Today Blog Design Team member Amy Kolling is sharing an absolutely darling new home card with us today. Check it out below… Now, let’s hear from Amy about her project… [Read More]
Today Blog Design Team member Amy Kolling is sharing an absolutely darling new home card with us today. Check it out below… Now, let’s hear from Amy about her project… [Read More]
Hey there! The Baker’s Dozen and I are back with our monthly calendar challenge today! All the details on how you can join in the fun and be entered to [Read More]
Good morning! I’ve had this card ready to post for a while now, but I told you about the crazy week I had last week. Now that it’s behind me, [Read More]
Good morning! I hope you’re all having a great week! Today I’m joining up with the Baker’s Dozen for our monthly calendar challenge. But first I want to let you [Read More]
Good morning! Today we’re off to Madelyn’s six month doctor appointment. I’m always so excited to see how she’s grown and how she’s measuring (i.e. percentiles for weight/height, etc.). Her [Read More]