MFT New Releases!

We had a fun Halloween, but only 20 trick or treaters. Well… 21 if you count Jon! He decided to be funny so he rang the doorbell. I opened it [Read More]

Happy Halloween!

Bwahahahaha…I received an email today with some Halloween Maxine cartoons and just had to share a few! I love Maxine funnies! I’m happy to report that the bags of candy [Read More]

Happy Howloween

Yesterday I planned to post a picture of our living room completely filled with boxes, but I decided to save myself the embarrassment! LOL! It is simply a MESS! I [Read More]

Batty for You Treat Box

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It was a busy one for us! Unfortunately it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to slow down until after the move. [Read More]

*Enabler ALERT*

Look what I got last night! My friend Debra alerted me to this great deal at Costco and another friend Michelle picked one up for me when she was at [Read More]

Who doesn’t love CHOCOLATE!?!?

Well, I guess I can answer the question in the title with MY HUSBAND. Yes… my husband doesn’t like chocolate. Isn’t that a crime!? He’s such a party pooper when [Read More]

Brooke’s Birthday Birdie

I made this card for my SIL for her birthday. The birdie image is by Anna Wight for Whipper Snapper. I absolutely love all the images that Anna has drawn [Read More]