• Piglet

    My best birthday memory was from last year when my husband had all day full of activities and gave me a trip to Krakow as a gift 😀

  • Charity Chamberlain

    My very best birthday was having my son just a few days before my birthday, then two days after having my son meeting Alan Jackson, and then on my actual birthday I went to a Reba concert. That was a very eventful birthday week and one of the best! I actually just had my second best birthday when I met Brett Eldredge, Michael Ray, and the Michael Ballard Full Throttle Crew!! So I was blessed with 2 amazing birthdays 🙂 Happy Birthday Taylor!

  • Kelly Flaherty

    I love this! What a wonderful idea, and there are just so many uses for this! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!!!!

  • Dana Driscoll

    I had a great birthday memory of my kids gifting me with a special piece of jewelry.

  • Michelle Miposart

    My best birthday memories go back to my early years when I was a kid and we invited lots of friends of mine. I have to party again one day and make my birthday a special one.

  • Debbie

    L*O*V*E all TE stuff! The monsters are super cute!

  • Leanne

    My best was a surprise birthday my husband had for me.

  • Purrfect Paper Creations

    Happy Birthday Taylor! Hope you had an amazing day!

    One of my favorite birthday memories is of my daughter's 7th birthday–it was an American Girl 70s beach party and it was so much fun!

    Chris L.

  • Eileen Barton

    I was born in January and going to the beach is one of my favorite things so I'd have to say that one of my best birthday memories was the year that we had a freak warm spell on my birthday and my sister took me to the beach!

  • ~amy~

    How clever and fun and such a keepsake! I gotta remember this for some upcoming milestone birthdays!

    Fav birthday memory? When I turned 40 and my family surprised me with a party…my brother and cousin showed up from out of town. It was awesome. I love birthdays.

  • Dana Driscoll

    Opening a gift from my kids…. a gift certificate to the local art studio so I can take classes!

  • Liz Gessner McAllister

    My funniest birthday memory is that my mom would buy me a red white and blue swimsuit every year in honor of my June 14 (Flag BDay) birthday!

  • Denise Bryant

    Best birthday memory… having a fun slumber party when I was about 10!

  • ScrapaDiddle

    Happy Birthday Taylor! My fave memory is any birthday I had with all my kids! I have many great memories! Love this card package!

  • Gramma Dee

    For my 15th birthday, my friends planned and carried off a wiener roast in the snow! We got there on horseback.

  • Robin B.

    My best birthday memory isn't mine but when my twins turned 1! It was such a fun day and I remember it vividly.

  • marylouh

    After 73 years (74 in August) it's hard to pick out a certain birthday that was the best. I remember my Sweet 16 birthday. My parents took me and a couple friends out for a fancy dinner. I had a wrist corsage of candies (for the sweet).
    We were all dressed up. Felt very fashionable abd grown up.
    Happy Birthday Taylor. Best wishes for many more. Hope it was a good day.

  • Connie G

    It has to be when my husband surprised me with guests at the house and then he took us all out to dinner for my 40th!!

  • Mary Borg

    My surprise 40th birthday at a local restaurant with my closest family and friends. I was truly surprised!

  • Cathy

    My 40th birthday made for great memories. My husband had a local radio station call me on that morning and tell me about my birthday surprise–a trip for my husband and me to go to Las Vegas. My husband made all the arrangements including talking to my boss for time off and arranging for a babysitter for the kids! We had a great time!

  • Susan

    What a cute idea! My best birthday memory is having my daughter on my birthday!

  • Irene Grau

    Happy birthday! My favorite b'day memory isn't actually of my own b'day. A friend was having a difficult time acknowledging she was turning 30, so others friends and I threw her a kindergarten party, with craft stations, gold stickers, and water balloons. It was a blast! The guests all played along by buying her things like dolls and kid toys.

  • j blanchett

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I love the invitation idea too! It could be cute as a baby or wedding shower type idea too!! My birthdays have a lot of memories but waking up my kids on their birthdays with a silly dancing hamster that sang happy birthday was so much fun. My daughter loved it and my son hated it!! I wonder why he quit working??

  • Heather Thompson

    ha funny question, I really dont celebrate my birthday. its a summer birthday the only one in my family, it was always the forgotten one every since I was little. I really just try and have a good day and just make it another great day like normal.

  • Lynne in NI

    Happy Birthday Taylor!
    My best birthday memories are those spent with my family, and usually involving chocolate birthday cake made by my mum. It's my birthday tomorrow so I'm hoping the chocolate cake will be there too 😉

  • Mary-Anne V

    One of my best bday memories was celebrating my first as a mom ! The box invitation is adorable.

  • Amy McCue

    I have a rose plant that was climbing up the side of my house by the garage. The winter snows had pulled the supports out of the wall so I decided to have an arbor built to support it. I found some nice Amish fellows to do the project for me. They built the support structure and attached it to my house. I thought I was going to have to cut my beautiful rose way back in order to get it up onto the trellis. I went out to do some errands on my birthday, when I came back, the workers had hauled my enormous rose up onto the top of the trellis and wired it into place. I could not have been more surprised. This rose is really thorny. They told me they used welding gloves and a sheet of insulation to push it into place. It was way above and beyond the call of the job. That was a great birthday memory.

  • Paula B.

    Happy Birthday Taylor! I hope you were able to do something fun! My favorite birthday was when my 3 toddler girls served me breakfast on bed.It was such a hoot! I love all your products..so easy to create beautiful things!

  • Amy C.

    This project is adorable! I love how you used the paper straws. I would like to incorporate those in one of my card designs soon. A favorite birthday memory…I don't have a specific one that stands out. All my birthdays are great!

  • Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom

    My best birthday memory is when mt son's threw me a surprise party at my tea house for my 50th. The son who did the most planning was away at college and got my friends to help by getting their phone numbers. The other son was part of the party and brought 50 carnations in purple and white shades.

  • Heidi Gonzales

    Happy Birthday Taylor- hope it was great 🙂
    My best birthday memory was when my husband came home with (are you ready…don't laugh)-Goats!! I was thinking, "Are you kidding-really, Goats?" But then he came out with a suitcase packed and tickets to Disneyland! He's the best and we had a great time!

  • Sue G.

    Love the card and the instructions were so well written, will have to try this one!!
    My fav birthday memory was my 40th birthday, had a great day from beginning to end with family and friends, and boiled crabs, my fav food!!!

  • Joey Thomas

    My 30th birthday was a surprise party my husband planned at a friends house. Beforehand, my husband told me we weren't doing much of anything. I was so mad I drove separate from my husband to our friends house and was wearing a tshirt, jeans and no make up. All my good friends were there. I had fun despite feeling bad for being a baby and looking so bad.

  • CardsbyJo

    My best birthday memory is when I was iin my first year of college and my younger sisters sent me a care package with all my favorite treats.

  • Paper doll

    My boyfriend told he had big plans and to dress up, he pulled up in a limo with several friends and we headed to Malibu for dinner on the beach! We were only 18 and 20.

  • Sara Cheng

    My best birthday memories are all the big family parties I shared with my brother growing up.

  • Tona

    My best birthday memory was when I turned 50 & was teaching preschool. When I came into the room that morning the children & my co-worker had it all decorated & the children had made me birthday cards.

  • MCgal

    My best birthday was a surprise party thrown by my husband. I never knew he could be sneaky.

  • Kathy JH

    First – Happy Birthday Taylor! Hope you have a fabulous day!
    Second – great blog post from Kimberly – love that birthday box and love the instructions!
    Third – my favorite birthday memory – a couple of years ago my kids organized a surprise birthday party for me and I actually was totally surprised.

  • Donna Whitten

    Happy Birthday, Taylor, and many more!
    What a cute project, loved it!
    All of my birthdays have been great, I've been blessed! I had a big surprise party on one of my milestone birthdays that was memorable.

  • Linsey

    Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I hope your day is super special and wonderful!!

    Whoo hoo Kimberly!!! She is ah-mazingness and what a completely darling birthday ensemble! It's such a great project!

    My favorite birthday memory is from my 12th birthday. I was visiting my BFF in California who had moved out of state the year before. After 2 weeks, my parents came to pick me up and take me and my BFF back home where she would spend 2 weeks at my house. The day they came happened to by my bday, July 1st. They showed up and presented me with a dozen red roses (very extravagant for a girl of 12) and surprised us with a weekend of fun at Great America theme park!! My bff and I even got to do a music video, dancing and singing to Paula Abdul's "forever your girl" LOL!! We thought we were SUPERSTARS!! It was a wonderful birthday indeed. Thanks for letting me share 🙂

  • Unknown

    Happiest birthday Taylor!

    My best birthday memory is when my boss, and best friend, decorated my car outside my house before work. The biggest surprise and most thoughtful and fun thing ever.

    9:50 AM

  • Shannon Payne

    My best memory is the first year my husband was home to celebrate my birthday since we had been married! Due to deployments and military trainings we spent many a birthday and holiday apart.

  • Helen Gullett

    OH wow! this is just too cute! My best memory of my birthday was when my husband took me to a surprise place! It was awesome!

  • Serviced Apartments Resident

    How generous of you! This looks like such a lovely prize!

  • Anonymous

    My two little boys making me a VERY decorated cake. I've never seen so many sprinkles in one place.
    Laurie B

  • Wanda G (stampcat)

    YAYYYYYY! So excited to see Kimberly here on the TE Blog!!! What a super fun and creative project. Can't wait to see what else she makes this month!!

  • Stephanie R/S

    That is such a fun idea. My best birthday memory when me n my friends were riding quads behind my house on my 15th bday n got em stuck in the mud n started a huge mud fight I still laugh with my family about it

  • Heather

    My best birthday memory is when I had my 13th birthday party at the roller skating rink! Remember those?! Does this make me old! LOL! It was a great time!

  • Iris

    My best birthday memory (many years ago) is going "downtown" with my Dad and getting to pick out my own birthday gift. I think I picked a little metal kitchen sink and I think my (twin) sister picked a little stove.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  • Natalie

    LOVE, LOVE this idea!! I'm inspired!! This week was my birthday and my granddaughter Addy's, too! One year all of us (hubby, grown children, grandkids, my mom and a nephew) went on the jet boat ride called Hellgate in Grants Pass, Oregon. We had so much fun! I hope we can do that again now that the little ones are even older.

  • Melinda AKA medialady

    My best birthday memory was my surprise 50th Birthday Party that my dad and stepmother planned and it was a huge success!! Many family and friends came and we had an awesome time!

  • Lisa's Creative Niche

    Oh my goodness this is too cute! My best birthday was probably when I was 18. It had blizzard like it always does on my birthday so my party had been canceled, but a few special friends still stopped by and had a slumber party, which made my night!

  • Kris B

    My best memory is not of my birthday but my daughter's. On her 10th birthday we invited all the girls from her class to a camp out. There were about 12 girls total and they all camped out in our tent over night. You could hear their giggles all night long! I think they finally went to sleep around 5:00 am! They were exhausted when I took them all home, but what a fun night they had!

  • Angie K.

    Such a cute and clever idea! Love it when parties have a theme!

  • Martha

    My best birthday memory is of taking home my new born daughter on my 19th birthday! She is a true blessing from God!!

  • Morag

    We had rain in Amsterdam too, but here our trees have leaves and many flowers are blooming! Love your cards… so happy I bought that border die… just need to play with it a bit more given this fun inspiration!

  • Linsey

    How very charming! I need to do something similar–my sissy just bought her first home and I'm so very proud of her 🙂 The neighborhood die is fantastic!!! TFS and have a wonderful week! 🙂

  • Mary

    It rained here most of the weekend too. But at least the trees are blooming and the spring flowers will be coming up soon. 🙂

    Love your card Taylor. I've added the neighborhood die to my list of things to buy.

    Mary from NH

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