!

  • Annette

    Love all the new goodies! We have pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing every year. Most of us don’t really care for pumpkin but we all love this cake.

  • Dana M

    Oh what lovely new products and wonderfully fabulous and classy inspiration projects. Food is a big part of our holiday traditions but my favorite is Danish Puff Pastry on Christmas morning.

    Danish Puff Pastry
    1 Cup flour
    ½ Cup butter
    2 Tbsp. water
    Cut butter into flour and add water, like making a pie crust. Pat out rather thin on a cookie sheet

    ½ Cup butter
    1 Cup water
    1 Cup flour
    1 Tsp. almond flavoring
    3 eggs
    Boil water and flour, remove from heat and stir in flour. Add eggs, one at a time, blending well after each egg. Stir in almond flavoring. Pour over crust mixture and smooth to even layer. Bake 60 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool and frost with powdered sugar icing flavored with almond flavoring. Sprinkle with sliced almonds.

  • Nicole S.

    Peanut butter balls and fudge! And lasagna soup.

  • Chris DuBois

    My dad always had to have a coconut cake for Christmas. Mom would bake it and the fluffy icing would look so nice, but daddy wouldn’t let us cut it until Christmas Day. By then the frosting was a mess, but it tasted good anyway. My daughter and I tried to keep up the tradition after they passed, but it just wasn’t the same.

  • Marisela Delgado

    TAMALES!!!!! Girl, Christmas is OPEN SEASON on tamales. Also, bunuelos. YUMMY! My mom is from Mexico and she makes tamales at home. And people wonder why I started running every day! ha-ha

  • Joan Bolt

    Every Christmas I bake Kolacky cookies that my mother used to make. She didn’t like the plain fold over of the dough so she cut the squares and folded to make a pinwheel. I follow suit and my family gobbles them up.

  • Debbie Bragg

    My Mom would make mini pecan pies every Thanksgiving and Christmas. When she passed away 8 years ago I started making them to keep the tradition going. Hopefully the tradition will continue after I’m gone too.

  • Linda

    Over the years, diets changed, family has changed and food allergies and conditions have emerged. That all combined to put a total halt to Holiday baking and cooking. Sad but true. Better for everyone in the long run. In the old days, I was the family fudge maker. It was fun.

  • Anne Sturgeon

    Our family loves strawberry/rhubarb pie… for about the last 15 years I have come to realize just how much. I now make 3 pies… My mother-in-law always made spritz cookies for my husband. Sadly she passed away two years ago. I saved her tin and now make those cookies just for him in memory of his Mom. I may have to throw in a blueberry crumble as my bushes produced a record number of berries this season. The release is so magnificent Taylor. I hope my checkbook can keep up! Thanks for this chance to win.

  • Daisy

    Our family believes in spending Christmas together but no gifts! We get together and make tamales! We eat them til full and any extras are packaged up by the dozen. You get to take some home only if you help make them!
    Loving this release! Thanks

  • linda s

    tough question; as bereaved parents all our traditions changed to very low key acknowledgments of holidays.

  • Julia D.

    I love making Christmas and winter cards so I’m LOVING this release! Everything looks great and the designers have really showcased the products well. At our house we never have a sit-down dinner for Christmas. We have a collection of hors d’oeuvres like mushroom stuffed mushrooms, garlic olives, veggie dip and cut veggies, homemade BBQ weenies, etc. We just load the table up with everything and everyone walks by and takes what they want. Mmm, it’s so good! Thank you for the chance to win!!

  • shartl

    I love to bake, so I always make cookies for our neighbors. My go-to favorites are snickerdoodles, spritz cookies, sugar cookies for my kids to decorate, and chocolate chip. I usually bake bundt cakes to take to various parties and events too..and often make poppyseed/lemon cake.

  • Shelly Cosens

    The Holidays are wrapped in traditions and FOOD is a big part of our family’s tradition!!! On Christmas Eve we typically do beef enchiladas and taco bar. I know…..that seems strange but we love Mexican food! On Christmas Day we do a variety of soups, breads, cheese balls, appetizers and of course cookies! I’m away from home on vacation at the moment or I would include a few of our favorite recipes.

    Yes, even on vacation I can’t miss any TE news!????. I’m super excited for the October release!!!

  • Jennifer Smith

    We started doing finger foods on Christmas Day and it makes for a much more relaxed Christmas. We can all be together hanging out instead of in the kitchen most of the day. The family loves it!

  • Cheri

    Speechless! Day 2 Sneak Peeks so incredible! How can there be more tomorrow??? How do I choose??
    I already mentioned yesterday that I used to bake about 20 dozen decorated sugar cookies. We don’t need that many any more, nor the calories, so I just bake cookies with my grandson. I do make homemade cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and our newest tradition was started by my daughter for Christmas morning: individual omelettes. They’re super easy and the best part is they’re all cooked at the same time.
    You’ll need:
    * One huge pot of boiling water
    * Ziplock baggies with each person’s name written with permanent Sharpie pen
    *Prepare the night before assorted baggies or Tupperware type containers, choices to go in omelettes – ham chunks, precooked sausage, bacon crumbles, green and/or red peppers to make them Christmasy, sliced mushrooms, green onions, cheese and anything else you like in omelette
    *Set up assembly line on counter
    *Set out lots of cartons of fresh eggs, take your baggies, crack and out into baggies and number of eggs you want in your omelette, add all the assorted ingredients you want in your omelette.
    *Be sure to remove as much air as possible from the baggie, ziplock it and squish eggs and all ingredients thoroughly.
    *Filled bags go into a large bowl until all have made their omelette.
    *You can put about 8-10 bags in boiling water depending on the size of your pan.
    *Cook 20 minutes, moving bags around to make sure all are cooking
    *Remove from boiling water, put on plate, open baggie, slide omelette out and sprinkle with shredded cheese if desired.

  • Julie B.

    Baking cookies with my daughters and my mom are high on my list of holiday favorites. My mom and my aunts make delicious lefse every year. I tried to get in on this once or twice but never got hooked – probably because I was always a potato masher or something like that. My daughter and her husband have now become the apprentices and will some day “inherit” the equipment needed to make the extended family’s lefse. They are becoming pros! We don’t serve bread at Thanksgiving or Christmas – it’s always lefse, so someone has to take on this job.

    I love the cardinal. I enjoy watching them at my feeder all winter. This kids think I’m goofy.

  • Jean H.

    I love tradition – Buckeyes are my specialty at Christmas time. My family, friends and co-workers have come to expect the delicious peanut butter and chocolate known as Buckeyes to me. I spend a week making dozens upon dozens and enjoy listening to Christmas music or watching Hallmark while doing it. Of course, I’d rather be in my craft room playing with all my TE supplies.

  • Shannon

    Oh Wow!! I am Loving EVERYTHING!! lol I know my next shopping trip with you guys will be a big one, lol, as I always send out a ton of Christmas cards each year as you know.. 😉 Hmmm.. Every year for Christmas I make coconut macaroons dipped in semi sweet chocolate and sprinkled with crushed candy canes for my Darling Hubby, who is a Coconut fanatic! lol Also I make Gingerbread snack loafs drizzled with eggnog icing in small loaf pans all wrapped up with pretty homemade tags for our neighbors. Sometimes we add a bottle of Champagne too ( for close friends/neighbors) with a fun handmade bottle tag too. Loving all the layering stencils and the Big Snowflake is Awesome!! 😎

  • Toni

    We have so many things we like to have at Christmas. One I like to make is Spritz cookies. Fun to make shaped cookies you shoot out! Rice pudding is another favorite!

  • Gilda

    What a fabulous release. Love the beautiful cards. I always make apricot salad. It is good any time of year but for sure it’s always served at Christmas.

  • Tracey

    Love these new stencils, layering stencils are the best! I have holiday goodies I make every year, which are mostly recipes my mom made when I was growing up–ginger molasses cookies, sugar cookies, run balls, chocolate cream bars (better than any Nanaimo bar you can buy) and the list goes on…

  • Renee V

    Always the sour cream cutout cookies, frosted and sprinkled with sugar !! I’m thinking I might do some shortbread this year tho 😉

  • Cyndi Morris

    These are some of the most gorgeous Christmas releases I’ve seen — that cardinal is amazing! My “bring” for our family Christmas is my mom’s macaroni and cheese. She’s been gone for many years and, while she didn’t use a recipe, I watched her closely and tried to write down how she made it. I think I’m pretty close because there are never any leftovers.

  • karenladd

    My favorite Christmas baking tradition is making several batches of cranberry nut bread. I like to make mini-loaves and wrap them up to tuck in neighbor’s mailboxes. I also discovered a moist, yummy cranberry cake last year and plan to make several of those as well. They’re tasty AND festive looking!

  • Miriam

    We are not huge bakers…we just eat what other people make, lol. There is a friend at work whose wife/daughters make AMAZING cookies though and I look forward to his cookie tray every year! Loving today’s reveals. So many great backgrouds both stamped and stenciled!

  • Gloria

    My Christmas baking traditions are: Kringle, Krumkake, Buckeyes and Russian Tea cakes. The Kringle (almond is my favorite, but the apricot is tasty, too!) tastes great along with a cup of coffee or tea.
    Love the Cardinal Tag, so pretty and I’m loving stencils, so your new one is beautiful!

  • Mary Ann

    We always need holiday cookies with favorites like chocolate chip, russian tea cookies, peanut butter, kolachi’s and pizzelles. Then dinner favorites include homemade mashed potatoes, ham and stuffed cabbage. Everything else can change from year to year depending on what is wanted that year.

  • Tara Lanzo

    Just found my Christmas card inspiration— the sled and skates! Cannot wait! Thank you for all the wonderful products.

  • Michele

    My list continues to grow 🙂 Now theres a new mini strips!

    We always make Turkey and dressing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I could eat our holiday meal several times a year hehe

  • Avra

    If I didn’t make homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning I’m sure I would have a mutiny on my hands!

  • Kay S

    Really love that cardinal! Our Christmas tradition has been candy making with caramel, turtles, peanut butter fudge, Toffee, Peanut brittle, pecan rolls and peco flake. Sugar high!

  • Candi VDW

    I’m just take all my money now!!!! Love today’s products too especially the flip the snowflake set, the snowflake stencil and the bows and berries background.

    Favorite holiday food is my grandma Betty’s stuffing and the star is Chocolate Roll with homemade Chocolate Sauce

  • Sharon Gullikson

    Foodie: I make tons of cookies, and give them out to neighbors, friends, family, etc. Who doesn’t love cookies!!!!!

  • SherryG

    Everything is beautiful in today’s release, but I especially love the layered stencil used to create the background for the layered cardinal! Our food traditions changed drastically when my husband was diagnosed with celiac (gluten allergy) a couple of years ago, so we’ve gone from turkey and dressing to Honey Baked ham and 3-Ingredient cheesy potatoes (4 cups hash brown potatoes, 1 and 3/4 cups heavy cream, and 2 cups cheddar cheese shredded). It’s much easier for the cook (me!), and everyone enjoys it just as much.

  • Ashley L

    I do holiday baking every year, usually at least one type of cookie and a square of some kind. But I always make Pecan pie mini tarts because if I didn’t everyone who I bake for would revolt.

  • Dixie Hardgrove

    Our family celebrates the foodie tradition of eating fresh cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate while we open Christmas gifts. Christmas morning is the only time food and drink is allowed in the living room, so this tradition is a real treat. My grown daughters still come home Christmas morning to have cinnamon rolls and not chocolate.

  • Isabel Z

    I dislike baking but do enjoy eating holiday cookies especially ones with chocolate.

  • Heather

    What an amazing release!!! I LOVE the new stencils and that fabulous sled die set! I love to make a lot of different things around Christmas time, but one thing I HAVE to make is a layered peanut butter, chocolate fudge. I love fudge of pretty much any kind, but this one is definitely my favorite!! And every Christmas morning, we have Blueberry Buckle (a blueberry coffee cake), it’s been a family tradition since I was a kid.

  • Denise S

    My Christmas baking tradition is that each immediate family member gets to select the cookie they want. That makes 6 different recipes with #7 arriving 11/1.

  • Vicki Dillon

    We make and decorate cut out sugar cookies with the Grandchildren.

  • Terri Armstrong

    My mom always made sinterklaas cookies. I could eat a whole plate of those!! I don’t do much cooking for the holidays because we’ve always shared it with our big families, and they do most of the cooking. However, if I’m hosting Christmas Eve, I make it an appetizer dinner and usually make homemade potato skins and also a great quest/chili dip.

  • Emma Sleppy

    It doesn’t seem like Christmas unless we are baking cookies. We have an old authentic Scottish Shortbread we make every year and caramels and some homemade candy. I love making homemade at the holidays!

  • Janet

    Our Norwegian family loves lefse–my husband is even a fan of lutefisk (special blessings to my sister in law for fixing it for him–too stinky for me.)

  • Amy Cooley

    I enjoy making my white chocolate drizzled cashew coffee biscotti. I also make white chocolate covered pretzel rods decorated with seasonal sprinkles.

  • Pat C.

    Homemade cookies and pretzel salad.
    I’m so excited over this release, so many awesome crafty goodies!

  • Dee Earnshaw

    OMG your release is delicious – so many wonderful products – love the inspiration!! We always have home baked cookies – YUM!!

  • Martha Acord

    I always make chocolate marshmallow cream fudge with walnuts. I make divinity and homemade dinner rolls as a gift for a friend and her husband. Brownies and apple crisp for dessert at Christmas are a must.

  • Lyn

    Mint truffles and they are so easy! I am not sure if you would get a similar biscuit in the USA but we use a chocolate mint biscuit……………just blitz the packet in the food processor, mix with a tub of cream cheese…………roll into balls and dip in melted chocolate. Soooooo easy and VERY popular 🙂

  • Heidi H

    TE makes the best stencils! So excited for this release. I get together with work friends and make tons of cookies at Christmas, but I do have a new applesauce recipe I just made with my daughter’s kindergarten class for fall :). 12 apples, 1/2 C sugar, 4 cinnamon sticks, 1/2 C water, 1 Tbsp lemon juice, lemon zest. Directions: Peel and core apples, cut in quarters, place in crockpot, mix in sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, lemon zest, and water. Cook on high 3-4 hours. Blend. Store in sealed container or eat immediately. Kids loved it.

  • Chanda M

    My husband and I enjoy buttery whipped mashed potatoes and simple homemade cranberry sauce with the rest of our holiday feasts on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day … and for a week after with all of our leftovers!

  • Ann Z.

    Delightful products for my favorite season of the year! As the children have grown and married with families of their own, the traditions have changed a bit. Our son (who is a meat magician) decides and prepares the meat, anything from prime rib to a pork loin in the turkey fryer. My daughter started making Puppy Chow as a little girl and always brings some for mom and dad. Chex Mix and chocolate peanut clusters by me is a must!

  • Noreen

    Gingerbread Men are a must! My kids also love to frost and decorate sugar cookies in Christmas shapes.

  • Carri daugherty

    The girls in our family all get together to bake. Cookies, candies,breads we just have fun! Everyone requests my iced, cream cheese sugar cookies. They are so good!

  • Jean

    Sugar cookies with a frosting decorating contest!!

  • Evelyn

    My go to for several decades now has been pound cake. I make a few dozen every year to give to family and friends as gifts, and I can’t get away with not doing that! My favorite to make though is my grandmother’s butter cookie recipe that I recently got from my aunt. I have such fond memories of these cookies. they are less sweet than sugar cookies and have lemon zest in them, which draws out the butter flavor. they are time-consuming to make, but they bring back great memories of my childhood.

  • becca yahrling

    My Mom always had a list of about 7 different types of cookies to make each year … and lots of them as she’d give tins away to friends as well as family. And of course, all us girls would help her. Sadly, she passed 2 years ago, but we still try to make those same cookies every year. They are a tradition after all. 🙂 Love the release of products. The ‘flip the snowflake’ set is my favorite!

  • Suzanne Harkinson

    As my daughter always tells me, we don’t have any traditions 🙂 I bake and cook what seems good at the moment and how many people are coming. Though we always have crab dip!

  • Mary Holshouser

    Sour cream cookies. Those are one of the big
    recipes that go into use during the holiday season.
    It was my MIL’s recipe and they are so good.
    My daughter and granddaughter get their share
    when I make them (several times during the
    season). The men in the family don’t care
    for them. There loss, our gain.
    Great release. Shopping list is full.
    thanks for sharing

  • Christine

    Growing up my Gran’s Bourbon balls and painted holiday sugar cookies were always the highlight of the season! She would spend hours hand painting details on cookies in the shapes of angels, bells, santas, reindeer, snowmen (and women), candy canes, and much more! I wish I had 1/8th of her talent for painting cookies. I do try to participate in a cookie exchange. My go to the peanut butter blossom cookie.

  • kathleen dumpert

    A tradition of ours is to bake sugar cookies but the best part is the fun cookie cutter shapes to cut them and decorating of course!

  • Kathy J in Ellicott City

    Our foodie holiday tradition is pretty standard, Turkey, dressing and all the trimming for Christmas. The only kinda other tradition is we all get together on New Years Eve and we have appetizers for the meal. My oldest son makes Chicken Wings, I make a variety of appetizer and we just munch all night long.
    I am loving the release and all the beautiful projects from the design team.

  • Deb Bridgewater

    I bake about 20 different cookies and candies to go on my trays to give to friends and family

  • DJ Doss

    Hi! I love the new release. As far as the question of the day, aside from all of the traditional foods, I make some brownies from scratch that are always a huge hit at the holidays. Super simple and they come out so gooey and fudgy. I melt 1 stick of butter (1/2 cup) with 2 oz of Baker’s semi-sweet chocolate squares. Add 1c of sugar and mix well then 1 tsp of vanilla and mix. Add 2 eggs, one at a time and mix the first one before adding the 2nd one. Then I add 3/4 cup of flour, mixing in 1/4 cup at a time.Add to an 8x8inch pan and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. What makes mine so special is that I melt a pat of butter (about 1/2 Tblspoon) in the pan before adding the mix so the edges become really rich and buttery. The corners are the best part. I actually made some today for work because of a little friendly wager. Everybody wins!

  • Connie Thingstad

    I have started doing a country theme for Christmas since my kids are all grown and married. One year, Scandanavian, hope to do some other countries….except Holland they say because we live in a Dutch community! Traditional foods my mom made were baked macaroni and cheese and the best mashed potatoes.

  • Gail Shurbutt

    I’m craving Christmas goodies after reading these posts. My family enjoys Gingerbread Cookies and for Christmas Eve a Yule Log – homemade, of course! As a child, my Mom and one of her sisters-in-law would get together one evening in early December and bake all night. It was sooooo difficult to go to sleep with those incredible smells wafting through the house. Mom always let us have a treat the next morning. She is now 93 and still makes a few of those goodies herself, so that she can give them to people who come to visit. She is an incredible cook, even at this age! Those layered stencils are genius!!

  • Sue

    At any family gathering I make sure I make my crock pot macaroni and cheese with gluten free pasta because we have some family members who can’t have gluten.

  • Deb W.

    Every holiday season my sisters and brother-in-laws get together and bake cookies, yes the guys do bake… We make 10 different kinds, so about 1100 cookies. It is a day long event where we take turns bringing lunch. After doing this for many years, we have a system (assembly line) that works well. The entire family gets home-baked cookies, and we love to share the day together.

  • annheidel

    Fruity cookies which are a spritz-style cookie flavored with gelatin. Cherry is my favorite!

  • Kris Palakiko

    Loving this release and writing up my wishlist!!! I don’t really stick to traditional baking during Christmas. We try to do a new dessert or the like each year. But the two things that I do make only at Christmas is my chex mix and candied cheese puffs. Perfect compliment to our gift giving.

  • Debbie Carter

    Every Christmas Eve, my family gathers at my house. We have dinner, open presents, and then have dessert, which is always Amaretto Bread Pudding with Amaretto butter sauce. One time I mentioned making something different and that idea didn’t go over well…so I continue to make it every year and everyone is happy. It is true comfort food.

  • Linda Shirley

    Our holiday tradition, passed down from my Italian Grandma, is homemade ravioli. It’s involves roasting chickens and a pork roast. It takes several days to prepare and freeze the ravioli for Christmas. Lately, we’ve been having ravioli parties with friends to enlist some help and then feast on them afterwards. ????

  • Jan Mancini

    Every year I made my Christmas sugar cookies with icing and always made at least 4 batches because they would be devoured! I am now getting up in years and several years ago I gave my Kitchen Aid mixer to my son and his wife with the stipulation that they now make those cookies every year! And they do!

  • Sherry

    I make a variety of Christmas cookies every year – some given away as gifts to neighbors and co-workers, the rest for the family to enjoy. One of my favorites is a white chocolate ginger cookie. So yummy! I also like to make fudge at Christmas. Its a recipe that my Grandma used. Its melt-in-your-mouth chocolate heaven and I could and would eat all of it myself if I didn’t have others around to help out. Awesome TE release!

  • Linda Gorman

    This is an amazing release. Love it all!!! Every Christmas for my whole life I have had cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. My kids even when they can’t be home for Christmas still follow this tradition. When I first had them they were from a can by Pillsbury. I have advanced and make my own now!!! It’s been over 60 years!!!

  • Martha Herrera

    Every year for Christmas, I bake lemon cupcakes with fresh lemon buttercream frosting. Since I have a lemon tree, it’s the easiest cupcakes I can do! Ha! They are always a big hit.

  • Denise Bryant

    Not sure where to start! Love the beautiful cardinal die set! The Modern Holly Layered Stencil Set is fabulous! Vintage Sled is a must have item, and all the border dies are awesome! So many possibilities with those! I love it all!

    • Denise Bryant

      I was so excited about all the samples, I forgot to read the question of the day!
      My go-to recipe that I bake every year at the holidays would be the Scandinavian Almond Bar Cookies that I make! They are always a hit!

  • Linda

    I have the best intentions EVERY MONTH to cut back on my craft supply purchases AND THEN IT IS TE SNEAK PEEK WEEK and all my best intentions go right out the door!

  • Kimberly Cook

    So many food items for the Christmas holiday are made in my house from cookies to dips. One of my favorites is Neiman Marcus Dip.

    Neiman Marcus Dip

    5-6 Green Onions
    8 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded
    1 ½ cups mayonnaise
    1 jar Hormel Real Bacon Bits
    1 pkg. slivered almonds

    Chop the green onions.
    Shred the cheddar cheese.

    Mix the onions, cheese, mayo, bacon bits, and slivered almonds together. Chill for a couple of hours. Serve with Ritz crackers or corn chips.

  • Angie VC

    I make what I call Oreo truffles. Cream cheese and crushed Oreos in balls and dipped in white chocolate. My kids know if is one of the few sweets I make so they look forward to them every year!

  • Lisa Petrella

    Wow! So many fantastic new products and awesome sample projects!!! During the holiday season we enjoy making traditional family recipes such as chicken tetrazzini and pizzelles in memory of my husband’s folks who were wonderful people and incredible cooks 🙂

  • Heidi

    I am so in trouble with your new release. I love everything. How will I ever choose? For Christmas, it’s all about the cookies. Lots and lots of cookies. My friends and I have had a cookie bake every year since 1985. Special memories with those we love! And, a whole bunch of years to try many new recipes. However, we still find ourselves going back to the traditional too: peanut blossoms, russian teacakes, spritz, honey lebkuchen (grandma’s german recipe). I don’t even want to know how many thousands of pounds of butter we have used creating the treats…

  • SueinMtVernon

    In recent years, instead of baking dozens of cookies to give to my neighbors, I have been making a German tart cherry coffee cake. It’s a family favorite and sorry, but the recipe is secret!


    I love all the cards featured today. My wish list keeps getting longer. My favorite baking tradition is to make butter cookies in traditional Christmas shapes, which are perfect for decorating.

  • Gramma Dee

    I start baking Christmas cookies in November. Most of mine are bite sized. I make several batches of each recipe and then freeze them. So when we are invited out any time leading up to Christmas, I can always bring a tray of different treats. Favorites of the family are butter tarts, almond crisps, ginger snaps, gingerbread men, spice mice and “presents” (little cubes of chocolate cookie coated with almond cookie and tied with an icing bow).

  • Natasha

    Wow! What a line-up of products coming!

    My yearly go-to are Nanaimo Bars and Marzipan Slice!

  • Jennifer R

    Wow! I just love today’s projects and release peeks! Our tradition is to make a gingerbread house and cookies with our family. Three generations baking and decorating each year!

  • Meghan Kennihan

    I am loving all the stencils!!!! We make Candy Cane cookies every year! They are sugar cookies with a SPECIAL ingredient…. the ingredient is ALMOND Extract!!!!!

  • Mary Schlief

    Each Thanksgiving weekend I bake all my holiday cookies. I make chocolate crinkles, sugar cookies, gingerbread cookies, chocolate oreo balls, and chocolate chip cookies or banana bread. Turns out to be around 1000 cookies and things! NO I don’t eat them all either! I LOVE baking! I have just come back from a scrapbooking/card making retreat and LOVE your stuff! I just saw so many fun things and wish I could win the lottery so I could purchase all of your products! I wish I could find a way to earn each of them as I love them so! My kids come first though and they do help baking cookies! LOVE your products so much! Thanks for making them! Enjoy the day! Mary

    sugar cookies (my son is allergic to raw egg so we use this and LOVE it!)

    1 pkg. (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
    3/4 cup butter, softened
    1 cup sugar
    2 tsp. vanilla
    2-1/4 cups flour
    1/2 tsp. baking soda

    Beat first 4 ingredients in large bowl with mixer until blended. Add flour and baking soda; mix well. Refrigerate 3 hours or until chilled.

    Heat oven to 350°F. Roll out dough to 1/4-inch thickness on lightly floured surface. Cut into desired shapes with 3- to 4-inch cookie cutters, rerolling scraps as needed.
    decorate with desired sprinkles, or crushed life savers
    Place, 2 inches apart, on baking sheets.

    Bake 12 to 15 min. or until edges are lightly browned. Cool on baking sheets 2 min. Remove to wire racks; cool completely.
    yields 21 servings

    Enjoy!! These are the BEST!!!

  • Kim K.

    It isn’t Christmas without Russian Tea Cakes. These have been my absolute favorite cookie to bake as well as to eat since I was a very young child. Love those layering stencils. More please 🙂

  • Kari S

    My favorite thing I bake at Christmas is Cream Cheese Spritz cookies. They are a cream cheese sugar cookie with the tip dipped in chocolate and sprinkles.

  • Lagene

    My every Christmas season cookie is very non-traditional for Christmas baking. I make Thumbprint Cookies and have even adjusted the recipe to be more friendly for dieters using sugar free jam for the center and halfing the sugar with a baking artificial sweetner.

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